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fatscoobyfella 16 March 2005 08:21 AM

How much out of our salaries do we actually pay in tax each year?

Tax on ya car
Tax on fuel
Tax on insurance
Tax on ya salary
Council tax
Tax on ya beer
Tax on ya fags
Tax on ya annual holiday
Tax on ya hot food
VAT on your utility bills.

There just day to day items really..

Surely we must be payin 55%-60% of our earnings directly back to the government..?

Has anyone got a more accurate figure for this?Are we the most taxed people in Europe?Or the world even?


Gordo 16 March 2005 08:44 AM

Welcome to the socialist state! Don't worry, it's barely started yet, the beardies will want to keep increasing taxes to fund the suppurating wound that is the NHS, education and policing. The fact that they haven't improved during Bliar's two terms merely means we need to throw more money at them.

I haven't seen comparative data between countries for some time but the last I saw (about 2 years ago) showed we were pushing to be the highest taxed in Europe and forecasting there was more to come.

All kneel and sacrifice the rewards of your hard work at the altar of New Labia, even though they've done feck all to help you achieve those rewards!


Belmondo 16 March 2005 09:14 AM

You forgot VAT @17.5% on almost everything. And thats on money we have already been taxed on.......If you don't or can't save much the tax is probably 70%

STi wanna Subaru 16 March 2005 09:15 AM

I think we are all working for the government up to sometime in june this year. After that you get to keep what you've earned. I'm sure somebody will have the exact date.

scoobynutta555 16 March 2005 09:19 AM

Collected tax isn't kept in a big room somewhere, it's spent back into the economy one way or another :rolleyes:

damian666 16 March 2005 09:24 AM

I paid £510 in 'deductions' last month. F*ckers.

TheBigMan 16 March 2005 09:28 AM

You forgot "tax on tax".

Thank you Mr Labour man.

VTEC to Turbo 16 March 2005 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555
Collected tax isn't kept in a big room somewhere, it's spent back into the economy one way or another :rolleyes:


Incapacity benefits etc are paid for out of our hard graft!

TheBigMan 16 March 2005 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555
Collected tax isn't kept in a big room somewhere, it's spent back into the economy one way or another :rolleyes:

....purely down to inefficient and bureacratic government.

Stueyb 16 March 2005 09:50 AM

just keep everything you do in the "cash economy" ;)

scoobynutta555 16 March 2005 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by VTEC to Turbo



purely down to inefficient and bureacratic government
Show me a government of relative size in a country with a comprable GDP and population that isn't inefficient and bureaucratic.

Buckrogers 16 March 2005 12:40 PM

Dont forget when you die, you still pay tax!

jods 16 March 2005 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555


Show me a government of relative size in a country with a comprable GDP and population that isn't inefficient and bureaucratic.

That'd include you then would it ?

Bloody leeches one and all !!!!!

Dream Weaver 16 March 2005 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555
Collected tax isn't kept in a big room somewhere, it's spent back into the economy one way or another :rolleyes:

What do they spend it on then? Roads are still crap, schools have to survive on a pittance, everything is expensive, and the NHS hasn't improved.

Load of cobblers, it all goes to the pikeys who cant be arsed working.

Dream Weaver 16 March 2005 12:48 PM

Oh and fatscoobyfella, you forgot council tax - paying for binmen that turn up when they want to :rolleyes:

Gordo 16 March 2005 12:59 PM

And the other Income Tax, err, I mean....National Insurance!

Jerome 16 March 2005 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by fatscoobyfella
Has anyone got a more accurate figure for this?Are we the most taxed people in Europe?Or the world even?


IIRC Norwegians pay 66% basic rate tax in salary. Products seem heavily taxed as well - especially booze!

Having said that, education is free (and strongly encouraged) and health care, pensions and welfare are very generous. Partly because of this, they have some of the strictest immigration laws in the world.

Most of the Norwegians I spoke to seemed pretty happy with the way things worked. My impression is they have a high standard of living, despite the high taxation. Add the fact that ugly woman are hidden away is asylums and it makes Norway a pretty nice place to live. ;)

jods 16 March 2005 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Dream Weaver
Oh and fatscoobyfella, you forgot council tax - paying for binmen that turn up when they want to :rolleyes:

And they leave half the rubbish all over the floor.

Time to take up the US model.

Sack all the binmen. Buy every household a wheelie bin, get new trucks that pick up the wheely bins from the road side.


And it works a damn sight better that way in the US - AND you get regular as clockwork - 2 pick ups a week AND they have a follow up truck with a grabber for disposing of beds, washing machines etc. All inluded in your Ad Valorum taxes which are less than 1/2 the council tax. (For twice the service)

F0Cking Bliar and New Labia - OUT OUT OUT !!!

VTEC to Turbo 16 March 2005 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555
Show me a government of relative size in a country with a comprable GDP and population that isn't inefficient and bureaucratic.


To answer your question as you have written it, 'the conservatives'! (Might not be what you meant to write)

(They are a government of similar size in a country that has exactly the same GDP and population, they are not as inefficient or bureacratic as Labour are).

We all know that to some extent there will be bureaucracy and as a result some inefficiency.

The fact that bureaucracy and inefficiency is increasing under this government and as a direct result taxation is increasing, pisses me off.

It has become common place and accepted to tax more (Stealth) and still not deliver better public services.

Taxation can go down whilst still increasing public services by cutting out the waste that is rife in the socialist, nannying state.

Benefit fraud for one!

It is the middle classes that lose out under this government, yet they are the ones voting them back in time and again. 7 years on and they are still trying to blame the conservatives for there inefficiency. I just can't understand it.

budgie55 16 March 2005 01:37 PM

its ok saying labour out but who would replace them... infact do we actually operate a democracy here at the moment? With no real party to contend with New Labour at the moment its more and more unlike a true democracy as time goes on :)

IMO there all as bad as the next anyway, ie. a fekin waste of time.

Petem95 16 March 2005 01:52 PM

IMO there all as bad as the next anyway, ie. a fekin waste of time.
Probably true, but I think we need to give someone else a try.... surely cant be any worse than Labour at the very least.

Stevie.p 16 March 2005 02:42 PM

Would'nt it be nice it just for only one month you paid no tax on your wages but just for one month...........

Well i suppose you can live in hope!!!:iamwithst

fatscoobyfella 16 March 2005 05:56 PM

I grew up in the "thatcher" years and to me,things seemed a lot bleaker than they are now.
Poll tax riots.strikes,miners,massive unemployment..YTS instead of apprenticeships.Privatisation of all national industries..I just cant remember anythin good that came out of her term of bein PM..
Maybe if you was already affluent,things did get better.As i or my family,or friends have never really "well off" i cant speak from that perpective.

Consequently i dont think i will ever vote tory.

I dont pretend to understand politics at all,and perhaps my view is very narrow..

Things just seem to be "better" now...which shows how much crap we was in before..

Just my 2p worth

budgie55 16 March 2005 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by fatscoobyfella
I grew up in the "thatcher" years and to me,things seemed a lot bleaker than they are now.
Poll tax riots.strikes,miners,massive unemployment..YTS instead of apprenticeships.Privatisation of all national industries..I just cant remember anythin good that came out of her term of bein PM..
Maybe if you was already affluent,things did get better.As i or my family,or friends have never really "well off" i cant speak from that perpective.

Consequently i dont think i will ever vote tory.

I dont pretend to understand politics at all,and perhaps my view is very narrow..

Things just seem to be "better" now...which shows how much crap we was in before..

Just my 2p worth

Agree with you 100% m8 things are a lot better under Labour... things can still get better but I guess until they (the politicians) get people interested in politics and out to the voting booths I feel its all a bit of a lost cause. :(

Thing is us brits want everything to be great but to pay nothing for it... simple thing is if we want a better health service schools etc etc then taxes will have to go up... either that or the government needs to learn how to spend the money better.... OK I'm going for the 1st choice :D :D

fatscoobyfella 17 March 2005 12:42 AM

Gotta say things do look better under labour........wonder how many flames i will get from that comment..??????

Oh we also have all the "skills" of the immigrant workforce too..Ya know....cockle pickin,cheap DVD's,cheap prostitution,drug trade,gun trade..crimewatch keepin on air and in good viewin figures!!

What more could ya want???

OK im ready for a few messages now!!!!!!!!

Vipa 17 March 2005 03:23 AM

Originally Posted by VTEC to Turbo

Incapacity benefits etc are paid for out of our hard graft!

Yep... that's right matey..... AND THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GOES YOU!!!



Vipa 17 March 2005 03:27 AM

[QUOTE=jods]And they leave half the rubbish all over the floor.

Time to take up the US model.

Sack all the binmen. Buy every household a wheelie bin, get new trucks that pick up the wheely bins from the road side.



Blame your local council... we already have this system (have had for years) all the binmen do is move said wheely bins to truck and back to side of road... pretty efficient and here same time on the dot every week!

DJ73 17 March 2005 06:34 AM

Thatcher f*cked quite a bit up that's how there's not much for labour to f*ck with when blair's not putting his nose in other countries affair's
it look's the same to me as the Thatcher year's poll tax is still here and is higher every year , still closing any of the last pit's , unemployment still sh1t , look's like labour's just took over where thatcher left off , they haven't done any better than her
labour for the working man , my ar$e :hjtwofing

StickyMicky 17 March 2005 06:48 AM

we have wheelie bins as well :confused:

have done for years
does this mean sum people still have them crappy old black round things :eek:

corradoboy 17 March 2005 08:42 AM

OK, getting back to the original question. These figures are a little vague, but here goes.

Of £100 earned,

-22% income tax = £22
-11% NI = £11

already down to £67,

5 x 20cigs (£25) at £3.55 tax per pack = £17.75
30l of petrol (£25) = £20 tax
8 pints (£17) = not sure, I'll guesstimate £10 tax

So from £100, you'd pay £80.75 in tax :eek:

Of course, you'll earn more than £100 (well, most will) and will not spend your entire income on heavilly taxed luxuries.

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