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Andy Tang 15 March 2005 10:42 AM

I give up....
... well I gave up smoking on the 11th March.

It's day 4 for me, and I'm only using will power!! :o

I read the Allen Car book before which stopped me smoking for a week or so!! :o NRT doesn't work for me. I did consider hypnotherapy, but I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay for it!! ;)

I know a few of you guys have quit recently, so what advice do you have for me?

My normal reason to have a ciggie while at work, would be to have a break from a stressful moment. I've seemed to have broken that habit, although I was pretty close to heading over to the shop earlier today!! :o

eClaire 15 March 2005 10:59 AM

Well done you!! :)

I have stopped for 6 1/2 weeks now, I'm will power only too (well, I am pregnant so that kind of helps! :D). I never ever got to the end of Allen Carr's book and nicorette gum tasted foul (I wasn't into wearing patches :) ).

It's weird isn't it. I don't crave at all now. I forget I even used to smoke and feel stupid for finding it so difficult to stop in the first place as it was so easy! Just you keep going, it gets so much easier :) - you will wonder why you haven't managed it sooner! I haven't been bad tempered (which is surprising because I am supposed to be a hormonal wreck right now :confused: ) and I haven't had a bad cough or a cold.

I did, however, get a minor gum infection (i know other people who have had this too) because the bacteria in my mouth has changed suddenly. Start rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash now and you shouldn't be bothered by it :)

If you feel you may crack and give in, come back to SN and tell people - you might feel like a tit but they will encourage you to keep going, they were very helpful with me :)

Good luck!! :D

Leslie 15 March 2005 11:00 AM

Well done so far Andy. It is hard as I know only too well. It usually needs a kickstart of some kind to get you started. I had a stay in Hospital and that was the trigger for me.

You have to resist another one at all costs, and there are times when you are used to having one as you say at work and for me when I stepped out of an aircraft that is when it is most difficult.

As you keep going you will increase in strength to resist it and as you feel the real benefits it also gets easier. Eventually you will grow to dislike the smell of tobacco and then you know you have got it beaten.

Best of luck

Les :)

Brendan Hughes 15 March 2005 11:10 AM

"I did consider hypnotherapy, but I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay for it!!"

Tango, did you see this?

Andy Tang 15 March 2005 11:28 AM

Thanks for the comments guys! :) Congratulations on both counts Claire! :D

I think with Baby Tang making their appearence in about months time has helped!

My wife stopped as soon as we found out, but I've been making excuses until now!! :o

I didn't see that Brendan, but when I say cheapskate, I actually mean "Oh dear god, how am I going to afford all these baby bits we need???? Don't make me spend less on modifying the car... etc" ;)

mj 15 March 2005 11:44 AM

Someone reccomended me a hypnotist on here ages ago, complete waste of money,he was a total quack IMHO

eClaire 15 March 2005 11:45 AM

Thanks Andy, and you!! :)

Do you smoke in the house?

jjones 15 March 2005 11:47 AM

the only way to stop is that you are 100% certain you want to.

if you are then you have quit already and there will be no going back. just think everyday that passes will be anther day that you would "waste" if you start on thecancer sticks again.

Andy Tang 15 March 2005 11:54 AM


We have never smoked in the house. And that question should have been "DID you smoke in the house?" ;)


I decided that this time it was for me! :o Before it was because of my wife, our unborn baby, health, etc, but this time it's been pretty easy because I want to do it! :)

I've been a right grumpy arse for the last couple of days, and I mentioned to a manager today it was lucky I couldn't get my hands on an automatic assault rifle, or else I would be surrounded by dead work colleagues.... so other than that, it's been a piece of cake!! ;)

eClaire 15 March 2005 11:58 AM


chaos. 15 March 2005 11:59 AM

Smoking isn't addictive, neither is coffee.

I tried to get addicted to coffee once.. In the name of science. yep. didnt work.

It's all in your head, and coffee's still discusting.

SiPie 15 March 2005 12:24 PM

Smoking isn't addictive, neither is coffee.
Of course it isn't :cuckoo:

Old_Fart 15 March 2005 12:28 PM

Neighbor has quit, she now occupies her hands and mind by weaving Scoobiedoo's...seen these things? It's the new Tamagotchi. Not sure I'd respect you Tango if I sw you doing it in the corner of the pub :D

Andy Tang 15 March 2005 12:31 PM

I gave up coffee in January, with no issues at all.

In fact it's very handy for those long car journeys where I will now stay wide awake on a can of Diet Coke!! :eek:

rossyboy 15 March 2005 02:28 PM

Just keep going :) I stopped on 10th January. I used the patches for a week, but found they gave me too much of a sore head :( They were useful though as they helped break the habits initially, which is definitely the hardest thing.

There has been a packet in the house for the whole time and I haven't touched them. I think that even just one will be a complete disaster and I'd be back to square one. Cutting down is all well and good if you can maintain it, but it usually just increases again over time. In fact I think I should probably throw them out.

I just decided that these evil little B******* were no longer going to control my life and that I was going to be a non-smoker. Its like I've put up a wall in my head that they cant get at me from. I know they're there and they'll probably never go away, but there's just too many reasons for not climbing that wall to get to them. ;)

I now find like Claire that I dont miss it anymore. I have been in pubs next to people smoking and find I actually notice and dislike the smell.

I am finding though that I constantly need something to look forward to as that used to be the ciggies. Things also pi55 me off more easily than they used to, which I'm hoping wont last!

I definitely notice the financial benefits, but I dont feel any better and am now on my second cold in those 2 months. I think as I am only in my late twenties, its prevention that I've done rather than start curing any limited damage I may have done.

I am really proud of myself though as its definitely the best decision I have made in a hell of a long time. :thumb:

Andy Tang 15 March 2005 02:56 PM

Only 4 days in and yet everyone is trying to piss me off today.

I'm bloody close to cracking!! :mad:

Leslie 15 March 2005 02:59 PM

Don't jump!

Les :)

eClaire 15 March 2005 03:20 PM

Think nice calm thoughts :p

If someone is pissing you off, tell them. Get it off your chest rather than keeping it all in going back to the smelly fags!!!! :)

Andy Tang 15 March 2005 03:36 PM

I've warned my team leader that I *may* be a little grumpy!!! :o

I think that was an understatement!! :eek: He's been great listening to me rant, as well as keeping any telephone conversations short!! :)

Now where can I get an assault rifle from??? ;)

Fosters 15 March 2005 05:34 PM

my girlfriend refused to have sex with me if i had a ciggie. simple as that.

no smoking anything for 7 months now :D

she's in cuba this week and i still haven't thought about smoking :D

in need of a sh@g big time tho :(

16vmarc 15 March 2005 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by chaos.
Smoking isn't addictive, neither is coffee.

I tried to get addicted to coffee once.. In the name of science. yep. didnt work.

It's all in your head, and coffee's still discusting.

:lol: :cuckoo:

Funkii Munkii 15 March 2005 05:55 PM

Try reading this

John Diamond - "C" Because cowards get cancer too.

It **** the life out of me, but sadly I started again, maybe I should read it again :rolleyes:.

This guy had balls! and its such a well written book you can't put it down.

Andy Tang 16 March 2005 04:22 PM

It occured to me this morning that I've become one of those 'boring gits' :o

I hit my early 30's and I've given up caffine and smoking. I'm down to 2-3 pints per week (some weeks with none) and I'm embarking on an exercise routine!!

Just gone over 5 days, have been a little grumpy and flakey, but not as bad as yesterday!

eClaire 16 March 2005 06:05 PM

So because you have stopped smoking and are now taking care of yourself you are boring?!! Wrong way to think :nono: You'll only go back to it!

Mines is 21, has never smoked, never drinks tea/coffee, plays a lot of rugby and now doesn't drink (due to medical conditions) but says he doesn't miss it! :) And he is one of the least boring people I know!! He wants to be able to enjoy our child (children if I dare put my poor young body through this again :rolleyes: ) for as long as he can, as I suspect you do too! I don't think that's boring :p :)

eClaire 16 March 2005 06:06 PM

PS. Well done on the 5 days - only the rest of your life to go now :p :D

Andy Tang 16 March 2005 09:28 PM

It wasn't my persception, just how people may see me!!

Not that it bothers me... I am quite boring... have you heard me go on about cars??? ;)

richie rich 16 March 2005 09:52 PM

so this is the reason for infection, it all akes sense now.:)

Originally Posted by eClaire
Well done you!! :)

I have stopped for 6 1/2 weeks now, I'm will power only too (well, I am pregnant so that kind of helps! :D). I never ever got to the end of Allen Carr's book and nicorette gum tasted foul (I wasn't into wearing patches :) ).

It's weird isn't it. I don't crave at all now. I forget I even used to smoke and feel stupid for finding it so difficult to stop in the first place as it was so easy! Just you keep going, it gets so much easier :) - you will wonder why you haven't managed it sooner! I haven't been bad tempered (which is surprising because I am supposed to be a hormonal wreck right now :confused: ) and I haven't had a bad cough or a cold.

I did, however, get a minor gum infection (i know other people who have had this too) because the bacteria in my mouth has changed suddenly. Start rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash now and you shouldn't be bothered by it :)

If you feel you may crack and give in, come back to SN and tell people - you might feel like a tit but they will encourage you to keep going, they were very helpful with me :)

Good luck!! :D

Andy Tang 17 March 2005 09:43 AM

I went to the pub last night and I was put off by the smell of smoke in there!

Normally I would crack if I went to a pub, so I'm quite surprised at the change in my attitude after a few days! :eek: :D

Leslie 17 March 2005 11:51 AM

You heard it here first Andy!


SJ_Skyline 17 March 2005 11:59 AM

:thumb: WTG mate :thumb:

I knew I should have got you a flat cap for your birthday! ;)

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