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pslewis 16 January 2005 07:43 PM

Tories Defecting To Labour!

Those in the Tory party are crapping themselves and are deciding to join the winners ............ they have seen sense!!

Will those on here with their heads stuck in the sand do likewise??

Come on over, all is forgiven ..... you KNOW Labour WILL win!!

You know Labour are great, you KNOW they are right!!

Failing that, would the losers please clear off and leave the country to the winners!!! :D


David Lock 16 January 2005 07:44 PM

Hot off the mark on that one Pete........

pslewis 16 January 2005 07:47 PM

Been busy living today!!

What good news, just about finishes the Tories .....

When the country was sufferring under the Tories I SWORE that I would one day witness the complete and utter destruction of the bunch of ****es ........

THIS IS IT!!!!! and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO Happy!!!!!! :D :D :D :D


David Lock 16 January 2005 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Been busy living today!!


Understandable in the circumstances........ :)

pslewis 16 January 2005 07:53 PM

Yes indeed, not many days left .......

But the idea that there will NEVER be a Tory government in my lifetime gives me a warm, warm feeling!!


Les Behan 16 January 2005 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Yes indeed, not many days left .......

But the idea that there will NEVER be a Tory government in my lifetime gives me a warm, warm feeling!!


Only because you're a senile old **** with one foot in the grave.

pslewis 16 January 2005 07:57 PM

Just seen the Tory voters in Wantage .... hilarious .... "oh, errr, jolly bad show - whatever next, hooray Henry"

Ha Ha Ha - stuff that in your Blue Rinse!!

Lock up the Fox killers next and my life will nearly be complete!!

Its like all my Xmas's have come all at once!!

No need for the formality of an election is there now?? :D


David Lock 16 January 2005 07:58 PM

Highgate Cemetry for you then......

Trouble is you are probably correct :mad:

pslewis 16 January 2005 08:00 PM

I am absolutely correct - the election will ONLY serve to put the Tories THIRD behind the Liberals!!

Life is soooo sweet


unclebuck 16 January 2005 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Failing that, would the losers please clear off and leave the country to the winners!!!

I think you'll find it's the 'winners' that can afford to go somewhere else that will. It's called the 'brain drain' so it won't apply to the likes of you.

What good news, just about finishes the Tories .....
LOL - the blokes a political minnow. Have you ever heard of him before today? No, I thought not. He's standing down anyway thus compounding his irrelevence.

Chip 16 January 2005 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Been busy living today!!


Damn, there's a shame!


mart360 16 January 2005 08:17 PM

Pete just a quick one for you to ponder...
Its not a pop, just trying to clarify how you were brainwashed

god forbid, if you were to suffer the loss of your gold wheeled scoob. via the current preffered method. you would be pretty pissed of i would assume..

what would make it even worse is that your wonderfull pal in power dosnt give a toss about you or your car, cos him & his mrs gain more benefit from screwing you & us over..

and then to rub salt into the thing, if you came on here & posted, i,m sure amongst the sympathy vote there would be quite a few "I told you so,s"

i have thought long and hard on the liar at number ten, and can only conclude that some mass brainwashing took place when i was out of the country..

please pete, explain why you find the b liars poilicys to be so wonderfull


pslewis 16 January 2005 08:34 PM

Are they the BEST we have available??

The answer is YES!

Therefore we must swing behind them and support them, until something goes wrong (nothing has yet!)


bluto22b 16 January 2005 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis

Those in the Tory party are crapping themselves and are deciding to join the winners ............ they have seen sense!!

Will those on here with their heads stuck in the sand do likewise??

Come on over, all is forgiven ..... you KNOW Labour WILL win!!

You know Labour are great, you KNOW they are right!!

Failing that, would the losers please clear off and leave the country to the winners!!! :D


I think I have sussed you out. You are a low life chav who revels in this freeloader society that this current goverment seems to have cultured. I am talking about those who think the word "work" is a dirty four letter word. There are too many people in this country who now love to scrounge and do bugger all. Labour panders to their every whim, what with "human rights" and other sh1t that is backed by Cherie Blair and her do gooder chums. Knock out a couple of kids and hey presto you'll get £1000 per month in child benefit let alone other "allowances".

Don't know about another Thatcher style government, what this country needs is 18 months of fascist rule to rid the streets of drug dealers and other filth, not to mention those who are intent on causing and creating other crimianl activity. What about "big ears'" latest submission to your rights in your own home? The law is fine as it is? Is it? Get real "big ears" I bet if some chav scum broke into your home threatening your wife and kiddies you would want to defend your family and property to the best of your ability and if that means death or serious injury then so be it. Only those who live in the country such as myself (and Tony Martin) would appreciate my sentiments here, after all a phone call to the police would usually mean a wait of at least an hour or more if they trun up at all. Town or city dwellers need not comment on this issue, you don't understand.


mart360 16 January 2005 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Are they the BEST we have available??

The answer is YES!

Therefore we must swing behind them and support them, until something goes wrong (nothing has yet!)


two major errors there Pete..;)

are they the best... nofcucking way... i have never seen a more corrupt and lying gov..

what was it.. 2 weeks in on his anti sleeze and one of his own was caught..

mandy x2 blunket.. the 911 woman the list goes on!!

There fore WE must swing behind them..

erm no dont make assumptions pete,, until the day i draw my last breath i will make up my mind what / or who i vote for..

i have never and will never vote for a labour government

tiggers 16 January 2005 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
two major errors there Pete..;)

are they the best... nofcucking way... i have never seen a more corrupt and lying gov..

Were you blind until 1997 then?


pslewis 16 January 2005 08:46 PM

Face Facts - if the majority wanted Labour out badly, then they would be overthrown.

Truth is NO-ONE is worried enough to care.

We are all richer than we have ever been.

Interest rates are as low as they have been for many years - remember the Tories 15%?

Remember the Tories throwing £billions down the drian chasing the £ in the Exchange Rate Mechanism? Money robbed from the public, given to the money men!

Un-Employment lowest in decades - Employment highest in decades

Hospitals, Schools and Pensioners getting funded properly

In the final analysis, we are all better off (those that aren't are Tory voters and who gives a sh1t about them??)


bluto22b 16 January 2005 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Les Behan
Only because you're a senile old **** with one foot in the grave.

No he is n't, he pretends he is old. He is a young chav who loves all the handouts that this freeloader govt. has to offer. I wish Margaret was still in goverment. She would be leading the way now. And as for all this ban hunting crap, the majority who are against live in cities. What do you know about country living? A fox terrorised my neighbours goat only last week, its the last time she will be giving milk. And what about all the free range chickens that are regularly butchered by foxes? Do you eat chicken? You won't be soon because all the foxes will have eaten them thanks to sh1ty LABOUR


mart360 16 January 2005 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
Were you blind until 1997 then?


Nope, but enjoyed house ownership, and generous tax relief on the little things that matter..

unlike the scheming screwing skinflint in power now

if you want to be new labour...

bugger off to moscow and social ise over there


pslewis 16 January 2005 08:52 PM

Shoot the foxes if they trouble you :rolleyes:

Do NOT, and its now LAW so do as you're told!!, chase the fox down until it is exhausted ... hides in a rabbit hole ... you then come along with your toffee nosed snobs and dig the terrified animal out and throw it to the hounds to get ripped apart, to the 'Hooray, Hooray, henries deleight"

PATHETIC, now be a good chappie - do as your told or we will take all your land off you and throw you in jail!! :D


bluto22b 16 January 2005 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Face Facts - if the majority wanted Labour out badly, then they would be overthrown.

Truth is NO-ONE is worried enough to care.

We are all richer than we have ever been.

Interest rates are as low as they have been for many years - remember the Tories 15%?

Remember the Tories throwing £billions down the drian chasing the £ in the Exchange Rate Mechanism? Money robbed from the public, given to the money men!

Un-Employment lowest in decades - Employment highest in decades

Hospitals, Schools and Pensioners getting funded properly

In the final analysis, we are all better off (those that aren't are Tory voters and who gives a sh1t about them??)


"Hospitals better? really? Have you had to spend any time in one recently? I am fortunate enough to be able to go private, but i pity those who can't. I was given the WRONG tablets and I WAS PAYING. God help those on the NHS. Un emlpoyment maybe the lowest but have you examined the quality of those jobs? ALL retail and public sector. NO manufacturing or FARMING, the two things that once made Britain Great. The only people better off under Chav labour are the CHAVS who voted them in. NEVER HAVE TO WORK FOR A LIVING thanks to chav labour, handout city. All at the expense of the hardworking tax payer.

tiggers 16 January 2005 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
Nope, but enjoyed house ownership, and generous tax relief on the little things that matter..

unlike the scheming screwing skinflint in power now

if you want to be new labour...

bugger off to moscow and social ise over there


Funny I still own my house under this government. Yours been repo'd then? ;)

Also I don't remember too many senior Labour cabinet members going to prison unlike say Jonathan Aitken or Lord (sic) Archer.

The current lot are as bad as the previous incumbents IMHO - I just wish people like you would drop this rose tinted spectacles crap about the Tories.


pslewis 16 January 2005 08:59 PM

Bluto - You were given the WRONG Tablets and it was Private Health Care! :eek: shocking!

You should have gone NHS and got proper care!

I love you rich selfish Tory to55ers getting your come uppence, I'm rich but gladly no to55er and no Tory!! :D


bluto22b 16 January 2005 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Shoot the foxes if they trouble you :rolleyes:

Do NOT, and its now LAW so do as you're told!!, chase the fox down until it is exhausted ... hides in a rabbit hole ... you then come along with your toffee nosed snobs and dig the terrified animal out and throw it to the hounds to get ripped apart, to the 'Hooray, Hooray, henries deleight"

PATHETIC, now be a good chappie - do as your told or we will take all your land off you and throw you in jail!! :D


I suggest you get out of your city chav hole and see what really goes on in the country instead of reading all the anti hunting hype in the Sun/Mirror/Guardian (delete as appropriate). Usually the fox is killed mid hunt by one of the dogs, humanely I might add.


pslewis 16 January 2005 09:03 PM

Humanely??????????????? WHAT!! Being ripped to bits by a pack of hounds!??

You clown!

Now, be a good boy and stop doing it or we shall bang you up with Big Billy the Queer who loves Basil Brush and all furry little animals!! Take your vaseline!! Har Har Har!!

Tell you what, they will chase you round the showers first whilst blowing pathetic trumpets!! :D


bluto22b 16 January 2005 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
I'm rich but gladly no to55er and no Tory!! :D


You may be rich (now that will be all the child allowance handouts under this sh1t govt) but I AM wealthy, THERE IS a difference.

Go away small Chav

pslewis 16 January 2005 09:05 PM


Just do as the Labour government tell you!! Har Har Har Har!!


Jye 16 January 2005 09:05 PM

Small chav with cheap Radio Controlled Scooby in the fridge ;)

unclebuck 16 January 2005 09:06 PM

Funny I still own my house under this government. Yours been repo'd then?
Coming soon mate, in the *really big* housing market crash due after the next election. ;)

BTW - hope you are well. Good to see you posting again. ;)

Good to see bluto back and giving it where it hurts too.


pslewis 16 January 2005 09:06 PM

Originally Posted by Jye
Small chav with cheap Radio Controlled Scooby in the fridge ;)

It was a freezer (can't you understand English?? Derrrrrr!!!)



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