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wez_sti 10 January 2005 06:22 PM

Does The Asian Tsunami Prove there's no God??
Never been religous myself, mainly because i take the scientific view but surely you'd lose your faith after going through something like that???

Just wondered what those that do believe thought??

imi 10 January 2005 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by wez_sti
Never been religous myself, mainly because i take the scientific view but surely you'd lose your faith after going through something like that???

Just wondered what those that do believe thought??

So whats the scientific view?

You only accept what your little mind can comprehend, anything outside of that is automatically disregarded?

Tsunami and Religion - Difficult question to answer but some may question their faith in order to blame, maybe, for others, it may actually make their faith stronger?

Milamber 10 January 2005 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by imi
for others, it may actually make their faith stronger?

They would be wrong though.

<flame suit on>

salsa-king 10 January 2005 06:31 PM

if there is no God... how did we get here... what put us here????

dtriggs 10 January 2005 06:32 PM

Needless and incredibly sad deaths occur everyday so cant see why just coz it's more people it would change what they believe.

Salsa - Evolution....

salsa-king 10 January 2005 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by dtriggs
Needless and incredibly sad deaths occur everyday so cant see why just coz it's more people it would change what they believe.

Salsa - Evolution....

and how was that put there in place!!!!!????

and if man came from monkeys.... why are they still not forming?

farmer1 10 January 2005 06:39 PM

and how was that put there in place!!!!!????
Like the way this arguement is always used by religious people to explain why the scientific theory is wrong, and who exactly put god there.

There is no way we will ever know, so why bother trying, just get on with life.

salsa-king 10 January 2005 06:45 PM

well its true when you think a bit harder!!
how did anything start... not saying things don't evolve and adapt over time... but you still have to go all the way back to the start...... what started it all off?

God has always been there... its too much for the mere moral to comprehend to understand... so i can't answer that one.

God the Father... God the Son... God the Holy Spirit = ALL THE SAME THING :D

Phil ;)

scoobfan 10 January 2005 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by wez_sti
Never been religous myself, mainly because i take the scientific view but surely you'd lose your faith after going through something like that???

Just wondered what those that do believe thought??

It's all the start of Armageddon !!!!!

And maybe something to do with our changing global climate.

Mother Earth has decided it's payback.

wez_sti 10 January 2005 06:50 PM

scientific view - that we are here due to a series of very unlikely coincidences. the right chemicals in the right proportion at the right temperature.

evolution is about improving to better survive your environment and prolong the life of the species. We have evolved enough to be able to adapt ourselves without need for millions of years of suvival of the fittest to do it for us.

Why would any 'God' allow 150,000+ people young/old, of all religions, some of which were more than likely aid worker etc to die in such a way???

i think the rapest that won the lottery sums it up. life is just a game of chance. Theres no greater being looking over you that will protect you if you live life to the letter of the bible/koran or whatever.

either people with strong religous beliefs know something i don't or they are just stupid.

salsa-king 10 January 2005 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by wez_sti
scientific view - that we are here due to a series of very unlikely coincidences. the right chemicals in the right proportion at the right temperature.

and how did they get there???????

On the first 'day' God created...................................????

You could also say that God lets this happen to bring out the good in other things... like the rest of the world pulling together and make things better... who knows?!????!

Milamber 10 January 2005 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by salsa-king
and how did they get there???????

On the first 'day' God created...................................????

You could also say that God lets this happen to bring out the good in other things... like the rest of the world pulling together and make things better... who knows?!????!

Have you had a bad day at work.......?

imi 10 January 2005 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by wez_sti
either people with strong religous beliefs know something i don't or they are just stupid.

I think the point is that we humans are gifted with free will. That has its plusses and its minuses.

Its good to be inquisitive and not to be ignorant, one must ask questions and seek knowledge.

Anyone who believes in God must accept both Life and Death.

salsa-king 10 January 2005 07:00 PM

makes you think tho!! ;)

didn't Noah have problems with water??? lol

you can say why did God let that happen too..... but he did gave a rainbow to say he would never do it ever again :D

dpb 10 January 2005 07:00 PM

you can believe whatever you want to believe.........:).................its the 21 century.........

16vmarc 10 January 2005 07:01 PM

I cant beleive you people are even discussing this.

salsa-king 10 January 2005 07:02 PM

At the end of the day this is a stupid pointless thread that noone can answer!
so why ask the question if you don't want to have someone make you think about it instead of claiming they know the answer everyone else doesn't!

Iain Young 10 January 2005 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by salsa-king
and how did they get there???????
On the first 'day' God created...................................????

Current scientific theories suggest that the right chemicals were present on asteroids, comets etc (evidence for this has been found), and when they impacted on Earth they happened to combine together and formed the building blocks of life. Basically it was down to chance because the conditions were just right at the time for it to happen.

Nothing to do with god, (unless he was throwing the asteroids at the planet of course ;) ).

Still boils down to the same old question..."How did it all start?"... and neither science or religion can explain that.

salsa-king 10 January 2005 07:09 PM

Are your ears blocked????

I'm not saying that didn't happen..... but who put the asteroids comets etc etc there?

did they just apear?????????

One the first day God created the Heavens and the Earth.
And as the Bible is written so the orduinary man can understand it... it put down in DAYS!!! each 'day' may be 10 billion trillion years between each of those days!

in those days the evolution took place. So the sientific part can stand up to that theory.... but is still needs answering.... WHERE did it ALL come from!

imi 10 January 2005 07:10 PM

This is fun........

Where did the asteriods & planets come from?

I'll wait for your predictable answer before I throw the next line of questions :)

dpb 10 January 2005 07:14 PM

was it mike hall........

scoobfan 10 January 2005 07:16 PM

Women from Venus

Men from Mars

There you go - NOW LEAVE IT !!!! :cuckoo:

Hanslow 10 January 2005 07:20 PM

The problem is everything in man's world has bounds. Man cannot truly comprehend the concept of infinity so has trouble rationalising if A created B, who created A, ad infinitum....

wez_sti 10 January 2005 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by salsa-king
At the end of the day this is a stupid pointless thread that noone can answer!
so why ask the question if you don't want to have someone make you think about it instead of claiming they know the answer everyone else doesn't!

yeah cheers. not saying i have all the answers, just what is belived to of happened. more likely than some bloke deciding to create an entire universe me thinks.

where energy and matter came from no-one knows and will never know, but just because you dont know doesnt mean you make up some supreme being to explain it.

it was religous people that used to explain diseases as demons in the body, and new medical treatments as work of the devil and silenced anyone with a new view on the universe. they tried to kill the first guy that said the earth wasnt the centre of the universe didnt they?!? your doing the modern day equivelent. (not the killing bit)

Stiff 10 January 2005 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by imi

Its good to be inquisitive and not to be ignorant, one must ask questions and seek knowledge.

Bit off topic but wasn't Satan originaly a saint that was banished from heaven for questioning the Lord?
These debates will run and run forever and as mentioned, are a bit pointless as we''ll never know for sure (unless aliens land here and tell us we're just an experiment, which to me, is a little more plausible than God) :)
Just my 2 penneth worth.

Iain Young 10 January 2005 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by salsa-king
Are your ears blocked????


I'm not saying that didn't happen..... but who put the asteroids comets etc etc there?

did they just apear?????????
Have you not heard of the big bang theory. There is strong evidence of planets / stars etc all forming even today. The big question is what existed before this, and of course this is a question that science cannot answer.

Of course, just because we do not have a scientific explanation for this, it doesn't mean that there isn't one. It just means it hasn't been found.

One the first day God created the Heavens and the Earth.
And as the Bible is written so the orduinary man can understand it... it put down in DAYS!!! each 'day' may be 10 billion trillion years between each of those days!
in your opinion. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Personally I think it was just something written to explain the unexplainable and appease the masses...

in those days the evolution took place. So the sientific part can stand up to that theory....
in fact there is suggested evidence of evolution currently happening, especially around the volcanic vents at the bottom of the pacific ocean (some very interesting research going on)...

but is still needs answering.... WHERE did it ALL come from!
and that's the one question that can't be answered. If god created everything, what created god?

Dracoro 10 January 2005 07:29 PM

I think the questions should be: 'Does the asian tsunami prove that god isn't what people think s/he is'. i.e. s/he is not omnipotent, s/he is not omnipresent, s/he is not all-powerful.

As far as killing 150,000 innocent people just to bring out the good in people. Well I find that despicable, insulting and shows up this 'god' for what s/he really is. People can still be good and do good things without the murdering of thousands of innocents.

I'm of two minds. Either A) there is no god or B) god exists but is a bit of a ba5tard and not something to worship.

And just because a question hasn't been answered, doesn't inherently prove that there is a god. All it proves is that the question is currently unanswered and that alone.

And as the Bible is written so the orduinary man can understand it... it put down in DAYS!!! each 'day' may be 10 billion trillion years between each of those days!
Well I'm an 'ordinary man' (sort of ;):D) but I have no problem comprehending time spans of more than 7 days.

Sith 10 January 2005 07:39 PM

It's the greatest un-answerable question given to mankind. (Apart from whether OJ really did it :D) Our minds are incapable of understanding the great unknown.

How many dimensions are there, one day will we be able to phase shift using our minds to manage quanta, will we manage to travel at the speed of light.

What if the people who created our mathmatics were wrong. Is everything we base on math now incorrect.

Has there always been a universe? If not, what was there before, why is there one now, why were we granted life and intelligence as we know it, where did everything in space and earth come from.

If God exists, he created everything. Has he always been there? Why has he been there. How did he get created, where did he come from. If he is the first, how and why?

If God doesn't exist, why is there a universe, how did it appear, why is there life at all?

Big Bang theory. Where did all the elements come from to create the big bang? Why did they exist?

what would scooby do 10 January 2005 08:07 PM

can your gods create a rock so heavy that they can't lift them ?

Jay m A 10 January 2005 08:08 PM

Its pretty obvious really

Nobody knows how matter was created.

Scientists try and work it out.
Religious types repeat ancient stories, born through fear of the unknown.

Basically its like this. When you die, your atoms will be redistributed into the planet over time. Thats it - fcuk all else happens. It would be nice to know how these atoms came about.

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