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pslewis 03 January 2005 07:16 PM

Stupid RAM!!
A while ago I had a fault with my RAM, in that it was 256Mb on one module - that had decreased somehow to 128Mb (lost half the module)

I bought another stick of 256Mb and popped that in the next slot - fine, it sees 384Mb .... sorted.


Now, when I boot up it sees 512Mbs!! Wowie, brilliant!!

HOWEVER, whenever I log onto the internet the whole PC reboots and I find myself looking at only 384Mbs again!! :(

Anyone any idea whats going on??

I have done virus checks, adware and spyware checks, RAM Diagnostics - they all say everything is fine and dandy!?

All I can think of is some mechanical fault, ie. the PC heats up and a connection is broken somewhere and the system re-boots?? BUT, why would it be related to logging onto the internet (as it seems to be??)

Microsoft tells me that the serious error is due to a device driver (I think thats quite a common response when they don't have a clue!!??)


Daz34 03 January 2005 07:55 PM

What graphics card do you have? If it is an integrated graphics chip then these use your system ram as they have none of their own. It could well be related to that.


cong 03 January 2005 07:58 PM

you might hav some faulty ram just get a replacment

pslewis 03 January 2005 09:02 PM

Graphics card is a GeForce3 Ti200 - 64Mb on that card (no use of motherboard memory as far as I am aware?) unless it would allocate the memory to graphics for some reason?

I know it could be faulty RAM- just seems weird how it is 256Mb one moment and then after a re-boot (the PC re-boots itself) its 128Mb!?


Daz34 03 January 2005 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Graphics card is a GeForce3 Ti200 - 64Mb on that card (no use of motherboard memory as far as I am aware?) unless it would allocate the memory to graphics for some reason?

I know it could be faulty RAM- just seems weird how it is 256Mb one moment and then after a re-boot (the PC re-boots itself) its 128Mb!?


Not the graphics card then. In the BIOS are the RAM timings set to SPD?

Try this memory diagnostic program from Microsoft. It runs without Windows loaded & tests the integrity of your RAM.

pslewis 03 January 2005 10:08 PM

Thanks Daz - I've booted up on that diagnostics test and it finds no problems, maybe I should run it overnight a deep RAM test?


Daz34 03 January 2005 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Thanks Daz - I've booted up on that diagnostics test and it finds no problems, maybe I should run it overnight a deep RAM test?


Deep RAM during deep REM? ;)

pslewis 04 January 2005 07:39 PM

Hmmm, very good! ;)

I need to amend the above - the PC doesn't re-boot when I connect to the internet, it reboots regardless of what I am doing - normally, about 3 minutes into a session it re-boots

And then it shows that its lost 128Mb of RAM!?

It's going to get a damned good kicking soon!!!!!!


Hanslow 04 January 2005 08:33 PM


Get yourself a copy of this and run the diagnostic burn-in tests. That will indicate whether your stick is knackered (and I don't mean your walking one ;)). Tells you everything you need to know to get it running on the webpage.

Very simple to you should be OK ;)

Fuzz 04 January 2005 09:21 PM

If you suspect a heat related issue Pete, try "Motherboard Monitor" to keep ane eye on temps for you, (gives alarm warnings etc..)


pslewis 04 January 2005 11:23 PM

All I know is that when I switch on for about 3minutes the PC can see 512Mb RAM ..

Then ..

It just re-boots itself and only sees 384Mb - I thought heat just because of the time delay, maybe its warming up and breaking a contact, losing half of one module and shutting down?


Fuzz 04 January 2005 11:25 PM

No blue screen of death first ???

Hanslow 05 January 2005 07:31 AM

Have you actually tried running the machine with just your new stick of memory in and the dodgy stick removed to see if it's stable for any length of time, or have you been running with this problem with both sticks in all this time? First thing I would have done would have been to pull the dodgy stick out and see if it's stable.

Second thing would be to try the dodgy stick in another RAM slot as it may also be the slot that's screwed.

Third thing is to run the MemTest86 on it.

Then you should know more, or at least be able to report more info here, and get a better answer.

John Catlin 05 January 2005 07:52 PM

You are all wrong,

Ps Lewis needs to enter his DHSS number to show how old he is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jye 05 January 2005 08:43 PM

Why do you always have/buy cheap crap pete. For someone who claims to earn billions per hours why dont you just buy a decent pc like the rest of us ya tight git. Coal powered pc's are old hat now btw.

MJW 06 January 2005 12:13 AM

It sounds as though your original RAM stick is faulty, thats whats causing the crashes. Take the old one out and just leave the new one in and see if the PC works ok without crashing.

pslewis 06 January 2005 12:21 AM

I think your right, the original stck is faulty - works sometimes then doesn't and crashes the system.

I think I will resolder the connections, could just be a dry joint somewhere?

I would take the stick out ..... but, I like having 384Mb instead of 256Mb!! :D

When it sees 384 it doesn't crash - its when it sees 512 it crashes .... weird one?


Hanslow 06 January 2005 07:19 AM

Not weird at all, sounds knackered. Try it without, if it works, buy another stick of RAM to replace it. It's not like RAM is expensive these days either.

babber 06 January 2005 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by pslewis
I think your right, the original stck is faulty - works sometimes then doesn't and crashes the system.

I think I will resolder the connections, could just be a dry joint somewhere?

I would take the stick out ..... but, I like having 384Mb instead of 256Mb!! :D

When it sees 384 it doesn't crash - its when it sees 512 it crashes .... weird one?


Resolder what connections? PSLewis your taking the piss again!!

I wouldn't run a system with fault memory in like this, you never know what it's going to do next or more importantly what it'll shag next. Just the machine crashing and parking the H/D heads in-correctly can shag you H/D and important data. Do yourself a favour, throw the old memory away, and get a replacement ;) :rolleyes:


cong 06 January 2005 01:14 PM

could be overheating? my p.c switches itself off when it hits 60c and theres nothing i can do in the bios to stop it theres no temperature control at all

pslewis 06 January 2005 11:28 PM

Resolder?? Well what do you think holds the memory module components onto the PCB?? yes!! SOLDER!! :rolleyes:

As part of my job I design PCB's ................. I know what a dry joint can do!

And as for cheap???? £40 from PC World - hardly cheap??


Hanslow 07 January 2005 08:37 AM

Errr yes cheap. I remember when 4MB cost me 125 quid. So, given todays rate of MB/£ I would say that 40-50 quid for a 512MB stick is good value. However, if you are foolish enough to buy from PC World at their over inflated prices then you better raid your piggy bank.

Still, if you are happy with the crashes then don't bother ;) Have you actually tried removing the dodgy stick then for any length of time just to see if it does become stable or do you really not know what you are doing? Have you even tried the suspect memory in another RAM slot? Have you tried anything suggested on here or are you just doing it for a laugh? :rolleyes:

babber 07 January 2005 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Resolder?? Well what do you think holds the memory module components onto the PCB?? yes!! SOLDER!! :rolleyes:

As part of my job I design PCB's ................. I know what a dry joint can do!

And as for cheap???? £40 from PC World - hardly cheap??


Yes there is solder on the circuit board, but it doesn't hold the memory module onto the PCB. It's held in with plastic clips!! I know dry solder joints can cause a whole host of problems, but don't think this is the problem..

Buy the memory from a supplier on the internet and you'd expect to pay around the £25 mark!!

It's up to you mate, listen to the advise on here and throw the memory away, or live with the machine crashing intermittantly.... It's up to you mate ;)

Still think this thread is a big wind up :rolleyes:


pslewis 07 January 2005 11:29 PM

OK, its no wind-up at all .... there are better subjects to do that! :rolleyes:

I have moved the modules about, removed one, removed the other, cleaned the connections, dusted off the motherboard, left the cover off to aid cooling ....

The fact is:- one memory module is dodgy (sometimes seeing 256Mb RAM and other times seeing 128Mb)

I paid £40 for 256Mb RAM from PCWorld and that module works fine (buying another 256Mb at £40 will only effectively give me 128Mb extra - hardly worth it)

So, what I have is a PC that boots up sometimes with 512Mb ... but then it re-boots to show 384Mb.

If the PC starts with 384Mb then it is stable and runs absolutely fine

What I was after is some help as to working out why one memory module goes from 256Mb to 128Mb when powered up for a few minutes .... why it sometimes only sees 128Mb from start-up .......

I was looking to you lot for some software cure really, but it seems its hardware - thats when I thought of maybe a solder joint on the module (I am quite aware that the module slots into the motherboard)

Thanks very much for all the suggestions, I have indeed carried most of them out - I was searching for some advice that would be the 'magic' solution


dba 08 January 2005 07:34 AM

I was searching for some advice that would be the 'magic' solution


try it now,if it doesn't work,go to and buy some new memory

Hanslow 08 January 2005 11:17 AM

It really does look like it's knackered Pete, probably internally on one of the RAM chips on the module.

Although spending the extra 40 quid will only effectively give you another 128MB RAM, it should at least stop the crashes which must mean it's worth it? Have a look at some of the online suppliers (crucial, ebuyer, komplett, dabs, scan, etc.) and you'll probably find you can get that sort of memory for about 10 quid cheaper, or 512MB for that price. Remember to try and get the same speed of memory if you do buy some.

pslewis 08 January 2005 12:04 PM

Thanks again for the help, sorry that you thought I was taking the pee - I just thought maybe it was software? ..... obviously not and now its off to get another stick or settle with 256Mb alone (one module) or be content with 384Mb and the occassional crashes when the PC 'sees' 512Mb.


Hanslow 08 January 2005 02:54 PM

No worries chap :) I know you like to rant occasionally ;)

Yep, you're right in that you can either settle for 256MB stable, or 512/384MB a bit flaky. Depending on how you use your PC and what you are running on it, you should be OK with just 256MB, albeit a little slower occasionally.

It could be software, but given your power surge issues and the nature of it, i.e. the BIOS detecting it differently, it seems a lot more likely to be the RAM, particularly if it's stable with the suspect stick removed.

Just had a quick look on and you can pick up a stick of DDR 2700 256MB for 21 quid, bit better than 40 quid. Obviously you'll want to get the right sort of RAM, I'm assuming DDR and not SDR, and you'll want the right speed memory with the stick that works. You could get faster, but it will run at the slowest stick speed. If you need more help, just post something or PM me if you like.

You get much better answers to your problems when you are more civil too ;) Just go back to your usual banter on the posts where you aren't after help ;):D

pslewis 08 January 2005 03:53 PM

You wouldn't love me so much if I was civil all the time!! ;)

The module is PC2100 DDR, you have quoted for PC2700 ..... I think PC2100 is getting hard to find (and therefore, strangely, more expensive!?)


MJW 08 January 2005 07:02 PM

256Mb PC2100 DDR RAM can be had for £22.43 (inc. VAT) from CCL Computers

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