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ImprezaWR1 31 December 2004 11:20 PM

Too Common
I think the time has come to sell my beloved WR1 and go for what IMHO is a far superior car... the EVO

I bought the WR1 from new and thought that I had joined a somewhat special group of people who love and appreciate the Impreza , but today I drove about 400 miles and I lost count of not only the Imprezas I saw, but the number of burburry wearing kids driving what once was considered a great & quite exclusive car.

I'm sick of feeling like an old man trying to be young (only 32) and the remarks made by people in the street who say "why dont you get a proper performance car"

I also realised that its only Impreza owners who call the older models "classic" as everyone else calls them "the old cheaper ones"

I test drove the Evo today (not the 260) and what an awesome machine it is... far superior in performance, handling & bulid quality ..

I think I'm going to go for what I consider to be a "grown up" version of the impreza , and am sorry to say that I'll probably never buy another Scoob :(

but times have changed & to me it seems the Subaru haven't , so time to move on

dont get me wrong, the Impreza Turbo is a great car, but so was the golf GTI before it was available to everyone who had a couple of grand to spend on a car

a sad day for me, but I feel a step up is needed , Imprezas are just too common


& yes , I will shut the door on my way out


disillusioned Subaru owner

Vipa 31 December 2004 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by ImprezaWR1
I think the time has come to sell my beloved WR1 and go for what IMHO is a far superior car... the EVO

I bought the WR1 from new and thought that I had joined a somewhat special group of people who love and appreciate the Impreza , but today I drove about 400 miles and I lost count of not only the Imprezas I saw, but the number of burburry wearing kids driving what once was considered a great & quite exclusive car.

I'm sick of feeling like an old man trying to be young (only 32) and the remarks made by people in the street who say "why dont you get a proper performance car"

I also realised that its only Impreza owners who call the older models "classic" as everyone else calls them "the old cheaper ones"

I test drove the Evo today (not the 260) and what an awesome machine it is... far superior in performance, handling & bulid quality ..

I think I'm going to go for what I consider to be a "grown up" version of the impreza , and am sorry to say that I'll probably never buy another Scoob :(

but times have changed & to me it seems the Subaru haven't , so time to move on

dont get me wrong, the Impreza Turbo is a great car, but so was the golf GTI before it was available to everyone who had a couple of grand to spend on a car

a sad day for me, but I feel a step up is needed , Imprezas are just too common


& yes , I will shut the door on my way out


disillusioned Subaru owner

And yet when watching the Top Gear head to head STi v Evo... both Clarkson and the other bloke both admitted that even though the Evo is superior in many ways, they would go for the Scoob every time!

I think the Evo looks like something out of 2 fast 2 furious that was designed by a Hollywood special effects team... too futuristic for me (my opinion only)

Sorry you're going


Vipa 31 December 2004 11:33 PM

Oh..... and another thought.....

As soon as you buy your Evo you will start to notice loads of them.... I have always loved Scoobs but it was only after I ordered one that I started seeing loads.

Not as common as you suggest but you are "tuned into them"

Paul 31 December 2004 11:35 PM

sorry to hear that you are disillusioned... There are loads of EVO forums about so you will still be able to chin wag :)

The impreza is becoming more popular - mainly due to the sharp decrease in price over the years and yes the evo is less popular due to the high price of the car. Many more can aford the impreza over an evo.... It menas NOTHING in the handling, performance............... Impreza can be modded, as can evo to achieve the max....

There is a great divide :idea:

All the best - A proud impreza owner from the start to the finish

New_scooby_04 01 January 2005 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by ImprezaWR1

I'm sick of feeling like an old man trying to be young (only 32) and the remarks made by people in the street who say "why dont you get a proper performance car"

So you're jacking the Scooby in for a car they are going to level exactly the same criticism at?? :cuckoo:

Excuse the French, but I hear so much bollox on here -and from other sources- about Scoobies not being "real" performance cars, or being "not that fast"!! :Whatever_

These are not just performance cars, these are "performance icons"! The Cosworths of the 90s if you like. Just because some of them are becomming cheap now and falling into the wrong hands now doesn't reflect badly on the car. :razz:

It's often said that an idea is not responsible for those that believe in it. Well, by extension, a car is not responsible for those who drive it.:)

The less desireable owners are buying them for the same reason that people brought them new: Bang for ya buck!:)

As for all this tosh about Evo's being miles better than scoobies, or indeed vice versa....Pah. I've driven several examples of both cars and have always left with the same conclusion. Evo more focused and capable, Scooby more character and drivable in everyday conditions. Both are great, it's horses for courses!

If you think the Scooby is a chav magnet now, just wait till the Evos become cheap!! :freak3:

Sorry to hear you're unhappy btw.


A very happy and proud MY99 owner!

Abbylad 01 January 2005 12:06 AM

oh well nevermind, see ya! :p

StickyMicky 01 January 2005 12:38 AM


you didnt work all that out before you spunked out on a brand new car, and lost a few grand on depreciation?

its not rocket science!

ndwall 01 January 2005 12:43 AM

For the little gain in performance but the massive servicing costs and incovenice sorting that all out every 3 months (for me anyway) I know what I'd plum for....

Although new Evo's do have three years free servicing which is a real selling piont.

See you in a few years on the Porsche forum when your board of the Evo :)

MattW 01 January 2005 12:52 AM

Well i sympathise, one of the reasons I moved over to the dark side was the fact that there are loads of imprezas about. Not a criticism, just a fact. i like a little exclusivity ;)

Turbo_Steve 01 January 2005 01:33 AM

Er.......It's a car. It either does what you want or it doesn't.

If you're worried about the "image" the badge has, you probably should buy a diesel.
I hear VW make a nice Passat.

Your criticism of the handling is valid enough: Scoobs just don't handle as well as the Evo, and IMO you get more car for you money with the Evo. But that's down to test driving all your options before just spanking your cash on the "best" scooby.

Yeah, some Chavs are driving scoobs...but they're old 'uns. The image just isn't the same.

At the end of the day, you're a consumer so buy what you want. A Chavvy image doesn't seem to have affected sales of the Golf GTi? :D :D

Here's wishing you hale and happiness in the new year.

sKunk 01 January 2005 01:35 AM

Enjoy your new fashion accessory.

kilo_4que 01 January 2005 01:36 AM

To be honest you shouldnt be thinking of how many scoobs u see on road, u should be thinking about how many WR1's u see on road and then realise how exclusive u are.

Regarding evos, I have seen loads of Evo 7s and 8s where i live and only 1 WR1. Even that was out of the way in a Subaru Garage (an employees car).

Regarding the comments about "classic" scoobs. Only haters would make ****ty comments like "the cheapr scoob". Its more of a Chav comment like any nice car goes past and its "bollox" according to them LOL

Chill mate, stick with ure car unless ure really frustrated.

Furthermore, if u do wana change of cars then u might as well join an even smaller community of R34 Skyline owners.

WRX_Rich 01 January 2005 02:29 AM

mate get real, you are driving a car worth little more than a top end ford mondeo and you think you should be elite

emmmm a evo is no different if you want a unique car get your hand in your wallet or buy a car no one wants

I see more audi TT's than any other fast car and lets face it these are not much cop but what they are is a car who appeals to many people like a scoob \ Evo

if a car is good and affordable people will buy it..... if every one was driving a 911 would it make it a bad car

hope you like the evo, for those 2 seconds etc you might gain a lap on a circuit, and maybe 1/2 second on your trip home... would i swap it for the subaru communitiy / scooby meets and general smile my car gives me

nope, thats why allot of scoobynet members don't have Evos

remind me next year not to post at 2.30 new years eve :)

hope you like the Evo, I did look close into getting a 260,good cars but not the difference I was hoping for


billsandhu 01 January 2005 03:07 AM

On real roads, with real people behind the wheel the scooby is unbeatable. If the majority of you driving is spent on a track i guess the evo would be the better choice.

simo 01 January 2005 08:52 AM

glad that you have contributed loads to the bbs

bye bye

Deep Singh 01 January 2005 10:25 AM

WR1,d'ont worry mate,if you say anything critical of Scoobs here you will be insulted and vilified. In general rice rockets have fallen in their image,public perception etc
In terms of the better car,for pure driving pleasure and the deliciousness of steering and handling the Evo wins full stop. If you need a car that is more of a daily compromise then the Scoob makes some sense.
ps I d'ont own either anymore!!

alwong 01 January 2005 10:29 AM

Evos maybe quicker than a scooby but how many people can drive a scooby or an evo to their limits on an everyday road? I don't think it would make that much of a difference unless you can really push these cars to their maximum potential. I know i'm not the best driver and would probably get beat by a slower car with a best driver behind the wheel.

With regards to chavs driving scoobies, it's only a matter of time before EVOs follow.

Danny B 01 January 2005 10:31 AM

these are "performance icons"!
You joking right?
The mass produced Impreza is not a "performance icon" maybe a Porsche GT3 RS but definitely not Evo's or Impreza's.

The owners like to think they are, but that is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Remember this is now 2005, two hundred plus brake is considered entry level on most sports cars these days.

pete1977 01 January 2005 10:41 AM

at least your sticking with a turbo charged rice rocket!

xvw 01 January 2005 10:46 AM

sounds like a couple of people i know, they have also lost a fortune buying new cars and selling them just to be better than the other, funny thing is one of them has just bought a new bmw m3 convertable 40 odd thousand had it two months and dosnt even like it, and the comment im sick of feeling like an old man trying to be young, so why are you going to buy an evo ! buy a jaguar :)
i own one of the cheaper subarus! and love it i owe no money for it,im not into finance,
the money he has lost on his car through depresiation would have probably bought mine
its all bling bling

Vipa 01 January 2005 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by Danny B
You joking right?

Remember this is now 2005, two hundred plus brake is considered entry level on most sports cars these days.

Maybe so but ther still aren't many mainstream cars out there with a sub 6 second 0-60 time, not too long ago that kind of performance would have put you on the edge of supercar status. I remember when i was a youth.... 1980s... I had a poster of a Porsche 911 on my wall, the performance stats then not a million miles away from the Scoob I am getting next week. Also BHP doesn't necessarily = performance. Slightly off topic I know... sorry


Pogue 01 January 2005 11:11 AM

Just a few comments ...

1, I had a Impreza Terzo, sold it bought an Evo6, just sold it and bought an STi-8.
The Evo6 was a good car but "unfulfilling" it always felt bland and boring, on the other hand the Scoobs feel more rewarding to drive.

2, No one EVER spoke to me at petrol stations when I had the Evo, it raised no comments good or bad, on the other hand I collected my STi-8 yesterday, stopped at a petrolstation on the M1, whthin seconds a woman took out her mobile phone and started taking pics and another guy commented on what a fantastic car, is it the new model, how fast is it etc.

3, IMHO chavs can afford the classics (not everyone that has one is a chav tho) but they can't afford the new age ones

4, You sound like a snob to me, why don't you buy an Audi TT, sounds like your cup of darjeeling m8


Deep Singh 01 January 2005 12:06 PM

Hi Pogue. What kind of sad bird takes a photo on her mobile of a mass produced car,or any car for that matter. Did she wear a pink Kappa tracksuit and have a pram for her 3 illegitimate children? LOL. Many people d'ont want that sort of attention I suppose

alwong 01 January 2005 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
Hi Pogue. What kind of sad bird takes a photo on her mobile of a mass produced car,or any car for that matter. Did she wear a pink Kappa tracksuit and have a pram for her 3 illegitimate children? LOL. Many people d'ont want that sort of attention I suppose

Maybe her or her partner was in the market of buying one and thought she would take photos to show her other half? What it looks like in the real world not on a poster or a brochure.

People will make their own assumptions!!!!

Trem 01 January 2005 01:08 PM

Have what YOU want. Drive what YOU want.

End of argument.

New_scooby_04 01 January 2005 01:12 PM

I'm certainly not joking about Impreza's and evos being performance icons. Everyday ones perhaps, but they are the most important type of icons! How many can afford a Porka GT3?!?!

ImprezaWR1 01 January 2005 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Trem
Have what YOU want. Drive what YOU want.

End of argument.

If you read my origional post, it wasnt meant to be a thread to stir up any arguments, it was for discussion

I do understand what most of you say & TBH I expected a little hostility from the blinkered few who think that the Impreza is the best thing on the road

thanks for interesting replies so far

alwong 01 January 2005 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by ImprezaWR1
If you read my origional post, it wasnt meant to be a thread to stir up any arguments, it was for discussion

I do understand what most of you say & TBH I expected a little hostility from the blinkered few who think that the Impreza is the best thing on the road

thanks for interesting replies so far

How can you come onto a scooby site and slag off the subaru and some of the drivers who own them and then say it isn't a thread to stir up any arguments??

New_scooby_04 01 January 2005 01:20 PM

WR1 I certainly hope my comments don't come across as hostile mate, it just seems to me that you're selling the car for the wrong reasons and will only become equally disenchanted with the Evo. I'm a big fan of both cars, but I can see that they share common advantages and setbacks! Maybe you'd be happy with something like a 350Z?


Trem 01 January 2005 01:23 PM

But surely whatever reason it is, its still his own reason.

Not mine, not yours and not anybody elses. That includes the chavs who say they are the cheap versions and that also includes anyone else for that matter who is dictating what a person should and shouldn't drive.

It does seem a bit drastic, I'm 32 and I would give my left boll*ck to have a WR1.

I don't wanna grow old or behave old ever. My dad certainly didn't right up until he died and he seemed pretty f*cking happy to me.

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