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ADV Detailers 30 December 2004 04:32 PM

Bad Service @ the clinic
Hi All. I want to tell you all about some very dissapointing Service (although the quality was excellent) at the infamous scooby clinic. I let my girlfriend drive my Sport to work. I work shifts, and some distance travelling makes it more economical for me to use my van. Unfotunately she happened to reverse the car onto a cast Iron bollard causing a dent in the drivers fender/wheelarch, knocked out a sidelight, and causing also some damage to the spoiler.

Scooby Clininc come highly recommended so I took the car to them. They advised me that the damage was EASILY repairable and guesstimated it would cost around £400 with a pair of Crystal Sidelights. Pleased with the guestimate I opted to add rear bumper re-spray, Clear indicator pack, and a Subaru Sun Visor. When I asked what this would come to, he said (Kev) around £600.

I accept & was prepared that this is quite a low guesstimate, and was expecting it to come to around £700, more realistically, but certainly not more. Working in the Automotive industry I was rekoning on 15 to 20hrs labour.

I had left the car with them a week before Christmas. You can imagine I was not pleased having received a call from my friend who had been to scooby clinic the following monday and said... whats happened to your car then!! I was trying to save my girlfriend the embarrassment, but more annoyed that it was monday night and my car hadnt been started, having been there since saturday.

I called them on the following wednesday & they could still not give me a price or when it would be done, but work was undergoing. They then called me Thursday lunchtime and told me it would be done for 4pm at a cost of more than £900!!!!!!

I had extras as stated, but to have a £120 of extras and pay more than £300 over the guestimate... something was not quite right. I called them back later that night and had a rather heated row with Kev about the price or his ability to price. He Claimed they started work monday morning, with labour charges being £560 of the total cost. Once I pointed out to him I knew for a fact they never touched the car monday, he said he will have to look at the job card and hung up on me!! 5 minutes later, I had Andy on the phone, apologising they had made an error by putting the VAT on twice and the actual total was £770. More acceptable, but still steep I thought. As for the reason.... Lame.

So imagine how annoyed I was when Xmas eve I go to pick it up, and still all was not well!! Kev had done a superb job on the repair and paint... no doubt on the quality what so ever... it was superb.


No Subaru Sun Visor and no Crystal fender incators were fitted. They claimed I was not invoiced for them, and true enough they arnt shown on the invoice. The point is, I asked for them and was not told I wasnt getting them. I was led to believe it was all in the the £770 invoice. What the invoice did show was 21 hrs labour.... curiousy a coincidence that a days less labour had been charged, suggesting that work was started tuesday... not monday!!

So, if it was a VAT calculation error, how come the labour went from 28hrs stated over the phone, to 21hrs??

So what did I get for my money other than very poor treatment as though I was in the wrong......

Repair and respray to fender and Spoiler, respray to rear bumper, Clear sidelights, clear front indicators.


My only adivce to people I dont know who are concidering using these people is this... Get a written quote, and keep an eye on labour. Personally, Im going back to main dealer.

(PS. )
another friend of mine bought 2 STi alloy's with tyres from SC, only to find when he took them to be fitted, they both had Nails in!!! Nice eh.

16vmarc 30 December 2004 04:41 PM

Not good news, especially when theyre so respected on here.

Creepy 30 December 2004 04:54 PM

What's your point here ? Instead of crying out, try to talk in a decent way to the Clinic. Errors are human...


bighead 30 December 2004 05:04 PM

Had same type of treatment from them.....estimate 600 ...actual bill 1200+ :)
"cannot repray sidedoor protectors because not orginal fitment ! " I mean wtf there were factory fitted items :(
1 week Job turned to been 31/2 weeks !
and the paint work was ok not the best I've seen ( I've seen alots :) accidents :) )
needless to say I vote with my feets :)

ADV Detailers 30 December 2004 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Creepy
What's your point here ? Instead of crying out, try to talk in a decent way to the Clinic. Errors are human...


I was not in the wrong here! I am sharing my experience so other scooby fans can make up their own minds whether they would be worth using.

I actually say they do a superb job... and they did. I was not happy with the pricing? .... Theres a difference from fact and slander, and i am not calling them, I am just telling you what my experience of them was. you can make your own mind up what I am trying to say.

We should have eachothers backs and advise of good and bad experiences with such people. You can then make an informed decision on where to take your business.

Thats all.

donutman 30 December 2004 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Creepy
What's your point here ? Instead of crying out, try to talk in a decent way to the Clinic. Errors are human...


i have never had any probs with the clinic (or have most of there customers), but sometimes you can not satisfy everyone all of the time. It is very hard to tell what needs repairing until you strip some parts off and that is why it is called a estimate, but it would be nice if everything was sorted of line, but every now and then you will hear a disatisifed customer, and perhaps this guy has tried talking to them and feels that this is his only route left to get any response. I am sure they will respond.

Personally i don't mind a negative post this as it lets me know they are human and allows me to make my own mind up

i8gtmf 30 December 2004 05:26 PM

All the service iv'e had in the last 18 months from Scoobyclinic has been second to none, really wouldn't even consider taking my car anywhere else. I don't usually bother getting a quote from them for any work no need cars going no where else and i trust them completely not to rip me off.
Best i can suggest is that if you have a problem speak to Clinic after the break and get it sorted. Have pm'd your mate to see if he's done the same.
If only you could please all the people all of the time life would be soooo much easier ;)

ADV Detailers 30 December 2004 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by donutman
.........perhaps this guy has tried talking to them and feels that this is his only route left to get any response. I am sure they will respond.

Personally i don't mind a negative post this as it lets me know they are human and allows me to make my own mind up

Yep, talkin got me nowhere. It may have been less bitter if all work estimated was completed. but it wasnt. So I feel I did not get value for money. Were talkin £25 for Side indicators & £15 for the sun visor. Ask for but not received. Also Kev was totally un apologetic for his Math error. I am not your usual customer service nightmare, but to be frank, this was diabolical.

Word of mouth put them up there so why should people not talk about the bad stuff. Fair representation I would say is better.

pete1977 30 December 2004 05:38 PM

well said i say.people should speak up more about some of these places ,then people who are newer to this game will have a better idea where to go and also where not to go.

Scoobybits 30 December 2004 05:39 PM

Right my two penthe worth..

Scoobyclinic and the guys there are part of a top set up and if you ask me a victim of there own success,the volume of work and enquiries going through this place is to blame me thinks.Mega busy does not come close..
A difficult situation the team there are all top lads and part of the scooby community themselves, employee more staff or expand to quick and it may be worse still??.
Now I would agree that estimates need to be accurate and this would appear to be the gripe with the origianl post..However I know that Kev will not want anyone to have left there unhappy..speak to him.
Also pay peanuts get monkeys? They are not the cheapest but good staff and good stocks of genuine parts does not come cheap..

As another reply said mistakes happen..give them chance to redeem???
I deal with them myself and recently jumped to the same wrong conclusion when my car was not ready on time but when things were explained as to why( Kev being overfussy!!) I was happy and will continue to use and reccommend..

SPEAk to him again..go away happy and return>?!>!And if you still want a sunvisor I'll send you one on there behalf F.O.C.

S.B. 30 December 2004 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by axgt_bwaii
geometry set up,


Who had it first :eek2:

Scoobybits 30 December 2004 05:59 PM

why was it being fitted ? surely more to it than that??

..about 500/600 of parts plus labour and geom set up..

If you don't mind me saying if you were not happy why pay and take the car..does not make sense mate//

over 300 views and very few replies there must be more positive replies out there guys and galls??? :Whatever_

They still get my vote..

S.B. 30 December 2004 06:02 PM

Other people posting their positive replies have nothing to do with this persons problem :)

axgt_bwaii 30 December 2004 06:03 PM

[QUOTE=jasemac]why was it being fitted ? surely more to it than that??

sorry inc fitting

still sh*t the bed tho!

ex-webby 30 December 2004 06:14 PM

Hi All

I feel I have to post for two reasons.

The first is to continue to the adding of balance to this thread, in that until now, I have not heard of a bad report from ScoobyClinic and I know they are well respected on here. Mistakes do happen, however, so anything is possible.

But most importantly, it is important for anyone who has complained about negative posts being removed from scoobynet when they relate to dealers / advertisers. We have always said that there is nothing wrong with voicing negative feedback as long as it is balanced and reasoned, and does not include libel / slander.

ADV's post is exactly this, and so this thread is able to remain. So for those who have complained and accused us of protecting suppliers, etc in the past, please read this carefully.

On another note.. ADV, could you please take note of the global announcement on scoobynet currently which advises you to contact us with alternative usernames to replace your unauthorised commercial one.. plus, please remove your website from your profile.

If on the other hand you would like to support scoobynet by advertising, please feel free to contact me on

All the best


PS. Please everyone keep this thread clean of and libel / slander and it will be allowed to remain.

i8gtmf 30 December 2004 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by S.B.
Other people posting their positive replies have nothing to do with this persons problem :)

No it doesn't but the guy said
"We should have eachothers backs and advise of good and bad experiences with such people. You can then make an informed decision on where to take your business."

Like i have already said have nothing but good to say about Clinic, he is asking for other peoples experiences of Clinic.
They get my vote to :)

ex-webby 30 December 2004 06:17 PM

Having said that. I've just removed a post from axgt. So please be careful.

Scoobybits 30 December 2004 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by S.B.
Other people posting their positive replies have nothing to do with this persons problem :)

I was trying to add balance to the thread so that possible new customers would see good feedback also.. :p

ADV Detailers 30 December 2004 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by jasemac
Right my two penthe worth..

.............I was happy and will continue to use and reccommend..

SPEAk to him again..go away happy and return>?!>!And if you still want a sunvisor I'll send you one on there behalf F.O.C.

Mate thanks for your kind offer. I'll not take you up on it though. Im not out for all i can get, I just wanted what I was under the impression i was paying for. Thats what really added to my frustration as much as how indifferent kev was.

It would have been the least they could do to put the indicators on and offer to post me a visor when they came in (they had nt arrived in time). I only say this because of the heavy dissagreement kev and I had on the phone over the price, and it turned out I was right, by their addmission, but I was treated by kev like I was of low standard. Andy was infact very pleasant and opologetic, but he had very little to do with the whole argument or job, other than his customer care skills.

ADV Detailers 30 December 2004 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster
Hi All
On another note.. ADV, could you please take note of the global announcement on scoobynet currently which advises you to contact us with alternative usernames to replace your unauthorised commercial one.. plus, please remove your website from your profile.


Will do. & Thanks.

Tidgy 30 December 2004 06:40 PM

Have to say that i bought my car from them and have been back a few time since with few little teething troubles, but always, always have had them put right straight away when i have spoken to the guys up there and they have taken every care with my car (even trasported it on a low loader when there was a question mark about low oil pressure), as said before they are mega busy and only human. Best way to speak to em is just to take it calm, explain what the problem is in a calm fassion and you'll come to an agreement.

Never had any problems with them myself, always had good service from them, when i bought my car the price was never writen down officialy untill i went to pick it up and it was as described so if there was a charge error i would seriously doubt it was deliberate, after all people are only human and the kinda service i've had up there you wouldn't get from a big main dealer (trust me been there done that), much more freindly, more personal and none of the you must wait in the waiting room to speak to someone who you have never even seen before, the longest i ever had to wait to speak to anyone was about 2 mins which was the time it took them to walk from the far side of the workshop.

if you take it like this (taking from you figures) , £770/117.5 * 100 = £655 so extra £55 on top of estimate (which being in the industry you know for that amount of work costs can be a lot more than that, been there done that as well)

if you add double the vat its £904 so seems like simple error to me that would have been sorted with a simple question on the phone not a mega row.

as far as the rest is concerned i can't say, but i know that the clinic charge alot less for time than other places, got a price from another place for some bits and bobs and all in all the price came to about £500 with £270 of that being labour at £45 an hour (6 hours). Considering the quality of work you get (which you have said yourself is excilent) personally i'd rather pay £60 for 3 extra hours making it £180 for 9 hours than the sum mentioned above (which is more).

Not trying to say what happened is wrong or rite in anyway but the problem sounds to me like the way you went about it rather than what was wrong.

Bighead, i had an astra fitted with a factory fit body kit, 2 years later part of the kit was reffited cos the factory put it on wrong, thats the main factory in germany or wherever it is, so just cos its factroy fitted means nothing. If they say they cant do it i'd believe em mate, they know there stuff as 99% of the people on here will tell you.


wanted 30 December 2004 06:54 PM

I have nothing but good things to say about scoobyclinic. I wouldn't take my car anywhere else. Any time I have not been happy with something it has ALWAYS been sorted after talking to Kev.

I may be biast, as Kev is a mate not just the owner of a garage where I take my car. But my opinions about Scoobyclinic as a company are all good.

As said before you can't please all of the people all of the time, if your not happy with something then don't go back, simple.

If you do a search for threads about scoobyclinic you will find 99% are positive.

axgt_bwaii 30 December 2004 07:01 PM


ok for removing my thread. ill just end this by saying theyre work is good but can be a little expensive. then again "pay peanuts n get monkeys" n all. saying that though my cars suspension should be gold plated when it came back!:) no harm done.

i8gtmf 30 December 2004 07:14 PM

lol if you think Scoobyclinic is expensive then go to your main dealer and set your wallet to stun ;)
Unless you didn't read the signs in Clinic and insisted in helping with the work on your car :)

Fat Fred 30 December 2004 07:30 PM

I found Kev a little abrasive if you had a problem :(
Not the service I had expected after the reports on here.

After a minor mix up (that caused me some inconveniance) Not a problem, but Kev was obviously already in a bad mood from a previous customer and when the mix up was discovered he did not really have a solution apart from go home and we'll sort it out next week (it was a busy Saturday) No appology just the attitude that I should have warned them (which I had!!) :(

They do have a great set up with some very good guys there.
If I was closer I'd think I would probably give them a second chance (it was only a minor mix up and all got sorted in the end). Kev is probaly a nice guy unless the pressure is on :rolleyes:

Dazza01 30 December 2004 07:47 PM

You know me, you know my car:thumb:

Scoobyclinic Rocks

ANd thats all i have to say on the matter :D:D:D

Jamo 30 December 2004 10:10 PM

^^^ what he said!! ^^^ except my cars better :razz: :lol: (I laughed)

jamo :D:D:D

bighead 31 December 2004 12:07 AM

quote by Wanted :
"As said before you can't please all of the people all of the time, if your not happy with something then don't go back, simple."

very well typed ! :)

Which is why I go to Prosport all the time :)

David_Wallis 31 December 2004 12:18 AM

Theres good places and bad places, Ive tried most.. Scoobyclinic are one I continue to use.

The quality of their work is excellent, hence why they will be painting my car some day soon..

Had my problems with them... Finding them!!


Ray_li 31 December 2004 12:29 AM

Iv used the Clinic myself and their work and service was Brilliant.
Kev was very busy but Adam took his time with me and made me feel welcomed with a tour of the Clinic which was an eye opener.

I was rear ended and had the back end fixed. After a mission of a day getting there and back I had the chance to look over the repair. I found NO problems with the repair and I am still very happy with the job but I did find over spray on my backbox. To me someone was being lazy when spraying my car and they could be asked to spend 5 mins masking the bacbox up b4 spraying. :(
As it was a standard backbox it didnt bother having a word with them. Thank god it not my new polished 4.5" Scoobysport backbox that i bought today :D

As I said b4 I am happy with the job and the price they charge and I will me more than happy to use them again.


if i could be bothered to move I'll post a picture up tomorrow.

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