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Senior_AP 13 December 2004 09:08 AM

Things you dislike about Britain
I'll start.

the "no win no feel" mentality. Claiming for anything and everything.

darts_aint_sport 13 December 2004 09:09 AM

I think you'll find that the number of compensation claims in England has been falling. I'll look at some point to find proof of this.

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by darts_aint_sport
I think you'll find that the number of compensation claims in England has been falling. I'll look at some point to find proof of this.

Ok, change of wording. All the adverts for no win no fee, claims direct etc etc.

Also, all the debt consolidation ads.

All I ever see on TV breaks is Debt consolidation, Claims direct and fast food.......reminds me of a small little country the other side of the Atlantic. :rolleyes:

davegtt 13 December 2004 09:13 AM

How 50% of the population is so ignorant it winds me up no end.

ajm 13 December 2004 09:18 AM

1) People and their loss of national pride/respect
2) Dilution of our heritage
3) Our crumbling industry/export
4) Our current government and their nanny state
5) Sprawling ugly cities and overcrowding

thundertiger 13 December 2004 09:19 AM

anything made by leyland!!!


warrenm2 13 December 2004 09:24 AM

How 50% of the population is so ignorant it winds me up no end.
you dont just get that here m8....

CrisPDuk 13 December 2004 09:33 AM

David Blunkett:mad:

davegtt 13 December 2004 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by warrenm2
you dont just get that here m8....

Well most of the other countries Ive visited Ive found them to be very polite and generally happy to speak to you etc etc... britian seems hit and miss... door slams in your face, or you hold it open for people only to be ignored instead of a polite thank you.... the list is endless. people over here are miserable... only place Ive found to be worse is Spain.

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by davegtt
Well most of the other countries Ive visited Ive found them to be very polite and generally happy to speak to you etc etc... britian seems hit and miss... door slams in your face, or you hold it open for people only to be ignored instead of a polite thank you.... the list is endless. people over here are miserable... only place Ive found to be worse is Spain.

Abroad, ignore someone and they give you an odd look.

Over here, to get the same odd look simply acknowledge them, be polite and say hello. You can see in their face thy're thinking "i don't f$cking know you do I"?!!?!?

I say hello to people now just to watch and laugh at their pitiful reaction of panic and looking at the floor.

Peccant 13 December 2004 10:13 AM

you miserable git SAP :cry:

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Peccant
you miserable git SAP :cry:

I'm not miserable, I'm happy. I say hello and then laugh at people when they get all panicky.

Most normal people would simply say hello back.

ScoobyJawa 13 December 2004 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
Abroad, ignore someone and they give you an odd look.

Over here, to get the same odd look simply acknowledge them, be polite and say hello. You can see in their face thy're thinking "i don't f$cking know you do I"?!!?!?

I say hello to people now just to watch and laugh at their pitiful reaction of panic and looking at the floor.

That is irritating I'll agree there, defo worse in the south though.
Being originally born in York, when I go back there each year to see the rellies it never fails to stun me how much friendlier the people are and how much more time they have for you etc.....

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by ScoobyJawa
That is irritating I'll agree there, defo worse in the south though.
Being originally born in York, when I go back there each year to see the rellies it never fails to stun me how much friendlier the people are and how much more time they have for you etc.....

I live in south midlands. I find it's worse in the medium sized towns. Your next door neighbours barely acknowledge you!!!

I always say hello to people. An old couple (I thought were ignorant) ; I actually gotm talking to them and we got on this subject. The reason they don't say hello "anymore" is cos they have the piss taken out of them if they do. Say's it all really.

ScoobyJawa 13 December 2004 10:36 AM

Yeah - my neighbours down here have been like that - they are getting better though after a few years of me making the effort! :rolleyes:

corradoboy 13 December 2004 10:38 AM

The total lack of respect. No respect for others, no respect for other peoples property and little or no self respect. Plenty of "dis"respect seems to be going around, or is that just the current street phrase.

Also find the total lack of responsibility very frustrating. Too easy to blame someone else; your upbringing, society, the government.....anyone except yourself :mad: If you steal a car, you're a thief; if you burgle a house, you're a thief; if you mug someone, you're a thief; if you have another baby, it's your burden, not mine and every other tax payer; if you chose drugs, it's your downfall. I'm sick of liberal nanny mollicoddling (sp?) removing all blame from the guilty and allowing scum, justification for being morally devoid.

And, the government, the police (not the band), Blue (the band - if that's what they are :confused: ), chavs, Daniel Beddingfield, the Beckhams (although, they have gone, sort of), football, old g!ts in Nissan Micras, Busted, Pete Waterman, the weather, that $h!t they spread on the roads when it's a bit slippy one night and end up making the roads slippy for weeks and make my car very mucky, Channel 4 and it's deluded belief that people want to watch "Friends" for 8 hours a day, "Friends", old g!ts in Rovers, our legal system, our justice system (totally separate from the legal system), Peugeot 206's with fog lights on, and MPV's, and BMW's, our thieving postmen, "rip-off Britain" pricing, expensive petrol, expensive insurance and our horrendously overcrowded roads (which wouldn't be as crowded if the country wasn't so overpopluated, a result of our government believing that a large population is a good thing and not realising that this is only true during economic boom times and when the crash comes and unemployment rises that they will not be able to meet their bills and the country will end up bankrupt due to having too much (live)stock).

I'm sure theirs more, but I'm tired after a 13 hour nightshift :(

davegtt 13 December 2004 10:39 AM

ScoobyJawa, sooo true, born and brought up in Oldham but now live in the east midlands.... moved down here in 95 and only being down here a week everyone of our family all said how ignorant it is, and its more evident the further south you go....

Scoobychick 13 December 2004 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by ScoobyJawa
That is irritating I'll agree there, defo worse in the south though.
Being originally born in York, when I go back there each year to see the rellies it never fails to stun me how much friendlier the people are and how much more time they have for you etc.....

Agreed, I'm from the south east but live in North Yorks and it still amazes me that shop assistants smile and engage you in conversation and strangers walk by and say hello ( or 'ow do ;) ), I love it :)

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by corradoboy
The total lack of respect. No respect for others, no respect for other peoples property and little or no self respect. Plenty of "dis"respect seems to be going around, or is that just the current street phrase.

Also find the total lack of responsibility very frustrating. Too easy to blame someone else; your upbringing, society, the government.....anyone except yourself :mad: If you steal a car, you're a thief; if you burgle a house, you're a thief; if you mug someone, you're a thief; if you have another baby, it's your burden, not mine and every other tax payer; if you chose drugs, it's your downfall. I'm sick of liberal nanny mollicoddling (sp?) removing all blame from the guilty and allowing scum, justification for being morally devoid.

And, the government, the police (not the band), Blue (the band - if that's what they are :confused: ), chavs, Daniel Beddingfield, the Beckhams (although, they have gone, sort of), football, old g!ts in Nissan Micras, Busted, Pete Waterman, the weather, that $h!t they spread on the roads when it's a bit slippy one night and end up making the roads slippy for weeks and make my car very mucky, Channel 4 and it's deluded belief that people want to watch "Friends" for 8 hours a day, "Friends", old g!ts in Rovers, our legal system, our justice system (totally separate from the legal system), Peugeot 206's with fog lights on, and MPV's, and BMW's, our thieving postmen, "rip-off Britain" pricing, expensive petrol, expensive insurance and our horrendously overcrowded roads (which wouldn't be as crowded if the country wasn't so overpopluated, a result of our government believing that a large population is a good thing and not realising that this is only true during economic boom times and when the crash comes and unemployment rises that they will not be able to meet their bills and the country will end up bankrupt due to having too much (live)stock).

I'm sure theirs more, but I'm tired after a 13 hour nightshift :(


Respect!!! Yes, Respect, not Disrespect.

Top post!! :D

Brit_in_Japan 13 December 2004 11:01 AM

No skiing in the winter (I'm not counting Scotland, too unreliable)
People whinging about the too much crime and then not supporting the police when they need it.
Doom and gloom merchants who always want to blame others for thier ills.
Too much "me me me" and not enough community.
Too much negative thinking, not enough "can do" spirit.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, no 100+ RON fuel ;)

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 12:09 PM


Jap2Scrap 13 December 2004 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt
ScoobyJawa, sooo true, born and brought up in Oldham but now live in the east midlands.... moved down here in 95 and only being down here a week everyone of our family all said how ignorant it is, and its more evident the further south you go....

This is all bollocks IMO. I've lived in Southampton area for 34 years, always met nice people, never had any violence towards myself or my property. I've lived in Pontefract for 6 months and I've had my car destroyed, my gf's house has been robbed, the lawnmower's been nicked out of the shed. I've seen fights in the pubs every time I've been out. I've seen kids coming out of windows of darkened houses.

Maybe I've been sheltered from it in the 'high and mighty' south but I tell you this, if I wasn't completely in love with my girlfriend I'd have packed my job in and gone back to civilisation weeks ago.

Northerners friendlier? Only because they want to get you off guard and stab you in the back.

tiggers 13 December 2004 01:14 PM

The political system
The blind followers of the political system who think voting another party in will actually change something
Lack of anything to be proud about
The 'dog eat dog' society
Lack of respect for others
Lack of respect for other people's property
Ineffective policing
Ineffective judicial system
Lack of serious investment in transport infrastructure and no hope of any change on the horizon
Litter and general drab appearance of much of the country
Dishonesty of majority of the population
The weather
The fact that virtually no one takes any pride in their work any more
Most people's kids
Grossly over generous welfare state
Ludicrous house prices
Erosion of standards in use of the English language (see this BBS for details :D )
People who moan, but never try to do anything about it

Shall I go on? ;)

Well you did ask :D


Senior_AP 13 December 2004 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Jap2Scrap
This is all bollocks IMO. I've lived in Southampton area for 34 years, always met nice people, never had any violence towards myself or my property. I've lived in Pontefract for 6 months and I've had my car destroyed, my gf's house has been robbed, the lawnmower's been nicked out of the shed. I've seen fights in the pubs every time I've been out. I've seen kids coming out of windows of darkened houses.

Maybe I've been sheltered from it in the 'high and mighty' south but I tell you this, if I wasn't completely in love with my girlfriend I'd have packed my job in and gone back to civilisation weeks ago.

Northerners friendlier? Only because they want to get you off guard and stab you in the back.

Strong words. You obviously feel very strong about this point.

I can't comment as I have no real experience.

Any takers?? Are his comments valid?

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
The political system
The blind followers of the political system who think voting another party in will actually change something
Lack of anything to be proud about
The 'dog eat dog' society
Lack of respect for others
Lack of respect for other people's property
Ineffective policing
Ineffective judicial system
Lack of serious investment in transport infrastructure and no hope of any change on the horizon
Litter and general drab appearance of much of the country
Dishonesty of majority of the population
The weather
The fact that virtually no one takes any pride in their work any more
Most people's kids
Grossly over generous welfare state
Ludicrous house prices
Erosion of standards in use of the English language (see this BBS for details :D )
People who moan, but never try to do anything about it

Shall I go on ;)

Well you did ask :D


I am 100% with you on 99% of your points.

Nice one. Glad some people see what is there over and above just seeing it as normal. i like the cooment about "litter and general drab apperance" particularly - couldn't have put it better myself.

ScoobyJawa 13 December 2004 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by scoobychick
Agreed, I'm from the south east but live in North Yorks and it still amazes me that shop assistants smile and engage you in conversation and strangers walk by and say hello ( or 'ow do ;) ), I love it :)

Thats exactly it - much better way to be IMHO - a simple smile is all it takes :)

Poor Guy 13 December 2004 01:20 PM

be polite and say hello
dont be polite and say hello to the pigs though, they give you snide remarks.

Yes, criminals not getting whats coming to them gets my goats. Bring back hanging!

Senior_AP 13 December 2004 01:24 PM

Something I dislike about Britian.

The Police. I used to really respect the instituition but they seem to be more interested in making people feel guilty than protecting us.

When I was in Toronto, the presence of police was comforting. They woul;d acknowledge you - you were safe in the knowledge that they weren't watching you in order to try and catch you out. Basically they have better thangs to do unlike here - everytime I see a cop car I feel all worried and guilty.

The Zohan 13 December 2004 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
The political system
The blind followers of the political system who think voting another party in will actually change something
Lack of anything to be proud about
The 'dog eat dog' society
Lack of respect for others
Lack of respect for other people's property
Ineffective policing
Ineffective judicial system
Lack of serious investment in transport infrastructure and no hope of any change on the horizon
Litter and general drab appearance of much of the country
Dishonesty of majority of the population
The weather
The fact that virtually no one takes any pride in their work any more
Most people's kids
Grossly over generous welfare state
Ludicrous house prices
Erosion of standards in use of the English language (see this BBS for details :D )
People who moan, but never try to do anything about it

Shall I go on? ;)

Well you did ask :D


Tiggers had pretty much summed it up for me.

kbsub 13 December 2004 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
Strong words. You obviously feel very strong about this point.

I can't comment as I have no real experience.

Any takers?? Are his comments valid?

There are good and bad areas of every town and city , I live in a small village on the outskirts of Leeds , been here for 11 years , and everybodys got time for you , will say hello or stop for a natter while out walking the dog , but go down the road 3 miles and its a different story , I have to sit in the scoob while the wife's in the Asda or whatever , woudn't trust em as far as I could throw em

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