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mj 24 November 2004 09:49 PM

Cheese n' dreams......
Is there any substance in this theory?

I had the munchies in bed last Sunday night, the answer lay in a load of cheese & biscuits.

What a bizzarre nights sleep, I woke in the morning feeling mint ( very unusual for a monday), but with the strange feeling and memory I hadn't slept properly, I can remember waking up several times thinking "eh??/ WTF" etc... I had some tremendous dreams, but I can't remember what about.

I'm going to feast on brie at bedtime tonight to see if it works again.

ajm 24 November 2004 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by mj
Is there any substance in this theory?

No none I'm afraid! :)

Much more to do with your frame of mind when you go to bed, anxieties and experiences during the day etc.

johnskelley 24 November 2004 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by mj
Is there any substance in this theory?

I had the munchies in bed last Sunday night, the answer lay in a load of cheese & biscuits.

What a bizzarre nights sleep, I woke in the morning feeling mint ( very unusual for a monday), but with the strange feeling and memory I hadn't slept properly, I can remember waking up several times thinking "eh??/ WTF" etc... I had some tremendous dreams, but I can't remember what about.

I'm going to feast on brie at bedtime tonight to see if it works again.

Eat brie and you will be dreaming of french kissing all night, a nice a bit of edam and you'll be with tasty blond swedish bird. I dreamt I was eating cheese the other night and woke up with
a sock in my mouth :)

johnskelley 24 November 2004 10:04 PM

seriously I think there is something in it, because I always dream more and erratically when I eat cheese b4 bedtime.

J4CKO 24 November 2004 10:05 PM

Eat a pound of Stilton right before bed, now that will give you nightmares.

mj 24 November 2004 10:31 PM

ok, the experiment starts, I have kicked of the gastric juices with a bag of walker's roast beef crisps.

I'll take the cheese in a few mins, wish me sweet dreams :D ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

hugo 24 November 2004 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by johnskelley
Eat brie and you will be dreaming of french kissing all night, a nice a bit of edam and you'll be with tasty blond swedish bird. I dreamt I was eating cheese the other night and woke up with
a sock in my mouth :)

...but what was in the sock?

When I was a teenager *ahem* years ago I saw a Horizon programme about dreams. In it they had stuff about high fat foods causing vivid dreams, even nightmares. I tried it...half a pound of bacon with cheese etc etc and it certainly worked for me. Had some cracking dreams that made you feel like you had been away on an adventure. 41 years old now (still a lad!) and I still occasionaly do this.

jowl 25 November 2004 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by ajm
No none I'm afraid! :)

Much more to do with your frame of mind when you go to bed, anxieties and experiences during the day etc.

Surely not. If thats that case I better go boko myself in at the local nutters place!

I east loads of Cheese (hmmm, cheese sarnies) and have some really strange dreams

ajm 25 November 2004 09:23 AM

The old wives tale goes: "Eating cheese before bed gives you nightmares"'

From Food Myths and Misconceptions

Cheese before bedtime gives you nightmares
For all cheese fans out there who have been avoiding cheesy nibbles after dark, don’t panic! Cheese doesn’t give you nightmares! In fact, cheese has quite the opposite effect. One of the essential amino acids in cheese, called tryptophan, has been shown to reduce stress and promote sleep. Sweet dreams!
Better get yourself booked into the local loony bin! ;)

paul-s 25 November 2004 10:21 AM

i have noticed this too

paul-s 25 November 2004 10:22 AM

sorry hadnt finished there and the computer decided to post it ne way. as i was sayin i normally munch loads b4 bed, however if i cosume some dairy products, eg cheese or dairylea (:)) then i will have a unsual sleep. definitly dream funny things.
even last nite i ate cheese n crackers and then dreamt i was in a plane crash. nice. i normally dream about hot chicks !

Dr Nick 25 November 2004 10:26 AM

Hi Everybody!

Actually eating cheese does have a correlation with dreams. Chees contains either tartramine or tartrazine - I think its the former.

This chemical has been associated with increased dreaming.

The kind of dreams you have will depend on your frame of mind when you went to sleep.

Stilton contains more tartramine than most (all?) other cheeses.

Cheese! :)

ajm 25 November 2004 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by Dr Nick
Hi Everybody!

Actually eating cheese does have a correlation with dreams. Chees contains either tartramine or tartrazine - I think its the former.

This chemical has been associated with increased dreaming.

The kind of dreams you have will depend on your frame of mind when you went to sleep.

Stilton contains more tartramine than most (all?) other cheeses.

Cheese! :)

If you mean Tartrazine, then I thought that was a food colouring? If so it may well be in processed cheese but its in loads of other things too!

Graz 25 November 2004 04:42 PM

mj - report please :D

What happend?

David Lock 25 November 2004 05:34 PM

"I dreamt I was eating marshmallows all night;

woke up in the morning and my pillow had disappeared......" :D

T Cooper

mj 25 November 2004 06:02 PM

I can't really remember - there were odd dreams I can vageley remember, one about something going terribly wrong at work, another dream in which I was a kind of secret agent type ( not hot chicks as I remember :( ).

As dreams go mine tend to follow this format, I put it down to hating my job and wanting to be James bond.

Another thing that happens to me occasionally is sleep-p1ssing and sleep -sh@gging.

the p1ssing one can happen even after no beer, and I can always remember a dream involving a really long satisfying p1ss that never ends - usually resulting in a very wet sock drawer or corner of the bedroom.If I don't wake up I know nothing about it until next morning, If I do wake up its becase my GF has realised what I am doing and generally goes ballistic.

The other odd one is when I wake up either "inserted" in the GF, or will be having a really good grope. I can actually remeber thinking last time it happened waking up thinking, hang on your'e not kylie, whats going on??

matt85 25 November 2004 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by mj
I can't really remember - there were odd dreams I can vageley remember, one about something going terribly wrong at work, another dream in which I was a kind of secret agent type ( not hot chicks as I remember :( ).

As dreams go mine tend to follow this format, I put it down to hating my job and wanting to be James bond.

Another thing that happens to me occasionally is sleep-p1ssing and sleep -sh@gging.

the p1ssing one can happen even after no beer, and I can always remember a dream involving a really long satisfying p1ss that never ends - usually resulting in a very wet sock drawer or corner of the bedroom.If I don't wake up I know nothing about it until next morning, If I do wake up its becase my GF has realised what I am doing and generally goes ballistic.

The other odd one is when I wake up either "inserted" in the GF, or will be having a really good grope. I can actually remeber thinking last time it happened waking up thinking, hang on your'e not kylie, whats going on??


Nev 25 November 2004 08:59 PM

Don't quote me but I believe the theory revolves around the fact that cheese contains tyramine, which will act at 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors in the brain. 5-HT levels and sleep are closely related. Also 5-HT is, I believe, associated with mood...might explain some of the dreams!

Long time since I went over this last, might not be 100% correct!


Peccant 25 November 2004 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by mj
The other odd one is when I wake up either "inserted" in the GF, or will be having a really good grope.

"single girl seeks man and large block of cheese" :norty:

mj 25 November 2004 10:34 PM

LOL @ the ad, unfortunateley ladieeees I ran out of cheese last night :(

tonight's subject is Leftover Curry n' Dreams.

Will let you know :)

hugo 25 November 2004 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by mj
LOL @ the ad, unfortunateley ladieeees I ran out of cheese last night :(

tonight's subject is Leftover Curry n' Dreams.

Will let you know :)


Freak 26 November 2004 04:00 AM

its 4am- just got home from work

Im eating 2 packets of cheese crisps and 1 laughing cow® slice in order to test this theory... i shall repot in the morning

Freak 26 November 2004 01:04 PM

Nothing to report
slept like a log

in fact i feel slightly less pony than i normally do after coming home from work

warrenm2 26 November 2004 01:26 PM

yep deffo true - also true of curries - wife and I went out for an indian and both woke up in the morning by saying "just had the most freaky hallucinagenic (sp?) dream..."

Dr Nick 26 November 2004 02:27 PM

In response to my earlier post, I'm now fairly sure its tartramine.

Tartrazine is definately the yellow food colouring they used to use in pop and other things that apparently look better yellow. This additive has the interesting property of allowing parents who lack the ability to raise children properly to blame a food for their behaviour ;)

CoobyS 26 November 2004 02:36 PM

old one this.

eating anything 'heavy', such as cheese, prior to sleep will mean that your digestive system will use more blood, making less available to your brain [i.e. less oxygen], which can give you funny dreams.

Dr Nick 26 November 2004 03:34 PM

On a similar vein, I maintain that "Absolut Vodka" has a similar effect. But not other vodkas and believe me I have lots! :)

I need some way to randomise my vodka drinking and do some sort of clinical trial on myself to prove this ;)

mj 27 November 2004 09:09 PM

report from last night - chinese takeaway - possibly some of the most bizzare dreams I have ever encountered- everyday situation type dream but my workmate got his feet chewed off by a hammerhead shark, it all happened in a Mc D's drive thru, :eek:

I woke with the feeling it had happened, and another thought that I had dreamt this before, but I havent :confused:

Peccant 27 November 2004 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by mj
report from last night - chinese takeaway - possibly some of the most bizzare dreams I have ever encountered- everyday situation type dream but my workmate got his feet chewed off by a hammerhead shark, it all happened in a Mc D's drive thru, :eek:

I woke with the feeling it had happened, and another thought that I had dreamt this before, but I havent :confused:

I'd stop eating before bed if I were you :freak3:

mj 27 November 2004 09:19 PM

No WAY!!

Its like watching telly in bed, but all the programmes are the one's you like :D

anyway, back on chesse, I'm saving the remenants of last nights chinezse for tommorrow :)

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