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TurboKitty 22 November 2004 07:35 PM

How do you judge class?
Having just seen the view that Scoobynet is an "upper middle class forum", I'd like to know how you go about judging someone's class? What are the contributing factors, in your opinion?

I know there are various studies, and indicators used, but I'm interested in the views of the people on here.

David Lock 22 November 2004 07:39 PM

A gentleman is someone who gets out of the bath to have a pee :D


Goldeneye 22 November 2004 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock
A gentleman is someone who gets out of the bath to have a pee :D


PMSL (in the bath incidentally)


pslewis 22 November 2004 07:43 PM

Its easy to judge CLASS - I have it, others don't! :D

It was my statement by the way, and I reckon SN is Upper Middle ..... most earn way above the £35k Average Wage and own houses/apartments valued in excess of £1/2million .... and own/drive 3 cars.

Just like ME! :D


TurboKitty 22 November 2004 07:46 PM

So you reckon having money = having class then?

pslewis 22 November 2004 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by TurboKitty
So you reckon having money = having class then?

No, I have both (Class AND Money) but Class stands alone


David Lock 22 November 2004 07:51 PM

Mr Lewis - an Upper Middle Class named Peter would NEVER call himself just "Pete". :D

For the record Class is usually associated with "old money".

super_si 22 November 2004 07:53 PM

i thought youd vanished lol not seen your name around in ages :D

Dunk 22 November 2004 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
but Class stands alone Pete

Pete, just because you have no living friends doesn't mean you're classy.


Tiggs 22 November 2004 07:56 PM

SN is about as far from upper middle class as can be! Who ever said it wasnt needs their head testing!

johnskelley 22 November 2004 07:57 PM

Gentlement take the blame when there girl friend farts :Suspiciou
Never wipe there dick on the curtains. :nono:
and never places a legume down his swimming trunks,especially at the back :norty:

ajm 22 November 2004 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
No, I have both (Class AND Money) but Class stands alone


Your class stands alone alright. You're far too pompous to be accepted by the lower classes and far too up Tony's bum to be accepted by the upper classes! :D

Buckrogers 22 November 2004 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by TurboKitty
Having just seen the view that Scoobynet is an "upper middle class forum"

As Pete said, this was in one of his posts, think about it! :Whatever_

J4CKO 22 November 2004 09:21 PM

PSL, you are confusing wealth with class, you can always tell somebody who thinks they are 'it' when they talk about money and add 'K' on the end, especially when its in realation to a comparatively small ammount, as in my house is worth 200K, only really works over 400,000.

lem0ncurd 22 November 2004 09:50 PM

I think that Class is often mistakenly confused with income or wealth, whereas I don't think that they're very related. In fact it is usually the lower class person who uses the term 'classy' to describe something that he deems to appear expensive or exclusive.

I think class is more to do with culture, breeding and attitudes/values. The class of a person cannot be easily 'upgraded' just by increased wealth. I think the standard of, and level of education of a person is one important factor in determining his class:

Working class
Left school at 16 with little or no qualifications. Had no interest in school, couldn't see he point of it and just mucked around, had no encouragement from his parents as they likely left school at 16 also.

Middle class
Finished school with some qualifcations. Likely to have gone on to do A'levels and University. Made more of an effort at school and understood the importance of his education. Was encouraged by parents to do well.

Upper Class
More than likely went to Public school and then on to a top Uni as a matter of course. Excellence will have been drilled into him throughout school and he will have been encouraged to be very competitive by his parents and teachers.

Obviously, Education isn't the sole factor, and I'm not saying that you're automatically working class if you left school at 16, but it does play an important part - certainly more than your income.


mj 22 November 2004 09:50 PM

I would generally judge someone's "class" by their manner in which they treat ballons at a social function. :p :)

Either that, or how expensive thier car is.

_Meridian_ 22 November 2004 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
most earn way above the £35k Average Wage

Where on earth are you getting that figure from? The official figure is just under £24k, and that is the average - since the minimum is zero, but the maximum is several millions, the much more important median figure is probably under £20k.

And I'd have pegged this site as middle- to lower-middle class. Upper-middle class is senior solicitors/barristers, senoir doctor/GPs, upper management (company owners etc), headmasters of public schools etc.


pslewis 22 November 2004 11:42 PM

Come on now, no-one gets out of bed for less than £35k these days - certainly if they have a Scooby to run! I mean, come on!! :rolleyes: £35k is a starting point for trainees these days, surely??

How else can you buy a 5 bed detached house in the country with a triple garage to house the cars??


hawkthescoobslayer 22 November 2004 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Come on now, no-one gets out of bed for less than £35k these days - certainly if they have a Scooby to run! I mean, come on!! :rolleyes: £35k is a starting point for trainees these days, surely??

How else can you buy a 5 bed detached house in the country with a triple garage to house the cars??


again i point out my post on another thread

pete at times you can be so ANAL

2000TLondon 22 November 2004 11:58 PM

pslewis, if you're not just trying to have a laugh, then surely boasting about the wealth you may or may not have, depending on perspective from other people who may be more / less wealthy than you are, is not very "classy"?

Class as a judge of people went out with the conservatives..........

blueone 23 November 2004 12:21 AM

Class is something you are born with, you can neither earn or learn it. You can however be a social climber that manages to move in a different social class to the one which you was born into. So many people these days try to hide their class. This class of people can be refferred to as the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois tend to but not always drive low spec debadged BMW's etc or X5's financed by equity release schemes or the like, and try to hide the fact that they once came from Sink Estate's. The fact that they feel the need to distance themselves from their roots is what shows them up for what they are, social parasites that look down their noses at others who have not been fortunate enough to have received as much a supportive childhood as they did. The Bourgeoisie of our time are in for a rude awakening very soon.

hawkthescoobslayer 23 November 2004 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by blueone
Class is something you are born with, you can neither earn or learn it. You can however be a social climber that manages to move in a different social class to the one which you was born into. So many people these days try to hide their class. This class of people can be refferred to as the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois tend to but not always drive low spec debadged BMW's etc or X5's financed by equity release schemes or the like, and try to hide the fact that they once came from Sink Estate's. The fact that they feel the need to distance themselves from their roots is what shows them up for what they are, social parasites that look down their noses at others who have not been fortunate enough to have received as much a supportive childhood as they did. The Bourgeoisie of our time are in for a rude awakening very soon.

Bourgeoisie kind of has a ring to it don't you think like "pete lewis" :D

Redkop 23 November 2004 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by hawkthescoobslayer
Bourgeoisie kind of has a ring to it don't you think like "pete lewis" :D

:lol: :D

fatherpierre 23 November 2004 12:56 AM

If one must answer this awful tread, then one if classly challenged....


Shut the fookin gates..

TurboKitty 23 November 2004 01:00 AM

Awful thread? Well, excuse me.

Pete's comment made me wonder whether the concept of class really still had any meaning. Personally, I think the boundaries of class are now very blurred. However, I was curious about how other SNers perceived things.

Lum 23 November 2004 01:49 AM

I think it's more an attidude thing than anything else, which may well have included attidude to education but that can be down to family wealth as some families simply can't afford to support the kid for another 2 years of A-Levels and then put them through university.

Be wary of associating working class and chav together, apart from the obvious discrepancy (working) I'd define the working class as more like your stereotypical yorkshireman down t'pit, great people, hard workers, pslewis may not like them as they dont stick out their little finger when drinking a cup of tea though :)

I kind of get what you mean about not being able to move class though. I have a working class background, parents on the dole when I was very young, but not by choice, they've worked bloody hard, got decent jobs, a decent house in a decent area and on paper would appear to be middle class, but I find I have very little in common with most of the middle class and would never buy the Daily Mail.

I have more respect for someone who works hard for what they have obtained that for some toff who inherited his fortune from daddys business or for some chav who inherits his fortune from the DHSS so working and middle classes are fine by me as are some of the upper class but a lot of them are tossers. :P

Brit_in_Japan 23 November 2004 02:13 AM

Some people see "class" as a badge of honour, "my dad was a miner and his dad were a minor"...etc. I think that's sad, whether from a privilaged or more humble background I think people limit themselves if they think of themselves as belonging to a "class" of people as by definition they don't think they "belong" to another class.

I don't look up at or down on anyone based on some supposed class. I judge people by their actions and deeds, not by the school they went to or their bank balance.

_Meridian_ 23 November 2004 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Come on now, no-one gets out of bed for less than £35k these days

Sadly I have to get out of bed for a lot less than that. Serves me right for working for the government I guess...


Diesel 23 November 2004 08:13 AM

Class is what the Essex couple with the Jag on Wife Swap had - compared to the other couple with 'only' a Fiesta and less male jewellery! [ohh mind you the other couple had a hamster...hmmmm]

This could be a discussion, but Pete is involved ;)

Old_Fart 23 November 2004 08:49 AM

Subaru drivers must be upper class as they exhibit such awful taste in their choice of transportation and apparel. Only the truely classy can afford to show such disregard for societies common opinions ;p

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