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RON 19 September 2004 08:04 PM

A bit of a deep one for ya.....
The basics are, i'm single, 36yo, living at home with mother, my only enjoyment in life would appear to be my scoob, can't seem to find a missus, and when I think i've found one, they're either not interested, or as per the last one, married, so the question is this, why the hell am I alive???????

16vmarc 19 September 2004 08:05 PM

Thought this was gonna be a porn link :(

mj 19 September 2004 08:09 PM

why the hell am I alive???????
Your'e a tortured soul mate, the difference between you and everyone else in your position is that your'e aware to it & pissed off about it.

All the others just float along through life, you know about it so at least that puts you 1 step ahead of the competition.

somewhere in poole is a RONette, you just need to find her :D

16vmarc 19 September 2004 08:11 PM

i hear Ronette is pretty hot ;)

RON 19 September 2004 08:14 PM

Didn't mean to be TOOOO deep guy's, if only I could find that 'Ronette' I'd be well happy, just feel like crap at the moment, everything's just gone totally pear-shaped!!

SiDHEaD 19 September 2004 08:16 PM

At least you DO have the scoob else you'd have nothing :eek:

Get out and blast round some lanes to cheer you up for a while..

RON 19 September 2004 08:19 PM

I do regularly, but that only lasts for so long, then I try to kill myself, which just gets silly!

SiDHEaD 19 September 2004 08:25 PM

Do you get out and about much - pubs etc?

andrewdelvard 19 September 2004 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by RON
I do regularly, but that only lasts for so long, then I try to kill myself, which just gets silly!

Hey come on.
Even thinking stuff like that is a waste on energy and isn't going to get you any nearer a Ronnette. Quit that crap ok? You want someone to love and be loved by? You gotta go out there and take the knocks. If you get a lot of knocks, question yourself a little. What are you 'giving out thats not appealing? Can you change it? Or are you being too fussy? Setting to high a standard? Are you too sensitive about things? Think too much instead of 'doing'
Come on, what do you honestly think the issue is here?
Well? :)

Buzzer 19 September 2004 08:33 PM


My mate at work is 39 and his missus was being porked by his best mate :( She up and left with there two kids and left him in an empty house on his own.

So, so far mate i think at this point he was probably lower than you feel now ;)

Anyway after the first few months of sittin in and wondering what to do he decided to internet date :D He signed up to one internet dating service and never looked back. He has to beat them off with a sh1tty stick. It's now 3 months in and he's dated 3 chicks with more wanting to meet him :D

Get yer'self signed up mate and have a laugh if nothing else :D

chaos. 19 September 2004 08:34 PM

I feel the same way as you, the only thing that keeps me going is my (not so pollitialy correct) hobby :cry:

Life sux.

RON 19 September 2004 08:40 PM

'Get yer'self signed up mate'

That's the next step, i'm not exactly ugly, ot so i'm told, just can't get things right, and feeling crap ain't no fum at-all!!

mj 19 September 2004 08:40 PM

chavos, my "world's smallest violin" just got smaller :D

skiddus_markus 19 September 2004 08:59 PM

Definitely join at least one of the chat rooms-it's just people wanting to meet other people.I know people who've gone on them who'd otherwise struggle to make conversation with a woman and have met partners through it.
I know I wouldn't be too proud to do it,there's not the same stigma attatched to things like that now anyway.

RON 19 September 2004 09:15 PM

Just to let you know, since I started this thread, I've actually joined and paid for one of the dating sites, here goes nothink!!

daisy 19 September 2004 09:16 PM

Ron, my friend has just married a bloke she met on a dating site - go for it!!

andypugh2000 19 September 2004 09:19 PM

I would trawl the small ads in the local and find a nice little divorcee who also thinks there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Advice given to me a few years ago went like this : There is somone for everyone out there, just a case of looking hard enough.

andy ;)

chris's scooby 19 September 2004 09:20 PM

Give the one on lycos a go. It's free and everyone on it is based in the UK. I tried it a few years ago and meet quite a few girls... ;)

Madjay2 19 September 2004 09:37 PM

ron i am in the exact same position, i get bored of life because of the same reasons as urself. go buy urself something it helps me, as i always feel the underdog and not good enough for anything i take a notion for. at the minute i just dont give a fuk because im getting sky+ in:D

RON 19 September 2004 09:42 PM

the trouble is mate, last time my heart got broke I bought the scoob, can 't afford another new one now, lifes and income has changed massively in the last 4 1/2 years!!

Cheers for all advice, chatting to a very nice female already!!!

Madjay2 19 September 2004 09:55 PM

aim low chum u'll never get disappointed, also never think of what ifs. if i did, i'd probably have hung myself by now:D so so so many good opportunities i have passed up in my life, but why beat urself up about it, so ur a loser? who gives a ****? u got a scooby!

J4CKO 19 September 2004 10:05 PM

RON, get on that thar interweb thingy, my mate who is disabled is an example to us all, he has Cerebral Palsy, cant walk or talk with any great clarity, he was married and got divorced, he then met a nice Columbian Girl on the Internet, they are now married and have a 2 year old son, given the disadvantages he has, I think he has shown proper determination and gone and got what he wanted, so I think you shouldnt have a problem, keep plugging away.

Madjay2 19 September 2004 10:10 PM

life is generally not as bad as people make things out to be, certainly not in my case anyway.

deano 19 September 2004 10:12 PM

Ron, give Ocean Finance a call, borrow 100k and you will have to beat the bitches off with a stick.

FASTER MIKE!! 19 September 2004 10:12 PM

have a look on here ;) might be of some help:D


RON 19 September 2004 11:32 PM

I don't need to borrow mate, I'm worth about 250k!!
Looked at the Russian idea ages ago, free ticket's is all they're after!!

yoza 20 September 2004 12:45 AM


Hi, Im Yozzirai, I Russon, tall, blond, and all womon.

Yew like to met me ?

I hold locial Petersburg record for sucking golfball trew hosepipe.

Yew like ?

Me not after three meal ticket, me love you for yor good looks, big boy..

You keep yor cash onder bed, me hope so, PM as per profile.

I cheer you, big time....

Lator Yozzarai....

PS. Dont top yor self until we meet, wood be sutch a waste.

_Meridian_ 20 September 2004 07:30 AM

And can I just add: stop living with your mother! (Unless she needs looking after anyway). You'll be amazed how much it adds to your self-confidence, which is very important.


Scoob99 20 September 2004 08:34 AM


Apparition 20 September 2004 08:46 AM

Easy answer to this one ~ Stop looking, then you'll find her or more likely..... she'll find you. Worked for me, except it obviously was a he who found me.

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