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Wheelman 15 September 2004 07:26 AM

Acceptable first date etiquette?
After a few months on my own post divorce and a disasterous rebound relationship (and consequential house/financial muddles all now sorted), it is time to venture out again. Suspect everyone has an opinion but I'm trying out one of these online 'dating' things (don't get out much, too much time at work...) and I am meeting someone on Saturday night for the first time having to date, just exchanged e-mails. Apart from knowing a bit about each other (I guess enough to know we have some common ground/interests) from the site and the mails and seeing a pic, that's it so far.

So just what should I expect, don't even know where to start, do I offer to pick her up/drop her home, is a kiss acceptable on the first date, do I ask her out again at the end of the evening if it all seems OK?. All sounds like stupid schoolboy questions but given the way we have met, this is new territory for me.

Pete The Biker 15 September 2004 07:35 AM

I don't think you can plan in advance. Go with the flow and do what feels right at the time. Remember it's not just how you feel about her, it's how she reacts to you and that will influence how you behave. She may not want to reveal her home address before your meeting, so best to meet on neutral ground, but as for taking her home..........

Don't try too hard - if it works, great. If it doesn't, move on.

Above all - ENJOY!


kes3285 15 September 2004 08:10 AM

I agree with Pete - just enjoy the evening for what it is

No need to worry past that at this stage - These dating sites can work

Lets face it - many conventional relationships dont!

Enjoy it - be yourself .She will probably be just as apprehensive.

I won't buy a hat just yet......


mad_dr 15 September 2004 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by Wheelman
is a kiss acceptable on the first date?

Yep - unless she's been giving you bad signals all evening (phoning for a taxi after 20 minutes, staring at the wall above your head, getting your name wrong, differently, seven times) go in for a quick kiss at the end.

Despite what anyone thinks, how she reacts will tell you everything you need to know about how she feels. If you get the cheek or the mace, move on...

Have fun!

beemerboy 15 September 2004 08:50 AM

make sure you tell her your name is Derek Duvall. LOL

be yourself and enjoy the date.

comment about her clothes and hair etc. birds like that sh1t.

then go to the travelodge and hammer till the early hours (optional)

all the best


think you might have to post her pic up, for additional information.;)

Hammy Hamster 15 September 2004 08:52 AM

Try... "Pull my finger". Always a winner. :D

SJ_Skyline 15 September 2004 08:54 AM


Do you fvck on first dates?
Does your dad own a brewery?
Can I feel yer t1ts?
Or will you show them to me?


© Kevin Bl00dy Wilson

lightning101 15 September 2004 09:01 AM

Yo know she is class when you go for the hand down the knickers and she says "oi - tits first, i'm not a slag".

mj 15 September 2004 09:20 AM

"Pull my finger". Always a winner.
LOL, a lot of truth in that, I stunk the boudoir out on the first night I met my missus, didn't seem to put her off, it took her a good few months to return the compliment though.

jjones 15 September 2004 09:20 AM

this thread does not deliver without the picture.

mj 15 September 2004 09:21 AM

as above :)

ProperCharlie 15 September 2004 09:24 AM

years ago, i went out on a date with a rather nice australian girl, and after a couple of pints decided to try the "do you shag on a first date?" line. to my surprise she responded "you're about to find out", grabbed hold of me, bundled me into a cab back to her place, where i did find out. :)

Wheelman 15 September 2004 09:43 AM

Oh dear, this quickly degenerated didn't it. To those early birds that replied initially, thank you for the geuine advice.

Trashman 15 September 2004 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by Wheelman
Oh dear, this quickly degenerated didn't it. To those early birds that replied initially, thank you for the geuine advice.

May not be entirely good "Etiquette", however they could well save you time and a few quid :D

ProperCharlie 15 September 2004 10:02 AM

I was only trying to be helpful. :confused:

Fosters 15 September 2004 10:37 AM

Be yourself.

have no expectations about kisses/sex/etc.

Don't talk too much, ask her about her. if she wants to know about u, tell, but be fairly brief. if she's interested she'll ask for more detail, "so what happened next with the small rabbit up ur butt?" lol! if not, you've not rambled for hours and bored her to death!

don't laugh at your own jokes or make *too* much fun out of yourself (we all like to play clumsy/dumb a little for the pity factor ;))

be really careful about touchy subjects before recounting various stories/situations until you know she's cool with it - I made a lame joke with my current g/f when she said she had a headache. it was a throwaway joke along the lines of "oo, could be a tumour!" - guess what her mom died of?!

1st date - kiss on the lips and a hug when you leave her at the door. no tongues, no snogging. she'll pull you in for more if she wants it.

remember: we all hate bunny boilers.

if you get her number, text/call her once to say thanks and that's that until she texts/calls. and even then, not every day!!

Gutmann pug 15 September 2004 11:05 AM

amazing .........i read the thread title and the immediate reaction without reading the thread was to say ''bone her'' and then laff to myself. It took about 6 replies before someone came right out and said it though lol.

Anyway mate have a great time, personally i wouldnt go in for the kiss I would leave it with a hand shake and an 'i'd like to see you again comment' she will think your a gent and be intrigued as to why you didnt try to lay the lips on her.....If she says she wants to see you again book a room :D

ChrisB 15 September 2004 11:24 AM

Handshake? He's not going to an Old Boys dinner at the Cricket Club, chap ;) :D

davyboy 15 September 2004 11:30 AM

A 2 CIM seems fair to me.

mj 15 September 2004 11:53 AM

LOL @ davyboy, don't forget to wipe it on the curtains first :D

brybusa 15 September 2004 12:12 PM

I guess your in your mid.late 30's or 40's wheelman?..and like me, recently seperated(from a long term partner in my case)

What you will find is how forward and agressive women are now, even from just a few years ago...

At the beginning of the year as was like yourself, nervous and having no expectation of things "progressing".....

What you will find, in my experience, is things progressing very rapidly indeed!, and the expectation then shifts to expecting "the works" very early on...

Personally, im having the time of my life , dating women is so much more fun than dating girls, when I was younger..

Women are savvy, know what they want, and aint afraid of asking for it..

Enjoy yourself

Drunken Bungle Whore 15 September 2004 12:23 PM

Can't help thinking that somewhere, on a different forum, there's a girl asking exactly the same questions! :)

She'll probably nervous too - so admitting it up front will probably break the ice nicely! Be yourself as much as you can - scary I know. That way if she wants to see you again you know she's interested in you and not whoever it was you were pretending to be! (I did this with my hubby and now, when he looks embarrassed at parties, I remind him of the night we met, when I drank 2 bottles of wine, gatecrashed a school reunion, broke into a gym and chased wild horses around a field. He knew what he was getting into right there and then!) :freak3:

The question I've always wondered is - when does it become acceptable to f@rt in bed.....? :nono:

Good luck and have fun!! :luvlove:

Wheelman 15 September 2004 12:33 PM

brybusa, I'm actually 34 so good guess, interesting comments as well. Thanks everyone, good balance of views and opinions.

mj 15 September 2004 12:53 PM

The question I've always wondered is - when does it become acceptable to f@rt in bed.....?
For men, ideally on the second night, as our guffs are savoury, wholesome and nutricious,there is also the comedy value associated with a good ripper, keeping them in is just plain selfish.:nono:

This is a true story, I was lay in bed one morning with the missus, trumping away after a ckicken tikka vindaloo the night before. The odours coming from under the duvet was so rich and aromatic, that my missus went downstairs and returned with the remenants of the curry from the night before, we shared the curry cold for breakfast,and then had a shag.
So I suppose you could say the way to a woman's heart is through a man's stomach - sort of :)

For women, never acceptable, your farts smell like dog farts. <shudder><barf>

Simon Lines 16 September 2004 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by mj
For women, never acceptable, your farts smell like dog farts. <shudder><barf>

LMAO... :) Have to agree with that comment!

mj 22 September 2004 01:40 PM


Wheelman 22 September 2004 10:39 PM

Update is...

We got on like a house on fire, found a quiet corner of a local pub and talked continuously to each other all evening. End of the night, a gentle kiss on the lips and an agreement we should meet again 'soon'. By the time I was home, already had a text from her and since there has been a good exchange of e-mail and text. Taking her out for a meal tomorrow night and I get to pick her up in the Scoob so I'm bound to impress !?!

mj 22 September 2004 10:43 PM

Nice one, remember not to have a "barclays" tonight :D - think lean mean shagging machine :)

bloke 22 September 2004 10:56 PM


Brun 22 September 2004 11:30 PM

Good work - keep us posted :)
I'm glad someone's lovelife is going well :)

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