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Richard Askew 12 August 2004 02:56 PM

Going to Iraq?
How could one get a flight into Iraq? Are there any civilian companies who would fly into the country? How do journalists get there?

Come up with a stupid idea of going just to set foot on Iraqi soil, probably just for a few hours..

Feasible? Completely ridiculous? Will we get beheaded live on

The last time someone came up with an equally daft idea it resulted in Nathan buying a Ferrari Testarossa :rolleyes:

STi wanna Subaru 12 August 2004 02:57 PM

Stupid idea IMHO

MattW 12 August 2004 02:57 PM

Kuwait or Syria probably best bet. Would probably recommend the latter.

Senior_AP 12 August 2004 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Askew
How could one get a flight into Iraq? Are there any civilian companies who would fly into the country? How do journalists get there?

Come up with a stupid idea of going just to set foot on Iraqi soil, probably just for a few hours..

Feasible? Completely ridiculous? Will we get beheaded live on

The last time someone came up with an equally daft idea it resulted in Nathan buying a Ferrari Testarossa :rolleyes:

May I ask.....

"why" ?

tiggers 12 August 2004 03:03 PM

Just join the army and then after a few hours resign? ;)

Disclaimer: If they don't let you resign don't come complaining to me:D :D

unclebuck 12 August 2004 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Askew
Come up with a stupid idea of going just to set foot on Iraqi soil, probably just for a few hours..

That would be your life expectancy before getting kidnapped and beheaded.


Faire D'Income 12 August 2004 03:05 PM

Your best bet would be to fly to Kuwait and travel overland to the border. As far as I know, civilian airlines are still not flying there and probably have no plans for the immediate future given the lack of tourist opportunities there.

You may be able to charter your own aircraft via Net Jets or a similar outfit but it will be expensive. Failing that, why don't you join up and get a freeby?

It does beg the question - why?

gsm1 12 August 2004 03:11 PM

One of me, 5 of you guys in balaclavas, I reckon that's Pimms O Clock.

minor_threat 12 August 2004 03:12 PM

It's feasible, but damn stupid. You'll probably have to fly to a neighbouring country and cross the border that way. My brother spent months in Iraq with the army, getting shot at on a dasily basis by kids and ambushed (attempted) by gangs. The violence and civil unrest you see on the news/read about in the papers only scratches the surface. If you want to prove your masculinity/kudos/street cred by walking into a war zone then that's fine, but I do think it's a very stupid idea.

Audi-Boy 12 August 2004 03:16 PM

Hey dude thats a great idea, thats something I wanna do, is it a group buy?:D:D:norty:

gavnnik 12 August 2004 03:21 PM

Group buy to send AB to Iraq anyone? :D

Goochie 12 August 2004 03:24 PM

I reckon you could go to Kuwait and drive over the border a few inches - GPS assisted then trun round!

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 03:25 PM

Why = twattish idea... but then people jump off bridges on bungee cords or out of planes with a rug on some string...

red_dog104 12 August 2004 03:29 PM

I'll come with ya Asquith!! ;) :D

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by red_dog104
I'll come with ya Asquith!! ;) :D

Good idea Lise - can you you as a bargaining tool or swap you for a camel and a goat :D

Jerome 12 August 2004 03:37 PM

You must be mad. [Note lack of emoticon]

The easiest way to get there is to fly to Kuwait city and drive up to the Iraq border - several hours drive. With the lunatic drivers in Kuwait, you'll be lucky to get to the border. ;) :D

The Military Police on the border may not even let you across. The Yank MP's are notoriosly anal. You may be able to hitch a ride with the press though. Even if the MP's do let you across, you are very close to a rather unpleasant town that was pretty dangerous a year ago, let alone now. A bit further away is Basra, which you may have heard of.

I guarantee that any "kudos" you may feel for having been to Iraq is not worth it.

If you have to explain to anyone that you went just inside the border "just for the sake of it", you will, quite rightly, be labelled insane.


Audi-Boy 12 August 2004 03:41 PM

I would like to do this also, I like the wrisk of it all but they're gunna cut you're head off if they see you .. :(

I would love to stand in iraq and burn their flag (in a warzone) and have a picture, facking cool if I got out alive! .. :D:D

RichWalk 12 August 2004 03:43 PM

take up knitting, far safer:Suspiciou

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 03:43 PM

Its not a macho/bravado thing but it is a "just to be able to say I've done it" kind of thing... very strange to explain but I've become a little reckless over the last couple of months since my personal circumstances to a turn for the worst. I wouldnt want to go to Najaf(sp) or Basra or Baghdad, that would be suicide and its not like we'd be so stupid as to adertise our presence by waving flags or any thing like that.
Just looking at the feasibility of doing it - something to tell the grandkids, that kind of thing... I'm not brave or bolshy enough to do it if there's a significant risk of losing my life

Jerome 12 August 2004 04:13 PM

You might be interested in this news report.

In my previous post I forgot to mention the very real risk of being shot by a trigger happy Yank. ;)

I still think you're mad. :D

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 04:18 PM

Thanks Jerome for the link - kinda looking a bit bleak - no carriers flying in non contractual civilians/aid workers

Think the risk is still too high

Taff107 12 August 2004 04:26 PM

Fly into Kuwait and drive north to Iraq. You would be allowed across the border but you would also be told that you would be on your own and not to expect any sort of backup. It really is a stupid idea though - It ain't a game there. There is a real danger of your life being taken from you and I doubt you wouldn't even hit the headlines.
I couldn't wait to get the hell out so why someone would want to go to that s******e is beyond me........... :cuckoo:

Tiggs 12 August 2004 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Askew
Why = twattish idea... but then people jump off bridges on bungee cords or out of planes with a rug on some string...

ahhh.....this is where you are confused. NO ONE does that....they all use a parachute.

Using a rug is the same as going to Iraq.

SiPie 12 August 2004 04:35 PM

very strange to explain but I've become a little reckless over the last couple of months since my personal circumstances to a turn for the worst.
Now 1,000 apologies if I'm wrong here:


as far as I can see, your girlfriend/fiancee/wife has left you and that's about it.....

it's very sad but you'll get over that a lot quicker than you will having your head hacked off with a blunt sword.

If you want to tell your grandkids something, then why not do something worthwhile and go on some relief or charity mission to Iraq (if possible) or the Sudan. You'd be promoted in my estimations to heroic from just being a total prick at present with your current idea of fun :confused:

No offence meant if you have other unfortunate circumstances.

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 04:41 PM

No offence meant if you have other unfortunate circumstances
Non taken Simon

TopBanana 12 August 2004 04:45 PM

I would love to stand in iraq and burn their flag
Leaving the standing in Iraq thing aside, why would you burn their flag?

SiPie 12 August 2004 04:48 PM


You ain't thinking straight... that's all mate :(

Take the time to do something more constructive, motorcycle across the States or canoe down the Amazon or something.

Guaranteed to make a better story for your grankids and it's guaranteed to sort your head out quicker than going to a war torn sh1thole.

Good luck

tiggers 12 August 2004 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by TopBanana
Leaving the standing in Iraq thing aside, why would you burn their flag?

Yeah I thought he'd be more likely to blow it up ;)

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 04:55 PM

motorcycle across the States
FCUK OFF!! motorbikes are dangerous :D :D ;)

Best forget the Iraq idea, just searching for the something thats missing at the minute... but thats too deep for a Thursday afternoon

Lets all pick on Audi-Boy for being a flag burning **** :D :p :D :p

Dream Weaver 12 August 2004 04:55 PM

Come and help me and the lads remove my engine from the 205, now that is a bloody task and a half considering the most i've done is fit an exhaust :D

Seriously though I wouldnt bother. Go travelling on your own and see some stuff - go to Paris, look at some art, chat up some French birds etc. Or get up to the lakes for a weekend and just relax.

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