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BOB.T 11 August 2004 10:38 PM

Spider attack!
We've just been enjoying a quiet night in when the peace was broken by Sal leaving the room at an extreme rate of knots, swearing!:eek: It was then that I spotted it, a big mutha of a spider:eek:

Naturally I launched the first offensive though this did prove unsuccesfull, seemingly Harry (as I've named him) is happy to operate on just 7 legs. For the second wave I turned to chemicals by using Raid to flush Harry out from under the fire, whereupon I struck for the final time, here is the result!

Since the demise of Harry, two rebel supporters have also met their match, the area is now under close scrutiny, further details, if any will be released at a later date.


ALi-B 11 August 2004 10:40 PM

I have problems with huge moths and my PC monitor.....

One day I'm going to have to clean all the guts off the screen as it's becoming rather difficult to read ;)

Brendan Hughes 11 August 2004 10:42 PM

Poor bugger. Your average plughole spider - harmless.

Wasps or mosquitos, now they call for WMDs...

BOB.T 11 August 2004 10:46 PM

Harmless! I was about to hand over the car keys! :D:D

Sal now wants stress counselling and to move:rolleyes::D

BOB.T 11 August 2004 10:48 PM

btw, the tape measure is in inches.... by my standards, that's a big mutha:D

ALi-B 11 August 2004 10:52 PM

Juicy too - by the looks of it :D

gyfto1 11 August 2004 10:59 PM

evil nasty spider murderer! my 15 year old tarantula may have something to say about this :lol:

carl 11 August 2004 11:51 PM

Henrik 12 August 2004 12:00 AM

How funny, just chucked one out the window after fighting with it in the kitchen for about 15 minutes! Biggest spider I've ever seen... I've seen the same ones around before, but this one was as big as the one in the pic...

Unfortunately I managed to damage two of it's legs while chasing it with my glass and paper... I guess that's why it is raining now

Does anyone know what it is? "Plughole spider" doesn't sound quite right :)

chaarl 12 August 2004 12:04 AM

Spider murderer :mad:

What's wrong with the old glass and paper technique :confused:


Sith 12 August 2004 12:14 AM

I have a special spider catcher. Plastic pyramid with sliding door and long handle. Open door, trap spider, close door, relocate spider out of nearest window.

I hate spiders.

D.K.1 12 August 2004 01:02 AM

:eek: :eek:

I *hate* spiders too ! :(

We get hoooge ones here sometimes, makes my life a misery at this time of year, they're everywhere ! :(

I scream the place down if I see one and leg it as fast as I can away from the bladdy things ! :eek:

I won't rest until my Hubby has splatted 'em, I can't do it myself, because I'm so scared of them that I can't go within a few feet of them ! :eek: I go hot and cold and get goose bumps and my legs go to jelly ! :(

I know some of you laugh and takle the pi$$ when some of us are scared of spiders, but it really is horrible when you can't stand the horrible creatures ! :(

D.K.1 12 August 2004 01:12 AM

It's unexplainable, but it really is cold fear I feel when I see these things, especially when they move ! :eek:

Dream Weaver 12 August 2004 01:33 AM

Dont really mind spiders (if they're small ;))

Silverfish - now they are a different story - yuk :(

beemerboy 12 August 2004 09:26 AM

kill them, they will only come back in for revenge!!!!

nasty 8 legged critters give me the heebie geebies.

got a shiver down my neck just reading this thread.
[scans walls and carpet as typing]


Scoobychick 12 August 2004 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
It's unexplainable, but it really is cold fear I feel when I see these things, especially when they move ! :eek:

Ditto, I'm still traumatised from last night, in fact I can't even look at the picture Bob posted, still getting cold shivers now in fact :eek:

I'd love not to feel like this about spiders, I even thought about going on the course at London Zoo that reckons to cure your phobia but couldn't face it because it meant touching spiders :rolleyes: :D

We've had five in the house in the last week and I found all of them, or they found me :eek: :(

Scoobychick 12 August 2004 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Sith
I have a special spider catcher. Plastic pyramid with sliding door and long handle. Open door, trap spider, close door, relocate spider out of nearest window.

I hate spiders.

I've got one of those too, his name's Bob ;) :D

Seriously I've got one of those plastic pyramid thingies but unfortunately it's over 200 miles away at my parents house which is where I left it last time I stayed there, dur. They live by the river and get some seriously big muthas there. They're brave buggers too, not in the least big scared of humans, the last one I encountered challenged me to an arm wrestle, bit unfair though, his eight against my two :eek: :D


Tiggs 12 August 2004 10:13 AM

i hope all you spider haters dont have kids????

the ONLY reason you hate spiders is because of what you are told by your parents.

im no fan but i have shown my kids that you catch them in a glass so you dont scare them....nothing to do with fear on my part!

my kids dont like spiders in the house anymore than they would like ants in the house...but they arent scared of the things!



Scoobychick 12 August 2004 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Tiggs
i hope all you spider haters dont have kids????

the ONLY reason you hate spiders is because of what you are told by your parents.

Nope, no kids and no plans to ever have any either :D

You're quite right of course, the only reason I have a fear of them is because my mum and nan were completely stupid when it came to spiders and used to run about screaming whenever they saw one. My dad on the other hand is brilliant and just picks them up and puts them outside, although he used to pretend to chase my mum around the house with them so she used to lock herself in the bathroom :rolleyes:

I blame the parents :D

I would love to get over my fear and if anyone can suggest anything positive I can do to get over it then please do :)

Scoobs_4ever 12 August 2004 06:35 PM

I find the Dyson is an effective weapon and fun too - its like an Alton Towers ride for spiders!!!

Jerome 12 August 2004 06:46 PM

Arachnicide should be a crime. I hope you never win the lottery! ;)

I'm still trying to convince my gf to not kill spiders. Even the teeniest one is mahoosive in her eyes and needs to be killed. She can't accept that they eat other, even more unpleasant, creatures.

As for earwigs, they are the spawn of the devil and must be killed at every opportunity. They eat small children and pets and will get in your lugs and eat your brain away. Yeuch!

hoskib 12 August 2004 09:16 PM

apparently the average human EATS about 3 spiders in his/her lifetime in their sleep:eek: maybe even as big as 'harry'.

here's wishing a good nights sleep for all the arachnaphobics who read this post;):lol:

Richard Askew 12 August 2004 09:23 PM

Yeah, i live in a barn conversion with 200 year old beams running through it.. fookin large spiders everywhere - have been woken up a few times feeling the patter of tiny feet over my chest ;) :D

I have no issue with them but had a bit of a jump when one jumped out of the overflow in the bath when I was washing out a wetsuit a couple of weeks back - I swear the fecker had teeth :D

Bonehead 12 August 2004 09:35 PM

I was moving some furniture at work the other day (run the warehouse @ Allders Lincoln) and found saw a fecking huuuuugge spider.
Must've been Harry's cousin.
So using a box and a piece of paper I did the decent thing - I put the old feller underneath an empty coffee cup used by one of the (fit) girls in admin, who just happens to be completly s**t scared of spiders.

5 min later the whole building shook to the sound of her screaming like someone trapping there b0llocks in a lawn mower.
Cue b0llocking from the store manager for me, security guard having to be called 'cause now ALL the admin girls are scared of spiders and none of them wanted to catch it (BTW Harry2 must've had one hell of a turbo - rarely seen anything take off like that - wonder how much optimax he uses?), and everyone else (including me) pmsl :D :D

:D :D :D

M444GY 12 August 2004 10:07 PM

i hate fookin spiders!

Kieran_Burns 12 August 2004 10:09 PM

So we're on honeymoon in the Maldives... awww... and we've got used to the Gecko's (REALLY cute little guys) running everywhere and chirping in the night (dodging the odd airborne gecko poo bomb) One night... no chirping, really quiet, no gecko's... weird.

We go to sleep, until 5 in the moring when this HUGE tropical storm hit - you could actually hear the rain front moving across the roof - amazing sound...!

Anyway, I go to the bog and walk back to see my (arachnophobic) wife pointing at the wall above my head and saying.. "What. The. F*ck. Ing. Hell. IS THAT!!!!!!!"

This thing was just Enormous. Fully 8" across. Squatting on the wall.

It took 2 complete cans of insect killer to stun it enough for me to smack it with the clothes rail from the wardrobe. *WE* were gassed never mind the fecking spider!

When I finally managed to knock it off the wall it hit the floor with an audible WHUMP, and I had to shout at my wife 3 times to drop the Biggest damn' book we had on the thing and THEN jump on top of it (the book) to make sure the sodding thing was dead.

We later found out it WAS poisonous and boy did we ever check for gecko's every night after that!

darlodge 12 August 2004 11:30 PM

I used to quite like spiders but after I received a bite from a big spider, I've gone off them a bit. I always used to cup spiders in my hands and then place them outside but now I use the paper and cup technique :). I still can't bring my self to kill them.


BishopDevious 12 August 2004 11:42 PM

I am not keen on them but....
Poor old harry. Glass and paper, get them outside. They use the sun to navigate, once they are inside they are all confused!

Went round to my mates house last weekend where I saw him battle with a mouse. Far worse, nasty biting sharp toothed turbo charged vermin.

scrappydoo 13 August 2004 02:48 AM

Oh my goodness. Was sat on the floor about an hour ago and this monster spider came running at me. I practically backflipped onto the sofa shaking with fear. I finally cornered him but when it came to trapping it with a glass i couldnt find one big enough to inclose him. I spent the next half hour pooking him with i stick towards the front door. When i had finally got him out i was sweating like a pig.

So now this makes 2 days in a row and ive had 3 giant spiders, i hate them and must have a phobea of them. How can something hundreds of times smaller than myself scare the crap outter me? and how the hell are they getting into my house? The last one measured about 3-and-a-half inches with a body of about 3 cm. Whats going on?
Rant over lol :D

BOB.T 13 August 2004 08:28 AM

Dudes, chill out, it's only a spider!:D

I'm not too keen on spiders, if they're outside I'm quite happy to leave them alone, however, whilst they're under my roof, not paying rent and then going on to scare Sal, they can either keep out of sight or leave in a body bag!:D

It's not like they're rare or protected, someone's pet or irreplaceable is it!

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