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messiah 21 July 2004 11:37 AM

Impending Fatherhood
Anyone else about to enter the realm of first-time Parenting?

6 weeks, 5 days and counting - and the waiting is getting unbearable - if the little 'un doesn't arrive on expexted 6th Sept I'm gonna be serverely gutted and have no fingernails or hair left.

I get the impression if it's late, that it'll be like Christmas when you're a kid, and you count down the weeks until Santa comes, then finally on Christmas morning you found out he hasn't been and you think "Maybe he'll come tomorrow..." and this continues for days and days...

Just wish it would hurry up really - I'd rather it took us by surprise than have a final few days of countdown.

<logs off to have panic attack>


MattW 21 July 2004 11:38 AM

First one is likely to be late.

This is my direct experience and can be backed up with evidence.

Senior_AP 21 July 2004 11:38 AM

Well, I'm not a parent but good luck. Must be a very exciting time.

Having your first child - how cool is that!! :D

Muffleman 21 July 2004 11:39 AM

Hello mate, yup - we're just 9 weeks away, it's all getting very exciting - just can't wait now !

Been feeling the little bu66er kick, move and backflip :D

It is way cool though.

All the very best


IanWatson 21 July 2004 11:42 AM

Hey Messiah
Our first little one is due on the 26th Feb - should be around that for you too!
Bit scary (despite being 31) really - given I only started my business a year ago and haven't drawn a salary yet :)

Thought it would take months as my better half has been on the Pill for 14 years - but I was told today there is a short period of hyperfertility in the two months or so after the pill is stopped..

Seems we caught that wave :)

Best of luck matey!!

IanWatson 21 July 2004 11:45 AM

Bugger - somehow unable to edit my post to remove the 'deiberate' mistake over due dates - after rereading your post I guess you'll be cleaning poo well before me..
Make sure you post some tips for me before o/e Feb!

messiah 21 July 2004 11:45 AM

Just finished the Labour & Birth Antenatal classes last night and came to the conclusion that if it comes to a C-section then I won't be there - I can't stand blood samples being taken when it's not even me!

Ours kicks all day long, especially after the other half has binged on mashed potato, rather freaky to begin with but try putting your ear to the bump when it happens ;)

messiah 21 July 2004 11:48 AM

I think we caught the same wave mate - same thing happened to us :D

Still feels like it's not happenning though, a mate said it didn't sink in with him until his wife's water's broke, then he said the only thing that went through his mind was "f**k!"

MattW 21 July 2004 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by messiah
Just finished the Labour & Birth Antenatal classes last night and came to the conclusion that if it comes to a C-section then I won't be there - I can't stand blood samples being taken when it's not even me!

Ours kicks all day long, especially after the other half has binged on mashed potato, rather freaky to begin with but try putting your ear to the bump when it happens ;)

I attended both sections that my wife underwent. The first time was after a long labour when the Baby was in a difficult position. At the time I thought "let's go do whatever it takes".

The second was planned on the basis that my wife was well overdue and consultant was worried that it was a big baby and the scar might rupture. This was the worst one for me, you go in for a clinical procedure where your main job is to comfort your other half. I remember thinking that the whole procedure was not worth the end result. Obviously as time goes on (4 weeks now) that memory fades and you're left with the bundle of joy.

I sympathise with your standpoint, but your other half will REALLY need you. Be strong and go in for her.

r32 21 July 2004 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by MattW
First one is likely to be late.

This is my direct experience and can be backed up with evidence.

Our first was six weeks early..... second one was on time.
Wife has been a senior midwife for twenty or more years has delivered three or four hundred little people and doesnt agree with you!

Muffleman 21 July 2004 11:56 AM

I'll be there whatever happens, but I'm definitely gonna stay at the head end !

Still can't wait tho :D


+Doc+ 21 July 2004 12:02 PM

Yes mate, was at the hospital last night with my wife in suspected Pre Term Labour 10 weeks early :s Gladly it looks like everything has calmed down now :)
Looking forward personally I will be at the birth / C-Section whatever as long as mum + baby are ok thats the main thing.

weapon69 21 July 2004 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by +Doc+
Yes mate, was at the hospital last night with my wife in suspected Pre Term Labour 10 weeks early :s Gladly it looks like everything has calmed down now :)
Looking forward personally I will be at the birth / C-Section whatever as long as mum + baby are ok thats the main thing.

:eek: MEH!! Hope she and bubs are ok!

*panics and runs off at the thought of pre term labour*

Dunk 21 July 2004 12:05 PM

Dunk Jnr II is booked in for a sunroof arrival on 4th Aug, can't wait.


Brendan Hughes 21 July 2004 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by messiah
a mate said it didn't sink in with him until his wife's water's broke, then he said the only thing that went through his mind was "f**k!"

Would have thought that was going through his mind 9 mths earlier...

MattW 21 July 2004 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by r32
Our first was six weeks early..... second one was on time.
Wife has been a senior midwife for twenty or more years has delivered three or four hundred little people and doesnt agree with you!

I was being facetious based on other threads ;)

messiah 21 July 2004 12:22 PM

10 weeks early?

Hope everything works out for you mate.

imlach 21 July 2004 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by messiah
Just finished the Labour & Birth Antenatal classes last night and came to the conclusion that if it comes to a C-section then I won't be there - I can't stand blood samples being taken when it's not even me!

What a wimp. :D
Your partner/wife has just gone through 9 months of hell, and doesn't have any choice as to whether to be at the birth or not....

...and you're going to support her how? By not turning up???? Wuss :D

Bravo2zero_sps 21 July 2004 01:04 PM

I can't stand real life gore/blood and guts either but I would still be there for a c section if I was allowed - whether I would still be standing by the end of it is another matter though :D

ScoobywagonGl 21 July 2004 01:13 PM

36 hours of labour, crap pregnancy but a lovely little boy at the end of it ... and no i aint a man but think you men should be there!
he was born on time 16th september 2002 although i wish he was a baby now still he was so easy then ......

almost in terrbile twos ... a complete little monster :eek2:

good luck everyone who is having babys :)

blair 21 July 2004 01:15 PM

I went through the first time father thing pretty much one year and one month ago.

Mia was a week late in arriving and wasn't showing any signs of wanting to make an appearance a week after the due date.

The midwife became a bit worried about my wifes blood pressure and she was whisked of into hospital where they decided to induce her just to reduce the chances of pre-eclampsia <sp?>.

I was told the induction may not kick in till about 6 hours later so after a full
day in the hospital I decided to head off home and get some sleep (this was at about 10pm).

So, about three hours later, after a bottle of red wine to help me get to sleep and only two hours kip, the wife was on the phone saying the contractions were kicking in and I was to get my effing arse back into hospital :D

It only took a 12 hour labour and then an emergency C section before Mia arrived - don't see what all the fuss is about really - it seemed dead easy :D

Try the gas and air if you get a chance - its a hoot.

Don't bother asking for any of the dia-morphine - the midewifes will just give you a withering stare :D :D

I'm sure everything will go well for you - most of them do

weapon69 21 July 2004 01:17 PM

Seems like most of SN are breeding :lol1:

Muffleman 21 July 2004 01:19 PM

Does seem like there's a bit of a baby boom at the mo, bumps everywhere !

A number of our friends have either had them recently, or are having them soon !!!

Hell even the poofs are having them :D:D:D (Only joking S'net ;) )

All the best


mplaczek 21 July 2004 01:20 PM

Hi there!
I became a father a little while ago, at the time I remember being exactly the same as you. Nervous excitement, interesting isn't it :)
On the day it was all quite scary and it was the most important thing in the world for me to be there for my partner at all times (if you think you are nervous, at least you are not in the drivers seat!! ;) ) She had a c-section... you stand at the head end and a screen is put up so neither of you can see what is going on..... it is very tense, but then, hey-presto! the screen is dropped and baby is handed to you!!! Trust me, even though you have been preparing for 9 months, from stroking a little kicking bump to being handed your screaming little baby is a bit of a shock, but a very wellcome one! The next few days are interesting especially if you have never looked after a baby.

The first few weeks are a little hard as you will not get much sleep, but we tried to get the little guy on a feeding routine as fast as possible, and as a result and probably with a little luck he has been sleeping through the night from 5 and a half weeks. Once everyone, including yourselves, are in a routine everything gets much much easier, and every day the little one will do something new... it is very exciting!! you will all enjoy it a lot!! :)

If you would like any top tips about anything, I'd be glad to answer any questions, even though I am not an expert by any means, and every baby is different.
Just to mention a few things that I discovered...
You'll find everyone telling you 'you should do this' or 'you should do that'. (even from people that have never had a child) Everyone seems to have an opinion as to how you should raise your kid. I say do what is right for your little one and you! Every baby is different and you are the ones that know what is best for all of you.
Secondly, I'm sure you already know this, but your partner is going to be really exhausted for a few days, and for the first few months when no one is getting any sleep it can be stressful and a real strain. Just help eachother out as much as possible.

Enjoy :D

Sorry about the long post, but I am still buzzing about the whole experience and my little one is 8 months old now! :D

Vonzack 21 July 2004 01:21 PM

Trust me you don't see much during a C-Section and if you're worried about it they can put screens up for you.

22 Weeks in and it's great fun, just started solids which makes for some interesting nappies/vomit ;)

Good luck everybody who's due soon.

weapon69 21 July 2004 01:24 PM

Aww mplaczek-thats lovely to read.:)

Bit worrying as first time i changed a nappy, i puked:lol1: it didn't get any better either when i tried it again.....d'oh!!!

Bravo2zero_sps 21 July 2004 01:27 PM

There is one vital piece of advice I will always give to new parents - get the baby down to a cranial osteopath asap for a 30 minute session. This is particularly important for those who have babies delivered by ventouse or who have difficult births.

The cranial osteopath worked miracles on my son and it changed his behaviour massively. If the 3 bones that form the skull have been squashed together, overlap, pressured in any way the cranial osteopath will sort this and you will notice an immediate change in your baby.

As soon as my son had his first session he went through sleeping all night immediately, screaming sessions reduced massively and he was generally a far happier baby than before the treatment.

Its a must!!! :)

messiah 21 July 2004 02:04 PM

Most midwives I've spoken to have said that those blokes who are worried and don't think they'll be able to be there (In a conscious state I mean) are usually OK and sail through it - and it's the ones who are convinced that they'll handle it no problem that tend to be picked up off the floor.

Don't get me wrong, I want to be there, but I'm sure I'll end up in the next bed to the missus.

mplaczek 21 July 2004 02:32 PM

LOL at weapon69 :lol1:

Nappy changing time can be very scary sometimes. My partner used to have to tie a sheet around her nose and mouth every time just incase there was something lurking... :D

It has made me appreciate one of my mum's stories about my brother and myself so much more...

When we were babies, being twins, we used to get into sooo much mischief together. One night my mum heard giggling coming from our room... she had a peak around the door... my brother and I had managed to unzip out baby grows and take our nappies off. We had shredded them and there was s**t all over the place!! We did it two nights running and finally mum had to sew us into out babygrows everynight, just a few stitches through the zip. :D

Boy am I glad I only have one... The stories of what my brother and I got up to are just scary!


Suresh 21 July 2004 04:00 PM

Congratulations to all expecting dads out there. Well done us!! :D
Our first is due in just under 8 weeks and we are both looking forwards to adding another Scooby fan to the household. Don't know the sex, so I have painted the baby room in the obligatory yellow already.

Over here in Holland you can book a home help to visit for 8 hours a day and take care of everything for the first week after the birth - from parental education stuff such as feeding, changing washing the bairn to doing household stuff like washing, cleaning, cooking etc. Totally civilised if you ask me!


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