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Budgie 18 July 2004 10:09 PM

pulled by police today
Apparently there are lots of imprezas being stolen in my area at the moment
The constable was assisting me in making sure mine was not one of these
As gratefull as i am for their concern i cant help but wonder if this was
another sunday morning excuse to pull me over

stevie boy 19 July 2004 12:19 AM

no one likes the blue lights in the mirror, but ffs if your car gets nicked then theres a better chance of gettin it back, if in your area or any area it is well known that imprezas or any car thats got more power than a moped are getting swiped and the police did nowt you'd be bitchin the police arn't doing fa. if the police are checking performance cars on a regular basis the they will eventually catch the tw@ts, or the tw@ts will twig it aint worth the risk! an move on to some other poor group. = you keep your car.

i'm not a rozzer or there biggest fan and i know alot of feds have a bad attitude, but the vast majority i've delt with have been fine with me as i have with them.

carry your documents with you then no 7 day wonder and the pull will be over in a matter of mins.

i wouldn't object to being randomly checked more often, when ultimately it means theres less chance of me scoob gettin nicked, or maybe get it back sooner.


Aztec Performance Ltd 19 July 2004 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by stevie boy
no one likes the blue lights in the mirror, but ffs if your car gets nicked then theres a better chance of gettin it back, if in your area or any area it is well known that imprezas or any car thats got more power than a moped are getting swiped and the police did nowt you'd be bitchin the police arn't doing fa. if the police are checking performance cars on a regular basis the they will eventually catch the tw@ts, or the tw@ts will twig it aint worth the risk! an move on to some other poor group. = you keep your car.


If you think that the police will be able to catch car criminals in high performance cars by random checks etc you've been mis-informed. Why do you think bank robbers love using them and bank managers break into a sweat when one pulls up outside the bank? Bank robbers etc know they are highly unlikey to be caught as 1) they are hard to catch in a high performance car and 2) most police forces do not engage in high speed/dangerous pursuits.

Would love to see our police forces adopting american tactics of ramming criminals off the roads and shooting at them etc.


Nathan L 19 July 2004 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by BOB'5
Would love to see our police forces adopting american tactics of ramming criminals off the roads and shooting at them etc.

That's never going to happen over here mate.

There are too many bloody civil liberties groups and tree huggers, which the Government are too spineless to stand up against. :mad:

r32 19 July 2004 07:05 AM

Dont mind being stopped, so long as they are polite and dont have their sarcastic "missed the runway sonny" hat on.

Iwan 19 July 2004 07:17 AM

carry your documents with you then no 7 day wonder and the pull will be over in a matter of mins.
Yeah, and when some chav f*ckwit nicks your car, he has your driving licence, insurance details (with your address on), MOT cert, V5 (if he's lucky), service history book etc.

I never leave anything in mine, all important docs live at home. Having had a car nicked a few years ago i can still remember the right PITA it was trying to get missing docs cancelled/replaced.

I've been pulled twice by plod for "random checks", i wasn't carrying ID of any kind both times, was never given a producer. They just asked who i was, was it insured in my name etc... They'll already have done a check of the vehicle before they pull you over, these days that includes a check for insurance details too.

stevie boy 19 July 2004 11:51 AM

i never said random car checks would solve car crime, but surely through out the country a handful of car checks will turn up a nicked motor and to them handful of owners they wont mind being stopped again.

carry documents with you = carry documents with YOU
leave docs in car = leave docs in car

i'm sure most people can fit an A4 insurance cert and mot into their wallet along with the driving licence that alot carry anyway.

get a duplicate insurance cert if you dont wanna fold it

the fact that you've been stopped twice and not had a producer, i would take as lucky and not the norm, or at least not to be expected. for the sake of putting 2 bits of paper in your wallet then there will be no producer.


wrxmania 19 July 2004 02:44 PM

I don't mind being stopped to be asked if the car is mine etc etc - **** myself at first but then OK - at least it MAY be for a genuine reason.

I o object to being watched at lights, followed etc.

VERY annoying!!!

Brian :(

Scooby 1998S 19 July 2004 02:56 PM

I was pulled over on Friday last week for cutting across some chevrons, after a telling off I was on my way, with only some harsh words. In fact the pc was quite complimentary of my driving and said 80% of drivers were not really aware of what was going on and that was why he pulled me over. Wouldn't it be good if they were all like that. Must admit, I pooped myself at the time.

Peanuts 19 July 2004 03:45 PM

NEVER produce at the side of the road.

wrxmania 19 July 2004 03:46 PM

Tell us some more at least or please PM me,



M444GY 19 July 2004 04:38 PM

A lame excuse for a pull me thinks !

Soulgirl 19 July 2004 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by Peanuts
NEVER produce at the side of the road.

Instead, when they give a verbal NIP, you should respond that you have no idea what they are talking about and wish to excercise your right to refer to PACE :D

wrxmania 19 July 2004 05:56 PM


Soulgirl 19 July 2004 06:11 PM

A brilliant website for those in trouble :D

scoobyp1 19 July 2004 07:23 PM

I was recently issued with 3points and £60 fine for exceeding 30mph up a hill.
The police car pulled up behind me outside my house as i was walking in the front door. They politely asked me to sit in the car which i willingly done as in my mind i had done nothing wrong. Then this little jumped up **** starts lecturing me about my driving and explaining what i had done wrong. I asked to see the evidence of this and they simply told me that they had seen me do it and that was enough. They werent even parked half way up hill but at the bottom of it and in an entrance to a garage which meant they were directly behind me.
Needless to say i was wound up by all of this and told him to stick his ticket where the sun dont shine. They both laughed and told me to tell that to the judge when i try to fight it in court.
They got off on giving me the ticket and made quite a few comments about my car and that it is too fast for a young boy like myself(i'm 28).

The stink of jealousy was horrid !!!

On exiting the car i asked the police officer to accompany me to look at some other cars parked round the corner. There was 3 wrecks parked round the corner which have no tax and no mot. The tit explained that unless they were being driven he couldnt do anything other than radio them in. As soon as i explained the cars belonged to the asylum seekers he wiped his hands of them and said it was more trouble and paper work than he needed or wanted.

That was 3 months ago and they still drive these cars around.....

Are the police picking on us innocent drivers cos they know we dont want the hassle and will pay the fines, whereas the asylum seekers wont give a penny ??
Why do i pay nearly £200 a yr tax and £2400 a yr insurance ????

This country needs a major shake up. Its time the police done something decent with their time like catch criminals..... but then again, the crims wont pay their fines either and thats why the motorists are being tortured

talizman 19 July 2004 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by Iwan
Yeah, and when some chav f*ckwit nicks your car, he has your driving licence, insurance details (with your address on), MOT cert, V5 (if he's lucky), service history book etc.

1) Carry your licence in your wallet, as many folk already do.
2) Most insurance certificates do not have address details on them. The schedule has your details, but your certificate probably won't.
3) MOT - a risk I'd take by leaving it in the glovebox
4) V5 - not a document required to be produced. All your V5 details are on the PNC
5) Service history book - why would you carry this? have you ever been HORT1'd for your service history? lol

Its no hassle at all to carry your licence, insurance and MOT to avoid being HORT1'd.


You state that you "never produce at the side of the road" and you exercise your rights to your 7 days?

Have you considered that it is much less inconvienience to YOU if you produce at the time.
Its hassle for YOU to go to a police station in your own time and take your documents in. Do you think you are causing the cop any hassle or grief by taking a full 7 days?

If you are willing to waste your own time by making a needless trip to the police station then fine. As long as you are satisfied that you are exercising your rights. :)

BedHog 19 July 2004 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by wrxmania
I don't mind being stopped to be asked if the car is mine etc etc - **** myself at first but then OK - at least it MAY be for a genuine reason.

I o object to being watched at lights, followed etc.

VERY annoying!!!

Brian :(

I was stopped a few years ago and asked if the car was mine. Only problem is they told me my name and address and said is that you lol

I suppose a 'honest' thief could have said 'no that's not me, fair cop' but it was a bit pointless :)

Bit like the USA immigration forms (few years ago, not sure if it's still the same) that ask if you are a terrorist or are planning to overthrow the government. Wonder how many people said yes?

Budgie 19 July 2004 09:44 PM

that question is still on quite a few security clearance forms
odd eh

GimmeMore 19 July 2004 10:53 PM

I got stopped by the police 2 times on a trip from Folkstone to Portsmouth via Weymouth a couple of years ago ... reason? Nowt better to do, FFS, go catch the real criminals I say.... !

So what if I had no plates on an STi5 I had just had imported :) The traffic cops asked about the car in general told me not to trip 'too many' cameras as I would come to their attention and laughed and said they'd radio ahead to their mates to stop me as I was coming through and the other one, a town cop in a panda car was quite disgusted (I had all supporting docs) and he said that 'It shouldn't be allowed!'

All in all .... fair cop and they weren't that bad!

Johnny WR1 20 July 2004 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by scoobyp1
I was recently issued with 3points and £60 fine for exceeding 30mph up a hill.

Are the police picking on us innocent drivers cos they know we dont want the hassle and will pay the fines
I doubt it. It's probably because, like you, most innocent drivers are, in fact, guilty. :confused:

Its time the police done something decent with their time like catch criminals
Genuine question: Don't you think they should priorotise according to the severity of the potential consequences? More people are killed by speeding cars than by bank robbers. I assume you're not suggesting that all police officers get re-deployed on traffic duty?

Or do you mean it's OK for you to break certain laws because it suits you, and that the police should spend more time catching people who break other laws? What's your perspective?

Perhaps if innocent people didn't go around speeding everywhere then the police would have more resources available for solving/preventing other crimes? :idea:

I'm not claiming the moral high ground here - speed limits are ALWAYS lower than the speed I want to be driving/riding at, and I am always up for a blat. I'm amazed that I've only been caught once in 20 years of serial speeding :), but I'm sure it'll happen again. When it does, however, I won't be on here complaining about it...

Was gonna put a flame suit on, but bugger it. :D I am already immune to inane rantings that hold about as much water as a plughole. :)

scoobyp1 20 July 2004 02:31 AM

My wording wasnt very precise............. I wasnt actually speeding.
I was doing 30. Ther are 2 cross junctions on this hill and both have a nasty dip which will smash my P1 lip off at anything over 30mph.... not too mention people edging out cos its a one way hill with cars parked up both sides and blocking their view....
The reason they 'KNOW' i was speeding, my exhaust was loud !!!
A P1 with full HKS Super Drager... HHHMMMMMMM ?

They werent anywhere near close enough to me to be able to judge my speed. They were full of **** and bored.... This Pc had been on Traffic for 6days. He was a jumped up little tit trying to be clever. He blatantly walked away from proper work and even had the cheek to tel me to fight it.....

scoobyp1 20 July 2004 02:36 AM

I know there are some decent boys in blue out there..... usually the experienced ones...

After all - i did take 2 of them down a certain M road at over 160mph overtaking a T5 for fun.

Johnny WR1 20 July 2004 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by scoobyp1
My wording wasnt very precise............. I wasnt actually speeding...
The reason they 'KNOW' i was speeding, my exhaust was loud !!!
They werent anywhere near close enough to me to be able to judge my speed.

I take it you didn't fight it then?

When I got pulled it was 'cos I overtook an unmarked car. :D The fact of the matter is, I was speeding (although not when I overtook him - I just kept my foot down for a bit longer than I really needed to). He had no way of telling my speed, though, other than how fast he had to go to catch me up. What pees me off about coppers (I'm sure it's not all of them Talizman :)) is that they LIE. Or get extremely mistaken about things. The copper had to do 65 to catch me up and pull me over, so that's the speed he claimed I was doing. Any primary school kid can point out the flaw in that, especially as I was already about 400 yards in front of him before he decided he was gonna go get me. :)

Although I knew he was full of it, I took the pragmatic view that I had gotten away with it often enough in the past so had it coming sooner or later anyway. I would have preferred to have been done 'legitimately', but you gotta put your hands up and admit that there have been times when most, if not all, of us have been a bit heavy on the gas at times - we drive performance cars ffs. :)

Redkop 20 July 2004 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by scoobyp1
I know there are some decent boys in blue out there..... usually the experienced ones...

After all - i did take 2 of them down a certain M road at over 160mph overtaking a T5 for fun.

Wow, now that's clever and something really big to brag about - isn't it? Of course you weren't endangering anyone elses life, were you?

talizman 20 July 2004 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by Soulgirl
Instead, when they give a verbal NIP, you should respond that you have no idea what they are talking about and wish to excercise your right to refer to PACE :D

Why? :rolleyes:

What is to be achieved by this? :confused:

LiamWR1 20 July 2004 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by talizman
Why? :rolleyes:

What is to be achieved by this? :confused:

I would guess that you would just wind up a couple of rozzers? can't see the point in that either....

suprabeast 20 July 2004 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Johnny WR1
Genuine question: Don't you think they should priorotise according to the severity of the potential consequences? More people are killed by speeding cars than by bank robbers. I assume you're not suggesting that all police officers get re-deployed on traffic duty?

that is a terrible generalisation and is the attitude that we do not need in this country. So just because a bank robber doesn't endanger as many peoples lives, dont worry about them??

I think you'll find more people are injured or killed by people drink driving, drug driving, INAPPROPRIATE use of speed and generally not being a good enough driver. Driving fast does not kill people, especially when we are talking the difference between 30mph and 40mph.

Driver need education, not police following them round and handing out fixed penalty notices everywhere, which seems to be the governments favourite form of punishment these days

scoobyp1 20 July 2004 12:02 PM

Redkop - It is clever and something to brag about... Have you been escorted down an M road by an all sirens going and lights flashing T5 just because they wanted to see how quick the car is ?? The police officers didnt think i was endangering anyones life or my own, they took the risk assessment and allowed me, even encouraged me to drive at these speeds.....
If i thought it was dangerous i wouldnt have done it.. It was nearly 3am and we passed one other car in 9miles...

Peanuts 20 July 2004 01:16 PM

I can tell you whats to be acheived by this....

escaping conviction and endorsement on your licence.
still, if you never break any rules/laws whatsoever then so be it.

as for the inconvenience of having to go to the police station, well, its not really as you can elect to go to any station you like to produce, so here's an idea, pick the one thats nearest to work or home and struggle to find the eleven minutes it takes to produce and sign.

if your happy to produce at the roadside then thats all well and good.
I am not, and there are a great many people who think the same way as each of us.

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