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DocJock 25 June 2004 08:16 AM

As a patriotic Scot
............I am ashamed of the behaviour of some of my fellow Jocks on this and other BBSs.

The anti-English sentiments expressed at seemingly every opportunity make us look petty, small-minded and bigoted. The Euro 2004 threads just confirm my opinion.

"It is only said in jest" I hear people protest.
Well, I can tell you, having lived in several countries outside Scotland over the last 25 or so years, I can you that is not how it is perceived.

My (English) wife will also tell you how rudely she has been treated in Scotland, for no other "crime" than having an English accent.

My advice ?
Grow up
Forget about it
Widen your horizons a bit


SomeDude 25 June 2004 08:22 AM

I think you just started a 12 pager, you daft Jock ;)

CraigH 25 June 2004 08:23 AM

The Scots, the Belgians and now the Germans. This could be interesting ;)

sammyh 25 June 2004 08:32 AM

Now the Welsh as well ;)

Dream Weaver 25 June 2004 08:43 AM

Well said Doc, just a shame the world has become so petty in general, and also a shame that English patriotism is seen as racist and chavvy :confused:

The England footy team would probably do OK if all English people supported them instead of taking the piss and living in their self-centred little worlds.

LG John 25 June 2004 08:50 AM

I feel sorry for the English players last night who as professionals were heartbroken. I also feel sorry for the true fans but I think both those sets of people have to accept that they were outplayed last night. However, the reason that I am 'anti-english', if you will, is because of the fans (of which there are a lot) that do nothing but cause trouble and spit the dummy when they lose, and the pundits and media that say such absurd things. Rooney = Pele: uh-huh :rolleyes: 1966,1966, 1966, Rugby world cup and so on and so on and so on. They scream with excitement everytime England have the ball in the the other teams half and every time they score it, 'surely this is it, surely this is England going through now, who can stop us' yadda, yadda. Clearly they forget that its not only the english that are watching and listening to them! You rub us up the wrong way and expect us to support you - sorry, no way.

mad_dr 25 June 2004 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by Saxo Boy
You rub us up the wrong way and expect us to support you - sorry, no way.

Any examples of being "rubbed up the wrong way" that justify said comments against the English?

Dream Weaver 25 June 2004 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by Saxo Boy
I feel sorry for the English players last night who as professionals were heartbroken. I also feel sorry for the true fans but I think both those sets of people have to accept that they were outplayed last night. However, the reason that I am 'anti-english', if you will, is because of the fans (of which there are a lot) that do nothing but cause trouble and spit the dummy when they lose, and the pundits and media that say such absurd things. Rooney = Pele: uh-huh :rolleyes: 1966,1966, 1966, Rugby world cup and so on and so on and so on. They scream with excitement everytime England have the ball in the the other teams half and every time they score it, 'surely this is it, surely this is England going through now, who can stop us' yadda, yadda. Clearly they forget that its not only the english that are watching and listening to them! You rub us up the wrong way and expect us to support you - sorry, no way.

Maybe you Scot's need to calm down a bit then, I always support Scotland in any Scottish footy game, or any sport to be honest. I see the Scot's as neighbours and friends, shame you guys dont have the same attitude :(

ALi-B 25 June 2004 09:46 AM

Or when given the option to say anything neagtive about the about say nothing instead?? ;)

also feel sorry for the true fans but I think both those sets of people have to accept that they were outplayed last night. However, the reason that I am 'anti-english', if you will, is because of the fans (of which there are a lot) that do nothing but cause trouble and spit the dummy when they lose
I accept we were outplayed. But like the portugease probably swear blind that the disallowed goal was a foul. English will have 1 sided views, like Scots have on thier favourite teams.

I know you can't go anywhere without some loud mouth **** shouting his opinions so they can be heard over everyone else in a bar. But Scottish do that, as do the Welsh and Irish. But do I say all Scots, Irish and Welsh are twats? no, so I don't expect them to tarnish all English with the same brush. Ok the English have a big Chav problem, with the uneducated sheep minded masses, but don't say we're all like that. I also wish the beer bellied buffoon to shut his gob too - as I'd like to give my own more accurate informed decisions ;)

and the pundits and media that say such absurd things. Rooney = Pele: uh-huh
You can't stop the media going Rooney mad, they'll do it time and time again...what sells they print, false, lies, overrated, exaggerated. Gazza in the making if you ask me ;).

Jye 25 June 2004 10:24 AM

I wasnt laughing or rubbing it in last night but scenes like those below do England as a nation no favours, even though I know this happens with other nations many of the England fans do seem to have a certain flair for violence and xenophobia.

Thugs in England and Jersey added shame to England’s misery today by launching attacks on Portuguese people celebrating their defeat of Sven-Goran Eriksson’s Euro 2004 team.

Scores of terrified fans – including children – were escorted to safety by police after being besieged by a mob inside a Portuguese-run pub in Norfolk for more than two hours.

Missiles, including bottles, were thrown at the pub in Thetford, which is managed by a group of Portuguese businessmen.

Eleven people were arrested and a number of police officers, including a woman, were injured.

In Jersey, police used CS gas to disperse a crowd of 1,500 England supporters who taunted members of the island’s large Portuguese community.
The usual minority of 1500?

TelBoy 25 June 2004 10:34 AM

DocJock - nice to see that sort of post. :)

Our violent "fans" are scum, and i'm as ashamed of them as anyone.

Maybe i'm wrong, but a lot of the anti-English sentiment is as a result of the, dare i say it, xenophobic Scottsh media. The majority of English, left to their own devices, would NOT wish any of the other "home" nations out of a tournament.

But i can say that till the cows come home; it won't change anything, unfortunately...

Spoon 25 June 2004 10:40 AM

Well said DocJock, I believe there are a few threads running in a similar vein at the moment.

SiPie 25 June 2004 10:49 AM

Any examples of being "rubbed up the wrong way" that justify said comments against the English?
Try Badiel and Skinner the other night

You really just don't get it do you :rolleyes:.....

Saxo Boy has it spot on.. it just gets very tiresome that's all .....

I would also like to point out that England's goal was perfectly ok last night and should not of been chopped off....the keeper jumped into Campbell and co

I am not Anti-English (or anyone) in the slightest....FACT but the media do you no favours at all up here and I think the BBC forget that we pay a license fee and don't want to hear abut this sh1t all day every day

TelBoy 25 June 2004 10:53 AM

SiPie, what was said on B&S, if it can be answered concisely?

SiPie 25 June 2004 11:45 AM

SiPie, what was said on B&S, if it can be answered concisely?
From memory... and that's failing me these days ;)

It was the joke about Ernie Walker and someother dude and that was just before they went on to slag the Welsh about sheep :rolleyes: but I was just channel hopping and thought ... "more of the same"

I'm not getting into a debate about it on here as this has sadly been done to death over the last few weeks by others :rolleyes:and I agree with DocJock 100% .. I'm just trying to do my best to convince alot of English that it does grate on your nerves, hearing it all the time. If we didn't get England/England/England shoved down our throats all the time then we may even want you guys to win ;) I appreciate you guys are more successful at sports (to be expected though with the greater population) but we just don't to be reminded of it all the time's simply racism

Please try and see it from the other side..... imagine hearing Scotland all the time every time you put on the radio, turn on the telly or even logging onto Scoobynet... ;)

Unlike Saxo Boy I'm not too bothered about the behaviour of the fans as that's nothing new really...I just get tired of the commentators (especially Motson) and it reaches a point where we (Scots) want England to get knocked out just so it'll give us some relative peace and quiet and we can watch a game withuot being told that every player who is on the ball is either 'not as fast as Rooney, or slower than Owen, etc etc .... not everything has to be related back to England... honest ;)

Hope someone can see my point I'm trying to make as I genuinely felt sorry for the players and the majority of the fans last night as I think you were robbed...

PS Hmmmmmm

tiggers 25 June 2004 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by Jye
The usual minority of 1500?

FFS there's only 3 of them as we established last week on here - it's all done with mirrors I tell you :D


TelBoy 25 June 2004 11:56 AM

Fair enough SiPie, i guess we just don't notice it down here. As far as i'm aware though, it isn't done in an anti-Scottish manner, at least i don't think so. If Scotland were still in the tournament, i *guarantee* you the majority of the English would have them as their new favourites. I *guarantee* it. We just can't seem to get that point across though. :(

Richard Askew 25 June 2004 12:06 PM

Well said DocJock :)

I am English, but I live in the United Kingdom - therefore i support the "home" nations when up against jonny foreigner ;)

SiPie 25 June 2004 12:08 PM

As far as i'm aware though, it isn't done in an anti-Scottish manner, at least i don't think so
I'm with you on that one Tel-boy....

I can only slightly relate it to how I presume all Brits feel about seeing American trash on TV and hearing Americans going on about the ours is bigger and better etc... you just get more than you can handle

As a Scot I just feel the media get a bit too carried away .... and perhaps if we were the British Sporting Superpower ;) then maybe you guys would get bombarded with our self propoganda all the time too ;)


eClaire 25 June 2004 01:11 PM

SiPie hit the nail on the head. TBH I couldn't care less whether the English team lost or won. When it comes to football on this level men are so easy to wind up. I nearly wet myself at the penalties though, bloody exciting stuff! :)

But, don't you think after a bit of fun being branded a racist for mocking the team is taking it a bit far? I think some of you are making a mountain out of a molehill. I know you are a bit hurt an all, but get over it, it's a game.

AndyBrew 25 June 2004 01:27 PM

here we go again!

a sensible thread posted by someone who obviously had a point to make, and then....

the usual effing Braveheart suspects start rambling on about their chuffing perfect little worlds where everyone's a saint and how England is a nation full of lager louts, its soooo boring!

and if you don't want to hear about it each day and every day, then stop f&^king posting on posts like this one!

eClaire 25 June 2004 01:31 PM

the usual effing Braveheart suspects start rambling on about their chuffing perfect little worlds where everyone's a saint and how England is a nation full of lager louts, its soooo boring!
Since when did any of us go on about England being full of lagerlouts? :confused: I suggest you re read and then comment on the thread in its entirety rather than skim reading a passing judgment because that what it looks like you have done.

AndyBrew 25 June 2004 01:38 PM

JESUS CHRIST you are an argumentative git!

The following quote by jye:

"Thugs in England and Jersey added shame to England’s misery today by launching attacks on Portuguese people celebrating their defeat of Sven-Goran Eriksson’s Euro 2004 team.

Scores of terrified fans – including children – were escorted to safety by police after being besieged by a mob inside a Portuguese-run pub in Norfolk for more than two hours.

Missiles, including bottles, were thrown at the pub in Thetford, which is managed by a group of Portuguese businessmen.

Eleven people were arrested and a number of police officers, including a woman, were injured.

In Jersey, police used CS gas to disperse a crowd of 1,500 England supporters who taunted members of the island’s large Portuguese community. "

is what I was referring to, I really don't want to augue the semantics and context of each and every post. I was simply stating that the guy who started the thread was making a point, which I'm sure many english people would of taking some comfort from knowing that not all Scots wish our downfall at every turn!

But no, the thread gets converted again into the usual bo11ocks !

eClaire 25 June 2004 01:54 PM

PMSL :D I am aren't I. That's because I am an Aries :p Blame my parents.

No, that wasn't a quote. That was an article.

All Scots aren't anti english. We were merely pointing out our dislike for the media hype surrounding the ENGLISH TEAM. There is a difference you know (between the TEAM and england as a NATION). All though the article was was posted to show how the large amount of English fans weren't doing their nation a favour.

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:01 PM

as someone who was born in scotland and has spent a fair amount of time there over the years, my observations are as follows:

most scots don't hate the english. a small, retarded, vocal minority do.

the scots have their own bbc and commercial media services which present coverage in a more "scotland-centric" way.

personally, i think a bit of light hearted ribbing by the scots when england lose is understandable, and shouldn't be seen as a problem.

it seems that a *few* persons on this bbs have chips on their shoulders the size of one of those fookin big rocks on skye. or maybe a little larger.


imlach 25 June 2004 02:04 PM

What often seems odd to me is that when the BBC show a Rangers v Celtic match, they wheel out Gary Lineker, Alan Hansen, and some others to do commentary for English viewers....they don't take the BBC Scotland coverage & commentary.

Why then, do BBC Scotland not do the same for England international matches? Would surely allow us Scots to have our own laugh at the commentary instead of having to listen to John Motson?

eClaire 25 June 2004 02:05 PM

it seems that a *few* persons on this bbs have chips on their shoulders the size of one of those fookin big rocks on skye. or maybe a little larger.


Even though we do have our own bbc, we still get all the media coverage of the English team. I don't mind the matches, but the constant adverts and news articles were getting on my nerves. I want to know about what is happening in my area when I watch the news, not about the English team having blisters on their feet :rolleyes: :p

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:06 PM

imlach - i feel that a letter to your MP is in order here.

or should that be to your MSP?

Spoon 25 June 2004 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by ProperCharlie
most scots don't hate the english. a small, retarded, vocal minority do.

So when are we going to be told that they are on here as part of their community service then? :D

TelBoy 25 June 2004 02:07 PM

So why not take this issue up with the media companies responsible?

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