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Faire D'Income 09 June 2004 10:21 AM

No smoking in public places.
I've tried the search but found nothing so if this has been done to death a la petrol price threads - my apologies.

As an ex-smoker I don't have too much problem with smokers wanting to have a puff whilst out on the sauce but it seems to me that this is the way we're heading. It seems increasingly that we're unable to make decisions for ourselves and are becoming over regulated to such an extent that we'll soon have to consult a PC handbook before we even get out of the door.

I reckon a better solution would be to have separate areas for smokers and non-smokers, thus giving people the choice where they want to sit/drink or whatever.

Any thoughts?

OllyK 09 June 2004 10:26 AM

While smoking is still legal, people have the right to smoke, likewise people have the right to smoke free air as well. Give them separate areas and then people have the choice.

Brendan Hughes 09 June 2004 10:30 AM

I thought this was done a month ago? I think a lot of people got hot and bothered about the ban until eventually someone pointed out that the ban included provision of separate spaces, so both sides should be happy.

sorry if wrong.

eClaire 09 June 2004 10:31 AM

Ok. I don't particularly care about this right now. I have voted leave it as it stands. I think there are more important things for the time being to worry/debate about than banning smoking in public places. I am a smoker who is currently trying to quit, and to be honest I don't mind people enjoying a smoke around me; providing I'm not eating of course!

OllyK 09 June 2004 10:31 AM

Think these are the old smoking threads:

From March this year, so may be worth digging it out again :D

Audi-Boy 09 June 2004 10:33 AM

IMO, smoking should be banned in all places where food is served/eaten.

Other than that I've got no problem.

Brendan Hughes 09 June 2004 10:34 AM

Fag butt in a lake? :D

davegtt 09 June 2004 10:35 AM

Im not a smoker but its annoying on say a sunday evening I pop down the local for the quiz (only in the pub 2 hours) the table I sit with none of which are smokers yet when I get home I STINK of fags and its repulsive, I dont have problems with smokers but at this time of year I find it hard enough to breathe as is with heavy hay fever suffering so imagine how hard it is for these people who have to breathe in smoke for ciggarettes too, puts me off going anywhere like that...

just my 2pence worth.

think its hard for smokers to realise how awful it is for some none smokers.

ProperCharlie 09 June 2004 10:37 AM

ban it. altogether.


ALi-B 09 June 2004 10:38 AM

Agree with AB don't see any smokers light up whilst eating (except Italians). But when they finish, it's fine for them to light up without a thought for the other people eating on other tables.

Faire D'Income 09 June 2004 10:40 AM

Oops. How do I delete this thread?

ProperCharlie 09 June 2004 10:42 AM

yeah; it's a good point about food being served. went out for a chinese a while back - eveyone else wolfed their first course and then sparked up whilst i was still eating. they seemed surprised when i asked them to f*ck off from the table if they wanted to smoke.

foamy 09 June 2004 10:48 AM

I was out with a smoker a few weeks back - and was surprised when said smoker asked my permision to smoke around me! That made a change from my mates who enjoy nothing more than rolling-up their own ciggies and blowing smoke everywhere. A considerate smoker - never thought I'd see the day! :p

I'd just put another £10 of tax on each packet to fund the NHS. <Flame suit secured>

Senior_AP 09 June 2004 10:51 AM

If you wanna smoke - smoke.

# Public places if they are indoors I think it should be illegal.

# Public places if its in the open air I feel should be legal.

I don't wanna breathe in smoke that has been passed down the throat, past the gut, into the lungs then spat out back into my breathing air. Its dirt. Do I go around farting in your face??!?! NO!!

It f$cking stinks, it aint cool and its a drain on the NHS (which non-smokers have to subsidise).

Smokers should pay (or atleast subsidise) if they get smoking related illnesses.

Don't even get me started of fat f$ckers that eat junk food!!!!


eClaire 09 June 2004 10:54 AM

:eek: I'm a considerate somker!!!!!! :)

Senior_AP 09 June 2004 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by eClaire
:eek: I'm a considerate somker!!!!!! :)

Respect to eClaire!!

OllyK 09 June 2004 10:58 AM

Smokers should pay (or atleast subsidise) if they get smoking related illnesses.
Any idea how much of the cost of a packet of 20 is tax??? OK it's all one big pot, but if all the smokers stopped smoking today, there would be one big hole in the government's finances.

TelBoy 09 June 2004 10:58 AM

Who's going to be the first to point out that tax revenue from cigarettes over-compensates for the money spent treating smoking related illnesses on the NHS?

I always enjoy the irony of that one...

imlach 09 June 2004 10:59 AM

Quite easy really. You're not going to get people to stop instantly, so need a logical but sympathetic approach.

Food establishments/restaurants : ban it - disgusting!
Pubs/clubs : quite happy with the status quo so long as the aircon is up to the task of removing the smoke. Most modern pubs/clubs seem to whip the smoke away quite efficiently and seem relatively smoke free.
Outdoors : seems ok, so long as the stubs don't end up on the street.

messiah 09 June 2004 10:59 AM

ban it. either smoke in your own home or not at all. even on an open street you can be choked to death...

seperate spaces is all well and good, but the smoke doesnt abide by zones and makes everyone in the non-smoking section smell as bad as those who do smoke - and half the time, smokers ignore no-smoking signs anyway.

Public places should employ fag-police IMHO.

damian666 09 June 2004 10:59 AM

Foamy, put that £10 on a pack of fags.

I'll just go to France to get mine. :rolleyes:

TelBoy 09 June 2004 10:59 AM

LOL, pre-empted by Olly!! :D

Senior_AP 09 June 2004 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by messiah

Public places should employ fag-police IMHO.

Fag Police?? Bit unfair on homos3xuals isn't it ??? lol

foamy 09 June 2004 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by damian666
Foamy, put that £10 on a pack of fags.

I'll just go to France to get mine. :rolleyes:

I was waiting for someone to bite on that. :p I'd make it illegal to have foreign purchased tobaco. (This will clearly be when I get voted into power as Prime Minister for my social popularity ;))

eClaire 09 June 2004 11:10 AM

Hmmm, Senior, you know what I meant :p

But seriously, if I don't mind looking like a chav smoking in the street (which is usually first thing in the morning) then so be it. But I always catch myself swapping hands/blowing in the opposite direction if someone is passing me. I daren't smoke standing at the bus stop. A few weeks back I asked to be seated in the smoking section of a restaurant and had an ashtray brought to my table; I felt so fakkin guilty lighting up! (And yes I had waited till everyone else round me had finished!!)

The law should stand as it is, but seperate seating areas are a good idea (most places have them anyway!)

Claire (whos has ordered Alan Carr and is starting NRT next week :cool: )

Harry_Boy 09 June 2004 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by messiah
ban it. either smoke in your own home or not at all. even on an open street you can be choked to death...

seperate spaces is all well and good, but the smoke doesnt abide by zones and makes everyone in the non-smoking section smell as bad as those who do smoke - and half the time, smokers ignore no-smoking signs anyway.

Public places should employ fag-police IMHO.

Agree 100% mate. Disgusting habit. Should carry a mandatory custodial sentence.... :D

OllyK 09 June 2004 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by TelBoy
LOL, pre-empted by Olly!! :D

Yup - I know.

To be honest I wouldn't have an issue with you having to have private health insurance to cover self inflicted ilness such as smoking related cancer, liver disease due to alchohol abuse, drug abuse related ilness, obesity etc etc. I suspect the problem would be proving it was self inflicted.

I also think the NHS is covering far too much "elective" treatment. If it isn't life threatening or debilitating then you should have to pay. Sex change operations, Tattoo removal, IVF etc etc should all be done outside the NHS.

The point still stands though that the revenue from fags is huge and if it dissapeared other taxes would have to go up to fill the gap, at least this way the smokers make a big contribution, if they didn't everybody would have to pay more!

imlach 09 June 2004 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by eClaire
A few weeks back I asked to be seated in the smoking section of a restaurant and had an ashtray brought to my table; I felt so fakkin guilty lighting up! (And yes I had waited till everyone else round me had finished!!)

The issue I have with this is that sometimes one can end up in a restaurant/cafe with little in the way of competition (ie, say you got to a highland village and there is only one cafe in the area, OR you're in town and there is only one restaurant left with a table for the night).

Sometimes you're forced into the smoking area as you're SO hungry you'll suffer it.....and you have to suffer the smoke. Not nice.

AFAIK, I've never seen a restaurant with airtight barriers between smoking and non-smoking, and if someone lights up a cigar or pipe, you're done for even in the non-smoking area. :(

I think it is socially polite to remove yourself outside if one feels the need to smoke. Just cos you can, doesn't mean you should :D

imlach 09 June 2004 11:17 AM

Oh, and one for the smokers. If you saw the chef smoking while preparing your food, would you mind? :D

messiah 09 June 2004 11:21 AM

Good point imlach - depends if he was making you tattie h-ash...

the seperate areas only work if there's a barrier to stop the smoke passing over - a couple of bollards with tape just doesnt cut it.

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