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JohnD 11 May 2004 09:48 PM

Petrol price - holy s***
Just put some Optimax in at 86.9p/litre That's +7p in just over a week! and don't forget, this God awful government has promised another couple of pence in Sept?
Is it blockade time again?? Methinks it could happen! Would you be in favour?

Fangoria 11 May 2004 09:51 PM

86.9p - I thought 84.9p was bad enough.... in Bristol

at 20-25 mpg it dont last very long either..... maybe emigration is the answer!!

JohnD 11 May 2004 10:07 PM

There could be plenty of space in Poland soon? :rolleyes:

Jasoon 11 May 2004 10:11 PM

wish i could get Optimax for 86.9

i pay 88.9/litre

BMWhere? 11 May 2004 10:41 PM

Its not just Britain, its gone up in Germany too. It cost me about 81p/litre today to fill up with 100 octane V-Power :mad:

currymonster 11 May 2004 10:45 PM

Yep sti has to go bye bye in a few months, nice cheap clio 182 for me, sad but thats the thieving government bar stewards for you :mad:


ROSSCNEW 11 May 2004 10:45 PM

87.9 in braidwood , lanarkshire , scotland for optimax plus £4 for a bottle of octane booster .

mart360 11 May 2004 10:52 PM

June 10th

give em a bloody nose!!!

BlueBoy 11 May 2004 10:52 PM

Yeah ours was only 76.9 last month and it's shot up to 84.9 in a matter of 3 weeks, only went up 2p to 84.9 about 3 days ago as well :(

Have to get a diesel soon for my 30K a year :eek:

pslewis 11 May 2004 10:56 PM

80.9p for me - so cheep I filled the MX5 up with it, its cheaper than perm solution! ;)

And who was the muppett above who laid the blame at Sir Blairs door? :rolleyes:


pappasmurf 11 May 2004 11:02 PM

..blimey charlie!'s been between 84.9 and 86.9 for months in Cambridge.
Goodness knows how much it will be when i fill up again at the weekend.

....can't we just take over the Iraqi oil wells? :D


pslewis 11 May 2004 11:13 PM

Indeed we can, and have taken over the oil fields ....... problem is the Iraqis, or whoever, keep blowing up the pipes!

Panic starts and prices rocket! - its about time the good ole US of A started selling their huge reserves of oil (they are saving theirs until the world runs out in the Middle east!)


11 May 2004 11:40 PM


AFAIK not a lot of US reserves....despite US having less than £1 a gallon. Iraq now US oil fields !!

Jasoon, where are you paying that..not at Hardwick Circus ??


Jaybird-UK 11 May 2004 11:51 PM

This is upsetting....

Average: US$1.98 / 1.7599 = GB£1.12

Works out £0.2962 per litre :mad: :mad: :mad:

ThrustSSC 11 May 2004 11:56 PM

89.9 on the M5 at Bristol the other day :( Good job I only needed half a tank. Actually I didn't need that - it turned out the dearth of Optimax stations between Bristol and Cornwall was just a figment of the Shell Web Site's imagination!

tiggers 11 May 2004 11:59 PM

I think you'll find that the current price rise is due to the crude oil price increasing and as far a sI know the UK government has nothing to do with that. Still you can carry on blaming them if you want to.

Oh and what if I was to tell you that the real cost of motoring has actually dropped 5% in the last 12 months - you wouldn't believe me would you and if you did you certainly wouldn't blame the government for that one would you now :rolleyes:


bloke 12 May 2004 12:11 AM

I bet the people whinging about the price of US vs UK fuel whinge about the gas guzzling cars they drive over their too...:rolleyes:

Read the papers...the price of crude went to over $40 a barrrel after the terrorist attack on the oil terminal. Hence BA et al putting a surcharge on flights following a 60% increase in the cost of aviation fuel.

I'm not exactly Blair's biggest fan (in fact I think he's an arrogant to55er) but you can't blame him for this one...

Tiggers is right the real irony is the cost of motoring continues to decrease in real terms...

cefski 12 May 2004 12:18 AM

Optimax has gone up to about 85.9 pence/litre at my local. Saw something on tv a few days ago saying that over 60 pence of this is tax. Roll on private health care, contributions based benefits etc, etc, if this is the price we have to pay :mad: .

I'll be buying a diesel 'second car' before long. the Imp will be used purely for leisure purposes, but some anal bright-spark cnut within the government will probably dream up a "Second Car Tax" bill before long.

Getting :mad: er by the minute.......


bloke 12 May 2004 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Sith
The government takes 80% tax on on petrol. So I BLAME the government. If they take 50% then the price call fall dramatically.

The blame lays squarely at the governments door. Don't try and defend them. Doesn't matter who's in. They still tax the hell out of petrol.

Oh for heaven's sake. Are you really that naive? :rolleyes:

BedHog 12 May 2004 01:43 AM

Originally Posted by bloke
Oh for heaven's sake. Are you really that naive? :rolleyes:

Your right - it's only 75%.......... lol

imlach 12 May 2004 01:50 AM

OK, so the goverment could reduce fuel duty.

Would you be happier for your income tax to rise by 3p in the £ to compensate?

After all, the money has to come from somewhere....

BedHog 12 May 2004 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by imlach
OK, so the goverment could reduce fuel duty.

Would you be happier for your income tax to rise by 3p in the £ to compensate?

After all, the money has to come from somewhere....

Money for what? That's the point for me.

If all Road Tax Duty/Fuel Tax was ploughed back into the road infrastructure then I wouldn't mind.....

So yes - raise income tax by 3p - let the government tell the truth about where specific taxes are being spent and we will all be happy (or maybe not....)

Tax at source - all this stealth tax will always work because most people are ignorant of it - but there are many who see it for what it is.

Brit_in_Japan 12 May 2004 03:47 AM

The money is for everything governments spend money on. Education, health service, pensions, police service, fire service, roads, defence etc

For example the government has increased expenditure on the NHS from £65bn in 2002 to £79bn in 2004 (£15bn extra, give or take a little for inflation). The NHS is a huge organization and has a lot of inertia, so big changes don't happen overnight. But signs are that improvements are starting to come through.NHS improvement

The current government, exactly the same as previous governments, does not believe in tax hypothication (i.e. saying where specific taxes are spent).

However I do think that considerable extra investment has to go into the transport infrastructure, meaning for the most part improved railways, new light transit systems, new cycleways etc. and making sure maintenance on the existing road network is doen to a high standard.

DJ WATTS 12 May 2004 04:35 AM

Oh and lets not forget 17.5%VAT on every single dam thing you purchase?
They have a reason for that as well?
Or maybe its because for every thing you buy they want to take a slice of your money for free?

This country is ALL ABOUT TAX and nothing less!

Take a look at other countries and they seem to do things a little different and maybe with a little thought we could actually mirror some of their ideas and ways.
Fair enough im not talking about Ethipoia or whatever but well developed countries where tas duty is considerablly lower. ;)

We are a smaller country and as such our goverment have to make up for lost revenue from places like America where the place is so huge that they can afford to charge less on things as there are so many there to tax anyhow.

TAX TAX TAX And its about time things changed as how can the cost of living go up when wages remain the same?

Alas its the same old story and a load of bullsh*t from our ****ty system!

imlach 12 May 2004 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by DJ WATTS
Oh and lets not forget 17.5%VAT on every single dam thing you purchase?
They have a reason for that as well?
Or maybe its because for every thing you buy they want to take a slice of your money for free?

Umm....I think you'll find most countries have a form of VAT, or Sales Tax.

This country is ALL ABOUT TAX and nothing less!
Like most countries!

I think in the UK, something like 29% of your income earned (for an average person) is taken as tax in one form or another (that accounts for all taxation - direct & indirect). In Germany, it is 30%, so we're not the worst!

RRB 12 May 2004 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by imlach
Umm....I think you'll find most countries have a form of VAT, or Sales Tax.

Like most countries!

I think in the UK, something like 29% of your income earned (for an average person) is taken as tax in one form or another (that accounts for all taxation - direct & indirect). In Germany, it is 30%, so we're not the worst!

You cant just compare the tax rates here, yes other countries may pay more tax than us, but they receive better benefits for paying the more tax. You lose your job here and your on something like £55 a week dole. In denmark lose your job and you get 75% of your wage for the first year your unemployed. Things like this make paying more tax bearable.

imlach 12 May 2004 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by RRB
You cant just compare the tax rates here, yes other countries may pay more tax than us, but they receive better benefits for paying the more tax. You lose your job here and your on something like £55 a week dole. In denmark lose your job and you get 75% of your wage for the first year your unemployed. Things like this make paying more tax bearable.

Uh-huh. You pay more tax, you get more. Seems logical.
So now you're complaining that UK tax is too low? :D

RRB 12 May 2004 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by imlach
Uh-huh. You pay more tax, you get more. Seems logical.
So now you're complaining that UK tax is too low? :D

No im complaining that UK tax is high and you get very little back.

tiggers 12 May 2004 10:19 AM

What makes me laugh is how every time the OIL COMPANIES put the petrol price up everyone has a pop at the GOVERNMENT. The tax rate hasn't changed from the old price to the new so if you weren't moaning about it yesteday why moan about it today.

It's totally illogical, but then again trotting out the old line about how everything is the government's fault is easy isn't it?

ozzy 12 May 2004 10:21 AM

Yep, I'd go along with that. TAX is fine as long as you see the benefits.

We get hammered to drive a car yet there's very little viable alternatives in the form of public transport. Fine if you live in a major city, but I don't. Perhaps it would be a good idea to give TAX breaks to people in remote communities.

I also pay lots for a national health service, yet when it came time to have an op I had to go private (or wait an additional year to the 10 months I'd already waited).

Who cares if Germany has a higher tax than us or we're not the worst? I ain't German and I don't live here - not with their taxes ;). What I care about is our taxation and how it affects out cost of living.


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