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chaos. 15 April 2004 12:54 AM

Life after death..
It just gets me wondering and nobody knows the answer. When a person or being dies, is it just a simple blank? I understand a few people will hold this view on SN. To a point that is what I believe, but considering how complex humans are and the world humans have created, is it really that simple? Is sole preservation out of reach? Will you ever sence feelings in another physical body? Does a sole move out of the body and move on to a different place once it's learned its lessons on earth?

I'd like to know some of these unanswerable questions, like the meaning of life and what started and gave the breath that was needed for life to start.

Drives me crazy thinking about this sort of thing, keeps me awake sometimes:rolleyes::o
Your views..

Night Night.

Duck_Pond 15 April 2004 01:16 AM

Nah. Life is just another energy form that humans don't comprehend yet. When you consider how other energy forms can spread, and be reduced, and then consider how many other life forms are available to be filled on the planet, it'll be a better chance of winning the lottery 10 times on the trot, than coming back as another human (though that wouldn't be "Heaven" anyway...). Probably spend the next 5 million lifecycles as blue-bottles, living on a pile of sh!t, before witnessing your ass go through the back of your head as you mistakenly cross paths with a Subaru... ;)

sti555 15 April 2004 01:20 AM


Jamo 15 April 2004 01:22 AM

theres many a man ended up in a mental home trying to come up with a feasable answer for that same question.

you said it its an unanswerable question.

however I had a quite bad accident once, and died four timwes whilst being operated on.

for me it was a blank, black space, that i have no memory off, like going i for an operation, you have the shot you goto sleep, then wake up, no memory of it, dying will be like that i expect, without the waking up bit. that for me would be the most practical answer.

night night peeps.

jamo :D

suprabeast 15 April 2004 09:33 AM

the scary bit is the thought of that just being the end... but then i suppose you wont know its the end cos you wont remember it!

Brendan Hughes 15 April 2004 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by chaos.
When a person or being dies, is it just a simple blank?

They don't always have to die to be a blank.

Leslie 15 April 2004 09:50 AM

As you say Chaos, no one can answer that question. You start wondering why we are here anyway and how it all fits together with so much of life being interdependent.

All you can do is live it as you think is right and make the most of the opportunities that present themselves as life goes by. No point in getting wound up about it though.


TelBoy 15 April 2004 09:53 AM

Hmmm, how deep do i want to get involved here...?

LG John 15 April 2004 09:59 AM

Chaos - you need jesus :D;)

Seriously though I have no idea what the answer is and its something I have always wondered. My parents are christians so obviously I'm well aware of what they believe but I don't really know what I believe or think. I think this is part of the challenge of figure out for yourself where you fit into the universe and what your role means :)

CrisPDuk 15 April 2004 10:28 AM

I've always lived by the philosophy: Life's a bitch, you marry one, then you die:D

NACRO 15 April 2004 10:40 AM

Nothing after life except rotting flesh and stench of decay. It amazes me that people are so arrogant as to think there is anything after their puny and pathetic little lives.

We are just meat sacks like every other living creature on the planet.

jaycee 15 April 2004 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by j4mou
however I had a quite bad accident once, and died four timwes whilst being operated on.

for me it was a blank, black space, that i have no memory off, like going i for an operation, you have the shot you goto sleep, then wake up, no memory of it,
jamo :D

How would you know if you had no memory of it??? :D


what would scooby do 15 April 2004 10:51 AM

You are NULL

You could convert to hinduism and be re-incarnated as a slug - oh hang on you have to be born a hindu - no conversion I'm afraid.. get ready for the big blank

p.s. Nacro said it better ;)

juan 15 April 2004 10:53 AM

aye thats it!

quite scary isn't it. all too soon each of us will be no more.
its the relentless march of time. bugs the heck out of me but what can you do.
gets much more serious when you start hitting the age you remember your parents being etc. then you see how old they are now! that really shows you how short the whole ride is really. hold on tight.

STi wanna Subaru 15 April 2004 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by NACRO
Nothing after life except rotting flesh and stench of decay. It amazes me that people are so arrogant as to think there is anything after their puny and pathetic little lives.

We are just meat sacks like every other living creature on the planet.


TelBoy 15 April 2004 10:59 AM

NACRO, for many people, it isn't arrogance. At a certain age, when your mortality looms ever closer, it's something to grasp on to, in the hope that there might be something in it. After all, at that stage, you're in a no-lose situation.

But i don't understand the need to castigate everyone with the puny and pathetic diatribe though. Insignificant, maybe, but i certainly wouldn't denegrate the whole human population's existence as puny and pathetic. If it were, why bother to reproduce at all - we'd be doing the unborn a favour? Fortunately, most of us don't consider that to be the case...

suprabeast 15 April 2004 11:02 AM

I think it's a phenomenon thats too big and complex for any human brain to understand... the whole concept of the universe is too big.

You'll not know what happens until it happens! And by then it will be too late to tell anyone

juan 15 April 2004 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by suprabeast
I think it's a phenomenon thats too big and complex for any human brain to understand... the whole concept of the universe is too big.

You'll not know what happens until it happens! And by then it will be too late to tell anyone

Aye but the human race has very little to do with the universe. We're just one organism amongst millions. Its just biology, evolution etc.
With the amount of solar systems and planets out there it is almost impossible that there aren't other planets supporting life in various forms.

Each one has a god? personally I don't think so. Just ours has a god? personally I don't think so. Each religion on our planet has a god? personally I don't think so. How crowded would it be if there was a place all souls went to?

I can understand people going for the religion thing, as its is something to give you hope. I wouldn't mind buying into it myself but it just doesn't fit in with my view of life.

To be honest humans are the scurge of this planet (and any other they ever make it to). We've managed to convert an amzing place into a sh!t tip and are happily killing off thousands of other more deserving creatures all the time.

If I could wipe the human race out 100% I'd happily sacrifice my own life along with all others to try and get the planet back to life. (The thought of death scares the cr@ppola out of me but I would gladly do it to undo what we have done. Can't think of any other circumstances where I would though! I guess to save the missus also :) awww )

King RA 15 April 2004 11:20 AM

You do that and the whale gets it alright!!! :D:D

ian_sadler 15 April 2004 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by NACRO
Nothing after life except rotting flesh and stench of decay. It amazes me that people are so arrogant as to think there is anything after their puny and pathetic little lives.

We are just meat sacks like every other living creature on the planet.

Kin hell - Ian agrees with NARCO shocker :D

NACRO 15 April 2004 11:40 AM

"i certainly wouldn't denegrate the whole human population's existence as puny and pathetic"

Neither would I,nor did I, you just read it that way. My point was that individual human lives are relatively insignificant, puny and pathetic when put in context. That being the case it seems like supreme arrogance or stupidity to believe that an individual carries on in some manner after they have ceased living.

You are born and then you die. I suppose some people live on, after a fashion, by leaving offspring who can carry on existing after their death.

The idea of an afterlife seems like a sop to the weakminded and those who can't face the awful truth to me.

If something sounds too good to be true then it usually is.

MadGrip 15 April 2004 11:44 AM

There was a line in a film from the 90's , Amistad I think which said something on the lines of:

" At this point in time , the only reason any of my ancestors ever existed, is me."

sums it up pretty good I think


TelBoy 15 April 2004 11:47 AM

NACRO, ah i see. In which case, i'm totally in accordance with you.

But i guess people have the right to hope there's something else. Lots of people need reasons for all sorts of things, and i'd suggest human existence is the most basic of those...

RichWalk 15 April 2004 11:58 AM

NACRO for Pope then?? ;)

NACRO 15 April 2004 12:03 PM

Wouldn't mind being head of some satan worshipping orgy cult but pope, no thanks, I don't think I'd suit the dress.

chaos. 15 April 2004 12:04 PM

My point was that individual human lives are relatively insignificant, puny and pathetic when put in context.
Yep. However, if we cease to move on after death, life on earth is pointless.

So, on a basic scoobynet bulletin board, we have found the meaning of life!

THERE IS NONE. Thats based on your theory, and I agree.

suprabeast 15 April 2004 12:05 PM

its very easy to write it off as the end... but i cant see how you can if you cant explain the beginning and the middle...

Life is very strange.. and i'm not just talking about human existance but all animals. If in the beginning there was just matter - the basis of everything. At what point did it suddenly start "living".

NACRO 15 April 2004 12:08 PM

quote: "However, if we cease to move on after death, life on earth is pointless. "

Not so, does it give you pleasure to breathe in air, feel the sun on your skin, to drink and fcuk like a dog. It does me. That's the point.

chaos. 15 April 2004 12:11 PM

Not so, does it give you pleasure to breathe in air, feel the sun on your skin, to drink and fcuk like a dog. It does me. That's the point.
Ho hum! Not arguing!:D
If we moved on then the earth would be a classroom for the sole to learn lessons, if we cease to, then life on earth is pointles!

yoza 15 April 2004 12:12 PM

The way I see it.

When you die, thats it.
The end.....
I dont believe in life after death, but like it has been said the older you get the more 'maybe' you want to believe.

Dont get me wrong, Ive been to far too many funerals this year, and I would love to believe that when a someone dies he/she goes on to a better place.
I would also like to believe that PeterPan was a true story, but I place both subjects in the same box.

If these religious extreemists took up my slight on this subject maybe there would be less people blowing themselves (and others) up.
These people believe they go to a better place if they die for the cause(martyerdism sp). But you dont see too many of their top preachers doing the spade work.

So go on, prove me wrong.

I think when my time comes I will be the one who is told, "Your names not down, your not comin in. "

Now where have I heard that one before.....?

Later Yoza

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