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Jiggerypokery 13 April 2004 11:11 AM

Undertook a police car!
On saturday I was travelling in central London in a 3 lane section 50 zone (in the left lane) and noticed a marked police car in the middle lane staying about 50 yards behind me (I was doing about 45 and road ahead was clear).

Anyway, when the police realised that I wasn't going to provide any entertainment for them, they overtook and we both came upon a lady driving in the middle lane doing around 40 (left lane was clear at this point). I slowed to 40 while the police car tailgated Miss Oblivious before pulling into the right lane along side her and matched her speed (40 in a 50). It was nice to see them taking an interest in a middle lane hog, and even nicer that they let me continue at the speed limit in the empty left lane while they (hog and police) held up other traffic in the middle and right lanes. The police then dropped back and pulled in behind the hog, again rather close to her bumper, and she still seemed oblivious to their presence :eek:

Spoon 13 April 2004 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Jiggerypokery
On saturday I was travelling in central London in a 3 lane section 50 zone (in the left lane) and noticed a marked police car in the middle lane staying about 50 yards behind me (I was doing about 45 and road ahead was clear).

The Police was probably initially interested in why you were driving at below the speed limit when the road ahead was clear.

Maintaining 50 yards behind you allowed them to "clock" your speed and had the women not come into the equation they would have maybe pulled you over for being a muppet?

So why were you doing 45mph?

Scooby96 13 April 2004 11:36 AM

45 in a 50 isnt unreasonable

Jiggerypokery 13 April 2004 11:37 AM

... because I didn't know where I was going... and the limit was 50... and we had just gone through a tunnel ... and there were loads of speed cameras about...and I didn't want the attention of the cops for my entire journey (having noticed them way back and wondering why they didn't maintain their speed to overtake) ... and .... what's muppety about driving at 45 in a 50?

Spoon 13 April 2004 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by Jiggerypokery
... because I didn't know where I was going... and the limit was 50... and we had just gone through a tunnel ... and there were loads of speed cameras about...and I didn't want the attention of the cops for my entire journey (having noticed them way back and wondering why they didn't maintain their speed to overtake) ... and .... what's muppety about driving at 45 in a 50?

Not knowing where you were going is fair enough so although it was clear ahead, you weren't.

Not sure why the tunnel should have an effect unless it was really spooky.

Cameras, well if it's 50 mph limit then you are ok to do 50mph so they won't catch you.

Driving at 45mph obviously did attract Police attention.

Driving at 45mph on a clear 3 lane 50mph limited road is a very muppety thing to do.

Remember, this is my opinion but I'd have travelled at 50mph. ;)

Jiggerypokery 13 April 2004 12:04 PM

Anyway :) my point being that I didn't want the police inspecting my every move for my entire journey by sitting 50 yards away in the middle lane when they could have maintained their speed and gone on their way. They probably thought I hadn't seen them (white jam sandwich :) )

The main point was the attention they gave to the middle lane hog, and how she still didn't notice them after the tailgating. :)

Tiggs 13 April 2004 12:56 PM

"Not sure why the tunnel should have an effect unless it was really spooky."


Scooby96 13 April 2004 01:18 PM

Tailgating - isnt that an offence?

Spoon 13 April 2004 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Scooby96
Tailgating - isnt that an offence?

Not at a poofters ball it's not.

damian666 13 April 2004 05:25 PM

BRAKE!!!!! :D :D

That'll teach the f*ckers


StickyMicky 13 April 2004 05:34 PM

ehh ??

have i got confused here

just because the road is a 50 limit, it doesnt mean you have to drive at 50mph

Scooby96 13 April 2004 07:29 PM

Spoon - may I have this dance? :D :D

Spoon 13 April 2004 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by StickyMicky
ehh ??have i got confused here

No not here Micky, you were born confused. :D

Scooby96- Make it 2 dances and you be the bítch in the first. :D:D

Buckrogers 13 April 2004 08:34 PM

Whats wrong with doing 45mph in a 50mph limit?
Why is driving 5mph below the speed limit going to draw the attention of the police??
Travelling at 50mph instead of 45mph might get you to your destination at least 0.355 seconds quicker :D

and for what its worth, "undertaking" is not actually illegel. Depends on circumstances.

hades 13 April 2004 09:17 PM

Travelling at 50mph instead of 45mph might get you to your destination at least 0.355 seconds quicker
In fact exactly that long if your journey is exactly 86 metres long. If you're going further than 86 metres, it will make more difference than that. If you're not going further than 86mph, stop being a lazy git, and walk!

ALi-B 13 April 2004 09:40 PM

There is nothing wrong with doing 45 in 50. If I'm unsure of the speed limit I've been knownto do 30 in a 50. Hell, you can drive at 5mph in a 60 if you want to......just need a yellow beacon.

One thing that get's me with coppers is their need to taligate 5ft from your close that if missed them comming up behind...all you see is a white bonnet and nothing else. So you cant see any beacons in the grill or on the roof. So if they do decide to turn them can't see them :rolleyes:

I would have thought they'd give that in basic training or sommat!

It's tossers who think the stated speed limit is what you must drive at are the ones that cause not adjusting their speed to the conditions.

Spoon 13 April 2004 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
There is nothing wrong with doing 45 in 50. If I'm unsure of the speed limit I've been knownto do 30 in a 50. Hell, you can drive at 5mph in a 60 if you want to......just need a yellow beacon.

One thing that get's me with coppers is their need to taligate 5ft from your close that if missed them comming up behind...all you see is a white bonnet and nothing else. So you cant see any beacons in the grill or on the roof. So if they do decide to turn them can't see them :rolleyes:

I would have thought they'd give that in basic training or sommat!

It's tossers who think the stated speed limit is what you must drive at are the ones that cause not adjusting their speed to the conditions.

Condoning driving at 5mph in a 60 is the advice of a tosser and you will be stopped and done.

Meandering away from the original thread is what always happens here too.

The road was clear so no adjusting to conditions was necessary. :rolleyes:

lmsbman 15 April 2004 01:51 AM

Sorry Spoon, but the speed limit is a maximum and should not be treated as a target speed. If people want to drive under the maximum limit, what's the problem? So long as they are courteous to other drivers who want to go faster, let them carry on.

With regards to the tailgating, did you see the police stop the car? Sometimes, it is done for a short period, to prove that the driver never looks in their mirrors and is totally unaware of what's around them. It can be a very risky thing to do though.

+Doc+ 15 April 2004 11:15 AM

Sorry Spoon, but the speed limit is a maximum and should not be treated as a target speed. If people want to drive under the maximum limit, what's the problem? So long as they are courteous to other drivers who want to go faster, let them carry on.
Then why did i get a stoke on my driving test for going 30 in a 40?

Spoon 15 April 2004 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by lmsbman
Sorry Spoon, but the speed limit is a maximum and should not be treated as a target speed. If people want to drive under the maximum limit, what's the problem? So long as they are courteous to other drivers who want to go faster, let them carry on.

Imsbman see above in Doc's post for confirmation.

Also we are talking about 1, repeat 1 scenario and that is the original post, 45 in a 50 on a clear 3 lane road.

ALi-B 15 April 2004 12:27 PM

Condoning driving at 5mph in a 60
It's perfectly legal to do so...explain how tractors, milk floats, JCB's and mopeds get about on the road? (excepting motorways)

Most of the above pay road tax in one form of another, they are registered and their maximum capability is 15odd mph...30 at a push, if you want to risk the instability. There is no MINIMUM speedlimit in the UK.

The only thing you can get stopped for by the police is for causing an obstruction (thus the need for yellow beacons) and you are required to pull in at convenient passing places if traffic is built up...but that is just a recommendation.

I do condone it, as it is legal to do so, if your lost your better slowing down that risk overshooting the turning or junction and braking at the last minutes etc. Also your reaction will be affected as your looking for a destination and not necessarily what is happening around you. (i.e "adjusting speed to the conditions" :rolleyes: )

Spoon, you'll find that your the tosser. By calling me that you have confirmed my suspicion of your maturity, your IQ, and your level of common sense.

InvisibleMan 15 April 2004 12:46 PM

undertook on the motorway. got bored with the outside line hoggers who dont look in their mirrors. undertook serveral cars including a police car to pass the nonce. As i passed the police they shrugged at me & tucked in behind. moved in to fastlane then to the middle to allow the police to pass. They waved as they did. For some way down the motorway i was behind the police and as we got caught up by more nonces i could see their arm gestures i guess peeved off by the lack of observation from anyone.

interesting journey home that was :D

Dracoro 15 April 2004 12:50 PM

There is no MINIMUM speedlimit in the UK
Well there IS on the motorway IIRC. 35 or 40 mph I think. Obviously only applies in freeflowing traffic else the police could pull over everyone in a traffic jam :D :D

let's go dig out those dusty highway code books ;) :D

ALi-B 15 April 2004 12:53 PM

read the full sentance....

It's perfectly legal to do so...explain how tractors, milk floats, JCB's and mopeds get about on the road? (excepting motorways)
nice try :p :D

Hmmm I see your point on re-reading my post, would edit, but I'm not a coward ;)

Scooby Roo 15 April 2004 12:57 PM

To alleviate any confusion you may want to read up on this may give you some tips for the future :D;)

Spoon 15 April 2004 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
Spoon, you'll find that your the tosser. By calling me that you have confirmed my suspicion of your maturity, your IQ, and your level of common sense.

You'll find you implied I was a tosser in the first instance so appearing to be whiter than white doesn't wash.

Originally Posted by Ali-B
It's tossers who think the stated speed limit is what you must drive at are the ones that cause not adjusting their speed to the conditions.

As well as being concerned about my maturity, IQ and common sense well don't bother, I'm sure I've got more of each than you've had poppadoms.

Oh and I've corrected your spelling/grammar, it's you're not your.

Remember nobody has once mentioned a minimum speed limit but you.

I repeat again for the last time, the original post was my point for comment and as Jiggerypokery explained he was not sure where he was going then that was good enough.

Dracoro 15 April 2004 02:34 PM

Oh and I've corrected your spelling/grammer, it's you're not your
LOL :D ermm, you'll find the word you're after is spelt grammAr! ;) :D

Spoon 15 April 2004 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Dracoro
LOL :D ermm, you'll find the word you're after is spelt grammAr! ;) :D

Guilty, no excuse except it was noticed!

But you'll find it's grammar not grammAr. :D:D

Time for a brew I reckon.

ALi-B 15 April 2004 11:39 PM

Well I mentioned minimum speed as you seemed so very concerned as why Jiggerypokery was travelling below the limit. I am just pointing out it is not a crime to do so.

My initial slur "tosser" was not directed at any particular individual, more so of a general opinion of people who are so short sighted in their thinking that they will travel at a stated speedlimit thinking it is safe. You however found it in your heart to direct it personally towards me.

So now you have brought this to the level of handbags at dawn, by taking a non-specifically aimed criticism personally. If I knew how you drove and how you think, then perhaps I would aim that criticism at you, but I don't read minds and I don't know you. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Thankyou for pointing out my mistaken apostrophe. Please understand that my spelling and grammar whilst posting on SN is not at the top of my priorities. We are all guilty of the odd typographical error - as what dracoro pointed out :p

Now, what was the topic?? :confused: ;) :D

Spoon 16 April 2004 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
Well I mentioned minimum speed as you seemed so very concerned as why Jiggerypokery was travelling below the limit. I am just pointing out it is not a crime to do so.

Not concerned in the slightest but then melodrama has never been my strong point. You don't need to point out to me that it's not a crime either, I am fully aware.

Originally Posted by Ali-B
My initial slur "tosser" was not directed at any particular individual, more so of a general opinion of people who are so short sighted in their thinking that they will travel at a stated speedlimit thinking it is safe. You however found it in your heart to direct it personally towards me.

My comment was aimed at anybody who condoned driving at 5mph in a 60mph limit, if the cap fits then wear it.

Originally Posted by Ali-B
So now you have brought this to the level of handbags at dawn, by taking a non-specifically aimed criticism personally.

Again, you'll find you brought it down originally using the word tosser.

Originally Posted by Ali-B
Now, what was the topic?? :confused: ;) :D

I don't doubt for one minute you are confused considering your meandering away from the original post but practice will make perfect, keep at it hey.

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