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sti555 08 April 2004 03:11 PM

Having a Bad Day....
How fed up am I.. :mad:

Cut a long story short..

Yesterday some young scotes were trying to nick bits of my car... Saw it happen on cctv ;) & a girl who I work with rung me up to tell she witnessed it..

So I leg it to the car park...

Approach said scrotes approx 15-16 years old...

Naturally I'm angry at this point.. Scrotes are dening it.. However there hands are covered in dirt & brake dust (my car was filthy)

So Our security guy turns up calls the police... in the meantime the mother turns up.. Goes of on one from her precious son (Blinkers on) would'nt do this that the other blah blah

Anyway daft bint gives me a right ear bashing.. Police turns up, by this time I'm p1ssed off beyound belief..

Especially as scrote is crying & told mother/police I assulted him.. however it's all on camera..

Anyway copper takes details lets scrotes go...... watchs video & gets witness statement.. then tells me he's off to arrest the little toe rag :)


get into work today, as per normal after a few hours Top Brass & Co turn up give me a letter saying I'm suspended for Being Rude & aggressive towards a member of the public.. blah blah

So hear I am, had to leave straight away felt like I had been sacked, got loads of meetings this afternoon & tommo that I'm trying to cancel..

I have no ""prev record"", I'll admit I was angry & rude, but that was it..

Should I feck it & go find another job (IT/Tech Support/Web Dev etc) or write a letter or what, whats likely to happen??

Bearing in mind I'm the only person with admin rights for the whole domain & everything I built the feckin network from scratch..


angrynorth 08 April 2004 03:17 PM

Your bosses sound like right cnuts, either that or they know the little brats Mum.

I would start looking :( Best of luck.

sti555 08 April 2004 03:21 PM

Really can't believe it..

Just made a few calls, time to get the suit out :(
Least I'm on full pay ;)

Cheers matey!

boxst 08 April 2004 03:21 PM


Is the Car Park company property? Do you have any visible indication of the company you work for?

Otherwise you are acting on behalf of yourself, and it is no business of the company. What exactly does the letter say?


sti555 08 April 2004 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by boxst

Is the Car Park company property? Do you have any visible indication of the company you work for?

Otherwise you are acting on behalf of yourself, and it is no business of the company. What exactly does the letter say?



Car park is Co property & I was in Co uniform at the time (unusually!)..


Dear .....

We are writing to inform you that you are suspended from your employment on full pay with imediate effect.

The reason for this suspension is that an allegation of extreme insulting & aggressive behaviour towards members of the public has been made against you.

Whilst the suspension in no way will affect the outcome of any disciplinary hearing in regard to his matter, it is important thatt you are suspended from your duies so we can conduct a fair & thorough investigation. Whilst you are suspended you must refrain from returning to ******.



Shame really enjoyed it

Just off to have a meeting with potential emp..


boxst 08 April 2004 03:30 PM


... Car park is Co property & I was in Co uniform at the time...
Ah, then they were within their rights. Sorry.


Paulo P 08 April 2004 03:34 PM

Unbelievable :mad: What are some people like :rolleyes: I can't believe they had the balls to complain after that!

Good luck with it :)

fitzscoob 08 April 2004 03:38 PM

sorry mate thats ****e :(

make sure you take the little scroat to court and cause as much agro as you can. also, as we are in the age where you can sue anyone for anything :( see if you can sue the mother for causing you agro, stress, loss of earnings, time etc.

hope it all turns out right in the end

TonyNesta 08 April 2004 03:47 PM

Feel for you mate !

If there is a security guard, and CCTV, I would have thought its a company car park, hence you getting suspended. If it was a public car park or on the road, its got sod all to do with the company, therefore suspension would be invalid.

However, most company car parks I know, including my own, state that they take responsibility for nothing and its all down to you. Hence the reason why you had to go out and sort it, which in my book, again makes the suspension invalid. Its not as if you lamped someone after all, its just cross words - I think your Top Brass have massively over-reacted. What were you supposed to do, let the scrotes damage your car ?

It stinks which ever way you look at it.

You could start looking for another job, but I would just sit back, enjoy the time off and see what the Top Brass come back with. They may just call it a cooling off period, which would be OK, although they may try to make it a disciplinary thing, put it on your HR records etc., which is well out of order in my opinion. In which case you should object, and ask for specific reasons why this is happening, asking for SPECIFIC references in your company rules and regulations or code of conduct that are relevant to the charges against you ie. what 'rules' exactly are you supposed to have broken. All meetings you attend in this respect, make sure you take a witness with you - someone you trust and who is respected in the company; you are entitled to this by law in any form of disciplinary hearing so don't let them bully you. If they refuse, walk out telling them you will only attend the hearing if you have a witness of your choosing present. Start asking around now.
Try and record the meeting too, either on tape or minuted by an independant person. Again, this will probably not be offered, but you can insist. Start boning up on your company disciplinary and grievance procedures - he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Its a bit difficult to determine over the net without knowing what company you work for etc., but I used to have to deal with this kind of thing in a previous job, and to generalise, you have to know what the rules are in order to break them, so exactly what 'crime' have you committed ?

I think that the fact you have a clean employment record, and also that everything's on CCTV and the Police went to arrest the Chav/Ned, should weigh heavily in your favour.

Best of luck, and let us know how you get on.


TonyNesta 08 April 2004 03:49 PM

Just like to add my post was written before the other responses, although most of the points in it are still valid.

All the best.


Jolly Green Monster 08 April 2004 04:23 PM

Soundsl ike they have suspended you due to a complaint rather than anything else, they have to do that but doesn;t mean they agree with the complaint or that it will not be ignored once they have investigated it.. it is a bit harsh and I would expect it to come to nothing.. they must use the carpark and cannot believe the Top Brass would have delt with it any different.


Tiggs 08 April 2004 04:28 PM

lesson to be learnt had CCTV, you had security and you had police...getting angry was pointless.


ps- feel sorry for you though!

Big C 08 April 2004 04:31 PM

And i thought I was having a ****ty day :(

Feel for you mate, chin up, maybe it's the kick up the r's you need to look for something better? :confused:


Dream Weaver 08 April 2004 04:32 PM

Another example of this shambolic country. :mad:

All the decent folk get shat on, whilst tossers like those young scrotes (and their parents) get away with murder.

Piss take if you ask me. Your company should have backed you up and had the balls to stand up for you. Infect their network and leave ;)

Chip 08 April 2004 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Tiggs
lesson to be learnt had CCTV, you had security and you had police...getting angry was pointless.


ps- feel sorry for you though!

I would say he's entitled to be angry. Wouldnt you be. A lot of people would have grabbed the little tw*ts and given them what they deserve which is a bloody good hiding.

PC mob neednt reply. Thank You.


ajm 08 April 2004 04:40 PM

I would be surprised if your suspension amounts to anything worse than a written warning, however it must seem very unfair. Your company is just trying to meet its obligations in investigating a complaint, hopefully they will agree that you did have reasonable grounds to act the way you did.

In the meantime make sure the little $hit doesn't get away with it!!!

Chip 08 April 2004 04:47 PM


Vette_76 08 April 2004 05:03 PM

No matter how it turns out, I'd leave the company - use the time you're on fully-paid suspension to get another job!!

I wouldn't want to work for a bunch of tw@ts who don't even look after their own!! Basically they've put some dirty little thieving chavs rights before your own!!

farmer1 08 April 2004 05:06 PM

Just enjoy the extra days off on full pay...

Brit_in_Japan 08 April 2004 06:17 PM

The company has to try and cover it's arse in case it comes into the public domain later. If they don't appear to take a customer/general public complaint seriously, it could damage their reputation. Hopefully it's just a handle turning exercise and you'll be fine. Could you ask someone like head of Human Remains for an off-the-record view of how serious the company thinks it really is? If they care about their employees they should be able to do this. At least then you can either sit back and enjoy the time off, or spend the time planning your escape route.

sti555 08 April 2004 06:29 PM

Just got home from an intresting meeting with a current business partner...

Gonna just relax, have abit of time off, at the end of the day, even if they decide I did nothing wrong, I'm frankly disgusted the way they have treated me today :(

Ummn innocent untill proven guilty???..

Oh well I've done nothing wrong nor would do it again differently in retrospect..btw Brass did'nt even ask me anything about what happened etc... Ummmmn, They refused to even let me put some more backup media in our Primary Domain Controller & file server... would of taken 10 secs to whack in another dvd-rw... Loads of my stuff is there too, books, cd's etc etc.. Took me ages o logoff too, my profile is over 800mb, they stood waiting eeek!

Oh feck it going for a pint! :D

Thanks again everyone, Will let you know what happens.. In the mean time if anyone knows of any IT monkey required give me a pm.


Tim :)

sti555 12 April 2004 06:59 PM

Just asked mate from work to pick up some personal bits, camera etc.. However I've got loads of CD's that I borrowed but they would'nt let my mate take em... As they they are labeled Access 1, 2 etc.. They think their access codes :( but it's access database stuff..

So How do I get em back as the word is nothing is gonna happen this week/I won't be able to go back...

Getting more pi$$ed off :(

FrenchBoy 12 April 2004 07:28 PM

have you got remote access??

you could make things 'interesting' if you have!!

sti555 12 April 2004 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by FrenchBoy
have you got remote access??

you could make things 'interesting' if you have!!


ALi-B 12 April 2004 08:55 PM

Hey - if you ever decide to could sell your story to the gutter press:

"Car vandal Cost me my Job" They would love that one, and the company might want to rethink their complaints policy afterwards ;)

The policy they seem to be operating seems very much like that of a large Japanease owned company, where they like to keep great pride and honour in their reputation etc. Unfortunately their policies, when used in the UK don't work so well - completely different culture.

ADP 12 April 2004 10:36 PM

sounds like a sh1te employer, use the time to get yourself something else, take it as a lesson learned (ie companies can be tw4ts and throw you out at any time for the gayest reasons ever) youll be much wiser next time - not saying you did anything wrong I would have done the same.

sti555 17 April 2004 09:27 PM

Well it will be 2 weeks this Wednesday coming... I have still not heard anything, not a whisper...

Is no news good news... or am I fecked?

getting abit worried now, any ideas?? :(

ProperCharlie 17 April 2004 09:57 PM

i am absolutelty amazed that this has gone on so long. it was a minor incident to begin with - what the hell is there to investigate that could possibly take more than a couple of days? seems very odd IMO.

sti555 17 April 2004 10:04 PM


Thats exactly what I thought, all this for something so minor, even though it's been Easter it should'nt of gone on this long, bearing in mind there open 7 days..

From a personal point of view I can't stay in this limbo, sick of doing feck all waiting around with no news..

would of thought I would of at least had some sort of communication, would it be wise to seek legal advice??

ADP 17 April 2004 10:07 PM

er yes, sorry I assumed youd sought legal advice the very same afternoon youd been asked to leave.

I was made redundant once, it was a small firm and the whole procedure basically was call me in for a meeting, I left that afternoon.................I was on the phone to a legal person straight away, dont be afraid to call them didnt cost me a penny and I got sound advice :) you dont have to pay out a load of money before speaking to a lawyer, just call up a employment law specialist, explain the situation and ask them whether it is worth pursuing / where you stand etc. They are smart cookies generally and should be able to point you in the right direction straight away.

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