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juan 07 April 2004 10:16 AM

Five most watched films
Only 2 of these are in my fave five list.
Dunno if any other people have certain films they watch over and over (or did when they were younger). Here are mine (with no exageration on the viewings):

1. Youngblood (well over 50 times) - Hey I was young and a budding ice hockey player (and Cynthia Gibb had a cracking bod :))
2. High School USA (over 30 times) - Terrible teen comedy with some great one liners
3. At Close Range (over 20 times) - Sean Penn, true story. Brilliant
4. About Last Night (over 20 times) - very enjoyable and Demi was foxy back then
5. Flash Gordon (over 15 times) - Great film, great music

rik1471 07 April 2004 10:58 AM

Lost Boys
Weird Science
South Park The Movie

These are films I watch again and again, not necessarily my favourite, just ones I seem to watch over and over :)

unclebuck 07 April 2004 11:15 AM

Uncle Buck
Uncle Buck
Uncle Buck
Uncle Buck
Uncle Buck


+Doc+ 07 April 2004 12:26 PM

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom


Dracoro 07 April 2004 12:55 PM

Life of Brian
Ali-G the movie
Truth or Dare
Gregorys Girl
The Bourne Identity
Oh, and any number of 007 movies

juan 07 April 2004 12:57 PM

Gregory's Girl was great. Really captured the era for me (similar age)

Duck_Pond 07 April 2004 01:00 PM

Jaws (quite sad, but I used to know the words to it...)
The Crow
Star Wars Trilogy

Vette_76 07 April 2004 01:02 PM

Dog Soldiers
Point Break
Can't think of another....although there are plenty of films I've seen about 4 or 5 times due to Sky Movies playing them constantly!!

Mr.Cookie 07 April 2004 01:04 PM

Cool Runnings
Starwars trilogy (77,80,83)
Forest Gump (17 times at cinema :eek: )

Getting close to them are
Lord of the rings trilogy
About a boy
Young guns

RichWalk 07 April 2004 01:31 PM

Debbie Does Dallas.....

Duck_Pond 07 April 2004 01:34 PM

Get away - I thought you preferred "Dwarf in a suitcase" ;)

CC 07 April 2004 01:36 PM

for me it's a more a case of films i'd watch again when the opportunity arises i.e. on tv etc

1. dumb and dumber, always raises a smile
2. the shining, jack is ace in this film hehe
3. terminator1, the original and best

cant think of any others hardly watch tv nowadays.

CrisPDuk 07 April 2004 01:37 PM

In on particular order

Where Eagles Dare - Corny as f**k, totally improbable, But Burton & Eastwood were in on the joke

Crossroads - soundtrack by Steve Vai & Ry Cooder, need I say more:)

Star Wars - The proper one, the first film I ever saw at the cinema

National Lampoons Animal House - The late, great John Belushi shows American Pie how it's done:)

The Italian Job - As if I need a reason:D:D

LG John 07 April 2004 01:39 PM

Jaws (quite sad, but I used to know the words to it...)
"Hooper drives the boat chief" :D Class :D

I've watched The Ventura films and the Big Lebowski to death :D

EddScott 07 April 2004 01:41 PM

Dune - used to watch this film every weekend after clubbing till 4am and being in a state of consciousness able to understand it.

Tango & Cash - Not becuase I like it but becuase it was the only video I had in the garage when it was converted into a smoking room, ahhhh school daze :)

Full Metal Jacket - Class film

Most other films I've watched equal number of times

Poor Guy 07 April 2004 03:24 PM

Gone in 60 seconds
Italian Job
Le Mans
Vanilla Sky

messiah 07 April 2004 03:27 PM

Star Wars
The Blues Brothers
Terminator 2

... Fellowship of the ring & Matrix Reloaded catching up fast though...

Butkus 07 April 2004 04:01 PM

The Italian Job

Wayne's World

First Blood and Rambo: First Blood Part II in equal measures.


Beautiful Girls - sounds dodgy, but it's not. Has some good dialogue in it.

sterns 07 April 2004 04:38 PM

1 - Snatch
2 - Lock stock
3 - Apocalypse now
4 - Amelie
5 - oceans eleven

Boro 07 April 2004 05:12 PM

Ruthless People

OllyK 07 April 2004 05:28 PM

The Holy Grail
Meaning of life
Life of Brian

jaycee 07 April 2004 05:57 PM

Reservoir dogs

Bit of a theme going me thinks!!


ajm 07 April 2004 06:21 PM

Wild at Heart
Withnail and Eye
Weird Science
Caddy Shack
Live and Let Die


Madjay2 07 April 2004 06:34 PM

National Lampoons Animal House - The late, great John Belushi shows American Pie how it's done

seen this film about 50MILLION times, utter brilliance

Eric Cartman 07 April 2004 06:59 PM

From Hell
Robin Hood: Men In Tights :D

Sith 07 April 2004 07:05 PM

Uncle Buck
Star Wars Trilogy
Fifth Element
Jason X
Starship Troopers

eddie h 07 April 2004 07:31 PM

Finding nemo - mine mine mine mine mine mine


American Pie

The Godfather pt 1

The godfather pt 2

corradoboy 07 April 2004 07:45 PM

LOTR - ROTK (superb sly Malysian pirate ;) )
Star Wars Trilogy (originals)
Alien Trilogy (don't count the poxy 4th :rolleyes: )
Terminator 1 & 2
First Blood & Rambo
Rocky 1-4
Indy Trilogy
Jurassic Trilogy
Starship Troopers
Enemy at the Gate
Black Hawk Down
Tha Abyss (SE)

When I'm feeling deeper....
Shawshank Redemption
Apocolypse Now
Schindlers List

I better stop now. I know you said five, but I like lots of films and watch one almost every night instead of banal soap operas and the like.

GotRice? 07 April 2004 07:48 PM

Ocean's 11
LOTR fellowship

Scooby Drew 07 April 2004 07:48 PM

Jaws "We're gonna need a bigger boat" :D:D:D:D
The Blues Brothers
Live and Let Die
Star Wars Trilogy
Aliens: Director's Cut ;)

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