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icantthinkofone 04 March 2004 02:29 PM

windsurfing - anyone on here...
ISTR there were a few here...

Anyone got opinions / reviews on a mistral screamer 133 2003 model?

I have an old slalom race board which is kicking my (shortboard learning) a$$. Thinking of something more modern/early planing that'd let me (attempt to) get in the straps at <20kts on the basis it might accelerate the learning curve.


Franx 07 March 2004 12:47 PM

Where abouts are you? If you're anywhere near West Kirby, I know a shop that'd give you a test drive on those kinds of things.
Otherwise, you could try - post on there, or there might be some information...
Those new-style boards do seem very easy to sail compared with mine, at any rate. Wider, shorter, more volume, more stable etc etc:). I've tried a few, & I'd get one, if I could afford it, and if i'd used my current one more recently than september.... It's not really a winter sport - not in Aberdeen, anyway:D

dpb 07 March 2004 05:23 PM

you could buy my carve 135 starboard ,8.5 tush heckler 7.5 naish 490 mast, big boom etc (all bits youll need if you want to plane early -as package good price ! all bought last year - (to compensate for rarly gettin nuff wind to sail wave board :rolleyes: ) - gear been used bout 4 times last summer /autumn

icantthinkofone 07 March 2004 11:25 PM

dpb, thanks.. sadly it's not really up my street (appart from the board itself)... I'm tilting more towards high wind sailing.

At the moment I have a copello 295 slalom, couple of gastra cammed slalom sails 6.7 & 6.2, which is kicking my ar$e for various reasons... tiny tail, hard rails, no tuck under, no vee etc. etc., however, I also have:

Ezzy wave 5.2
Ezzy axis 7.0 (both of which are sweet as can be!)
4.60 carbon mast, boom, extension etc.

Also, my (target) sailing territory is 20kts plus.. I'm a pretty competitive dinghy sailor, so under 20-25 I'll be racing a dinghy... once I learn to windsurf. I'm having to serve some time in lighter breezes along the learning curve!

Basically the current board's not giving me a chance to progress, without being outgrown too fast, and I have the option of:

Starboard carve in 145(!) 121 size
Mistral screamer in 117 or 133 size

All 03 models, at about 300 quid (my local hire shop/school's top line kit at favourable rates as the new 04 stuff is coming in), Ok, so it's seen some use, but mostly by better sailors, and is in pretty fair condition.

I've actually sailed all of the above now, but not had 1/2 decent conditions to try them out on the plane. At 75kg I can tack, gybe and uphaul all options with varying degrees of comfort, but any should be do-able, the smaller boards are 66cm wide.. 6cm wider than the copello, and have a lot more breadth in the tail.

I've also got a week in Dahab coming up which should help the technique a little.

Rather suspect I'm trying to split hairs a little choosing between the ranges, and I'm currently feeling I'd go for the 120ish boards as they're more likely to be relevant for longer. Either should take my 7m, not really thinking of going any bigger. All a bit hard on the arms :roll:

Lastly, dpb, just been reading the march ed of boards... you may find the article on "freestyle wave" boards interesting... or not!

dpb 08 March 2004 10:05 AM

...i got rid of me old slalom board,wish i hadnt. Yes i think a freestyle/wave board as an allround board would prob be ideal. i to would be out out on me yacht in sub 20 or buy a dingy?- i like to have s/w 's for a bit o swell -but seem to have them less and less here in brighton /rottingdean- hence the big kit ,,have had afew light weather sessions with this setup. have been out wit 8.5 couple o times when the wind came up a bit -hard work :D. Want to sell all this now tho. Just been to g.canaria for cheap sun thought wed get little wind,got 2 days wsurfin outta14 so learnt to dive. Does dehab have dependable wind-this would have been another choice although dearer methinks-we figure dive if no windsurf .cheers

icantthinkofone 08 March 2004 10:54 AM

Currently undecided as to what to do with the slalom board.. I'm a bit of a speed freak, and I must admit I've had flashes of what it can do - when it finally does release onto the plane... It's scary fast:D:D. Problem is I'm stuck on the back with front foot in and a choice of 1) staying there and waiting for the catapult 2) trying to get the back loop and catapulting on the spot.

Tempted to sell it, but doubt I'll get that much for it, so may as well hang on?

Dahab is (allegedly) windsure -, but then they all say that, right? :) Have heard good things from friends that have been however. It's probably a bit pricey; in my case I'm tied to when I'm going by g/f's leave - Egypt seemed the best bet in early april. Suppose on the bright side, at least the g/f's (more?!) keen to go windsurfing as a holiday, so that's something! Will let you know what it's like when I come back!

dpb 08 March 2004 11:11 AM

..... note to self.............................................. ....windsurf mag stats always 200% inaccurate :rolleyes: :D

Franx 08 March 2004 05:03 PM

Hang onto the slalom board as well. Don't sell it, unless you really need the space. I'm just regretting having p/xed my bic slalom board - at least I will when I get to go out;). My current one's a very nice board, but it's not half as quick as the old one:(, although it is easier to turn, which is handy:)

icantthinkofone 10 March 2004 03:13 PM

Oh well.. here goes, just purchased one (slightly used!) starboard carve 121.. 'cos it's blue and looks cooler than the mistral :rolleyes:

Can't wait for the weekend..... let it blow :) (just enough to be fully powered on the 7m 'cos it's a big jump from 7 to 5.2.........)

Franx 11 March 2004 10:44 AM

There'll be a flat calm at the weekend probably;):D. Always is when you go out and buy kit. It took me 4 months before I could use my 5.5m:D

icantthinkofone 11 March 2004 10:47 AM

Looking good for wind actually.. which is nice! Just that someone mentioned snow. Aaargh!

dpb 13 March 2004 12:35 AM

possible sw alert....First sail o the season ? - have ta dig out the 5mm brrrrrr-ice cream head. prolly wont reach brighton :rolleyes:

icantthinkofone 15 March 2004 10:42 AM

was out on sunday on my 5.2.. tho admittedly those that were more competant were using 6ish sails, seemed to have plenty of power to plane.


Franx 15 March 2004 11:37 AM

How's the board then? I heard they were good. Nearly bought a carve myself, then realised I couldn't afford it.
Did you keep the slalom board?:D

weapon69 15 March 2004 04:45 PM

Wish i had the money to go Windsurfing!! I can't waste another year!!!

icantthinkofone 15 March 2004 11:15 PM

It's very nice, had a few probs staying on it tho, rather choppy too... blagged borrowing something big and wide for most of the day :) Seem to have cracked my going over the front problems and replaced them by continual bearaway problems. But at least that's putting me over the side, not the front....

Weapon... it can be done 'on the cheap' - second hand gear, sails etc. To be honest there's not much point in buying new kit early on - it tends to get trashed... depends what you're after.

icantthinkofone 15 March 2004 11:16 PM

Oh, yeah, still got the slalom board.. for the time being at least...

Franx 16 March 2004 11:52 AM

Something to do with Mast foot Pressure, no doubt;):D Apparently the key to everything...
Aye, just buy second hand kit instead. It's far cheaper, & the only problem is, you don't always get very modern technology. Better value for money though:)

icantthinkofone 16 March 2004 11:29 PM

Hehe :)

More me not getting any weight on my back foot (I think) I'm digging low and back to avoid flying, and overdoing it. Know what ya mean about MF pressure tho...

weapon69 - dunno where you are etc, or what you'd want, but there's stuff going at my local sailing school from beginner boards at about 100 to 2003 shortboards at around the 300-350 mark. Drop me an email if I can help.

dpb 18 March 2004 08:19 PM

where r u icanthinkofone?.didnt get out sunday. this next couple o days looks promissin tho. *Weapon 69 check above post re. me wide board carve, "gear"

icantthinkofone 18 March 2004 11:45 PM

west of london - I'm pratting around on the queen mother res at the moment - if I can't get upwind I can walk back ;)

dpb 19 March 2004 12:15 AM it that shallow:p? ....never been on a lake prob should have learnt on one- might have progressed more. But playin with the waves does it for me :) shorebreak can be bit mental here mind :rolleyes:

icantthinkofone 22 March 2004 10:46 AM

Round the edge :rolleyes: it's 75ft deep in places!

Yeah, waves is where I *want* to get to - right now, staying on the thing would be a start :(

Franx 22 March 2004 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by icantthinkofone
Yeah, waves is where I *want* to get to - right now, staying on the thing would be a start :(

I know the feeling:D That was most of the problem when I last went out in Aberdeen:)

dpb 22 March 2004 11:03 PM

...jeeeez that must be bracin this time o year franx lol presumably you need northly winds if yer goin off the beach? well placed for visit to the Tiree classic mind :p :)

icantthinkofone 22 March 2004 11:15 PM

Just under 2 weeks to go....

Mmmmmmmmmm... :D

dpb 22 March 2004 11:23 PM

..btw ..what is all this bout puttin front foot in first -ive always put back in first ,generally whilst still in water prior to a helpful gust to lift me out and same time hookin in . Managed to ding :rolleyes: board goin over front in g canaria-so i suppose must be something init- very definate windline 100m off mind;) read it in mag today- have never holed any o my boards this way.

dpb 22 March 2004 11:24 PM

..lucky begga :p

icantthinkofone 22 March 2004 11:58 PM

Well, if you're waterstarting (i wish!) it's supposed to be back foot on, and flap the front, but if you're just sailing, the first foot to go in is allegedly the front, whereupon you try to slide the back foot in, and in doing so completely loose control, and go flying. (or at least that seems to be what happens to me...)

dpb 23 March 2004 12:37 AM

poss this works ok on a longer board ,but i think as long as your up and goin,gotta establish mfp/stability then get foot over the back to drive off the skeg ,to help it lift/speed up /gain more stability. Gettin onto a shorter board easier in a way -because not so far back to streeeech to put back foot in :). On the water startin ,most vital thing is control lin the sail to lift u up and out - like the clutch on a car-you can practise on the beach with the sail horizontally -feather it into the wind and let it lift you up.That precise point you have to establish once youve got that youve won.Connected up and in the water point nose 45 degrees off the do what you did on the beach.Mast along the board clew downwind.the bouyancy of the board will lift the top of the mast out the water,you now have to practise that pivot point.and let the sail hold you at arms length.Board should still be downwind o you and with your rear foot get a purchase anywhere between 1 and2 foot back from the mast-let the sail lift you on board -and your away!- initally this should be done in waist high water-with enough wind to 'hang off' in fact more than you think- wind ahs to lift 11 stone body outta water. good luck :D

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