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imlach 08 January 2004 12:47 AM

You gotta love it...

BBC show the "sport" of darts every year, yet the "sportsmen" involved have got to be almost within the bottom 1% of the UK population in terms of general health, BMI index, fashion consciousness (always in flattering short sleeve shirts to emphasise the gut), specimens.

Also, the so called "experts" seem to be walking adverts for Ratners in terms of additional weighty (and obviously so so classy) gold chainlink jewellery (not forgetting the gold sovereign rings on each finger).

You gotta love the audience too - shipped straight in from a Mecca bingo club and given free booze all night so as to make a fool of themselves.

BBC? There was me thinking they were trying to present themselves as a broadcaster of class and distinction.

Do you think the sub-continent tune in to the BBC World Service to listen to the "darts"?


[Edited by imlach - 1/8/2004 12:48:07 AM]

imlach 08 January 2004 12:58 AM

In fact, this got me thinking. The BBC seem to "use" a lot of BBC2 hours throughout the year showing "sports" such as snooker, darts, and probably some other non-sporty common or garden non-essential non-calorific pub-friendly social-class-Z guff.

I'm sure it's VERY cheap tv to broadcast, but I'm sure the BBC should drag itself out of these non-sporty sports, and show some minority "real" sports instead. I'm sure you all have your preferences as to what these should be. We pay for it after all.

Quite why they persist with these "sports" that should really appeal to Channel 5 viewers at the very least, I do not know. I'm sure your typical darts viewer spends 10% of their dole cheque on SkySports anyway rather than clothe their children, and therefore that is where this guff should belong.

[Edited by imlach - 1/8/2004 1:01:12 AM]

TelBoy 08 January 2004 07:24 AM

Sad to say, i do watch some of the darts. It's not a "sport" by any means, but the tension can be entertaining sometimes.

The funniest thing i've heard so far this year was when Andy Fordham was playing (one of THE biggest MF's in the game), and the commentator was saying how he was all ready for this year's competition, and had brought his fitness trainer with him! Fitness trainer??!! LOL!! Couldn't believe my ears!! :D

MooseRacer 08 January 2004 07:35 AM

Yep, I like watching darts :D

Funny I was thinking Andy Forham had got even bigger, if that's possible, over the last year. I guess his trainer isn't working too much on physical fitness :confused:

Crapaud62 08 January 2004 07:42 AM

Of course the real darts championship was on Sky Sports last week. Typical BBC only show the lesser championship this week.

In the first round that Andy Fordham was such a fat b@stard that he made his opponent seem almost normal by comparison.

I also think back to the Not The Nine O'Clock News p!ss take when they were commentating on a darts match which turned into a drinking contest. "He's going for the double! No, its come out" :D

TelBoy 08 January 2004 07:49 AM

Triple whisky, double pint and a single gin... :D

StickyMicky 08 January 2004 07:51 AM

yeah i was watching it the other day and thinking "heart attack alert"

NACRO 08 January 2004 08:12 AM

I'd say they are representative of 30 or 40% of the population judging by the amount of obese people I see when I return to the UK.
It's amazing how skinny continental Europeans are in comparison, must be something to do with the crap food in the UK and lazy people with nothing better to do to sit around watching Sky TV in their sportswear.

[Edited by NACRO - 1/8/2004 8:12:54 AM]

CupraT 08 January 2004 08:12 AM

Agree its not a sport, more a pastime.

Can't help thinking it would be good to go and watch live. Don't need to keep quite and can sink a few beers whilst watching it :)

The Taylor final on sky was very good.

Suresh 08 January 2004 08:24 AM

Darts gets major billing here in Cloggy land, with the whole of the Embassy tournament broadcast live. THB it's no more ridiculous as a broadcast sport then something like golf or synchronised swimming - it's a lot more entertaining even and equally as disciplined in terms of throwing accuracy at least.


ajm 08 January 2004 08:27 AM

The funniest thing i've heard so far this year was when Andy Fordham was playing (one of THE biggest MF's in the game), and the commentator was saying how he was all ready for this year's competition, and had brought his fitness trainer with him! Fitness trainer??!!
Isn't he the one that drinks 30 bottles of pils throughout a match? That's a workout in itself! ;)

TelBoy 08 January 2004 08:30 AM

Dunno what he drinks, but if the real Vikings were anything like him, the longboats would have sunk long before they left the shores of Denmark!! :D

andrew6321 08 January 2004 09:21 AM

darts & snooker = televised pub games.

A sport, in my definition, should involve some form of competitive physical exertion. So that rules golf out as well...

RichWalk 08 January 2004 09:27 AM

Hey Andrew, you should see me try and play golf- if that isnt physical excertion I dont know what is!

ajm 08 January 2004 09:30 AM

A sport, in my definition, should involve some form of competitive physical exertion. So that rules golf out as well...
What about all the other hand/eye coordination type sports then? Archery, shooting, bowling, curling, snooker etc etc. They are still sports they are precision sports rather than brute force sports.

LG John 08 January 2004 09:31 AM

You gotta love the audience too - shipped straight in from a Mecca bingo club and given free booze all night so as to make a fool of themselves.
LOL - my mate at work (ages with me (24)) loves the darts and in the summer went to some UK champs in Blackpool. He loved every minute of it and there is loads of pictures of him and his mates totally bevied :D

Tiggs 08 January 2004 10:07 AM

of course darts is a already covered, sport doesnt have to involve strength and power.

and as for the BBC showing it they are happy to show roid-monkies hauling trains along so why not a bit of darts?

TelBoy 08 January 2004 10:13 AM

LOL, true Tiggs, true.

Is Tiddlywinks a sport then? :)

akshay67 08 January 2004 10:18 AM

LOL at this thread :D

Luke 08 January 2004 10:45 AM

reminds me of some of the pics of the last "Scooby ball" many many over weight ugly specimens...

RichWalk 08 January 2004 10:50 AM

Bring back Dwarf Throwing !! the little blighters love it!

Luke 08 January 2004 11:00 AM

!!! Mass of complaints from the Wooly jumpers..... "Its wrong and it takes advantage of the poor Dwarf It shouldnt be allowed". Well how else can some of them earn a living?????

Tiggs 08 January 2004 11:04 AM

"Well how else can some of them earn a living"

chris rock anyone? "seeing eye men to replace guidedogs- much better than a dog as they can tell you want to wear based on the weather as well as leading you along!"

P1Fanatic 08 January 2004 11:14 AM

THB it's no more ridiculous as a broadcast sport then something like golf or synchronised swimming
Obviously someone who has not played golf then. Whilst it is not an extreme fitness sport it is still bloody hard work covering 18 holes and keeping your concentration at 100%. Ive seen some documentaries on Tiger Woods and the guys swing is so powerful they reckon he will have worn his body out within the next 10 years.

I suppose it all comes down to what you class as sport. Playing darts back at Uni I can fully appreciate how talented these guys are, Phil Taylor is simply awesome. And there are a fair few normal sized darts players these days (usually the foreign ones lol).


Suresh 08 January 2004 12:27 PM

Just saying that golf is not particuarly entertaining as a televised sport. Not much actually happens that warrants 24frames per second live colour coverage....

NACRO 08 January 2004 12:29 PM

suresh you need to drink as much as the fat darts players if you really want to get anything out of it

Crapaud62 08 January 2004 12:32 PM

Who cares if its a sport. At least Phil Taylor got that Kim Marsh to sit on his lap. :D:D:D

TelBoy 08 January 2004 12:36 PM

Schoolboy error - surely "face" was the goal..? ;)

akshay67 08 January 2004 01:24 PM

Luke - where are the pics of the last scoobyball?????

jaf01uk 08 January 2004 02:16 PM

Its the nicknames on the dodgy silky shirts that crack me up! "the power", "the wolfman" "the silverback" :rolleyes:

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