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Scooby96 12 January 2003 03:02 PM

So shes got someone else then - ie, shes gone off you?

Edited to say:

We've all heard that one before - thats NOT the "real" reason IMHO

[Edited by Scooby96 - 12/1/2003 3:03:12 PM]

Brun 01 December 2003 02:29 PM

.........I've just split up with my Girlfriend of 3 years and 2 months :( To be more acurate - i got the boot.
I'm feeling empty.
It's true to say that every plan you make, be it for tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year includes somewhere along the line - your partner. I'm now in a position where every plan i had is now worthless :(
Sorry about the moan, but i'm finding it very hard to cope, and Scoobynet can't dump me :p

pslewis 01 December 2003 02:32 PM

Razor Blades are in the post!!

:D Pete ;)

Smile M8!!

fitzscoob 01 December 2003 02:32 PM

sorry to hear that mate, wont give you the usual - plenty more fish in the sea routine. Keep yourself busy, go out with your mates, have a drink, have some fun.

Also, use all the money you were gonna spend on her Christmas pressie on some nice new mods for the car!

47 NAT 01 December 2003 02:32 PM

Keep your chin up, you really dont know how lucky you are. Only kidding. Theres not a lot to say really apart from get pi55ed and go out on the pull :D


Brun 01 December 2003 02:33 PM

Good work Pete :)
I wasn't expecting to smile for a while - my congratulations to you. Only you could come up with that.

alcazar 01 December 2003 02:34 PM

Commiserations M8.

Console yourself with the thought that it's her loss:D:

ajm 01 December 2003 02:35 PM

Time to fall back on the old "rebound to mates" technique.

Ring up all those mates you blew out in favour of staying in with the missus and organise many, many beers! :D

LG John 01 December 2003 02:36 PM

Its hard and does take time but you will start to get over it and learn how to cope on your own again. Its been 2 years now since I split up with the girl that I regarded as 'the one' and I still think about her a lot. Sure you can get over a relationship but some leave a lasting echo that may never leave you.

All the best:)
P.S. Buy a better car - thats what I did :D

RichWalk 01 December 2003 02:39 PM

keep your chin up lad, lifes a learning curve, and women play a large part of the learning experience- worst thing u can do is blame yourself too much, many women have a far more individualistic approch to life nowadays, which in certain cases causes them to be over protective/selfish and basically shortsighted towards relashionships.
My mates always say "he best way to get over a women is to get over another" works for some not others, best thing to do is remember the goods times then focus on not making the same mistakes twice! Good luck & regards Rich.

RichWalk 01 December 2003 02:39 PM

Nice one Saxo, thats exactly what I did!!

TelBoy 01 December 2003 02:41 PM

Why did you get the red card mate?

Dunk 01 December 2003 02:41 PM

I'm feeling empty
By the sound of it they'll be full up soon.


Daz34 01 December 2003 02:46 PM

I am in exactly the same position as you mate. I thought this girl was 'the one' and as such I thought my future was mapped out.
Now that is all gone and I don't know what the fcuk I wanna do now. Its also a real kick in the teeth when you get rejected. Try and keep yourself busy. Go out as much as you can. It's been three months since I split and I still hate going to bed by myself :(
Not looking forward to Xmas either. Spend some money on yourself :)

Scooby96 01 December 2003 02:50 PM

Go out every night and get lashed, you're bound to pull a minger or two whilst you're waiting for a fit bird (next proper gf) to grace your boudwoir (sp?) once more.

Just shag your ex out of your mind.

You never know she might still be up for a bit of casual :D

Brun 01 December 2003 02:57 PM

Rebound would be too easy i think.
I know the echo your talking about SB - i was in that deep that marriage was becomming a daily thought in my head, so i think this is gonna be on my mind for years to come :(
How do you go about getting in that deep again? Surley it's always gonna be in the back of your mind that you've been there before and have been bitten!

Brun 01 December 2003 03:01 PM

Why did i get the Red Card?????????
Good question! She basically said that although she still loves me, she doesn't love me in that way anymore :(
Maybe if i'd done somthing wrong i could understand it - but as it stands i can only keep asking myself why :(

Daz34 01 December 2003 03:06 PM

Yeah it's a real p1sser when they use that excuse :-/

"It's me, not you"

"You will make someone really happy"

"Don't change"

"You are a lovely guy, but.."

She will wanna stay friends as well, just to really fcuk your head up :(

Mice_Elf 01 December 2003 03:07 PM

:( Feel for you.

It's harder when it's amicable and there's no real, or identified reason.

She could just have outgrown you - it happens. Doesn't automatically mean she's got someone else.

Each person deals in their own way. Just keep busy and throw out everything connected to her, so there are less physical memories.

Scooby96 01 December 2003 03:08 PM

fcuk as many of her friends as possible - should help you get over her

BOB.T 01 December 2003 03:10 PM

Can anyone offer any words
I'm not using "banana, kneecap or carpet at the moment, you can have them if you like?:D:D If things get really bad I have some spare punctuation too:)

Brun 01 December 2003 03:11 PM

I couldn't chuck my stuff out. I don't blame her at all for this. If she feels that way then it's best for the both of us that she told me. I'm going round tonight for a cup of tea and a chat. Probably the wrong thing to do, but that's life.

Brun 01 December 2003 03:12 PM


289 01 December 2003 03:14 PM

People change, Brun, they just do. If she's found someone else it's probably just because she fancied someone or something different.

Sorry to hear about your situation, but better now than when you've been married three years and have a kid, eh? Perhaps now is a good time to take a good look at your life and make some changes; I did when this happened to me 15 years back (having lived with someone for 6+ years who then dumped me) and don't hanker for the old days.

Rip up the old plans and think of new ones; whatever you do just make the split permanent and irrevocable. Clear her stuff out of your place, settle any financial issues you may have, and don't look back. If she's made a mistake and wants to get back together it'll have to be on your terms rather than hers, but the strong likelihood is that she's gone forever.

Good luck - we all go through this at some point in our lives, and it's a real pain, but we almost all get over it.

289 01 December 2003 03:17 PM

<thread hijacking>

so there are less physical memories
</thread hijacking>

Mice, I'm shocked! Unless you meant that the memories are less physical and more metaphysical?

pugoetru 01 December 2003 03:20 PM

fill the tank up and go for a drive where you want to go :D

LG John 01 December 2003 03:49 PM

How do you go about getting in that deep again? Surley it's always gonna be in the back of your mind that you've been there before and have been bitten!
No idea but if you find the answer let me know. My heart has got more shielding round it than the Deathstar - it'll take a lot for me to let anyone that close again!

civictyper 01 December 2003 03:51 PM


Sorry to hear about the split. Been dumped a few times myself so know how it feels.

WRT future relationships you probably don't feel like it now but the biggest mistake you can make is not to give yourself 100% to your next GF. Sounds suicidal I know but IMO it isn't worth getting into a relationship unless you give your all.

For now though take some time out before getting into another and most importantly get out and about and have a good time with your mates.

All the best.

Brun 01 December 2003 03:58 PM

God - what a mess :rolleyes:
Every now and again i feel good and my mind is elsewhere, but then that horrible feeling of realisation sets in. dammit :(
Must try and put mind elsewhere! It's not easy, as it's probably a basic human instinct to dwell, to try and make sense of it.

jcullen 01 December 2003 04:16 PM

scooby96 hit the nail on the head. get out there, get on it

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