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andrewdelvard 26 November 2003 08:36 AM

Mine's pretty good at the moment.
Gave up smoking last August.breathing, taste everything improved but I gained a stone in weight which apparently is due to the fact that I'm not kicking out as much adrenalin as I did when smoking. Each cigarette is a precursor for a small amount of Adrenalin, so my Doc tells me....
The bain of my life is facial dermatitis. Small dry inflamed patches on my either side of my face and forehead that can feel really iratable and look (in my eyes) a bit like leprosy. I used to think that it was psroiosis but a skin specialist told me it was dermatitis caused by using to strong an acne cream in my youth. Should have used Oxy 5 not 10....Ah well.
I get bad earache sometimes, but rarely headaches.
Bowel movements are regular. twice sometimes three times a day.
Eyesite is A1.
I go to the gym 3 times a week and work out hard.
I drink in moderation. No more than 2 bottles of wine in a week with maybe 3 brandys thrown in for good measure.
I've got athletes foot but it's only a problem in the summer.
Anything else? no not really. Besides that I've been lucky. No operations except when I was a little kid for tonsillitis. No cancers, lumps, nothing.
The going so far at the age of 37 is good. Hope it carries on that way....
What about YOU?

Scooby96 26 November 2003 08:41 AM

You sound as though you're on your last legs mate! :D

30 years old, reasonably fit, stopped smoking Sunday, reduced the amount of alcohol I drink (was a bottle of wine a night - now 1 glass), mountain biking again, going to the gym again, started swimming and about to start playing 5-a-side again

Listy 26 November 2003 08:56 AM

Andrew you remind me of Ploppy the Jailer from Blackadder

I was just waiting for you to say "It was from Daddy Ploppy that I inherited my fascinating collection of Skin disorders"...hehe ;)

Scooby96 - I see you mountain Bike in our neck of the woods.... were do you go?

[Edited by Listy - 11/26/2003 8:57:52 AM]

[Edited by Listy - 11/26/2003 8:58:45 AM]

ChrisB 26 November 2003 08:59 AM

Faster, fitter, stronger and slimmer (by almost five stone :eek:)than I've ever been before in my life right now.

Some weeks I don't drink at all, other weeks probably three or four pints of beer tops.

Ave it :D

TelBoy 26 November 2003 09:01 AM

And a *lot* of Diet Coke...


Scooby96 26 November 2003 09:03 AM

Listy - at the moment I usually get up at 6am and do 5 or 8 miles from Speldhurst-Langton Green-Rusthall-Speldhurst (or back via Penshurst). No off road stuff but apparently theres a good off-road place out Groombridge way???

STi wanna Subaru 26 November 2003 09:08 AM

weights at the gym 3 times a week, 5-a-side once, football training once and then 90 minutes of football on a Saturday. I don't smoke, I'll drink a bit on a Friday, get pi55ed on a Saturday and Sunday I'll have a few as well. 6'2" and 14 stone.

ChrisB 26 November 2003 09:13 AM

Tel, only when lunching in London :p

Listy 26 November 2003 09:46 AM

Scooby96 - I've heard about the Groombridge of road place aswell but never tried it..... I go Indoor rock climbing at groombridge so I'll ask the question..... There's bound to be a local mountain biker in the climbing fraternity....

Will let you know..

messiah 26 November 2003 10:40 AM

Started training again for the Orienteering league about a month ago and I'm starting to feel a lot stronger now.

Orienteering / Fell running on thursday nights about 5k (yes - in the dark!)
Swimming friday lunchtimes
Mountain bike on saturdays with "oor lass" so nothing extreme
Round of golf on sundays (or more orienteering if it's on)
football training on mondays & wednesdays.

thought the training was working - won my first race but had a DNF and a last since!

to the dermatitis bloke - try seeing your doctor about getting allergy tests done to see if anything is triggering it (I had them a few years ago) It puts you in hospital for a day or two but will hopefully pay off in the long run - and keep plastering the cream on. (I've had Eczema since birth)

The allergy tests take a while to do. What happened in mine was this. A large sticky pad, similar to an elastoplast, was stuck on my back, the pad had 12 small discs on it, and each discs had a common substance on it (like a food preservative for example), and if you're allergic to it - it leaves a small rash behind so you can try and avoid it from then on.
When I got my patch on, after an hour my back was killing me, and after complaining to a nurse, a massive bruise was poking out of the sides of the patch - it turned out to be Cobalt that did this (what cobalt is in I havent a clue - apart from a nuclear bomb), and the reaction was so bad that my back was bleeding where it had been touchhing me.

[Edited by messiah - 11/26/2003 10:41:09 AM]

yoza 26 November 2003 10:50 AM

Personally I believe I am at my peak of fitness at the moment.

Drug free(but not for long), and healthy.

But we had this promo in work 'work in life', they weigh you, take your blood pressure, etc.


They said I was obese.:eek:

Dont these people take into account muscle mass, w4nkers.....:)

ProperCharlie 26 November 2003 11:30 AM

36" waist jeans feel a bit tight for the first time. in my early 20s i could get into 34". constant siatica type back trouble. constant alcohol intake. fitness at all time low.

the future's bright....

the future's...........


STi wanna Subaru 26 November 2003 11:38 AM

....a heart attack @ 50

Do something about it mate. :)

andrewdelvard 26 November 2003 01:17 PM

The allergy tests take a while to do. What happened in mine was this. A large sticky pad, similar to an elastoplast, was stuck on my back, the pad had 12 small discs on it, and each discs had a common substance on it (like a food preservative for example), and if you're allergic to it - it leaves a small rash behind so you can try and avoid it from then on.
When I got my patch on, after an hour my back was killing me, and after complaining to a nurse, a massive bruise was poking out of the sides of the patch - it turned out to be Cobalt that did this (what cobalt is in I havent a clue - apart from a nuclear bomb), and the reaction was so bad that my back was bleeding where it had been touchhing me.

Criky Cobblers! That sounds awful.
Yeah I'll have a word with the Doc about allergy tests. Thanks for that.

[Edited by andrewdelvard - 11/26/2003 1:25:42 PM]

Scooby96 26 November 2003 01:25 PM

Listy - have you tried the Bowles Outdoor place (Eridge) they have a natural climbing wall amongst other things - quite good for a beginner / intermediate climber

NACRO 26 November 2003 01:27 PM

Couldn't be better thanks for asking- I've finally been able to beat the 20K mark on my weekend run. Next year I hope to do the NYC marathon.

paulr 26 November 2003 04:43 PM

Never worry about it.....therefore stress levels are zero.

Dr Hu 26 November 2003 05:40 PM

Bowel movements are regular. twice sometimes three times a day.
Flipping eck - what are you a human tube......:confused:

I go once or twice a week:eek: but I am as skinny as a rake - literally!

jameswrx 26 November 2003 06:35 PM

LOL @ Listy

"I would shake your hand.. but I fear it would fall off"

"Ahh, there's not many bosses that considerate"


apples24 26 November 2003 06:58 PM

erm...o dear
28 yrs old
18 st 6ft 2
smoke 10 a day
bottle vodka a week but not every week
hardly excersise
smoke few spliffs most nights
have to admit pig out too much when smoke and get munchies lol
but im happy

prob not for long lol ill end up dead

but happy at mo

Tim-Grove 26 November 2003 07:21 PM

24 yrs old.

13.5st. (lost 4 stone on the Atkins diet earlier on in the year, was 17.5st)

5ft 11".

Don’t really do any sort of exercise, but I do have a very demanding physical job.

15-20 pints of larger a week (don’t drink spirits).

Non smoker.

Don’t use drugs.

Don’t eat/drink sugary stuff (e.g. cans of pop, sweets).

No health complaints.

Had a "Wellman" test done at the doctors a few weeks ago and my blood pressure and cholesterol were all OK.

I go once or twice a week
:eek: Bloody hell mate that can't be write can it??? I normaly go once a day, maybe more if i've had a curry;):D

super_si 26 November 2003 07:25 PM

need 40" trousers :rolleyes: my quads are too big :D

Dont do drugs :rolleyes: yet :D
Dont drink
Dont smoke

Stronger then ever.
Not as fit as my rugby league days :(

back problems now and again


[Edited by super_si - 11/26/2003 8:14:45 PM]

*Sonic* 26 November 2003 07:29 PM


Im 35
Smoke Minimum 20 a day (usually more like 25)
Normally drink a few beers or a few large whiskies/JD/Absinthe (not all of them I alternate) a night
Dont excercise at all (cept walking 2 yards to the car)
bout 11/11.5 stone
eat whatever crap I can get, Pizzas mostly, or lots of bread
work a lot
drive a lot

Health wise never have any problems, cept proper full on Flu once a year (usually around xmas/new year)

Beat the big C twice, so dont give a monkeys about my health these days, o and I never go the docs either :)

Poor Guy 26 November 2003 07:31 PM


chaos. 26 November 2003 07:47 PM

5ft 11
12stone 5pounds
Eat crap (junk fast/fatty food) all the time
drink about 15 pints weekly (too much?)
IMO Im unfit and will prolly be dead by the time Im 30 lol

**** happends..


misty 26 November 2003 07:50 PM

45. Fit as a butchers dog, cause I'am a lean mean fire fighting machine!

[Edited by misty - 11/26/2003 7:51:24 PM]

Ali Scott 26 November 2003 08:13 PM

25 Years Old

Smoker 15-20 a day.
Put on half stone in last 6 months due to giving up training at gym.
Drink far too much Stella, Vodka and Red wine.
No proper regular excercise except for when I get laid, so yeah quite regular workout :D
Used to be quite partial to the odd disco biscuit or bit of devils dandruff, not so much anymore.
Sit on my ar5e at work most days drinking coffee.
Eat what I like but not too many take aways or McDonalds.

Feel Tip-Fcukin' top ;)

Ali Scott 26 November 2003 08:17 PM

IMO Im unfit and will prolly be dead by the time Im 30 lol
LMAO @ Chaos :D

CC 26 November 2003 08:32 PM

5'8", 14.3~, I suppose I am 'lean' (got abs :D) to most people but not to myself if u get what I mean?

I was 17 stone :eek: in summer 2002 after piling on the weight due to inactivity thru' a fairly bad motorcycle accident.

Drink only at weekends, nowhere near the volumes I used to. Have been known to take recreational 'substances', again only at weekends.

No chronic major health probs, did suffer from acne fairly badly in my teens tho' :(.

I'm grateful for my relatively good health :). Deffo need to work on aerobic fitness!! That is a must! And eat more fruit n veg as I eat NONE! But do use supplements.

Sheepsplitter 26 November 2003 08:44 PM

39 years old on Saturday.
Fitter than I've ever been.
Don't smoke, drink a fair bit, but not to excess.

My resting heart beat is 42.
My doctor reckons I'm the fittest person he's ever checked out (which is either a compliment or he doesn't have many patients!).
I had a cholesterol check and had to have the test done twice because the first time the couldn't measure the value and thought they'd made a mistake :-)

I've always been pretty fit and done lots of sport, but 3 years ago I started endurance mountainbiking, and from that point onwards I became mega fit.

But lifes a bitch, I will most likely drop dead tomorrow with the Black Death!!

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