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ScoobyJawa 25 November 2003 11:01 AM

Did anyone else see this last night?

Was a good programme last night, I thought Dido came over really well in the interview, very down to earth and joking too - especially about her name ;) :D Never really seen her interviewed before!
She then goes on to do an acoustic version of her new song "Life for Rent" and it was flipping superb - she can't half sing live, which is getting a rarity these days!!!

While I still can't listen to the full album in one go, just thought she came over well and can really sing!

Goochie 25 November 2003 11:05 AM

Damn! I wish I'd seen that, she's a really nice lass who can sing live and write her own songs. Why can't all pop acts be like her??

Gorgeous too :D

TelBoy 25 November 2003 11:08 AM

LOL, where's unclebuck when you need a put-down..?


the moose 25 November 2003 11:26 AM

I thought she came across as being one of Osram's dimmer bulbs, tbh. Pretty, charming, and reasonably talented, but NASA won't be on the phone to her at any point in the near future.

civictyper 25 November 2003 11:37 AM

Good show IMHO.

She's done a few shows with just her and an acoustic guitar. I really think she should do an unplugged album as she sounds great without a band/electronics.

andrewdelvard 25 November 2003 11:49 AM

I can't help but feel that her level of talent doesn't quite match her massive success I mean, some people worship her. She's nice an all but I guess her popularity is based on a niche for good inoffensive sing-a-long songs that have broad appeal.
Can't help but feel she's been a bit lucky though.
Good luck to her all the same.

NACRO 25 November 2003 11:53 AM

She is awful, crap songs, crap voice and only got where she is because eminem was dumb enough to have her warbling on his record- and that wasn't any good either. She's made a stack of cash out of a very small amount of talent so fair play to her on that score. Her music is the worst kind of middle of the road trash though.

the moose 25 November 2003 11:55 AM


Can't help thinking you're beeing a teensy bit OTT there, though I admit that I have a problem with the constant multitracking of her voice. And a lot of the songs sound exactly the same - pitch, chord changes etc are all the same.

Goochie 25 November 2003 11:56 AM

she has a Lamborghini though.

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 12:05 PM

She has a good voice, can sing live and has a distinctive sound to her music. Don't quite know how she can be labelled "crap". I personally don't like Eminem, so haven't heard her feature on his music. I liked the theme song to Roswell High...

Gav 25 November 2003 12:21 PM

She's gorgous, can sing and drives a lambo:eek::eek:

what more do you want:D:D

NACRO 25 November 2003 12:21 PM

She doesn't have a good voice, music is middle of the road dross but if you like it, you are seemingly in the majority as loads of mugs seem to have bought her stuff. Music is a matter of personal taste- I think she's utter, utter dross.

D6ale 25 November 2003 12:24 PM

i think her stuff is great. really good to chill too. 1st album was better than the second though i think, maybe i need to give the second more time. sand in my shoes is good. i like that.

scoobyvirgin 25 November 2003 12:29 PM

I wouldn't say No!...... then again I doubt she'd say yes!

Still I think She's got a great voice and good looks too.


beemerboy 25 November 2003 12:32 PM

She is awful, crap songs, crap voice and only got where she is because eminem was dumb enough to have her warbling on his record- and that wasn't any good either. She's made a stack of cash out of a very small amount of talent so fair play to her on that score. Her music is the worst kind of middle of the road trash though.

I wouldn't say No
Ditto again!!


Jolly Green Monster 25 November 2003 12:36 PM

I thought she came across really well.. yes okay not perhaps the sharpest tool in the box but it is not exactly a easy situation.
I think that nerves made he look less itellignet than she really is.. in my fantisy she is more intelligent :)

Very impressed with her live singing, not a huge fan but do have he previous album..

Very much a babe..

JGM :)

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 12:54 PM

I haven't actually bought any of her albums. So I'm not one of the mugs as you put it, so politely.(;)) I just think that she's one of a rare breed of artist(e)s these days who have a natural talent for music.

The fact that she's attractive and modest to go with it, are bonuses.

Ted Maul 25 November 2003 01:06 PM

and she's a gooner!

Tiggs 25 November 2003 01:35 PM

had she not been used by eminem you would never have heard of her...ever.

ProperCharlie 25 November 2003 01:41 PM

and i for one would be much happier if no-one had ever heard of her. the only benefit i can think of is that someone gave me one of her albums which i promptly gave to one of the in-laws for xmas last year. result.

other than that, if she wants to sit on my err, lap, then that's fine.

she can't sing but i don't mind a bit of squealing.

civictyper 25 November 2003 01:42 PM

had she not been used by eminem you would never have heard of her...ever.
You probably would as her first album was produced by that black bloke who couldn't get no sleep (group name eludes me).

[Edited by civictyper - 11/25/2003 1:43:24 PM]

Bravo2zero_sps 25 November 2003 01:43 PM

LOL and here cometh all of Scoobynets music experts and talent spotters/critics :rolleyes:

What a load of sh!te you lot talk :p

ProperCharlie 25 November 2003 01:43 PM

her brother you mean? one half of faithless, or is it one third?

ProperCharlie 25 November 2003 01:45 PM

well that hardly makes us unique, does it b2z?


Jerry* 25 November 2003 01:53 PM

Her brother is that Rollo chap from Faithless..

He produced loads of ace dance hits in the 90s like OT Quartet - Hold That Sucker Down, that remix of that Donna Summer track I Feel Love, and of course all of the Faithless stuff too.. bit of a dude really..

She's a babe though.. and I think most of us would !!

AvalancheS8 25 November 2003 01:53 PM

Nah, sorry, she only has 2 notes, that doesn't equate to being able to sing in my book. And as others have said, all her songs sound the same, the lyrics are highly derivative and the whole thing is devoid of expression or emotional involvement of any kind.

McCulture of the highest order.

fatherpierre 25 November 2003 01:56 PM

MOR, all-songs-are-boring-and-sound-the-same.

Her voice goes right through me.

Only The Darkness make me change radio channels quicker at the moment.

civictyper 25 November 2003 01:58 PM

Faithless, that's the one :)

Not really into them but being connected helps. A lot.

I reckon she would have been discovered easily IMHO. She is a bit middle-of-the-road but she writes her own stuff and can hold a tune pretty well.

AvalancheS8 25 November 2003 02:04 PM

Argh !! That's the point !! When did it come to be that you could make a load of money as a singer when you can only hold a tune "pretty well" ?

Anyway, pet hate thing, I'll go and do somehting else before I get all angry about talentless famous people.

the moose 25 November 2003 02:07 PM

Not that I'm trying to defend Dido, but she got a recording deal on the back of singing on Faithless stuff which she wrote with her brother.

And she's already had some minor success in the US before Eminem ever came along. Clearly that helped her, as does the fact that she's a looker. Personally I don't like the lyrics (all a bit Bridget Jones for me), the production (as I said, multitracking a voice on every track is annoying) or the melody, but good luck to her. Despite this, she's a lot more to my taste (even musically) than almost anything in the charts, and streets ahead of that appalling travesty of non-talent, Alex Parks.

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