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kazlo 20 November 2003 04:42 PM

i was shocked to hear about the fellow scoobynetters good lady being terrified in her own home by thieving scumbags kicking the door in to get the car keys,we all have the same ideas about cutting hands off and the like but we know that aint never going to happen .but maybe with 30,000 members we and other car forums alike could put together enough names together to make the powers that be listen to our distaste of how car criminals are so easily let off the hook . any thoughts on how this could be achieved by the internet .i'm a complete technophobe ......kazlo

pslewis 20 November 2003 04:53 PM

It would be better to have a roving vigilante group that dishes out justice on behalf of the owners of cars who are p1ssed off at them terrifying our families and getting away with it in court. We could give them a bit of the scared and terrified feeling, eh? Its not difficult, when the court finds them guilty and gives them a community service order we take them in and give them our own community service!!

I'll hold the big boys coats for them!! :D


kazlo 20 November 2003 05:00 PM

only probs are the good guy's dont want the stint inside.too busy earning taxes to keep the prisons open!and u know you'd get caught

kazlo 20 November 2003 05:20 PM

oh i give up.nearly 7000 viewings on a motor nicked from tsl and 1 reply to trying to get something started to combat this sort of thing:confused:

S Page 20 November 2003 06:20 PM

Maybe its worth trying to get one or some of the media involved in this, i.e. motoring magazines or daily papers (they could print petitions),or even Topgear, i know not everyone likes the media but they do have the power to get to alot of people.

Anyone got any contacts in the media that could help?
I will send an email to J Clarkson at Topgear if you like??, i know he's a bit of a prick at times but he's got a big mouth and several million viewers every sunday, its got to be worth a try.

If we could have the response that "why" & "double declutching" threads have it would be good, there's normally alot of response as regards thieves.

Dont give up Kazlo, it was early in the day when you posted the thread.

[Edited by S Page - 11/20/2003 6:21:30 PM]

kazlo 20 November 2003 06:22 PM

how about alink on the scoobynet home page?

talizman 20 November 2003 06:28 PM

Good idea Kazlo, but surely if the Government pay no heed to petitions with 100's of thousands of names, if not millions, against conflict in Iraq etc what can we reasonably expect to gain?

kazlo 20 November 2003 07:44 PM

see ya point talizman,perhaps a group buy on house alarms ,security guards,dobermans,and shotguns might get some more interest,you never know!!!!!!!!!!!kazlo

quicksprint 20 November 2003 08:26 PM

I agree with you Kazlo...something has to be done and soon.


Geddon 21 November 2003 11:34 AM

I'll quite happily sign on the dotted line.....thieving scumbags:(

S Page 21 November 2003 11:58 AM

the big difference between petition against car crime and the Iraq war is that the country was not given a choice over the war, Blair just does what Bush asks, the war was all about economic's for Blair, trade with the US is worth a hell of a lot for the country.

Maybe we could petition Bush to get him to get Blair to change the laws overhere, get them to show us how to run prisons and treat criminals, lock them up for decent times not give em a slap on the wrist and a trip to Alton Towers like we do.

quicksprint 21 November 2003 01:36 PM

and don't forget they get a free solicitor to help them fill in the compensation form(for injury/wrongful arrest)to claim against the victim.

Paul Woodward 21 November 2003 01:41 PM

I think we'd be in a bit of a mess if we had to have referendum before we could go to war. The public had their choice at the last election and for some reason voted for Blair, if they don't like the war they can vote him out next time.

Dracoro 21 November 2003 01:44 PM

I think something will be done about it once a prominent MP had HIS CAR NICKED and thieves breaking into his house to get keys, threatening him and his wife/kids with baseball bats etc..

Car crime used to be a case of car nicked, call police, claim insurnance, buy new one etc. Now, however, the scum are breaking into houses and using threatening/violent behaviour. I think it's up to the media to take this up more.

S Page 21 November 2003 02:06 PM

MP get his car nicked, they would probably have to turf the chaffuer out first.
MP's are fine they have alarm systems linked to the police and panic buttons, the police have to respond to them immediately.
its joe public "us" thats F###ed, were the ones who pay for the police yet get a poor service for it.
There's a little town near me, the police station was closed 12months ago due to being too expensve to keep open (even after a 23% rise onthe council tax), this week in the local paper the headlines are 20 houses burgaled on same estate over the weekend, the police want the residents to tell them who is doing it, is that not what we pay them for?? and strangely they have decided to reopen the police station.

scoobylav 21 November 2003 04:08 PM

OK I don't think anyone would argue against what should be done to the lowlife scum who steal our cars . . . . . So lets get the media involved (whoever has the contacts ) and lets show some form of unity by adding names to a list. We can all do it for a group buy so why not here ???

1. kazlo
2. pslewis
3. spage
4. talizman
5. quicksprint
6. geddon
7. paul woodward
8. dracoro
9. scoobylav

Thehut 21 November 2003 04:51 PM

I agree something should definitely be done - they literally get away with murder nowadays let alone the thievery.

scoobylav 21 November 2003 04:53 PM

1. kazlo
2. pslewis
3. spage
4. talizman
5. quicksprint
6. geddon
7. paul woodward
8. dracoro
9. scoobylav
10. thehut

kazlo 21 November 2003 06:02 PM

now were getting's the old addage dont try wont know.lets face it we all own cars ,lets let Tony how we feel.we have to pay so much to drive the bloody things why should we live in fear as well????????

S Page 21 November 2003 06:04 PM

So does anyone have any contacts in the media out there???

Any of the moderators know anyone???

What we got 10 names so far, maybe if we can all come up with a different company to contact i.e. different papers, magazines tv or even MP's, then each person try to get some feed back from the contacts. Some ideas to start the list off:

1. J Clarkson (Topgear tv)
2. Topgear Magazine
3. Evo magazine
4. Car magazine
5. Japanese Performance magazine
6. Banzai Jap Car magazine
7. Auto Express
8. What Car
9. Transport minister (whoever it is?)
10.The AA
11.The RAC
12.Insurance Companies
14.The Sun
15.News of the World
16.The Star
17.The Daily Mail
19.What Car

S##t best leave some for you lot to think about.
Not sure about Maxpower, Revs & Redline mags, alot of their readers look like car thieves anyway?? (no offence if you read these, i used to along time ago).
Any thoughts on the above and additions ??

Maybe extend the thread to cover other crime aswell such as burglary and all vehicle crime??
Could just be wasting my time writing this stuff anyway??

Leviathan 21 November 2003 06:16 PM

I gota agree with all the above, this is worth a shot people!
How many signed the thread about 100 Ron fuel a few weeks back, sign this one to, youve got sod all to loose.
If no one shouts out, those tw@ts in London wont do anything.
They may not do anything anyway but, as i say, nothing to loose.


kazlo 21 November 2003 06:19 PM

cheers gary ,,i reakon we could have 10000 names in no time..moderators could we have a separate area to add our names to this list????????

kazlo 22 November 2003 07:02 PM

guess we better give up on this one then, i reakon i just could get more than 10 names down my local tonite,remember every time you read a post on here about nicked cars..about the lack of interest in TRYING to do something about it........kazlo the dissapointed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zeolite 22 November 2003 07:10 PM

I think the problem here is that there are no specific ideas being touted. What exactly do you want the petition to say? What do you want the govt to do about car crime?
We need some ideas rather than just a general thought.
I guarantee that this thread is being read by a whole bunch of tea leaves laughing their heads off at us howling at the moon.!!

-=Mick=- 22 November 2003 07:33 PM

Add me to that list the thieving t£@ts have stolen my spoiler, tried breaking into the house twice and have followed my girl friend to the super market, if i hadnt of got there quick god knows what could of happend!!!!!!!


kazlo 22 November 2003 07:42 PM

ok how about a minimum sentence of five years for house break and car theft for a start off,the idea is a decent deterrent to protect our families primerily,,i quite frankly couldn't give a to55 about my car,but when it comes down to my wife and kids in danger because it's easier to get hold of the keys that's the issue .the idea of the post is to evoke some emotion towards getting something started,and i guarantee it wont be long before there is another post on here like the one that got me started on this issue.kazlo

kazlo 22 November 2003 07:43 PM

rest my case(re micks post)

Scooby Brother 22 November 2003 10:25 PM

Put me on the petition list too!!

My mates a copper, and the 1st thing he said to me when I showed off my shiny new scooby was, when you drive home always vary you route as much as possible, why should we have to do this sort of thing!!!

A local guy where I live was car jacked, he gave them his scoobie but he had one of those fuel cut off things, the theives got 100 yards do the road, the car stopped so they went back to the guy whose car it was, asked for the code, he wouldn't give it them so he got shot in both legs.

So lets get this petition going!!

kazlo 23 November 2003 12:06 AM

jesus christ,shot in both legs! what's the matter with you people .cant you hear the sort of sh1te that is going does not matter what type of car you drive,my father in law had his £500 metro nicked...i'm seriously losing faith in this issue ..10'000 posts for an indiglo group buy and sod all interest in trying to stop car crime..........this is my last post on this issue without some support........yours kazlo

Ringpeas 23 November 2003 08:09 AM

You have my support Kazlo.

Forget 5 years, 10 at least if they threaten or use violence.

F*!king scumbags [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

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