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jaycee 21 October 2003 03:31 PM

What a f*cking world we live in.
A baby stabbed during a robbery in Carlisle.



Richard Askew 21 October 2003 03:32 PM


LG John 21 October 2003 04:17 PM

No!!! Why? Why would somebody do that :confused:

47 NAT 21 October 2003 04:21 PM

Its just a reminder of what a sick world it can be [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] what posses's someone to do a mindless insane act to stab a poor innocent baby. It almost brings a tear to the eye .... :( I really feel sorry for the parents and cant imagine what torture and torment their going through!!


messiah 21 October 2003 04:27 PM

Not a robbery (I work 2 mins away) motive hasnt been established yet - glad they've caught the bast@rd though. Newspaper says it wasn't a random attack.

Baby in its pushchair had its throat cut while its mum was in bakers, she was also attacked.

What drives people to do things like this? Needs his bo11ocks blowtorched.

RB5320 21 October 2003 04:27 PM

I am not sure this was a robbery though. More of a domestic perhaps? I am not for one moment defending whoever stabbed the child, but perhaps the child was not the intended victim.


Scooby96 21 October 2003 04:27 PM

Damn fecking good reason for re-introducing capital punishment IMO.

Paedophiles & child murderers deserve no mercy whatsoever.

Mr.Manchester 21 October 2003 04:31 PM

bring back the electric chair! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Scooby_Loo 21 October 2003 04:32 PM

I'm with you on this one scooby96.

Sick b@st@rds [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

You know, if i pop into town on my lunch break for 1/2 an hour, you see the dolies out with their kids in sheff city centre. I've seen some kids get some right knocks. It pi55e5 me off.

Nimbus 21 October 2003 04:33 PM

Paedophiles & child murderers deserve no mercy whatsoever.
Providing you have absolute proof, then I totally agree...

Htd 21 October 2003 04:33 PM

Sick Sick Mother Fcuker!!

I hope this barstard gets a worthy punishment.

I'm sure he will get some as I doubt he will be released on bail!!

Scooby96 21 October 2003 04:38 PM


I'd be happy to accept a marginal error rate if it meant all active paedophiles/killers were 'put to sleep'.

However I cannot ever see this country allowing it unless theres DNA evidence, and it still has a slim chance of re-introduction, mores the pity.

I say stone the feckers or allow the victims family to choose how they die.

[Edited by Scooby96 - 10/21/2003 4:40:27 PM]

messiah 21 October 2003 04:42 PM

1 instance where you wouldn't be bothered if the coppers give someone a damn good kicking.

What a lunatic.

Very easy to think of nothing but the what treatment this bast@rd deserves, lets not forget about the little lad and his parents in all this...

Scooby96 21 October 2003 04:46 PM

I would hope quite a few already banged up would like 5 mins alone with this guy and I dont just mean ripping him a bigger @rsehole!

This type of thing isnt tolerated even by the criminal fraternity so I'm sure he will get a good and well deserved kicking inside.

jjones 21 October 2003 04:53 PM

string the **** up.

Bravo2zero_sps 21 October 2003 04:56 PM

Debated on whether to click on this thread or not but had to vent my thoughts after just reading the title.

There are so many people in this country that want the death penalty reintroduced for sick fcukers like this that if it went to referendum it would be brought back through public demand. But will this ever happen, like hell it will due to the religious left wing human rights protestors who go on about the rights of criminals [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] They don't have any fcuking rights! Once they kill they lose all their human rights as far as I am concerned.

As for bible bashers who believe in forgiveness, don't even fcuking go there and start me on religious beliefs! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

This country is a fcuking joke, this bloke when he goes to prison wont even fall into the mercy of the inmates, because he has killed a child he will be given segregated confinement where he cant come to any harm [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Torturing the b@stard would be too good for him, he should be handed over to the parents for their chosen punishment [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Words fail me really when I hear of the sick and terrifying things that happen to children all over the world through either crime or war, its very very sad :(

Scooby96 21 October 2003 05:03 PM

Section 42 I think its called. However there is always opportunity for some 'proper justice'.

Alternatively nick a car and run the fecker over - would probably only get 3 points!

Buckrogers 21 October 2003 05:04 PM

I agree with above posts, capital punishment should be re-introduced, as long as there is concrete evidence to support it, ie DNA.

This guy will hopefully get a life sentence. But "life" sentence does not mean life anymore (hasn't done for sometime now). He'll be out again in 10-15 years to carry on living. What about the victim?

Our judicial system is good, it’s just the sentencing that needs to be sorted out.

Luke 21 October 2003 05:04 PM

Until the people of this country have a massive show of support and close evrything...shops ,schools work etc and demand that the goverment spend the next 12 months doing nothing but sorting out the state of this place....then nothing will be done... NOTHING.

They do not give a monkeys. And most members of the public in this country dont give a toss otherwise it would have been sorted out years ago

Leslie 21 October 2003 05:28 PM


I agree with your sentiments about paedophiles and child killers, or any murderers for that matter. I put great store on the value of human life. I think that those proved to be murderers should be given the same treatment that they gave to their victims.

I think you have let your bias against religion run away with your judgement however. It is totally unfair to blame religion for the policies of the left wing liberals. Their idiotic PC behaviour is nothing to do with religious teachings. In fact religious teachings do not discriminate against the death penalty. Put the blame where it belongs, on the person concerned.


Brit_in_Japan 22 October 2003 05:27 AM

If there were to be a reasoned debate about the dealth penalty then some of you may change your minds. Consider the following:

1. Terrorists who would love to "die for their cause". If you bring in the death penalty then you create martyrs.

2. Nothing-to-lose syndrome. If someone has done something they believe they'll be executed for, what's there to stop them thinking they might as well be hanged for a pound as a penny ? They will be quite happy to take as many people out as they can, do as much damage as possible just because they have nothing else to lose. Ask the police who contribute to this site if they think this will make their jobs less dangerous.

3. Jurors may be afraid to pass guilty verdicts if they believe a death penalty will be applied.

No-one is arguing that what happened in this case was horrific and obscene, but would the threat of the death penalty have saved that poor child ? Highly unlikely, the guy was obviously sick in the head.

There is a valid debate to be had about whether it is morally right for the state to take a human life. Should the state's right to punish include taking the life of an individual, however loathsome ? My view is no, the state would lowering itself to the same base level and its moral authority dimished. Protect the public by all means, lock them up for their natural life. If you open the door to capital punishment for instances such as this then it becomes much easier to extend it to many types other crimes. How many on this website have said car theives should be strung up ? (said in jest I hope) I won't even bother mentioning the risk of wrong conviction, there are many examples from this country and overseas.

Just thought the opposing case needed to be made :)

letdown 22 October 2003 08:17 AM

Now dont get me wrong this is a terrible thing to happen. But to then kill this Guy ?? Maybe he went off the does happen. He may be mentally ill and it hasnt been spotted. Its like when you get these people who it would seem are always massive and locals would always say 'Dont worry about him..he's a gentle giant' then one day he flips kills someone. Does he deserve to die or get help?? Its a toughie......dont get me wrong this scrot deserves whatever he gets. All IMHO

messiah 22 October 2003 10:29 AM

On front of the Sun this morning, the killer was the boys father, an immigrant apparently.

Starting to sound like another honour killing IMHO

lpski1 22 October 2003 10:41 AM

From SkyNews

The 39-year-old father of a baby boy who was murdered in a high street shop is continuing to be questioned by police.

The 10-month-old toddler, who has not been named by police, suffered a stab wound to his neck during the attack in a bakery in Carlisle.

He was taken to Cumberland Infirmary where he was pronounced dead, Cumbria Police said.

Scooby96 22 October 2003 10:51 AM

In reply to Brit In Japan:

1. Terrorists who kill should be executed IMO - none of that Good Friday Peace Agreement crap where they're let out in 2 / 5 / 10 years!

2. I disagree I think the same number of crims will go out tooled up irrespective of whether capital punishment is re-introduced or not.

3. In that case let a panel of judges decide whether the guilty deserve the death penalty - let the jurors convict them with a guilty verdict and end their involvement right there.

In reply to letdown:

A good percentage of killers with mental problems are still aware of whats right and wrong - let the psychiatrists and psychotherapists decide whether they're fit for trial. Those who were genuinely not aware of what they were doing or in cases of provocation (wife beaten to a pulp every week takes a carving knife to her husband for example) then again leave this to the professionals to decide.

As I have said before nothing is foolproof but I would be happy to accept a margin of error.

If only killers were locked up for their entire natural life then I doubt so many would be calling for capital punishment. A sentence of 25 years without recommendation of a minimum sentence usually means 10-15 years with good behaviour.

Bravo2zero_sps 22 October 2003 11:27 AM

Well I hope he never has anymore children, in fact he should be castrated to make sure he doesn't! Hope he gets what he deserves once inside, if not from other inmates then from the guards [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Brit_in_Japan 22 October 2003 11:42 AM

To Scooby96

Everyone is entitled to their view, but you've not convinced me I'm wrong.

1. Terrorists are fundamentalists, they believe to their core that they are right and are prepared to kill because of it. Executing them turns them into martyrs and breeds new generations of terrorists. Israel's eye-for-an-eye hasn't exactly decreased terrorism in their region. Releasing the terrorists on each side in Northern Ireland was a very unpalatable thing to do. Brave decision by someone. BUT, the cycle of violance was interrupted (hopefully permanently) and now you even have Sinn Fein and the IRA saying they want all weapons out of Irish politics. That would never have happened if the British Govt was executing terrorists.

2. Try this for a scenario, bank robbers, drug dealers, whatever go out tooled up. Someone gets jumpy and lets a gun accidentally and shoots someone. Wouldn't they then do anything to stop them from being caught ?

3. Might work. But jurors are not idiots, they would know the likely sentence for a "capital" crime. Maybe you could have a trial infront of judges only, but then that's a major departure from the judicial principle of being tried infront of 12 good men and true (and ladies of course)

Bravo2zero_sps 22 October 2003 12:03 PM


I have no problems with religious people who apply common sense to society and its laws and rules. However there are many 'do gooding bible bashing fruit cakes' out there who will argue against any sort of death penalty or harsh sentence on the grounds of religious teachings saying u must not kill and what about forgiveness etc. Its these people that really get my back up because they arnt living in reality as far as I am concerned, once someone has murdered someone in cold blood they have no rights and forgiveness just doesn't come into it. My association of them with 'lefties' is because those religious people with such views normally are lefties with extreme political correctness in their agenda. I have no argument with those religious people who have the common sense to see a murderer for what they really are and what they deserve.

Leslie 22 October 2003 04:23 PM

Fair enough Bravo, I understand what you meant now, not all the lefties and Roman sandal wearers are religious either. I agree with your sentiments about the PC brigade. They have a lot to answer for!


mart360 23 October 2003 12:15 AM

According to the papers he ( the farther) was an asylum seeker, who was to be deported shortly... fat chance of that now...

whats the betting some numpty lawyer gets involved and turns it into a desperate cry for help case... it should be a simple next day trial call witness,s get evidence and declare verdict..

but this guy should now be no longer persona grata in the uk and needs immiediate deportment..

and bring back the death penalty!!!


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