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s6pra 28 September 2003 01:49 PM

Hello guys,

I've posted this on another forum but this is too good not to share.

First of all, I'm all for keeping the roads safe BUT am against
this entrapment of drivers for a crime without a victim. We need more officers on the road AND streets and not more cameras! I've never seen so many honest people being treated so bad.

I'm tired of this policy of throwing sand into peoples eyes milking them for their money and avoiding the real issues.

I spotted yet another speed trap van parked illegally, on a
street next to where I live. (27/9/2003)

Speed cameras are placed on accident blackspots they say? Well, there hasn't been an accident on this road in the 3 years I've been here! Smells fishy to me.

Got my camcorder and went there to see things for myself...

Interesting behaviour, n'est pas?

If he wasn't doing anything wrong, why did he run off when he spotted me? And why didn't he answer any of my questions and tried to put words into my mouth?

Hope I have entertained you or at least made you think.

Best Regards,
Peter Ferreira

Please drive safe, speed is not the cause of the accidents, distraction is!
("Only 7% of accidents are caused by speeding, over 85% of accidents are caused by distraction!" - [Data taken in context from the Transport Research Lab, a government funded agency that the government doesn't seem to listen to.])

===WRX=== 28 September 2003 02:10 PM

Ive done the very same thing....same thing happened again...drove off



Phil 28 September 2003 02:25 PM


vash 28 September 2003 02:29 PM

Was that in Reading??

s6pra 28 September 2003 02:36 PM

Yes, it was on Vastern Road in Reading. On a Saturday!
From what I know, he's there everyday and it is a 30mph speed limit. But you're on a dual carriage way and might be led to think the limit is actually 40mph. You know, the usual tricks to make your pocket hurt.

Jonto 28 September 2003 02:37 PM

The best thing for then to do is run, cause i would hit them if i ever caught them...........they DON'T prevent accidents !

Jonto 28 September 2003 02:40 PM

What would be funny and i am not suggesting that anyone should do this ;) but put that van registration "OV51 OVZ" on the same sort of van and go and drive through some speed camera's very fast ! :D :D :D :D

s6pra 28 September 2003 02:43 PM

Oh I like that!

donutman 28 September 2003 02:46 PM

nice one. he is going to get reported.

GaryCat 28 September 2003 03:18 PM

Nice one, I work on Vastern Rd and see the vans there most days parked on double yellows and obstructing the view of the chevron signs.


Poor Guy 28 September 2003 03:33 PM

send it in to the daily mail. email address at the end of their rants over speed cameras.

when he walked away there should have been computer smashin!

wanted 28 September 2003 03:42 PM

Why can't i see the picture :( all i get is the sound and an "error downloading codec"

s6pra 28 September 2003 03:44 PM

Are newspapers really interested in this sort of stuff? Sending it to the Daily Mail seems like a good idea.

Does anyone have pictures or footage of the speed van on Braywick Road in Maidenhead???

I know someone who needs this badly!


s6pra 28 September 2003 03:45 PM

This video clip is encoded using the DivX codec.
You can get a free copy at

You'll need this in the future. Most clips today use this codec.


scrappydoo 28 September 2003 04:01 PM

Nice clip mate. I think more peeps should do this. Ummmm Got me thinking now :) thumbs up to ya!!!

s6pra 28 September 2003 04:09 PM

Thank you for your kind words. It's possible that if all of us get organised, maybe we can make the fines generated by these vans lose their value in court. Most of these traps if not all of them are placed right where they shouldn't be, and have the potential to do more harm than good!

Oh and did you check out the size of the speed camera warning sign?? What was that?

alcazar 28 September 2003 04:28 PM

I can't see the clip: all I get is "page unavailable2 etc, and I've downloaded the DiVX player?

206CC 28 September 2003 04:37 PM

Parked in Swindon..
Illegally parked On the Clearway.. Cops where behing the car with a laser gun..

Huxley 28 September 2003 04:42 PM

When you first spotted the Asshalf did he have the back doors open or are they getting the images through the windows.

And he's not good enough the be a full one ;)


s6pra 28 September 2003 05:07 PM

When I spotted the van, I was going to Tesco in my car. On the way back, popped home, got the camcorder, got on the cycle and went back there.

He was sitting inside the van using the little backdoor window to operate his thinggy.

Nice pickies!

AndyBrew 28 September 2003 06:07 PM

Absolutely priceless mate, WELL DONE :)

Can you do this if it's a real copper or can you only get away with it if its a peasant?

s6pra 28 September 2003 06:13 PM

You made a good point Andy. From what I hear Monsieur Cop also runs away, which in turn seems strange. If they aren't doing anything illegal then why run???

Apparently, there's the one that will say you can't film and blah blah blah. Your answer to that is, you are filming the street and if they don't want to be on it then they are free to leave!

Nobody can't really stop you from filming. That's almost like saying, you can't have yoru eyes open or use yoru hearing, nor touch.

It's a mad planet I tell you. You have to know what to say at all times.

BigRed 28 September 2003 06:17 PM

We have one regular park on the pavement BEHIND a bush so you cannot see it when you are coming up to it, very sly old bill.

NOT one for supporting speeding but where i live speed cameras are springing up like mushrooms, if only the police would solve some real crime and not concentrate on the motorist so much, i would not mind. Us motorists are bled for every penny now, petrol, road fund, insurance, we don't need a nasty £60 bill plus 3 points dropping through the letter box, heard that some partcular cameras around us are set to take you picture at 32 MPH:eek:, surely your speedo can be this much out?

hedgehog 28 September 2003 07:38 PM

Watch out, it seems that there are also unmarked Talivans!! Yes indeed folks, for the money to be returned due to the "netting off" scheme the vans need to comply to some guidelines. However, if they just want to shaft motorists then there is no need for the vans to be visible or for there to be a history of accidents in the area. So, in truth, although there are guidelines they only apply in specific circumstances when it suits them.

I believe Redline magazine are in the process of publishing photos and info on one particular incident where the chap who took the photos was followed, at walking pace, along the road by the van in a clear attempt at intimidation.

I believe the van was parked at Box Road End in Bedfordshire.

However, well done to Peter, at least you made him move off and so might have saved someone their license and job. When you look at it in that light chasing Talivans puts you up there along with doctors and firemen in terms of the good you do for society and individuals.

s6pra 28 September 2003 08:17 PM

Thanks goes out to hedgehog! I guess you're right. It did feel nice to get him on the run.

And the truth is, people driving past were giving me the thumbs up or smiling, nodding, and even got positive comments from some guys in a white van. I guess people in general are fed up too.

I can't help thinking the lasers they use are powerful enough to damage a childs eye sight at 200 yards away. I also wouldn't like a child of mine to be waiting at a bus stop where there's a speed camera facing it.

Isn't that their usual excuse? They always seem to have a child in their pockets to throw at you when it comes to speeding.

But wait! I thought roads were for cars and not for children! Must have been my mistake then. Shouldn't we be doing things to get children off the roads then?

When are the so called authorities going to get real? Most of these people don't drive, or do not drive more than 15 miles per day. What the hell do they know about road safety?

midget1500 28 September 2003 09:08 PM

:D bravo!

DanTheMan 28 September 2003 10:21 PM

Safety Camera vans my AR$E - revenue generators pure and simple.

Good work mate :)

scunnered 28 September 2003 11:45 PM

I saw one of these vans parked in a layby about 50 yards into a 30 zone from a dual carraigeway. So I parked right behind him. You should have heard the threats I was getting. I stayed there until HE moved off.

BigRed 28 September 2003 11:59 PM

Most of the vans around us seem to be unmarked 'talivans', they just have a rear window open with the camera sticking out, and a copper sat inside behind it, no obvious markings. The lamp posts's DO have warning signs on though, but you don't know when the 'Talivan' is going to be there.

Seems like we should be out taking photo's of THEM parked illegally , on pavements, double yellows ETC

vindaloo 30 September 2003 10:54 AM



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