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Boro 21 September 2003 12:51 PM

{rant on}

Ive just recently received a safety campaign leaflet in the post and its really made my blood boil. See what you think.

Interesting fact...

Can you stop in time?

What the fcuk!!!! What are TWO horses doing side by side taking up OVER HALF of the road? Even oncoming cars would struggle to avoid these morons!!!

Well... what can you says about these fools?

And im supposed to feel guilty if i run into three women and a dog who are taking up ALL the road? WTF!!!

I mean, what are these people on? Talk about giving the car driver the guilt trip. It must cost millions, maybe spending half of this on re-educating people not to walk into the road without looking or even better not to walk onwards INTO traffic ON a bend FOUR ABREAST!!!! fcukin eejits. And this is meant to be a SAFETY CAMPAIGN? Pfffft!

{rant off}

[Edited by Boro - 9/21/2003 12:51:40 PM]

[Edited by Boro - 9/21/2003 12:53:24 PM]

WRX Wannabe 21 September 2003 12:52 PM

That's why the DO AP 6 pots :D

BEW 21 September 2003 12:59 PM

What's the problem with that? :confused:

Simple common sense to drive at a speed that allows you to get stopped in the distance you can see! :rolleyes:

And im supposed to feel guilty if i run into three women and a dog who are taking up ALL the road? WTF!!!
Best of luck if you try that as a defence if you ever have such an accident you arrogant tw*t!

Boro 21 September 2003 01:35 PM

BEW, were you run over as a kid. Get a bang to the head did you?

Im sure if you came round a bend on a country road to find 3 women and a dog all side by side you'd be asking the question.

"Have you got a death wish?"

My point is...

If you're going to target the motorist and put the blame for these kinds of accident on them the LEAST you can do is educate the pedestrian to walk in single file. Its not rocket science, is it?

midget1500 21 September 2003 01:35 PM

BEW i know he was a bit blunt, but i see both sides.

yes, a driver must keep a constant lookout etc BUT the number of total muppets that use rural roads is amazing, the number of times i've come round a bend at a reasonable speed only to be greated by 2 horse riders side by side in the middle of the fooking road is unreal. of course i slow down and give them space but they always give you a look like "wtf are you doing". they don't even pay road tax FFS and the driver will ALWAYS be in the wrong and fall foul of the law and insurance. i hate it when i see a group of horse riders in the distance, slow down yet some moron waves frantically at me to slow down (just coz i drive a small loud sportscar FFS!) makes me wanna rev the **** outta the car and scare the fookin horses!!! i pay to use the road, you don't so be more courteous and grateful. after ranting about them, most riders are sensible and welcome to share the road with me.


BEW 21 September 2003 02:09 PM

I do live on a country road and often encounter folk walking side by side having a chat as they walk along,maybe a dog with them too!

Many times the same has happened with horse riders.

The point I'm making is that I am aware of the high possibility of encountering such situations and drive appropriately,hardly rocket science is it? ;)

I don't exactly drive a quiet car either and have never once had anyone give dirty looks or give amusing hand gestures!

Maybe we've got a more tolerant type of citizen where I live! :D

elgordano 21 September 2003 02:45 PM

but i think the point he is making is that you the driver are taking appropriate precautions but the pedestrains are not.


Boro 21 September 2003 03:03 PM

BEW, you may well live on a country road and experience this type of suicidal behaviour all the time BUT Devon & Cornwall (who produced this safety leaflet) have huge numbers of tourists visit here every year and i would imagine a high proportion of these visitors are from city areas who wouldnt expect to find their entire lane taken up by horses or people.

I douby these city folk have been sent this leaflet, so they will have no idea what to expect.

In my opinion it would be wiser to educate the people who live and work in these rural areas to walk in single file on such narrow roads.

In fact, it should just be common sense!

C 21 September 2003 03:07 PM

if they are blatently flaunting ROAD LAW by riding side by side not walking single file etc, then call me harsh but they have NO-ONE to blame but themselves!!!!

Maybe educating stupid little kids from running out in the road & fools who cross the road without looking is the way forward rather than passing the blame on the driver..

I have run someone over, no I dont feel big, or clever, but there was a pedestrian crossing 200m up the road, it was dark, the traffic was queueing on one side of the road & she walked out between two cars :rolleyes:

Yes - she went flying as she literally walked out right in front of me, she did god knows how much damage to my car etc..

When she collected herself from the gutter & realised what happened, she came running over, decided to kick the car & threaten me & allsorts (dangerous driver, speeding etc) (20mph in a 30 as the traffic was bad) thankfully before the ambulance & police arrived 2 witnesses saw everything & heard her ranting about "taking me to the cleaners"....

Ended up with her loosing her rag & getting arrested :D

Oh & her having to pay all the costs to repair my car....

IMO its more often than not the idiot pedestrian, cyclist, horse rider who is responsible not the motorist...

cr@p like that makes my blood boil!

ALi-B 21 September 2003 03:26 PM

I like the irony in the ads of people walking in country lanes where its a 60mph limit and then say that driving above 40mph will most likely kill any pedestrian that you hit!

Not that you'd go belting down a narrow lane at 60. But your hadly going to drive 20mph down a lane, unless your on very narrow blind bends.

My cousin hit someone crossing between cars, he was absolutely crapping himself over the fact that he was driving and would get blamed. Luckily the law saw sense and didn't persue charges, but who had to pay for the damage to the car?

BEW 21 September 2003 03:42 PM

The cyclists,horse riders etc may be flaunting the law but so is the motorist who can't stop in the distance he can see!

Agree on the urban pedestrians though,had an incident years ago and the fool was found to be 10 times the limit! :eek: He's not here to do it again and no charges were brought against me either.

Boro 21 September 2003 03:58 PM

The cyclists,horse riders etc may be flaunting the law but so is the motorist who can't stop in the distance he can see!
Glad you finally see sense, now tell me when was the last time you saw a pedestrian orientated safety campaign?

Green Cross Code?

Charlie Says...?

Lets face it, 90% of the time its the motorist who is targeted and 80% of the time an accident occurs involving pedestrians, its the pedestrians fault. Wheres the sense in that?

BEW 21 September 2003 04:09 PM

What about the tractor though? What law is it breaking,part of your leaflet but you've not dealt with that one?

Interesting statistics there,where did you find them?

Maybe the sense is that the motorist will cause the damage no matter who is actually to blame? I'll still be on the look out rather than have to scrape someone off the windscreen even though they "may" be at fault!

Tiggs 21 September 2003 04:14 PM

typical anti anti speeding scoobynet twaddle.....they have a problem with twats belting round the country lanes and they are trying to make them realise they could have an accident.

if you kill a 10 year old and her "illegal 2 a breast pony" then you try living with the fact its her fault.


Boro 21 September 2003 04:36 PM

BEW, i dont know the law on tractors taking up the whole road on country bends. Maybe the tractor should display a warning sign 100 yards either side of the entrance. I know when roadworks are causing tail backs on roads a sign is placed before the likely queue with "WARNING! Queuing on bends". Sound sensible?

So Tiggs, you also agree it would be her fault?

So why not try an educate these people aswell? THATS my whole point! At the end of the day, pedestrians have alot more to lose then the motorist and it would be in their own interests to behave more sensibly.

Badger Stuffer 21 September 2003 05:01 PM

Yeah right. and loads and loadsa of you all come on here gobbing off about how you done this and that in the "twisties" so I think you should all take note.

This research has been done to inform the whole population. Don't be a fcuking moron and think it is aimed at a "corsa boy" or the like. Take note and slow down.


Boro 21 September 2003 05:35 PM

Comments from the pro-walk in the middle of the road group...

Best of luck if you try that as a defence if you ever have such an accident you arrogant tw*t!

typical anti anti speeding scoobynet twaddle.....they have a problem with twats belting round the country lanes and they are trying to make them realise they could have an accident.

Badger Stuffer:
Don't be a fcuking moron and think it is aimed at a "corsa boy" or the like.

You three obviously have problems expressing yourselves in a mature manner, so when you have all grown up, come back and have a proper discussion about this :)

midget1500 21 September 2003 06:05 PM

Tut tut jase, and you want to become a police officer :eek:

scooby_si 21 September 2003 06:43 PM

Jes boro dont u like swearing or sumin?!?!?!?

BEW 21 September 2003 07:08 PM

Boro has posted:

What the fcuk!!!!

fcukin eejits.

You three obviously have problems expressing yourselves in a mature manner

Make that 4 then! :p :D

unclebuck 21 September 2003 07:09 PM

careful on those blijnd *corners*


Boro 21 September 2003 07:10 PM

Si, i dont have a problem with it, just seemed strange that the only people who felt the need to use it were the people against.

BEW 21 September 2003 07:12 PM

Read your own posts before making such remarks! :rolleyes:

Mr Scoob 21 September 2003 08:15 PM

Earlier today I rounded a bend at about 40mph (the limit was 60mph). Immediately around the corner were two pedestrians walking side by side towards me. Luckily there was nothing coming the other way so was able to safely move across the centre line and go around them. What if something had been coming the other way though?

My view is that the pedestrians should have been walking in line so that oncoming vehicles could go around them without having to move into the oncoming lane, especially as they were approaching a bend.

Boro 21 September 2003 09:26 PM

Ironically, tonight driving home from work about 8ish in the dark. Two youngish lads about 14 were crossing a small (A) road, 60mph, unlit. I had just pulled onto it and probably got to about 45ish when i saw them in my lane and "strolling" across as if they had all day.

I slowed, whacked on high beam and they then started running. Kids eh!!!

lightning101 21 September 2003 09:38 PM

Why not have a points for pedestrians system ?

Horses - 10 points
Pedestrians over 65 - 20 points
Small Hairy Woodland Creatures - 30 points (harder to swerve into)

and more politically incorrect ones that shouldn't be mentioned

Leslie 22 September 2003 03:18 PM

I think this thread is 6 and "half a dozen" really. Boro has a perfectly good point when he complains about horses two abreast and pedestrians 3 and 4 abreast on these sorts of roads. It is up to everyone to use a bit of common sense and to be careful on the roads especially when there are blind bends and it is narrow. A 60 mph speed limit does not entitle you to do that sort of speed of course if the road is too tight and narrow. You should be prepared to slow to walking speed if necessary. Boro will know as well as I do that we have many roads like this in the West Country and the one good rule of thumb is to slow down where you see the skid marks! With the bank hedges the corners are nearly all blind and it is sheer folly to drive too fast round them. You have to be prepared to stop for a tractor since they have a right to use the road as well. In the same way, people who walk line abreast or do the same with their horses etc on these roads are being unfair to other road users and themselves.

One of the things that also really annoys me is the visiting holiday makers who behave as though we locals owe them a living for coming down here. They treat us with disdain and when they walk endlessly through the town they act as though it is a pedestrianised area and walk all over the roads instead of the pavements and step out in front of the cars without looking!


[Edited by Leslie - 9/22/2003 3:22:43 PM]

unclebuck 22 September 2003 03:44 PM

Arr... Damn those gert grockles!!


p36damien 22 September 2003 04:48 PM

Are you always such a sad **** BEW or did you make an exception this time? Boro was only trying to make a simple point to say perhaps the Council should spend more time educating pedestrians, cylists (awful round my parts) and horse riders as to basic road safety, which some of the idiots should be able to work out for themselves. Read your won posts BEW and stop being an annoying goody goody dimwit.

druddle 22 September 2003 05:05 PM

Please dont resurrect the "Horses on the road" subject. This has been done a million times before to death on here.


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