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emthreewannabee 18 September 2003 08:46 PM

Drivers of the new shape Toyota Celica's are complete morons!

They always seem to be thirty something yuppie types, complete with shirt and tie. Chatting on mobile whilst driving or being right up your arse or generally driving like a complete prick.

It wouldn't be so bad if they were actually in a half decent car!!!! :) :)

Dracoro 18 September 2003 09:31 PM

What's wrong with Celica's?

I know there's no 'power' version but they're still decent cars. Well, I've never seen much in the way of slagging them off.

----- STOP ------

I see what you've done, you've typed in Celica instead of bmw 3 series! ;)

Now it all makes sense :D

Hanslow 18 September 2003 09:40 PM

emthreewannabee, I take it from the comment

It wouldn't be so bad if they were actually in a half decent car!!!!
that you have actually driven one?

IWatkins 18 September 2003 10:25 PM

Half term already ? ;)

emthreewannabee 18 September 2003 10:31 PM

I have driven one and wasn't impressed.

And no I'm not being imature/a moron etc.

Im just making a point, every time I seem to encounter one of these its always someone who is right up my arse /just HAS to overtake even on a really dangerous road or is generally driving like an idiot! :)

emthreewannabee 18 September 2003 10:33 PM

Hehe, and btw...a BMW 3 series is 10 times the car that a Celica is.

Don't even get me started on that one :)

Despite this Im not saying all Celica's are bad. I liked the previous shape, specially the GT4.

Where's the GT4 version of the new shape eh?

[Edited by emthreewannabee - 9/18/2003 10:35:07 PM]

Hanslow 18 September 2003 10:34 PM

In which case can I point out the first comment you made :)

Drivers of the new shape Toyota Celica's are complete morons!

or generally driving like a complete prick.
So when you were driving one of these you fitted both descriptions above? :D:p Have your driving habits changed? ;)

The defence rests :D

[Edited by Hanslow - 9/18/2003 10:35:29 PM]

emthreewannabee 18 September 2003 10:36 PM

Heh no, when I had a go in one I didn't drive 2 feet behind the car in front of me, I wasn't chatting on my mobile and I wasn't desperate to overtake any car infront of me, putting myselfe and other road users in danger.

Dracoro 18 September 2003 10:52 PM

you mean a bmw 3 series driver!

Remember it's spelt bmw 3 series, not toyota celica ;):D

bmw 3 series drivers are well known as being the most moronic of the lot :D

[Edited by Dracoro - 9/18/2003 10:54:40 PM]

Duck_Pond 18 September 2003 10:56 PM

I have to agree with the post, to some degree.

There are a couple of eejits at our office centre with the 190 versions, and they're always ragging them round as fast as possible, squealing tyres, revving the nuts off the cars... which on a circuit would be acceptable. In a car park with a 5mph limit, it's just foolish.

Maybe they're trying to prove something, when they have to park up next to the likes of M5s, Porky Boxsters, M3s, TVRs etc... that are also parked in there.

But... a bloke who lives near my folks' place has one of the T-Sport versions, and he drives around in it most sensibly. So they're not all a*** holes.

Hanslow 18 September 2003 10:59 PM

Just makes me larf, as I have seen assholes in all marques that drive like that, and yes, that does include the hallowed Scoob driver :)

Too many people get in their car (whatever it may be) these days and think that they are invincible and that they own the road.

Dracoro 18 September 2003 11:01 PM

Which is fair enough for the 3 series drivers as they do actually own the outside lane on the motorway :D:D

Hanslow 18 September 2003 11:03 PM

I was behind a well knackered 3 series beemer the other day. Must have been cos this orange light at the side kept flashing everytime it approached a junction before turning, or at roundabouts.

Never seen that before on a beemer :D:D:D:D:p

Marky-San 18 September 2003 11:03 PM

I saw a BM indicating today, then realised it was my car reflection - how my heart sank.

Celicas are so-so cars, usual excellent build put into a shoe box design. Olders Celica though your cooking.

emthreewannabee 18 September 2003 11:11 PM

OK...maybe it was a bit unfair to pigeon hole all new shape Celica drivers, no doubt there are alot of sensible ones.

Any yes, they are tossers who drive all kinds of cars, incuding Beemers, Scoobys etc.

But I would say your average Beemer driver is more sensible/better driver than your average Scooby driver.....OHHH CAN OF WORMS!! :)

Dracoro 18 September 2003 11:17 PM

Nope, bmw is prolly the worst as nearly all of the driving population of the country will testify :D

Personally, you can't beat nice Honda drivers :p :D:D

emthreewannabee 19 September 2003 12:28 AM

Lol no way are BMW drivers the worst....the worst without question is anyone in a Saxo complete with silly sounding exhaust and baseball cap :)

[Edited by emthreewannabee - 9/19/2003 12:29:29 AM]

Project ST 19 September 2003 01:44 AM

Ima? Is that you? ;)

I sense a touch of trolling going on here :D

Dracoro 19 September 2003 09:58 AM

I think he's fighting a losing battle trying to defend bmw 3 series drivers. :D aww, bless his little cotton socks. :D

NACRO 19 September 2003 10:01 AM

lol@ 3 series drivers, well 318 drivers anyway.

emthreewannabee 19 September 2003 10:17 AM

Er no it isn't me and I certainly don't need to defend 3 series drivers :)

There are lunatics drive all kind's of cars, inlcuding whatever you own :)

tiggers 19 September 2003 10:27 AM


Stop it - you know this attitude will get you nowhere on a forum like this.

Scoobynet is a closet hang out for BMW lovers.

I do have to laugh at the irony of someone complaining about Celica drivers (who in my experience never ever seem to cause me a problems) and then defending BMW 3 series drivers (the absolute worst offenders by some margin in my experiences).

Still it takes all sorts to make a world I guess :D



emthreewannabee 19 September 2003 10:42 AM

My original post basically said that whenever I encounter a new shape celica, its always seems to be someone who is driving like an idiot. But i later said it was wrong to class all celica drivers like this, I know they are alot of sensible ones, probably the majority of them.

But your now claiming BMW 3 series drivers are the worst? So you basically doing exactly the same thing as I did at the start of this thread.....Hmmm... :)

One point I will make is that anyone who owns an M3, or say an Scoob is likely to be a sensible, excellent driver. Your not going to get 'boy racers types' in these cars as people like that would not be able to afford the cars/or insurance etc, or even get insurance in the first place.

So my recent point stands, the worst are bound to be boy racers in their Novas, Saxos etc. You know im right :)

NACRO 19 September 2003 10:53 AM

I for one wasn't claiming 3 series drivers are the worst- I just like laughing at drivers of 318's who invariably have attitude problems 'cos their cars are dog slow. My favourites are the ones who stick M badges on them as mentioned in another thread here. PMSL.

tiggers 19 September 2003 10:55 AM


Two things.

1) I never said all 3 series BMW drivers were like that - just that in my experiences the worst offenders on the roads are 3 series drivers - not ALL of them - SOME of them.

2) You are so wrong about the M3 drivers. The two worst pieces of driving I have seen in the last 12 months have been from drivers at the wheel of an M3. You say anyone that can afford one must be a sensible and excellent driver - your words not mine. Therefore by defnition you must think that doing speeds of up to 140mph on a crowded two lane motorway and using the hard shoulder to pass people is sensible and excellent. Well if you wnat to play word games you can't blame me for joining in :D

BTW I reported the incident mentioned above to the police and they said they had had sevaral calls about him. The local paper later reported how he had been arrested and charged with dangerous driving. I never found out what sentence he got, but I hope he can now only afford to drive a Trabant - that would be justice.



emthreewannabee 19 September 2003 11:10 AM

I agree......there's nothing worse than a 318 dressed up as an M3. Although I do agree with dressing down a M3 as a 318 to try to minimise the risk of it being stolen ! :)

emthreewannabee 19 September 2003 11:13 AM

Tiggers...ANY dangerous driving is out of order, we all know that. Anyone driving like you said deserves to be banned and Im glad you reported him, regardless of what he was driving.

Lets be honest, all of us have floored it on a deserted road, when were putting no one in danger, but driving like a lunatic is not on.

One of the worst is idiots who overtake you in a 30mph zone! This has happened before to me, next to a school no less!!!!!!!!

SUNDAY DRIVER 19 September 2003 11:20 AM

Whats a 30something yuppie type then?

DJ140 19 September 2003 11:23 AM

BMW drivers get my vote for the worst drivers and women in 4X4's, why are they always on the phone?

tiggers 19 September 2003 11:48 AM


Agreed! As I said just playing word games with you (you started it after all ;)). Still think a lot of of M3's are driven by to55ers though!


What about women in BMW X5's on the phone then? ;)


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