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RB5Caterham 15 August 2003 10:41 AM

Why is it that some scooby turbo owners dont respond to a "Hi" from other owners?

Has anyone had other scooby turbo owners "trying it on" with your scoob? Sort of "mine is better than yours" syndrome.

Is there not an informal respect code that you try to acknowledge fellow scooby turbo drivers on the road?

Been blanked a few times, blatantly!

Duck_Pond 15 August 2003 10:45 AM

Don't worry about it. I have the same problem in and around the Midlands, where only about half the Scooby drivers respond if you wave or flash (your lights ;)) at them.

They need to get down off their high horse and become part of the Scooby Gang! Not that I'll lose any sleep if they don't...

TON3 15 August 2003 10:49 AM

Oopps, i hope ur not the guy i blanked this morning in sidcup, if it was u or anyone else that reads this im real sorry, my girlfriend was chatting, i saw the wave at the last minute, but alas it was 2 late! :(

RB5Caterham 15 August 2003 10:54 AM

No mate, dont live or drive in that area.

what would scooby do 15 August 2003 11:07 AM

don't forget most people tend to concentrate on their driving and not at every damnded car that's coming the other way etc.

I wave to about 1 in 5 cars as I miss most of them, it doesn't make you a miserable b4stard.. :D:D

RB5Caterham 15 August 2003 11:13 AM

I appreciate what you say mate and agree fully.

But not when you're in traffic but I suppose everyone is different.

I just thought it was an interesting topic.

16vmarc 15 August 2003 11:14 AM

I see everyting so if i see another scoob ill be honkin flashin and wavin with both hands!!!!

tmo 15 August 2003 11:23 AM

saw a guy yesterday he had just got out of his P1 at trowell services on the M1 for a smoke, gave him a nice big wave and smile and he looked at me like i had two heads ...

Leslie 15 August 2003 12:15 PM

I get the fish eye stare as well quite often. Its usually the blokes in a newish WRX type who initially don't like speaking to a classic owner, and when they see it is an STI it makes it even worse! :)


The Zohan 15 August 2003 12:29 PM

Depends on the person and their personality surely?

Used to be mostly enthusiasts but not so much now.

Lanes 15 August 2003 12:36 PM

I belong to the newish WRX owner types, but to me, a scoob is a scoob regardless of age or model and just shows me that the driver has good taste in cars. I wave/flash at all I see......don't always get a response though.....

greasemonkey 15 August 2003 01:24 PM

Rare but it does happen. Had some clueless spotty oik boasting about the "abilities" of his UK300 in the petrol station queue the other day.

Didn't think he had the braincells to comprehend the extra power and 150kg weight advantage my "old" Classic had, so just smiled, and winked at his girlfriend, who was obviously getting a bit fed up with him.

Kids nowadays...;)

Pro-driver 15 August 2003 03:24 PM

I agree with the comment about the age etc,scoobies are scoobies and its good when a fellow enthusiast waves.

16vmarc 15 August 2003 03:43 PM

New scoob drivers need to realise that theyre cars ave same engines but are heavier cars!!! Therefore they are not superior!!!

Andy Tang 15 August 2003 03:49 PM

Outside of meets and Scoobynet, I find owners a bit 50/50!

Some really friendly and just want to know more, so I give a bit of advice and point towards here and local meets!

Some will just blank you!!! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

The ones I hate are the ones who are up themselves telling *me* that they have 300bhp out of a UK car, and when I ask about mods it's an exhaust and filter!!! :rolleyes: It bothered me more when I did have a big powered UK car, but now it doesn't bother me at all as I patronise them and just nod & smile!!! ;)

HELLOM8 15 August 2003 04:40 PM

Usually find it about 50/50, but very surprised that I got strange looks from a guy in a 22B with a very appropriate number plate.

WRX Wannabe 15 August 2003 09:58 PM

I see the same car on the way to work most mornings and we BOTH wave everyday(I DONT know his name?)

His brother is a member on here though ;)

I guess some people dont bother to wave as they feel stupid if they dont get a wave back :(

paulwrxboro 16 August 2003 11:29 AM

i have a new age car and wave at all scoobs about 50% wave back

S.B. 16 August 2003 12:36 PM

I dont normally notice other scoobs to busy on the phone,reading the paper and eating my lunch.

Triple X 16 August 2003 01:13 PM

It doesnt bother me if i dont get a response back, it just makes me think that the other driver musnt be a true enthusiast.

S.B. 16 August 2003 01:16 PM


siwrx 16 August 2003 02:10 PM

you have to remember that the subaru isnt limited to enthusiasts or even people how know what theyre driving. Have a fairfew in my area an half of them are riven by middle aged businesstypes with no idea.

One woman the road down from me has a uk turbo, i see her afair bit, normally starting it up on a cold day andflying off down the road at full throttle without warming it up. If she doesnt even know shes killing her turbo, i doubt shes a subaru enthusiast

Triple X 16 August 2003 03:02 PM

and thats exactly why it doesnt bother me. :)

Leslie 16 August 2003 04:44 PM

Nice to hear that Lanes-you are a proper Scoob owner then. :)

Was stopped next to a modern STI this afternoon on the car ferry, he looked away when I waved!

Les :(

scooby_si 16 August 2003 05:28 PM

i still flash & wave like a loonatic at all even there's only a similarity to scoobies (flashed a few corollas thinking they were bugeyes ;)) & i'm always stopping people to try & get them to the local meets :D Get a fair few who are not in the slightest bit interested but hey it's them missing out so i just pity them missing out on some of the bonus scooby things ;)
I believe i will still do it when i sell scooby soon then i expect acknowledgement to change to WTF! :eek: lol

misty 16 August 2003 07:01 PM

I flashed once. Spent the whole night in jail because of it!!!

16vmarc 16 August 2003 07:04 PM

Saw 3 scoobs today, all ignored me when i flashed :(

wrightysti7 16 August 2003 07:20 PM

WRX Wannabe his name is Paul and always sais i saw the scoob again glad you catch him awake at that time of the morning

scooby_si 16 August 2003 11:54 PM

16v i presume u mean lights i always find getting knob out scares the other scooby owners off ;)? lmfao

JKJ2 17 August 2003 10:35 PM


Sounds like you have the same combo as myself, Scooby + 7. Must admit I tend not wave when in the Scooby as I usually get blanked or odd looks (not all the time of course). Think it's because we associate the Scoob solely with the guys on here, but alot, probably the majority, are owned out there by folks who know nothing of Scoobynet and maybe wonder what all this gesturing is about. I tend to regard my Scoob as a workhorse, a vehicle for A - B use, and if used as such I may as well have a bit of fun in it at the same time, other cars would provide the same, it's just the Scoob is the weapon of choice at the moment. Now in the 7 on the other hand, I always wave, sometimes even at W*******ds, if I am going to fast to recognise what they are.

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