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ScoobyJawa 08 June 2003 02:19 PM

I'll have to go on Wolfy with this one and say that T2 is not remembered romantically at all, I saw both T1 and T2 recently, ok T1 has dated a bit worse, but after all it is almost 20 years old and very dark as has been said. T2 is still just as superb as the first day I watched it, and again as said, still wouldn't be far off the pace with modern films when it comes to effects and action.

Yep - T3 + 12A = blatant money making venture :( :rolleyes: The whole boob scene made me cringe - and I love boobs ;) - but it was just so out of place, but typical of the whole Hollywood ethos in this day and age that they need to do things like this to get a massive young lads audience in as they are one of the biggest catchment areas.

John Connor - well, reminded me of bumbling doc Julian Bashir from Deep Space 9 and did not fit the John Connor character at all.

And OMG - the therapist bit - how come he just so happened to be there and working for them :rolleyes: and the way he talked to the girl - yeah right :rolleyes:

With the TX they tried to style it exactly on the T1000 just a different kind of robot, but conveyed with all the same looks and characteristics of the T1000, only they didn't pull it off at all, Robert Patrick was sooooo much better at bringing a real sense of menacing and fear across, reacted to by Furlong and Arnie and Hamilton much better than in T3. You hardly feel the actors are really that scared and hence you aren't for them either.
Like in T2 when T1000 puts the stake through Arnie and he goes off line, you're gutted and wonder how on earth they are going to be saved now, but then he reroutes power, and your like, "yeah go get the T1k!!" And each time he got real bashed up you were fully behind him. In T3 there was none of that, he gets his head ripped off quite easily :rolleyes: gets taken over, manages to come back and put his head back on :rolleyes: (why didn't the TX since she'd taken him over and was in control) and goes after Connor - saying please get away from me :rolleyes: So they stay :rolleyes: and he eventually shuts himself down hitting the car :rolleyes: Garbage!

Adam - after she inflated her boobs, cop came up, hardly noticed, asked to see her docs, she said she liked his gun, he asked something again, then scene cuts to noise of ripping flesh - utter pointless.

[Edited by ScoobyJawa - 8/6/2003 2:24:27 PM]

Muffleman 08 June 2003 03:02 PM

T2 was\is a great film, but NOT the greatest film ever ! The John Connor in T2 WAS annoying, and Sarah got on me tits too.
I do think T2 is better than T3, but I don't think that the gap is THAT big between them. Plus I seem to recall fans at the time of T2 complaining about 'selling out' as T2 was a 15, not an 18 like the original - and I bet if T2 were reclassified now, it would be a 12A too. Although I concede, T3 really did have some cringe-worthy bits !!!

But I have to agree about films being 12A's when the storyline really needs something a bit stronger. Case in point - Jurassic Park. How the hell can you have a film about huge great Dinosours with the munchies, and it's a 12 ?!?

But I DEFINITELY agree with Aliens - you find me a better film than the Directors Cut Aliens.....lights off, dvd on, bog roll on standbye.....


[Edited by Muffleman - 8/6/2003 3:04:32 PM]

ScoobyJawa 08 June 2003 03:13 PM

Mark - well we did so there :p ;)

Although I have to admit I thought they should have left it at the end of T2 and when I heard they were making another I thought it was a mistake!

It looked like it had a wee bit of potential from the trailer, but as so many blockbusters go, all the good bits you'd already seen from that!!!! ;)

[Edited by ScoobyJawa - 8/6/2003 3:14:50 PM]

ScoobyJawa 06 August 2003 12:03 AM

Well, I know its another T3 thread, but I've just been to see it and what a complete let down this film is :( Sure, its a good old summer action flick, but it was a pale immitation of the first 2, very dissapointing.

I've read before and agree it really suffers without Cameron's directing. The female terminator was crap, a poor attempt at poses made by Robert Patrick who was much more the part in T2, and she didn't strike in any fear at all.

The actor playing Connor came across on screen so weedy and lame, Arnies lines were terrible and the excuse as to why Sarah was dead - WTF! useless :(

WTF was with all the really corny comedy and one liners - its a terminator film FFS :rolleyes:

Not to mention the weak follow on of the story from T2, plot holes and lame assed ending. There was also really not much tension put across at all either :(

Well dissapointed with it. I'm a huge fan of the Terminator movies, and this just did them no justice. If it was unrelated and just a film in its own right it would have been an ok action yarn with pretty good special effects (at least they didn't CG madly).

Ah well.

Dazza012 06 August 2003 12:50 AM

Spot on there Scoobyjawa, bet in T4, they have a son and another terminator is sent back to kill the child, and good old Arnie is sent back yet again to save it.
Then T5, baby grows up and another termin........need i go on

PPPMAT 06 August 2003 09:42 AM

I too was a little dissapointed. There is no room for blatant comedy in a terminator film in my view. All the effects were good and Arnie looks good for his age and what he's been through health wise. Not a patch on T2.


fitzscoob 06 August 2003 10:00 AM

i must say i wasnt that impressed with it but.....................

the TX was stunning, it was worth watching for the scene where she inflates her own breasts as she wishes.

she could kill me any time :)

ScoobyJawa 06 August 2003 11:38 AM

the TX was stunning, it was worth watching for the scene where she inflates her own breasts as she wishes.
Its true - though again, this has no place in a Terminator film and was a blatant attempt at comedy, that scene was really stupid and not needed at all, it made no difference whatsoever to the scene with her boobs small or large, its not like the copper reacted to them :rolleyes:

King RA 06 August 2003 11:57 AM

Well i loved the film and thought that it was wicked, so there..

Muffleman 06 August 2003 12:17 PM

I thought the film was actually quite good, and I'm a big fan of the first two. I do think that the previous two films are remembered a little 'romantically'. They were good films aswell, but maybe not the best films ever.

I actually thought it was a reasonable effort ! And that action scene with the crane\fire engine - AWESOME !!!


Wulfy 06 August 2003 12:49 PM

I'm sorry, but Terminator 2 is quite possibly the best action film ever - only Aliens springs to mind as competition in that regard. T3 was pure and simple a money-making exercise - just what did it add to the whole terminator saga? That the terminators can be quite funny and inflate their boobs? It says more about the dire releases from hollywood lately than it does about this film that it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. John Connor has gone from being a mysterious character who saves mankind in the future to a spunky kid to an annoying lame-ass self-doubting buffoon. The scene where the therapist chap from T2 came back was just simply embarassing and made me cringe in my seat. I could go on but it'll just depress me thinking how yet another modern classic has had a turkey tacked onto the end.

PPPMAT 06 August 2003 12:54 PM

I don't think the previous films are remembered romantically, T2 was only on the other week and it could be released again today for the first time and wouldn't look that dated. T1 granted, different film entirely, much darker.

I think T2 is the best as you have the novelty value of Arnire being the protector and a few people who dont believe have to eat their words. And of course the menacing T2000.

In T3 its more of the same and so cannot be as good. I still enjoyed the film but feel tha the formula has run its course.

Matt :D

Adam M 06 August 2003 01:13 PM

just beenr eading this thread and thought the same when I saw it in the states about a month ago.

only way to describe it was a B movie.

They made it clear that they could not stop judgement day, it was inevitable. So if thats the case then why keep running from the terminators if the future cannot be changed!

on top of that, why do they wait ten years each time between films?

if they can choose when they go back in time to, why not keep going back to when sarah connor had no idea, but send a T1000 (better than TX as the heat would not have killed it only melted it temporarily).

One final point, can someone tell me what happened after she inflated her boobs please. In the US, the scene cut there, and all we saw was her reacting to the poster. We were just left to assume she killed the policeman, in which case what does it matter what she looked like? :confused:

all in all massive dissapointment, saw charlies angels two on the same holiday, expected it tobe entertaining cr@p, and as I expected enjoyed it much more.

Dizzy 06 August 2003 01:52 PM

I'm sorry, but Terminator 2 is quite possibly the best action film ever
:D:D I just can't stop laughing :D:D bet you liked ID4 too :D However I agree Aliens was class so I'll let you off there (dont know if I'd rate it as best action movie but I'd have to think about it) ;)

ok.. but wtf do you expect? I thought it was just another mind in neutral action film. As for pot errors err.. come on its a film about time travel. bah. If I stick my film critic hat on ok.. it wasnt convincing but considering the rest of the crap out atm what are you complaining about?.

Dizzy 06 August 2003 02:47 PM

Julian Bashir from Deep Space 9
:D I thought just the same... I assumed it was his little bro or something?! Your also forgetting his selection of sunglasses? if you remember he did it in the original coz he removed the organic eye cover etc...

"I need your clothes your boots and your motocycle" :D That is still one of my fav lines :) "Da Uzi 9mm" :D

I'm sorry that child (john connor) screeming in T2 made me want the friggin terminator to kill him.

How do they suddenly get access to a top secret defense area ?? "Dad Stop!" etc? wtf the guards just went er.. ok, go in?

urg I'm starting to think too much about it...

It was riddled with problems but why do you care?? It didn't really try to take itself that seriously. Compare it to Craptrix Reloaded and it looks flawlessly stunning.

fitzscoob 06 August 2003 03:07 PM

Blade runner :) IMO better than aliens

ScoobyJawa 06 August 2003 03:08 PM

OMG - yeah the sunglasses :( that was horrendous :( And he made such an issue of it throughout the whole film :(

Also the additional lines to those you quoted of "I'll be back" (T1, that started it all) and "Hasta la Vista Baby" (T2) what equivalent was there of those - oh yeah: "She'll be back" :rolleyes: and "I'm back" :rolleyes:

Access to daddies area - yeah - how come they just waltz in, and fly in to the Presidents shelter - yeah right there would be no security there.

I care because I love T1 and T2, and they've bu99ered it right up :p :D

Muffleman 06 August 2003 03:08 PM

Can we have polls on Scoobynet ? If so, how about a best movie poll ?

MarkO 06 August 2003 03:11 PM

I can't believe that anyone actually thought T3 would be anything other than a load of old tosh....

ScoobyJawa 06 August 2003 03:11 PM

Aliens - superb :D

As for ratings - they've been relaxed big style anyway. The stuff in 12's and 15's now is getting like early 1980's 18's. For example, if Terminator were to have come out now or when T2 came out, its most likely it would have also been a 15. The ratings in the 90's seem to have shifted down one/two from what they were in the 80's.

Muffleman 06 August 2003 03:16 PM

Maybe T3 seemed ok because I was expecting it to be a load of old tosh. Always the way though, if I think a film is gonna be fantastic - it usually isnt. Conversely, I've gone in to see some films I thought were gonna be a shile of pite, and they've actually been ok !

Squizz 06 August 2003 03:29 PM

Have you seen this link on the BBC film site... Not the kind of thing that used to be shown on the Beeb, that's for sure.

(Works safe, tho! ;) )



Adam M 06 August 2003 04:22 PM

come on guys, the bit with the hen night and the stripper throwing his clothes at arnie anyway.

the sunglasses were painful.

Boss Hogg 06 August 2003 04:51 PM

I saw it lst night - they missed a big opportunity. The only thing thaty was remotely 'Terminator' about the whole film was when the vert first Terminators and the flying thing started killing everyone at the base - that was a good prequel to imagining how the machines begine to rise up when skynet takes over. But the rest of it was a lame parody and Arnie looked like he's had a broom shoved up his arse...

And what a lame reason why Arnie was sent to assaninate the old John Connor because he looked like the 'friendly' Terminator from T2...

In fact the film was ****e - I'll forget about it and remember T2 as being the last one.

Nat 06 August 2003 05:12 PM

T1 is now a 15 on DVD and Vid, what happened there? Sure it was 18 at the cinema?

The shelter they went to was an old disused cold war one, hence no security.....

Is there a scene cut in T3 at the start where Arnie get the clothes from the stripper? Is it shown in the US?

A recent interview with James Cameroon had him saying that he told Arnie to make T3 bascially just for the money, he said something like "Ask for a sum starting with 20 and you'll get it..." But he wouldnt have anything to do with it although he supported Arnie.

ScoobyJawa 06 August 2003 10:29 PM

I've got Terminator on vid and its an 18...........

Exactly my point about how its all slipped down one.....

Nat 06 August 2003 11:54 PM

Yeah, rang my dad whos got it on vid that he bought in the 90's and its an 18, but my DVD is a 15. Odd.

Blobster 07 August 2003 08:44 PM

Just been to see it. That's a fiver and two hours of my life I'm never getting back!
What a complete pile of pants. Story was tripe, the acting was terrible and (although v. fit) the female terminator looked as though she was suffering from constipation throughout.

And on the subject of certificates, 12A, what's that all about. I mean think about it. 'Terminator' and pre-teens just shouldn't mix. Also there's no way the arm through the stomach (although a good effect) would have got away with anything other than an 18 a few years ago.
At a slight tangent, the adverts for this 12 certificate film were 90% cars and alocohol. What message is that sending out.

On the plus side, they showed a trailer for Matrix Revolutions. Oh My God. That looks absolutely awesome.

Blobster :D

Scot123 07 August 2003 08:56 PM

Aliens better than the first Alien? You cannot be serious!

J4CKO 07 August 2003 10:58 PM

They seem to be getting more light hearted each time, T1 was really gritty and Dark, T2 had a bit of humour and Razamatazz (but struch the right balance) and apparently T3 has shades of Benny Hill !

Still going to see it this weekend though.

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