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V-techland 11 July 2003 12:01 PM

WTF is wrong with this country????

This (relatively) new craze of just breaking into a house to get car keys is just feckin ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMHO

When does all this end? a shooting, GBH, ABH ??

I work with a KIWI (New Zealander not a fruit ;) ) and he says that he can't comprehend this kind of behaviour ever happening in NZ!! They still leave the house unlocked FGSake!!

How did Britain create this new breed of W@nkers???

Is there no respect left for anyone or anything??

Windows 11 July 2003 12:04 PM


pugoetru 11 July 2003 12:05 PM

yes the goverment

V-techland 11 July 2003 12:07 PM

Too busy, sh*tting themselves over the 'Weapons of Mass destruction' bill. trying to defend their decisions, jobs, and livelihood!!


RB5320 11 July 2003 12:14 PM

The amount of posts on here regarding thefts in this week alone is very alarming (no pun intended). As the security systems on cars get better and harder to defeat, it is natural that the thieves should change tactics to car jacking or breaking into houses for the keys.
Last week or the week before a woman was killed when car thieves ran her over in her own car. She was unloading shopping in her own driveway and the thieves just jumped in the car and drove over her. The car was a Renault Megane so not exactly a luxury or high performance car.
The reason I mention this is that I heard on the news this morning that a man has been arrested. It will be interesting to see what happens. This guy (if guilty) needs to be charged with murder and put away for life. These scum need to understand that they face severe penalties for what they do. A poxy 3 or 4 years in prison is not enough. Until the government cracks down hard this situation is only going to get worse.


BigJim 11 July 2003 12:23 PM

Its a cliche, but blame the parents! Too many kids whose parents cannt be bothered. Result, kids grow up with no respect for other people or property, and no fear of punishment - they've been getting away with it all their lives. National service would do wonders.
Arghhh, I'm turning into my parents!!!!

pugoetru 11 July 2003 12:29 PM

if this guy gets done he will not go to jail in my opinion the police will prove he was there but the lawyers will get him off

the system sucks

durleydude 11 July 2003 12:30 PM

tis true big jim, parents are to blame for sure, my generation had bout the right ammount of freedom an discipline. not too harsh, not lettin us just get away with what ever we liked..

V-techland 11 July 2003 12:33 PM

uuuuuuuurhhhhhhhhhhh this is making me more angry the more I think about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Governement blunders (sorry systems), and these unruley thing we'll all be living in the 1985 scene from 'Back to the future 2' when Biff has royally Fecked the nation, and owns the police lol :o

V-techland 11 July 2003 12:34 PM

I'm waiting for the day when I see the thread:

'Night watchmen and personnal security guards wanted'

.................shouldn't be too long now.

barrybudden 11 July 2003 12:41 PM

No on really when the Home Secretery is shouting about a 2 year sentence for stealing a mobile phone. Over here we had a scum bag do less than a year for the murder of a police man. Evety other day you hear about a pentioner being robbed and beaten and tied up.

Society is sick.

Andy-pay 11 July 2003 12:48 PM

too many do-gooders and politically correctness b0ll0x.

cant defend yourself/property/home anymore without facing worse penalty than the f**kers doing the crime!

heard recently about some bloke who broke into someones house, and couldnt get out again (got stuck in the garage, whos electric door was broke). Owners on hol for a week.

the burglar is now suing them for 'mental anguish' after having been stuck in the garage and living off cat food.

'kin ridiculous.

GASMON 11 July 2003 12:51 PM


Scooby96 11 July 2003 12:52 PM

Theres also been another perosn killed for a car - a 75 year old man was run over by his or a customers car on a garage forcourt. I agree we should be entitled to defend ourselves and our property without fear of prosecution albeit with evidence to back up your defence. Free Tony Martin I say!

Scooby96 11 July 2003 12:58 PM

Anyone got any contacts in any of the Nationals? We need to voice our concerns before we all sell our cars through fear of attack, theft or worse!

Fantom 11 July 2003 01:05 PM

Its simple really, the theory of evolution has been defeated.
The strong survive, but now the weak survive too!!
The intelligent people (strong) are not breeding as much as they focus on career etc
the unintelligent people (weak) do nothing, but get paid for it, have babies, and get a free house, have more babies to get more benefits, and hey presto the country becomes infested with parasites.
ok, so a bit harsh, but it is true to a certain extent!

Alan C 11 July 2003 01:13 PM

There's a lot of frustration and anger here. And rightly so.

You all have opinions and concerns, but why don't you write to your local MP? Government? Whoever?

It's people like you... us who can actually do something about it.

OK. Some will get binned or put in pile 'A' with the other people who think the system stinks.

But use that frustration and anger productively. Stick a first class stamp on an envelope and send the above comments on to the people who make the decisions. Tell them your vote goes elsewhere becuase you are Pi$$ed of with the way things are...

On your own you are an anoyance. Together, with a few hundred or even a thousand letters turning up on someone's desk, are they going to ignore you then?

That way, your will have actually acheived something. Rather than just making yourself feel a bit better by venting here...

I'm not a communist or anarchist... just a decent guy who wants to live in a decent world...

Sermon over ;)

(I'm not a vicar either)

Fantom 11 July 2003 01:23 PM

but that involves us actually doing something ;)

pugoetru 11 July 2003 01:42 PM

group buy on first class stamps :D

specialx 11 July 2003 01:49 PM

An English mans home is his castle??????
put me down for a stamp!!!!

prodriva 11 July 2003 01:49 PM

'tis bloody outrageous. I heard on the local radio station this morning that theres talk of changing the school curiculum to include a fourth R, the fourth one is for RESPECT. Pitty the parents cant to do it :rolleyes:

Alan C 11 July 2003 01:52 PM

That's it guys! That's the attitude! 2 letters!

Well, apart from Fantom.. but we can work on him!

Let's all get round and sing some songs, do a little male bonding...

By the way.. you can't get discount on stamps..

oztokyo 11 July 2003 01:53 PM

As an Aussie living and working here I have had a good time, I like the house I bought and life is generally great. Even the weather has been treating me right recently. Life gets better next week when I get my MY02 WRX from Adams.

So it's disappointing to hear about so many thefts, many of them violent. It doesn't matter what car.
An Australian friend was over here on business recently and her American colleage was mugged on his way back to the hotel. Got beaten up more than you would expect for a wallet and a phone.
She also said they were out one evening previous to that, and they sat in fear on the tube when a bunch of drunk yobs were going beserk on the train, spraying beer in all directions and having a 'play' fight with crutches. The end of a crutch just missed her face by a few inches one time, yet no one on the train seemed willing to confront them.
While Aussies have the reputation for being big boozers, we actually drink less per capita than the UK and we have partially gravitated to a wine culture over the years. She commented on the extent of public drunkeness and anti-social behaviour she witnessed....not that we are without this sort of stuff back home, but it's not as common.

She asked me if I was worried about my safety living here and said she wouldn't be back unless necessary.

Ok my current Scooby was broken into at the local Tescos (not stolen), but outside of that, I've not been affected by crime directly and feel relatively safe. Yet stories like this erode some of that sense of security. I probably worry more about my girlfriend. I always instruct her to keep the doors locked. Sometimes it would be rather cool to be the Hulk. The clothes bill might be a bit high though....

Alan C 11 July 2003 02:02 PM

As a 'true brit' I'm actually very embarrassed to hear stories like that.

That's what my post eluded too.. People power!

How many would have stood up to that behaviour? I would have... may have got my head kicked in (or worse) as the rest hid behind their papers, but we do have to make a stand for common decency. Right?

Scum like that seem to have the upperhand.. When will the tide change?

More stamps!

akshay67 11 July 2003 02:26 PM

Too busy, sh*tting themselves over the 'Weapons of Mass destruction' bill. trying to defend their decisions, jobs, and livelihood!!
We need more people like you in the CWE forum ;)

PPPMAT 11 July 2003 02:51 PM

I caught a bunch of lads from Bulwell area(well known area in Notts) parked on my drive last night trying to nick next doors car. Luckily they all legged it ans didn't get the car.

The thing is it was broad daylight and anyone could have seen. Got the car reg and the fuzz said the car was nicked and originated from the Bulwell area. Bloody cheek

greg.g 11 July 2003 04:07 PM

You dont even need to buy a stamp.

My car was broken into earlier this year and boy, was i p1ssed off[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

I went to the house of commons web site, and from there was able
to e mail my local mp.
He has written back twice to me since, simpifying with our plight.
Probably not a lot will get done about it:(but it made me feel alot better at the time.

As has already been said, there is a total lack of respect for
other people and there property these days[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
The only thing that may deter a few of them is stiffer penalties.
The wife goes one step further- chop the b@stards hands off:rolleyes::D:D

Take a few minutes from here, and go and e mail your mp
It cant do any harm, and you never know:rolleyes::rolleyes:


ScoobyTal 11 July 2003 04:12 PM

Ok not very PC


Imigration policy ?

V-techland 11 July 2003 04:18 PM

Cheers akshay 67 ;) I thinks its meant as a compliment LOL!

Could we rally around some kind of on-line patition??

If all Snetters added their 2p's worth or even just signed it electronically, think of how many people that would be + think how versatile a tool that would be and how many people we could send it too :)

I must admit I don't even own a Scoob, but I do plan too (one day) but my housemate owns a MY00 Uk spec which would mean that any house entering would directly affect me too!!!

But the above is not the point..............what really gets my juice is this 'at all cost' attitude that these nobends seem to have adopted!! An earlier post claims of a middle aged women being run over by her Renault Megane as she tried to transfer her F*cking weekly shopping into her house. I mean WTF in hell is that? no really what is going on? somebody please tell me because I am as bamboozled as the next man!!

My mum had a heart attack last August and I am constatntly aware of this, and fear for the day (heaven forbid) that there should be a reoccurance, but she drives a very tidy, and relatively high spec Audi A4. My point is that if people are running owners over for a Renult Megane (no offence Megane owners, but you get my point) then what if this was my old dear?? I mean the shock alone might cause a relapse etc (you see where i'm going so I won't distress myself and spell it out).

So before the nations finest ends up on its knees, lets make our views heard!!

Anyone got any contacts or useful addresses??

PS: I will be offline until Monday as of 6pm today, sorry!

V-techland 11 July 2003 04:23 PM

Sorry greg.g, I didn't see your post! must have been writing mine at the time! you are defineately onto something with that!!

Hey moderators, can you sort a sheet out with all snetter memebers call signs on it which we could all just agree too, which we could then froward to greg.g's mp or any mp etc??

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