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Roojai 09 July 2003 05:51 AM

I like Japanese cars for their reliability, and I like high powered turboed cars. So why do I want an elise??? Someone, please put me off.

WRX Wannabe 09 July 2003 06:02 AM

NO Abs

No Comforts inside

Too dear

Too Slow

:) :) :) :) :)

Tiggs 09 July 2003 06:04 AM

you are a woman?

you like to go slow?

you are a woman?

Old_Fart 09 July 2003 07:07 AM

They are great to drive on track, but on the road in the real world throwing traffic into the equation the lack of power can be very frustrating. Also, they always strike me as more home-made than build quality really dire on the examples I've driven.
So, I really *wantedn to want one, but every time I had one (weekend rentals) I was glad I didn't buy it.
Just IMHO,
BTW WRXWannabe, ABS and comfort is for women...get yourself a 22B or type R ;)

RB5#295 09 July 2003 07:22 AM

WRXW covered most of it in his post.

Add in you also want a car with a removable roof that doesn't require a toolkit and half an hour to remove / replace it.

A mate has a series 2 that I drove once. Too basic, too noisy and too slow to use every day.


image doctor 09 July 2003 08:24 AM

For a slow car, they seem to be quicker than Imprezas round many UK tracks?

Nat 09 July 2003 08:44 AM

Yeah, but just wait until the twistys :rolleyes:

hyby 09 July 2003 08:52 AM

Plus you gotta be a double jointed to get in and out of em with any ease

mutant_matt 09 July 2003 08:54 AM

Ignore people who say they are slow. The 118bhp standard one is a little slow but the light weight helps - the thing is, compared to a Turbo car, they *feel* slow in a straight line (even the 111S). On the track they are great because you can use all the performance (maintaining high corner speeds is the way to drive an Elise fast) but on crouded roads, where you can't use the abilities, they can be very fustrating.

I have lots of friends with both S1 and S2 Elises and the build quality is shocking!!!! It's taken as read that you should expect the battery to fail, the exhaust to crack, the coolant to leak etc. etc.

I wouldn't buy one except as a track car and I'm a fan of them!!!

Matt :)

Type R 09 July 2003 09:10 AM

Bought an S2 in May, as my only car, covered 2000 miles and 3 trackdays, all I can say is you Scooby lot are a bunch of girls. No problems, fantastic handling, seat of your pants racer, and £25 to fill up.

RWD is excellent, non assisted brakes are awesome, the looks you get, comments, fantastic experience so far, and atleast when you do a trackday the discs don't warp, and no fade.

Could have bought an STI 8 but what a yawn in comparison.

Oh and the roof on mine which is an early S2, less than 2 minutes, new version you can do from inside the car and takes about a minute no tools required.

WISHING 09 July 2003 09:44 AM

Ive owned one too........... And There rubbish

Even as a weekend car there rubbish
Poor Quality, dealers are useless.

stay well clear

RON 09 July 2003 11:05 AM

A Mate of mine has an S1, he's just been to Scotland in it for a week, and now he's decided that it's not a long distance car, I could have told him that!!!

ADP 09 July 2003 11:12 AM

you never carry luggage
you dont have a girl friend so have no need to go away for the weekend?
you like diesel style fuel economy cars?
you have no need of listening to music in a car?

or you have a weekday car already, in which case......tempting, maybe

cookiemonster 09 July 2003 11:33 AM

I did two weeks touring scotland with my wife several years ago in an S1.

The elise isnt an A4 diesel estate, but we had a fantastic time with no problems from the car or the distance. You have to take a "motorbike" touring attitude, go for good roads, stop and see things, etc, then it'll be great. If you want a car to do 1000 motorway miles, then dont get an Elise.

As for reliability, I didnt have a single problem. And power - again its relative, a light low powered car is all about momentum, position and driving, like a 250cc bike. If you want power, acceleration over 90mph then there are better cars out there.

I loved my elise - great cars.

igratton 09 July 2003 12:52 PM

If I couldn't get away with 2 cars (Golf PD150 and XTR2) I would deffo have an Elise/VX220 etc. They may not be as quick as a scooby in a straight line but they will teach you a whole lot more about driving. In a scooby you can take corners at obsurd speeds without having to think about or understand what the car is going.

Right now I am finding the transition from P1 to XTR2 quite difficult purely from the AWD to RWD switch. Im sure if I'd been driving RWD for longer the whole thing would have been much easier.

Just because it isn't as fast doesn't mean you can't have more fun. There is something good about having to work a less powerful car harder to maintain speed.

These days I would much rather drive something like a VX220 on track than a scoob - a more rewarding drive I think.

wilf 09 July 2003 01:16 PM

I subscribe to the more fun more of the time argument.

You dont have to be breaking the law in the lotus to be enjoying yourself. IMHO cars like scoobs, evos etc only really come alive when you drive them at illegal speeds.

Dapster 09 July 2003 01:42 PM

If you're going down the 2 car route, then I'd suggest a Caterham over an Elise any day. Faster, sweeter handling, more precise, fantastic noise and a really lovely ownership experience (lots of friendly waves, questions whenever you stop, thumbs up from other petrol heads and even the Nova crowd give you a smile).

I borrowed a friends S2 1-11S for a week last year and it was a real disappointment. It didn't feel very fast (though off course it is) and sounded it sounded like the hot air hand-dryer in the gents. Also the gearchange was sloppy, it leaked straight onto my right leg whenever it rained, the boot wouldn't close properly, the wiper didn't meet the screen and the radio wouldn't pick up a signal.

You will soon be pulling your hair out if it's to be your only car, but if it's weekend only and you don't want something as extreme as a Caterham, get one with a sports exhaust, short shift and as much power as you can afford.

Type R 09 July 2003 02:13 PM

111S S2 desperatly needs a CR Gearbox which is in the standard, I found this on my test drive. 09 July 2003 02:48 PM

I had a little run up against an elise a while back, and on straight roads I only just managed to keep up with the thing, but when things got rather twisty, the elise really fell away - it didnt look safe in the slightest.

A bit impractical too.

...and they're for hairdressers...

Tim-Grove 09 July 2003 03:58 PM

but when things got rather twisty, the elise really fell away - it didnt look safe in the slightest
I presume it was wet then, because that would have never happened in the dry.

Paulo P 09 July 2003 04:26 PM


I drive a puma and on my local roads through the countryside the elise is a good 20mph slower down the straights etc and the puma isn't fast! they run out steam at 100 anyway :(


Paulo P 09 July 2003 04:30 PM

Oh and I forgot to say at castle combe last year I was in astraboys cossie and the elises were lapping us and making us look like we were just cruising :eek: I think they suit a smoother surface.


323GTR 09 July 2003 04:41 PM

Having recently spent a day in the company of Brett Fraser of EVO magazine, and their long term test 111s, and also Phil Royle, doing a feature for Jap Performance in his modded WRX, I can tell you the 111s is damned fast across country in the right hands, and I'm sure Phil would agree.

In the hands of a capable driver, it would be at least as fast across country in the dry as a scoob, probably even an STI, and maybe an STI PPP. The advantage of the Scoob is in it's safe, flattering handling, anyone can go fast. The Elise needs skill to get the best from it.

Type R 09 July 2003 05:09 PM

Combe is pretty bumpy was there in my Elise on Monday. I think they ride the bumps really well.

NeilCH 09 July 2003 05:38 PM

Elise is a great little car if you want that sort of car, you can't compare it with a scooby really, one isn't better than the other , there just different.

I had a S1 160sport, great looking car IMHO, not that fast but quick enough to enjoy, great handling in the dry wouldn't even want to go there in the wet !! Don't worry about the roof, just buy a shower cape for when its parked up and leave the roof behind.

Downsides, quality of S1 is shocking, Lotus dealers are rip off in terms of pricing for parts and service, it you ding the bloody thing its usually a whole clam that need replacing (expensive)

Woudl i recomend, all depends on what you want to use it for, but early S1's are quite cheap these days


MooseRacer 09 July 2003 08:25 PM

So Elise's are slow, don't handle well, are slower cross country than a Puma etc etc etc :rolleyes:

Yeh, ok then. FFS, some of you need to remember what driving is all about :D

Paulo P 10 July 2003 09:48 AM

Yeh, ok then. FFS, some of you need to remember what driving is all about
Have you driven an elise???

Sanjoy 10 July 2003 10:16 AM

Agree with a lot mentioned but being a Elise owner for the last few years can help on a few things.

*Being 6ft 4 you do perfect the "Lotus position" to get in and out
*Been camping with car and gf for a long weekend, all kit fitted, just, had to leave the dinghy behind
*Got a long trek down to Provence in a few weeks and looking forward to it. Comfort is not an issue.
*Sure the cabin is sparse but this deters pikeys for dipping

If only there was a Scoob coupe or drop top....

Dot 10 July 2003 10:36 AM

I've travelled from one end of Europe to the other in an Elise (Blackpool being the bottom end of course), and the car is not uncomfortable long distance - a bit noisy maybe, but comfortable.

OK, so it may not cruise like a Porsche, but at least it's not boring to drive :o)

Comfort depends on the seats you have. I've tried the S1 111S seats, the S1 160 seats and Corbeaux add on seats - they are all extremely comfy & I've had no probs long distance. The standard seats can be a pain in the arse (literally) though.

Scottish roads are brilliant for the Elise and I don't understand the lack of power thing at all, but maybe that's back to the 111S/160 differences - both pull more than enough for me - the car weighs so little it just takes off.

If you insist on using giant suitcases for travelling then the Elise is not for you. Plastic carrier bags are not gamorous, but it's amazing how much you can get in. Or maybe Scooby drivers are too image consious for that? ;)

I did a 2 weeks+ trip last year with a pax, and although packing took a little bit of thought it wasn't really an issue (I even managed to fit a crash helmet in the boot).

Very few cars are as involving to drive on the road, afterall your bum is about 3 inches from the road - and its not as unpractical as some people would have you believe.

t1glf 10 July 2003 10:37 AM

What a bunch of girls!! What's all this about luggage and radios and build quality and things? Pah!

It's simple. You need a Scooby AND an Elise! You can't compare the two as they have completely different aims. Whenever I drive my dad's Scooby it feels quiet, soft, and not all that quick. But he needs a boot and a back seat and all that middle-aged guff so it's a great car. The Elise doesn't feel quick either but is 400 times more involving to drive.

If you are old and sad and want a fast car, but one that will do all the work for you then buy a Scooby. If you are under 40 and still continent buy an Elise.

Radio...hahahaha! I don't know if mine works and I wouldn't turn it on if it did. And only standard Elises sound like hairdryers, in the same way standard Scoobys do - and there aren't many of them around!

(completely unbiased)

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