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ustolemyname??stevieturbo 07 April 2003 12:00 AM

Well, I can assure you. If they start popping up, anywhere that might interfere with my 'enjoyment' of my car, then i dont think the camera will be effective for very long. Generally I do stay close to, or within speed limits, but from time to time, on certain roads ( usually open and safe in my opinion ) I may exceed it a little.

If they are genuinely placed in dangerous areas, with a history of speed related accidents ( and not make believe speed related accidents ) then I dont really have too much of a problem with it.
I highly doubt ( well, I know for a fact ) that any of these cameras will help to catch the thousand of scumbag f.uckers who steal cars and kill so many people every year.
The plod should be turning their attention to the murderers, burglers, rapists, who walk free, with no such hassles to their normal day to day life.
70% unsolved crime rate???? Now that really is taking the pi55. Oh, lets nab a few more motorists...the paperwork is easier.

Speed doesnt always cause accidents. Idiots cause accidents...and idiots trying to avoid the cameras will cause even more.

[Edited by ustolemyname??stevieturbo - 7/4/2003 12:04:05 AM]

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 07 May 2003 08:52 PM

I know a contractor that was to fit cctv cameras in an business unit in Whiterock. Needless to say, that the first few cameras were removed. When they went to replace them, they simply just "gave" the cameras to some visitors that happened to pass by.
Guessed it saved both parties some work. Both teh installers, and those who would have took them down again.
And even if they did install Gatsos in certain areas of west belfast. Who is going to get the ticket...the poor victim who has already had their car stolen. Are you failing to give the drivers name, if you canot name the thieivng fu.cker that stole your car??? And the police sure as hell dont bother to do anything about them, or any other crime that happens in the community. that is a FACT they cannot deny after all the latest satistics.

[Edited by ustolemyname??stevieturbo - 7/5/2003 8:53:27 PM]

bigsinky 30 June 2003 10:15 AM

/victor meldrew mode on

I Don't Beeeleeeive it

/victor meldrew mode off

Yes it has happened folks. on the Upper Newtownards Road, just past North Road intersection heading towards Newtownards. on the footpath just outside Qwickfit, the dreaded speed c amera was erected at the weekend. i wonder how long before it is vandalised.

BEW - definately no racing when you come up to the big smoke.


big sinky

Sloaner 30 June 2003 11:03 AM

What kind is it BS. Does it use radar or laser to detect your speed.
I blame the ceasefire but thats another story.

bigsinky 30 June 2003 11:54 AM


Still covered up atm. but looks like a gatso like they have on the mainland. time to change the number plate to that non reflective stuff.



Sloaner 30 June 2003 04:27 PM

time to get the black tape out and make my 6 look like an 8 on my reg.
its a good plan until im caught on - dont think its worth the risk.

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 30 June 2003 05:22 PM

In not 100% certain, but I think that most cameras can only read std plates. Im not sure they can read plates with fancy lettering.
Maybe in such cases, the pictures are looked at manually. Although some regs are more traceable than

At least, it does seem like a semi-sensible location for a camera.
Do a search about speed cameras on SNet, there were a few threads about some bad people who used substances like Galvafroid paint, which damages the lens of the Gatso.

When you say just past the intersection....could it be more likely a red-light camera??? Citybound traffic, or countrybound??

[Edited by ustolemyname??stevieturbo - 6/30/2003 5:23:54 PM]

barrybudden 01 July 2003 10:43 AM

I was on the Ravenhill road on Friday and I passed what I thought looked like the post for one. I have also seen quite a few more signs going up around the country about speed cameras.

bigsinky 01 July 2003 03:14 PM


the camera has now been uncovered. not a redlight camera, too far fro the junction. actual lens is facing newtownards direction and the camera is placed on the country bound side of the road so i dont know if it is for traffic coming into belfast or leaving belfast. also on the way up the upper n'ards road there is now a proliferation of speed camera signs with 30mph attached to them.

looks like we is fecked


big sinky

barrybudden 02 July 2003 08:28 AM

Saw some Peeler on the TV last night, said that they were to slow people down at accident black spots. He also said that their location would be published on the PSNI web site as they did not want to catch people out only save life.

bigsinky 02 July 2003 03:21 PM makin scam that the feds in norn iron have just cottoned on to. actually surprised it took them that long ffs


big sinky

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 02 July 2003 06:09 PM

Gatsos take photos of the rear of the car, so will be countrybound in this case.
Apparently there is also one on the Antrim Road, near The Chester.

I wonder ho long they will remain in working

hedgehog 02 July 2003 09:54 PM

I've just about had enough and have done about the only thing I can do which is join up to the Association of British Drivers. There is lots of good stuff on their website, though I don't think they have much of a presence in NI as yet. I don't know if there is anything similar in the South?

I saw some copper on TV the other day proudly declaring that they'd "done" 6000 people for speeding in the last month. I imagine that must do their crime figures the world of good as I believe the recent report showed that they fail to solve something like 80 percent of real crime.

I also believe that someone has taken them to the police ombdsman about the claim that speeding causes 33 percent of accidents, I suppose this is why they are not making that claim any more. I think we need a more proactive approach on our part.

fast bloke 03 July 2003 01:47 PM

Another one on Saintfield road, halfway between Brede park and the footbridge.
Saw the peeler talking about the placement of it

"There are several accidents a week here, usually low speed during rush hour. Seven people have been killed further up the road in recent years"

HELLO - If anyone gets over 3 MPH during rush hour on that part of the road they are probably walking. A Gatso wont stop people being dumb.

Of the 7 people killed, all the accidents were beyond the Purdysburn junction in a 50 MPH section were the traffic is usually not travelling much more than 50 due to various sets of lights. Two were in a car apparently travelling at 100+ in the early hours of the morning when the driver lost control and hit a wall. One was a biker killed when someone pulled out in front of him. Three last year were not attributed to speed by the police.

Gatsos will not prevent these types of deaths, but I would welcome the placement of a gatso in the area were the deaths have occured. As it is, it is situated near the 'dangerous' piece of road, but far enough away so they can still generate some decent revenue.

While I am at it, plod spend a few hours every week hiding behind a wall just before the end of the 30 zone leaving Carryduff. I have lived here for 7 years. I have never seen a single high or low speed accident on this piece of road. There are a couple of accidents every day at the roundabout at the other end of Carryduff, but these are always caused by dopey driver syndrome, (two lanes approaching, round and leaving roundabout and some halfwit always tries to straightline it, making 6 lanes changes in the process) so you wouldn't catch plod hanging around down there.... too much hassle trying to generate revenue from careless driving

hedgehog 03 July 2003 07:56 PM

I think that's great. Surely if there have been accidents at low speed then they should be doing something to increase speeds in order to improve safety :-)

We need to do as much as possible to get this stopped. I travel the A9 in Scotland quite a lot and it is a road with a lot of very slow HGV and tourist traffic. The cameras tend to be positioned right in the middle of the few straight bits where it is safe to overtake. This increases safety by encouraging people to overtake on the corners. I don't want that sort of safety here as I don't want to meet someone on the wrong side of the road coming around a corner. I have also sat and watched these cameras in action and while it is impossible to accurately judge the speed of a car by eye all I can say is that they are set very, very close to the 60mph limit. Again I can see how this makes for safe overtaking.

hedgehog 05 July 2003 01:21 PM

The ABD folks have a cunning scam where you "adopt a camera" and you then write to the local authority asking when the camera was installed. You then ask for the accident record for the preceeding 5 years, the causes of the accidents, accidents since installation etc.

The idea being that all this paperwork drives them nuts and that you get the facts. If we all did this, one at a time, it would certainly fill their time.

I think, as you imply, that there would be considerable interest in more direct action as well. While no one wants speeding it will not be long before all those straights on the Larne Line, for example, have a PSNI donation box right where you'd be pulling in after some safe overtaking.

Just watch though, I bet they know there will be some direct action and I also bet they have hidden survilence cameras in the hedge, or something, to "make an example" of the first person to do it.

Remember, our police force can only catch 3.7 percent of burgulars in Castlereagh so now they are going to criminalise us to make up for that. Get your wallets out folks.

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 05 July 2003 02:59 PM

ABD?? who are they...
Any cameras placed on a certain section of the Larne Line close to me, wouldnt be effective for very long. There are major roadworks going on at the minute, but I wont be happy if they put a camera anywhere near it.

Fionn Mac Cool 05 July 2003 03:43 PM

hi guys.
a question. how long would they last on the Falls or Shankill?

a thought. receiving a ticket 3 weeks after your car has been stolen, wrecked and burnt out in Poleglass!

'away but still popping in from timt to time'



hedgehog 05 July 2003 05:48 PM

ABD = Association of British Drivers.

They are currently assisting a case through the Eurpean Court of Human Rights to stop you having to sign that it was you driving the car. It infringes your right to silence and to not incriminate yourself. Think about it, the notice of intended prosecution says "We might have evidence that you did a bad thing. Sign this to say that you did and we will take £60 from you. Don't sign it and we will do much worse things to you. The choice is yours."

If you do have to sign one, before the abd case is decided, then be sure to write on it or enclose a note saying that it was signed under duress and is a contravention of your right to silence, common law and Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights. This will not stop you getting "done" but might help a later compenstation claim if the ECHR decides that making you sign the form was illegal. You can check the details here and in view of the potential for compensation you might want to accurately record all your expenses, the mental anguish etc. caused.

It will not be long before they start sending the notices to random addresses as, if you don't admit to a crime, then you've committed a crime so they get you either way.

Fionn, they are saying that there are going to be cameras on the Glen Road, Anderstown Road and Stewartstown Road :-) You'll need a stopwatch that measures tenths of seconds to time how long they last. Those were just three of the roads that attracted my attention, there were others in the list that also seemed highly unlikely to me. I suspect that it is merely them trying to seem politically correct and to reassure the middle classes that the working classes will be getting done as well :-)

Fionn Mac Cool 06 July 2003 09:06 AM

The Andytown Road, Glen Road and Stewartstown Road are 'race tracks'. as you say, the chances are that some poor fecker will get a ticket after their car has a. been stolen, b. recovered with the clutch burnt out, needing 4 tyres and a new block or c. after it has been burnt out. wonder if you can claim that on your insurance? then insult to injury, you find yourself in court as you say because you cab't identify the driver.

Saw a documentary recently re Ardoyne and cctv. might have misheard it but apparently someone took one of the cameras out with one shot?

over here there is a group going round with spray cans,petrol and small explosive devices. interviewed on the local radio station. Now coming from belfast i could not condone such direct actions, but it did bring a smile to my face.

Don't be getting any ideas now lads, but it seems that the only places where i could 'drive' without fear of prosecutions are going.

PS. So long as they leave the mountain roads aroud Hannahstown alone:)



ustolemyname??stevieturbo 06 July 2003 11:43 AM

Im a dab hand with a spray can. I always like to practise painting new things.
Not surprised about them taking the cctv cameras out in the interface areas. It was only to be expected.

hedgehog 06 July 2003 04:53 PM

I wonder what the offence is if you neutralise a speed camera? In view of it's revenue generating capabilities it's probably up there along with bombing a nuclear power station.

However, I think we need to urge caution among those who might be given to taking direct action. While it would certainly be effective in getting the message over that the cameras are not wanted I also suspect that the police will be on the lookout for it. They may already have facilities in position to monitor any possible attacks so I would imagine that a well considered and planned approach would be necessary to avoid apprehension.

I guess that those people in England who are doing such an effective job are probably all law abiding and reasonable people who have never committed a crime in their lives. For all we know some of them might even be police officers. What concerns me is that the courts/police/government will do their best to make an example of anyone who is caught. Basically what the government are doing is illegal and they have to cover it up as best they can and putting a few well motivated citizens into jail would be an ideal way to do that.

Be careful out there.

High Octane 09 July 2003 05:09 PM


ustolemyname??stevieturbo 09 July 2003 06:24 PM

Only 3 so far. But no doubt the disease will spread once the money starts rolling in.

I actually sent them an email, telling them about what hypocrits they are. I wonder how many speeding cops will get done???
If they were concerned about road safety, they would take an active approach to training drivers about the dangers. Posters and TV adverts are IMO useless. Hands on driver training is what is needed. Speed cameras are in no way related to preventing accidents.
Driver training would reduce accidents, but it would also cost money. The government have no interest in this. they only want to rob us of our freedom, and our cash.

Another aspect of road safety...the amount of drunk/drugged up drivers around is quite staggering, and despite what they may claim, a lot of them are officers. What hypocrits, in every respect.

Do as I say, not as I do...and give me all your money, or you WILL go to jail.
Murderers, rapists, burglars, etc etc..all get lighter punishments.

hedgehog 09 July 2003 11:15 PM

I did actually contact them some years back, perhaps 3 - 4, to ask if the PSNI (probably RUC at that time) offered advanced driving training. I know this happens in some other areas and seems quite common in England with bikes. The reply was very civil and sensible but basically pointed me at the Institute of Advanced Motorists.
Perhaps I will mail them again and suggest that as statistics demonstrate that the introduction of speed cameras results in an increase in fatalities perhaps they could help the situation by offering advanced training :-)

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 10 July 2003 12:29 AM

They claim that 25% of fatal accidents are speed related....Speed, or excessive speed they do not say.
Either way, this figure is very high. BUT...wouldnt it be a better idea, to tackle the other 75% of causes, after all, it is 3 times as high as speeding, so should be what they want to sort out.

But, of course...that might cost money, or actually involve some hard work.

ustolemyname??stevieturbo 10 July 2003 04:46 PM

Having just driven up the Upper N'ards road today, Im quite shocked.

Despite the claims 'we want to prevent you speeding, not catch you'
On the entire road, I did not see any signs warning of speed cameras ( and I was looking bor both signs, and the camera itself ), unlike every other road in the country these days. And guess what, this is where there actually is a camera. F.ucking hypocrits and lying bastids. It isnt even the usual Gatso thats found in England. Its about half the size, and not that easy to spot. Nor road markings either, like in the UK mainland.

It is just at KwikFit, before the BP Garage on the countrybound lane of the Upp N'ards road.
Still havent seen the other 2 fixed sites yet, but no doubt they wont have warnings posted either.

hedgehog 10 July 2003 06:53 PM

A Woman I work with informed me that her cousin was done twice in the one day, I think she mentioned the Saintfield Road but maybe that's wrong, and he didn't even know speed cameras existed.

He has now got 6 points.

If you get the NIP form in the post then be sure to take a look at this stuff, there is a big decision due on 15th

Of course if the decision goes in our favour then they will just have to get us some other way. Worth keeping an eye all the same.

Fionn Mac Cool 10 July 2003 07:57 PM

So, mobile cameras for west and south and parts of north belfast. perhaps they don't trust their investment in these areas. I posted a thanks a few months ago to some truckers on the Glenshane Road. they certainly saved me, and i can confirm they were using laser.

StevieTurbo. reading the psni website confirms that they are usin digital cameras and intend to place more digital cameras across the province. that being the case, there will be NO road markings.

the technology is different. there are detectors approximately 10 feet infront of the camera built into the ground. i've come close, very close to fallinf foul of these cameras around here. too much reliance on the detector in the car. they are useless against 'Tuevelos' but many will detect the mobile laser cameras.

be safe


rumpler 10 July 2003 09:25 PM

Watch out on the Antrim Road in Belfast also, fixed small digital camera.

On traffic heading out of the city, half way to Belfast Castle.

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