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Apparition 19 June 2003 10:14 AM

Mine is deep deep black still water....... Gawd I've gone all cold just typing that , and toilet cisterns (that water thing again ) don't ask why, I don't know.
I can touch spiders, I love flying, am not afraid of Friday 13th, I even walk under ladders but keep that deep dark water away from meeeeeeeeeeeee !!

[Edited by Apparition - 6/19/2003 10:15:33 AM]

Apparition 19 June 2003 10:20 AM

Well 5 people have veiwed this thread so far and I'm guessing that their phobia is replying to threads !!

TopBanana 19 June 2003 10:24 AM

Don't have any

TelBoy 19 June 2003 10:25 AM

Ever seen this? :)

ajm 19 June 2003 10:27 AM

LOL! Just think.... deep down in that water are two cold unblinking eyes staring up at your legs....

ok, deep water I can understand, but toilet cisterns??!?

I can genuinely say that I havn't found that I have any "phobias" yet. Maybe there is something lurking deep in my psyche that will show itself given the right situation, but so far so good! :D

sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 10:27 AM

HUGE phobia of needles or anything being pierced into skin...makes me sick and shivery just thinking about it.

claustrophobic aswell.

arachnophobic...but only of big i dont know if that counts. dont mind small ones, dont mind daddylonglegs or harvester spiders....just the big ones with big fat bodies and long legs......eeeeeuuuwwwww!!!

Duck_Pond 19 June 2003 10:27 AM

Becoming allergic to beer. :D

sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 10:28 AM

i already am Duck_pond :(

Duck_Pond 19 June 2003 10:33 AM

How about anything sharp bursting someone's eyeball? :eek:

sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 10:35 AM

thats not a phobia...thats just nasty!

Duck_Pond 19 June 2003 10:42 AM

Black rats.

Hate them. Don't mind the ones people have as pets, or the brown ones you see running down the road at night. Must be the combination of the black fur and pink tail. Reading James Herbert's Rats trilogy of books at a young age probably didn't help.

sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 10:44 AM

DP's previous been reading Stephen Kings 'The Dark Half' aswell???


red_dog104 19 June 2003 10:44 AM

Spiders. Huge one above my bed last night. Nearly collapsed with hyperventillating. Fella nearly as bad. With a lot of hysterics, he finally managed to kill it but still didn't sleep well for fear of there being another lurking!

Defiant STI 19 June 2003 10:48 AM

I don't like flying and I know why. Seeing my mum forcefully drugged with tranquillisers on a flight to Florida in the late 80’s caused it. Ever since then I've been afraid of flying. Thanks Mum! :D

druddle 19 June 2003 10:48 AM

I have a very bizarre one. I have a phobia about walking directly next to lorries, the wheels specifically.

When i was alot younger i saw a news report of a boy who died when he was near a lorry wheel and it went bang, i guess it comes from that !!

Nurse, my medication please.....

Duck_Pond 19 June 2003 10:51 AM

Sexy: I woke up one morning, years ago, to find one actually standing over my eye. Nice big fella, like the ones that you find in the bath.

I'm not generally worried by them, but on that occasion, let's just say I got out of bed in record time and performed some crazy face-slapping dance round my bedroom for a while.

Also since then had the nice experience of drying my face with a towel to find one of the little critters on the towel, looking at me.

I'm surprised I'm not a nervous wreck now!

Defiant STI 19 June 2003 10:52 AM

I response to the phobia of black rats and spiders I have a few stories!

About 2 months ago I woke up in a semi conscience state and felt something crawling across my face. With my eyes shut I grabbed it and fell back to sleep. When I woke in the morning I found a 1 and a half-inch spider clenched in my left hand :p

When I was about 10 I used to go to cub camp and we stayed in make shift huts. One morning I woke up to find a rat sitting at the end of my sleeping bag, I moved and it scurried off but you can imagine that I really didn't enjoy the rest of the camp from that moment on.

Forgot to add, I HATE lifts (elevators) as well. I think it’s a “lack of control” thing.

Badger Stuffer 19 June 2003 11:24 AM

I fecking hate spiders. I won't go near them. We have just bought an old victirian house (Move in in 2 weeks) and I'm petrified of what might be lurking in there.

As far as water goes, I have no problem there as I used to be a SAT Diver offshore and have been down REALLY deep. Some of the fish down there are scary to say the least and it's pitch black as no daylight can penetrate that deep. The ocean floor looks like the surface of the moon.....:D


sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 11:28 AM

that sounds cool Badger ;)

alcazar 19 June 2003 11:28 AM

Yep, I've got the deep dark water thing too, especially unclean water. I think in a previous life I must have drowned in some.....:D:
My other one is snakes! Can't bear 'em, can't even see 'em on telly without coming over all strange!

On topic of spiders, I read somwhere that the average person inhales 2 every year during sleep.:eek:

Badger Stuffer 19 June 2003 11:32 AM

Sexy wrx69....It was to start with but soon bacame a lonely existance with lots of cash in the bank but no way of spending it. Plus months away from home with no contact and eating curried goat...:eek:

So I gave it all up and never plan to go back.

I used to love diving on holidays etc but now I really can't be arsed to as i now associate it with work.


sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 11:32 AM

thats probably right.

i woke up one morning..very find a spider crawling across my face.
NOT nice.

all i want to say is...keep all open wounds covered at night!!!


sexy wrx69 19 June 2003 11:37 AM


Badger Stuffer 19 June 2003 11:48 AM

That's why Jesus never had any kids.........

Coz everything that he touched healed


TopBanana 19 June 2003 11:51 AM

So how deep did you go? I've only ever gone 40m down :D

Badger Stuffer 19 June 2003 12:20 PM

Usually up to 300 m on Nitrox. It depended on the job.

If it needed to be a long stay at those pressures then you would dive in a bell.


[Edited by Badger Stuffer - 6/19/2003 12:26:12 PM]

Jen 19 June 2003 12:43 PM

Spiders :( Don't like them...can deal with them though -with a big pint glass (not all the ones in my old victorian house in Sheffield fitted in a pint glass though! :eek::() and a notebook :)

Don't really like the swimming in the sea, but that's more of a dislike than a phobia...and the underground, same thing (exactly *how* many phobia's is the "Rats" trilogy to blame for?! lol:D).

Sometime's freeze at heights and have to force myself to move which isn't very nice... :( Oh and the other half's driving ;):p

LG John 19 June 2003 12:52 PM

toilet cisterns
Yeah, whats that all about??? I don't have any phobias that I'm aware of but I do find it freaky and get a shiver when I take the toilet cistern lid off :eek:

SiPie 19 June 2003 12:54 PM

None he proudly a fully recovered chronic agoraphobic :D

NotoriousREV 19 June 2003 12:57 PM

Any arachnid or insect, just bloody awful, thy make me want to scream like a girl. I'm also terrified of thunderstorms, they actually paralyse me with fear.

Damn, that makes me sound like a right wuss :D

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