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Shadow 18 June 2003 11:46 PM

Are people really that bad at spelling or are they just stupid??

Now I sometimes do spell words wrongly, and sometimes rush when typing and hit two keys, so get a really dodgy word......

But can some people seriously not spell..... even simple words????

corradoboy 18 June 2003 11:56 PM

Itz not juzt hear. Evriwon I werk wif iz an aporlin spella.

Yu haf tu wunda wot skool thay went too. Grama is orphul az whel.

LB4 18 June 2003 11:59 PM

Yeah i agree with you Shadow, it does make me wonder too.
Also why the need to type words on here as if they was texting on a cell phone?

cactus jim 19 June 2003 12:03 AM

yeah, but thats like saying why are the people in the doritoes adverts such dorks?

why do 24 hour petrol stations have locks on the doors?
why does nothing rhyme with purple?

i reckon its becuase everyone is used to the spellchecker in word. makes you lazy!

Shadow 19 June 2003 12:03 AM

OK mods......

I know it is not "scooby related" but surely it is a topic that is worth leaving in the general forum......

It is something that all people should read, and maybe try to do something about?

Shadow 19 June 2003 12:05 AM

I never use spellchecker.....

I do sometimes use a dictionary...... you know that thing with pages, and words ;) .......

Oh and I just realised that I sound like a ****..... :eek:

Just that it is something I find really annoying about bulletin boards :)

scoobynutta555 19 June 2003 12:06 AM

I had a moan about this and had aggro from dyslexic crew. Apart from people like that there’s no excuse, its basics, really winds me up

Hello Yoza ;)

Shadow 19 June 2003 12:08 AM

I have a couple of friends who are teachers, and they have problems with spelling :eek:
And one of them is an english teacher :eek: :eek:

No wonder standards are so bad.

47 NAT 19 June 2003 12:09 AM

I've got a dodgy keyboard that sometimes misses out the "s" :( Goy a new one, but cant be a$$ed to change it :D

I'll get my coat :)


ajm 19 June 2003 12:10 AM

Its computers.... I find myself becoming more and more illiterate every day!

The only time I hand write anything is to sign stuff. Any important documents, correspondance etc. get spell checked before being sent or printed.

Coupled with the fact that it has been shown that when people communicate electronically they structure their sentences the way they would if they were verbally communicating. That lets slang slip in and is condusive to spelling words in such a way that it is misspelt but remains phonetically correct when read out loud.

IanW 19 June 2003 12:12 AM

I know it is not "scooby related" but surely it is a topic that is worth leaving in the general forum
As you said it is 'Not "scooby Related"' however it will get as much of a viewing in here as it would in general.


LG John 19 June 2003 12:13 AM

I'm guilty as charged :D

The problem is I've come to rely on spell checkers and also I type fast and often make silly mistakes.

Additionally, I don't often re-read my posts and I'm usually more interested in making my comment/point/suggesting than worrying about how well written it is. I write formally and carefully all day so I like to relax in my own time :)

gareth123 19 June 2003 12:55 AM

"What is it with peoples (sic) spelling."


APJ 19 June 2003 01:02 AM

Its not just spelling . . . . it's punctuation too! Line after line after line of text without the slightest hint of a comma or a full stop.

LG John 19 June 2003 01:12 AM

lookbuddyidontknowwhatyourproblemisbutquitmoaninga boutmypunctuation ;)

scooby_si 19 June 2003 07:21 AM

lmao tiz 411 900d !/\/!+? ;)
bugger i uzed 2 hav a gr8 link 4 dis thing namely: lol but sadly not working at the minute it was funny thou but ull have 2 tak me word 4 that :rolleyes:

InvisibleMan 19 June 2003 08:37 AM

Also why the need to type words on here as if they was texting on a cell phone?
were texting ;)

what would scooby do 19 June 2003 08:56 AM

:rolleyes: Nice IM..

anyway, the day I get worried about some spaz typing errors on a BBS is the day I jump of a cliff..

To quote Jesus - "get a life sad feckers" ;)


jasey 19 June 2003 09:03 AM

How many times did each of you check you spelling before hitting the submit reply button this time (and how does it compare with how many times you usually do !)

I'm with Saxo on this one - bulletin boards are about communication - not your ability to spell. If I was talking to someone in a pub and they kept correcting my use of the English language I would soon

a - Stop talking to them
b - Smack them ;)

LG John 19 June 2003 09:15 AM

If I was talking to someone in a pub and they kept correcting my use of the English language I would soon

a - Stop talking to them
b - Smack them
LOL, hits the nail on the head in my opinion :)

TelBoy 19 June 2003 10:11 AM

Hehehehe, don't get me started!!! Or do people want links to previous threads with pages of this stuff, aka "my pet subject"..??!! :D :)

InvisibleMan 19 June 2003 10:19 AM

:rolleyes::p @ WWSD

well if people are going to be fussy, might as well get the grammar correct too... :p

boxst 19 June 2003 10:38 AM


This has been mentioned before. I always try and correctly spell, space and paragraph separate anything that I write. Even on these bulletin boards. But most people do not.

I'm not THAT old, at 34 but I feel it has something to do with mobile phones and texting. I even correctly spell and punctuate my text messages. Or I'm "an@l" as some people put it!

It is also true that my spelling has got slightly worse since using Word Processors (or Outlook) all day as they not only correct your spelling when told but do it automatically as you type. So you never "learn" that you either type or spell incorrectly.

From a personal point of view, I think that if people persist in writing in abbreviated, non punctuated form, then it will flow in to everyday life. And when they have to write a letter of complaint, or for a job interview they will struggle.

Just my opinion of course.


yoza 19 June 2003 10:41 AM

Elloh Nutterscoob555.......

SP. Yoaw stil on thu list :).

Gordo 19 June 2003 11:38 AM

the one that bugs me is when people say "I was sat" instead of "I was sitting" - watch out for this one, it's used all the time and it'll really bug you once you spot it

or the idiots who use a double superlative e.g. "more better"

oh, and the nobbers who use the irrelevant word 'like' in everything (usually Americans and students) e.g. "I was, like, going to school." No - you were either going to school or you weren't. Why 'like' ????

[Edited by Gordo - 6/19/2003 11:39:54 AM]

[Edited by Gordo - 6/19/2003 11:40:46 AM]

yoza 19 June 2003 11:47 AM

You had to edit your post twice, was it due to spelling or grammar mistakes?

If these mistakes "bug" you so much, your a very lucky man.
Ive got far more pressing problems that "bug" me.

InvisibleMan 19 June 2003 12:06 PM

i was 'ere
'ere i was
was i 'ere
yes i was

or should that be...

i was like 'ere
'ere i were
were i 'ere like
yeah i were


EvilKyote 19 June 2003 12:15 PM

There is nothing wrong with using abbreviations and such like if people want to use them, It is simply a case of speeding up the typing. I think another factor is that 80% of computer users look at they keyboard when they type and not the screen and therefore do not always notice the typos caused by hitting the wrong key without realising it.

Oh, for the bloke on the other page about 'Nothing rymes with purple' hmmm, Try Turtle :P

unclebuck 19 June 2003 12:29 PM

More a typo really, but the most memorable spolling error on here was when someone spelt 'sports bike', 'sprots bikle' PMSL:D

That's what I call them now ;)


Nimbus 19 June 2003 12:44 PM

Slightly OT, but the funniest miss-pronunciation I heard was on the television when a reporter was talking about a beach being littered with "hyper-deemic Nerdles" <---spelt phonetically as she was speaking it ;)

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