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RichS 09 June 2003 04:09 PM

Loved the first Matrix film.
Saw "Reloaded" a week ago.
Thought it was a load of nonsense.

Keep hearing people raving about it, and now I'm wondering if perhaps I fell asleep during the film or was drugged by the cinema usher, because most of the so-called "plot" seemed to disappear up it's own ar$e while being overshadowed the (admittedly impressive) special effects and the unnecessary number of fight scenes....

So, with the vain hope of understanding at least some of the next film, any non-Philosophy 101 explainations would be appreciated.

Or am I just thick? :p

BTW - if you haven't seen it, and anyone replies to this thread, posts below may include SPOILERS.
(Not that it will make any difference - LOL)


RB170 09 June 2003 04:15 PM

unnecessary number of fight scenes....
You can never have too many fight scenes !!

I didn't undestand it fully either but then I didn't try. I gave my brain to the guy who was selling me the westlers hotdogs and just went and enjoined the film.

You didn't understand it because you weren't meant to

+Doc+ 09 June 2003 04:16 PM

I`m a little bewildered as well, apparently the cartoon series "Animatrix" fills in the blanks and makes it easier to understand.
Dont forget there is a sequel which I presume will make everything clear in the end?....maybe :D
I get the feeling that they may be still in the Matrix even when they are out of it if you know what I mean, how else can you explain Neo stopping the Sentinals in "the real world" near the end.

PG 09 June 2003 04:18 PM


I knew you were going to ask that question....

now you must ask yourself the reason you asked it ;):p

+Doc+ 09 June 2003 04:25 PM

You know the answer really.

what_is_thematrix 09 June 2003 04:26 PM

If he could just fly about there was no point to the fight scenes! The first Matrix was class, the second was pants, i reckon the third will be good though:D

SteveV-WRX 09 June 2003 04:27 PM

okay from the start im going to put my flame suit on and expect to be shot down, but as far as i can understand this is what its all about. If any one has got any alternative theories please feel free to dispute as i was pretty confused also.

The "real" world as we see it in the first film, i.e. with Zione and the hovership, is actually still part of the matrix, abiet a part to keep the human batteries that cannot accept the matrix to still exist IN the matrix.

Neo is a programme that arrises when the matrix needs to reset itself. ( which is explained in the freaky, slow bit with the architect just before the end ) Neo's goes rouge in the end of the film and decided to take on the machines and release all of the humans by NOT reseting and what looks like to take them on in the third film.

everything else in the film was just kinda padding to fill it in. (but very cool to watch)

RichS 09 June 2003 04:31 PM


LOL - yeah okay... ;)
(Normally I'd agree re: the fight scenes, but after about 5 minutes, these ones got a bit pointless / samey...

Phew - so I'm not the only one...
I only hope that the explanation isn't along the lines of "Neo wakes up and finds Bobby Ewing alive and well and in the shower..." :p

Noooooooooooooooooo! :p ;)

Agreed. Hope you're right :)

Umm - yeah, probably right....

PG 09 June 2003 04:35 PM

Doc, I can promise you I dont know !!
the extent of my Matrix programming would be

10>"walk along the street"
20>goto 10
(even think I got that wrong !!:D)
Ah ! do you think I could create a Matrix form my Spectrum 48k ??

Must admit I thought it was a top film.

RichS 09 June 2003 04:38 PM

Now you're talking! :D

Add a ";" at the end of line 10, and marvel at how the text scrolls across and down, rather than just down...

:p ;)

LG John 09 June 2003 04:44 PM

I wasn't convinced the first time I saw it and I'm a MASSIVE matrix fan. Go watch it again, the film is far far far better the second time round when your brain is actually able to enjoy it :D

RB170 09 June 2003 04:45 PM

Hmm I might go see it again mmmmmmmget some more of those hotdogs :D

Bravo2zero_sps 09 June 2003 04:48 PM

Was very unimpressed with the ending, there wasn't one! Its just part one of a 2 part sequel and now we have to sit around waiting ages for part 2 and the actual ending. Total pants way of doing things IMHO :rolleyes:

Not a patch on the first film.

what_is_thematrix 09 June 2003 04:52 PM

Bravo, that was the point, a 2 part sequel! :p

Bravo2zero_sps 09 June 2003 04:55 PM

Thats fine if its a bloody drama on telly or supposed to be a series but not a Hollywood blockbuster! Total pants pants pants!

You HAVE to have an ending in a film :p

Anyway I paid for your soddin ticket and you walked out afterwards saying it was sh!te so don't you stick up for it now :p :p :p


[Edited by ************** - 6/9/2003 4:57:51 PM]

astraboy 09 June 2003 04:57 PM

I quite liked the rave at the start.
Apart from the one continuity error, I.E. all the at technology and no decks? I dont believe it :D

RichS 09 June 2003 04:59 PM

LOL "$hite!" - now there's a proper review! :D

Saxo - hope you're right. I know I'll buy the DVD anyway - got to have the complete series.... :)

what_is_thematrix 09 June 2003 05:06 PM

It did have an ending:p
The ending was that you know you have to wait for the next film:D
I did not use such crude language, i have a sophiscated dialect thank you very much:D

chiark 09 June 2003 05:54 PM

Fantastic film - and I'm almost of the same opinion as Stevie.

The film really explains the role of the Oracle (and what she is), and that for me was the "revelation"... The rest flows from there, and culminates with the architect explaining that this has all happened before, and has been designed to deal with one aspect of the matrix that can't be suppressed - or summat like that.

What happens next will be bloody interesting to see. I uttered "*******s" through clenched teeth at the cliffhanger - can't wait for part 3 :D

cletterridge 09 June 2003 06:21 PM

Further proof that Zion isn't really the real world comes with the architect telling Neo: "We've destroyed Zion five times already and we're getting pretty good at it."

But don't get me started on how many problems there are in the plot/concept so far! Why would the machines bother telling their enemies all the answers? Why not just delete problematic programs like the oracle? And come on, humans as batteries? That's what finished it for me! The writers had the chance to write a really good story with the Matrix and completely copped out....

Little Miss WRX 09 June 2003 06:24 PM


I can't quite determine your opinion on the film at the moment. I am getting a slight inckling that you may like it somewhat? ;) :p

bigJoe 09 June 2003 06:39 PM

Geeez you guys, it’s a Hollywood film it doesn’t need a plot,

Anyway the real question is………which chick is the fittest?

The Chinese girl gets my vote (with the long coat and the stick)

With the Oracle a close second (er...actually NO)

I’m not really hijacking the thread – much - sorry :D

Actually seeing it again sounds like a good idea (to “understand” the “plot”)

RB170 09 June 2003 06:42 PM

To get Westlers hot dogs :D

Who rang that bell

Sith 09 June 2003 10:02 PM

It's not a Matrix in a Matrix 'cos the Architect explains that after a restart there will be given (x) amount of people to rebuild Zion. Neo screws the Matrix over by saving Trinity. The restart doesn't happen and the machines keep digging.

Neo has evolved with the programming from Agent Smith. Hence he could feel the Sentinels in the real world. The Architect admitted that Neo was differnt from all 6 previous versions.

The Oracle is a program to guide the 'One' to the same place everytime. She is working for the Matrix.

In the first film you see Neo being freed from the Matrix and consequently saved my Morpheus. Hence he is in the real world.

Chris L 09 June 2003 10:21 PM

Wait long enough and there will be a Microsoft 'blue screen of death' - that'll mean a reboot and the Matrix will reset :)

It did strike Sal and I as a two hour trailer for the last film though. There is always a problem with films like this. To try and produce the 'wow' factor a second time is very difficult. Expectations are set very high, so it is hard not to be a little disappointed.

So hopefully, the third film will be a return to form. I expect it to be so.


Squizz 10 June 2003 08:23 AM

I enjoyed it. :D

Admittedly it didn't have as much impact as the first film, and some of the human replicating cgi was really ropey. Neo didn't even look like Neo!! :rolleyes:

The possibility of several Matrix levels looks likely, especially after the comments by the Architect. ;) (I mean, why would Zion still be called Zion and not...Milton Keynes or summat?)

What was all that talky-crap in the Restautant with the Manky-Gibbon (or whatever he was called)?? Monica was looking a bit past her sell by date... :(

I also missed that bit about the Bane character. So, that's a human that's essentially Agent Smith, right??

SO... Revolutions.

This Super-Brawl coming up between Neo and Smith, that cost millions to make. Erm, didn't we just have one of those in Reloaded that was begininning to become tiresome before it ended? What on earth are they going to do to inject life into it??

I guess Reloaded did it's job. Lots of effects, and lots being talked about. :D

chiark 10 June 2003 09:16 AM

Hence he is in the real world
So how did he down the sentinel? I did come away thinking he's in the real world after the chat with the architect, but then the sentinel downing lark got me thinking...

If you can speak French, the utterances of MetroGingivitis or whatever his name is are pretty, erm, "vulgar". The quote "it's like wiping your arse with silk" is brilliant :D

PiNkEyE69 10 June 2003 09:29 AM

I think at the end neo's mind is locked in the matrix and his body in the real world.
If you think about it, what happens in the matrix has consequences in the real world yes? Injuries, death, etc...
What if it's a 2-way thing? What if neo's evolution in the matrix has knock on effects in the real world, he's starting to evolve in real life (ala X-Men) becuase of his digital representation's continued evolvement? Hence, the bit with the Sentinels at the end.
If you see the teaser trailers for Revolutions it has Trinity confronting Montivinigan saying 'give him back' and him replying 'would you go to hell and back for him?'

Go to Here for the teaser trailer for Revolutions from the end of the Enter The Matrix game (which is not dissimmilar to the trailer seen at the very end of the credits at the end of Reloaded - yes I did sit through all 9 mins to see it :))

rob oneill 10 June 2003 10:03 AM

Pinkeye, I think your on to something there,
Wish id have known about the trailer at the end of the film!!

PiNkEyE69 10 June 2003 11:42 AM

I was thinking that as I tried to explain the ending to my other half.
Morpheus says your character in the matrix is a projection of yourself, so therefore it's true to say that if he's projected as some superman in the matrix then some part of that should be in him as a human - afterall, he died and came back to life in the first film.
Plus, they're loading information directly into the brain when jacked in (martial arts, driving, etc....) so therefore that information must be there in them in the real world, otherwise they would not be able to retain anyknowledge of the matrix.
Therefore I reckon his mind is trapped in the matrix world, but his body is still in the real world (hence the revolution trailer but with trinity having to 'break him out' in the matrix).

Sounds good?
For my next trick, the question to the answer of 42.

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