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scunnered 09 June 2003 01:13 PM

I went to my local Chinese restuarant yesterday evening and was disgusted at what I saw. The glass door to the kitchen was open enough to show the reflection from the kitchen. The chef was smoking while cooking MY food. There were no other customers in at the time so it had to be my order. Anyway, when the girl came back out with the food, I politely told her I didn't want it, and could I please have my money back. I pointed to the reflection in the door window. She was so apologetic and offered to give me the food plus my money back. Of course I refused. I could still hear her shouting at the chef from the car park.
Does anyone know what would be likely to happen if I was to report this to environmental health, are the likely to just get a warning?
What would anyone else do in the situation?

Gordo 09 June 2003 01:16 PM

guess I'd drink more lager and get stuck in - the only difference to everywhere else is that you saw him doing it

GaryK 09 June 2003 01:17 PM

Report the f**kers out of spite! And name and shame

Popeye P1 09 June 2003 01:18 PM

I'd have taken the money and eaten the food too. Can't beat a good chinese even if it has a spot of fag ash in it. LOL

NotoriousREV 09 June 2003 01:31 PM

He definately shouldn't have done it, but fag ash is just burnt vegetable matter, a bit like crispy seaweed ;)

mattstant 09 June 2003 01:42 PM

had a ****in hair in my indian on saturday night they tried to claim it was a bit of pan cleaner???
got a free meal out of it though

Andy Porter 09 June 2003 01:59 PM

Less of the abuse to somkers pls m8,its a great habbit and not dirty, stinking, filthy,or disgusting, ok ?

I used to work for Pizza Hut, fag ash is the least of your worries m8... :D

logiclee 09 June 2003 02:35 PM

Shop them!!

Local pub is banning smoking completely. Landlord has been looking at a study done in the UK (Can't remember where). The majority of people are non-smokers and these people tend to leave a smoky pub and go elsewhere. A few pubs have already tried it and the trade drops off to start with but increases dramatically once the word gets round.

There is also a case going through the EU courts at the moment, bar staff and restaurant workers etc are claiming they are forced to passive smoke in their workplace. Being considered is a total smoking ban in public places or having specially sealed and exhaust vented rooms in public places that staff will not enter other than to clear up after closing.

Can't happen soon enough IMO.


[Edited by logiclee - 6/9/2003 2:37:12 PM]

Andy Porter 09 June 2003 04:33 PM

I suppose that people will have there ar5e holes 'specially sealed and exhaust vented ' to stop you smelling their 5hit next eh Lee ?

/Wanders off shaking head/

davy1 09 June 2003 04:47 PM Andy.
Sealed A*seoles,could get messy!!!!

Brendan Hughes 09 June 2003 05:22 PM

Jason, as a Jewish Moslem vegetarian I take great offence at that suggestion.

Harry_Boy 09 June 2003 05:30 PM

Nah - the point is that passive smoking kills those of us that aren't stupid enough to take up this ridiculous and expensive habit.

Can't wait for my local to ban it completely.

wos 69 09 June 2003 05:32 PM

Close it down :D

Shark 09 June 2003 05:33 PM

I sometimes smoke when I cook and never get ask in it ;)


RB170 09 June 2003 05:37 PM

Yeah but unless you are moonlighting, I'm pretty sure you don't cook in a chinese restaurant.


Chelsie-Bun 09 June 2003 05:37 PM

I beleave if we all saw what goes on in kitchens, we would never eat.

Chel xxx

Brendan Hughes 09 June 2003 05:39 PM

Can we keep the activities of David and Chel's kitchen out of this thread please??

workshy_fopp 09 June 2003 06:01 PM

Fag ash is nothing. I did deliveries for a chinese restaurant many years ago (for 2 days until my gearbox exploded), anyway, the woman in the kitchen was gabbing away chopping meat and sneezed right into it, then carried on gabbing like nothing had happened.

boxst 09 June 2003 06:04 PM


Well, as long as it's cooked! As most (raw) meat is riddled with things you wouldn't want to eat anyway.

It's when they sneeze whilst they are wrapping it up you have to worry.....


skoosh 09 June 2003 06:07 PM

As a smoker, I'd just like to say to RB170, "Get Bent mate", there is nothing worse than a preaching reformed smoker and I mean nothing. You lot are so bloody high and mighty with your nice smelling clothes and minty breath.

Any tips on giving up mate?



p.s: 20 bensons please mate.

Tiggs 09 June 2003 06:12 PM

smoking is that smoke are allowing themselves to become sucked into the whole peer presure thing...sad sheep like this will end up as bin men and the like and without them who'd do the rubish.

adults that smoke will die early and that keeps the population down...theres to many ppl in this country.

make them pay for their medical treatment, ban them from public places but let them smoke!

Luke 09 June 2003 06:43 PM

Seen steak's etc been run round the urinels at top Hotels when a Shi*y Customer start acting the Dick.

scoobynutta555 09 June 2003 08:41 PM

lol Gordo, I fully agree.

Ray_li 10 June 2003 02:11 AM

Im chinese and iv cooked in a kitchen. The way i see it. if you're gonna work with or around food you should not smoke or do any other Dirty, stinking, filthy, disgusting habit at all.
I say blow the lid on this punk.


David Lock 10 June 2003 08:09 AM

Smoking and cooking is bad news primarily because a smoker will be constantly touching his lips with his fingers and directly transferring bugs to the food - it's not the cigarette and smoke as such. Mind you if the cook has that attitude do you think he bothered to wash his hands after..... DL

ProperCharlie 10 June 2003 09:07 AM

I agree with Tiggs here - the problem with smoking is not that it's bad for you; just that it isn't *sufficiently* bad for you. If smoking finished you in, say 5 years, how popular would it be then? Think of all the money saved by people never getting to retirement age...

Andy Porter 10 June 2003 09:17 AM


scunnered 10 June 2003 09:38 AM

I've just been on the phone to Environmental Health. They're going to surprise the dirty gits with a spot check.

BMW bikes 10 June 2003 11:04 AM

The Treasury earned £9,510 million in revenue from tobacco tax for the financial year 2000-2001

£135 million is spent on tobacco advertising and promotion in the UK each year. This includes and estimated £70m spent by the tobacco industry on the sponsorship of Formula One motor racing in the UK

scunnered 10 June 2003 11:21 AM

(slightly off topic)
So how much does the treasury get from Petrol taxation then?

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