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*Sonic* 09 June 2003 01:54 AM

Anyone else seen it yet

biggest pile of tosh Ive seen in a long time, needs some major rework before final release

CRAFT 09 June 2003 07:27 AM

Have you seen it? Thought it wasn't out till July. The film looks mint from the trailer, made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Hope it's good as I'm looking foward to it more than LOTR3!!


P1Fanatic 09 June 2003 08:16 AM

The film looks mint from the trailer. Are you mad? It looks utter dross with so much CGI its a joke. Another classic comic book hero destroyed by a crap film :(


Defiant STI 09 June 2003 08:56 AM

Erm, what comics are you talking about? The majority of comic adaptions are superb and I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert in this area.

As for Hulk, if you've seen the rip then its not the final cut and features missing sound effects and no music.

Daz WRX 09 June 2003 09:14 AM

Thought it looked Good from the trailer, prolly gonna be in the same ranking as Spiderman and Dare Devil.

Plean to see it anyway so will comment after.


P1Fanatic 09 June 2003 09:18 AM

Spiderman and Daredevil (by far the worst) are a couple that spring to mind. Add the Hulk and thats a fairly big percentage. Obviously this is only my opinion and no doubt all you die hard comic fans will disagree.


Daz WRX 09 June 2003 09:31 AM

So where do X men, X2 and Matrix rank?
Thought Reloaded was over rated, too much philisophical BS and pointless scenes. I actualy rate Equalibrium and X2 better than reloaded.

Guess I enjoy films which take me back to my childhood.


Defiant STI 09 June 2003 09:31 AM

Daredevil is a mixed bag. The plot was terrible in places and for me the worst part was the fight scene in the park with Electra but the imagery, tone and casting were superb. It truely captured some of the best comic book penciling work and brought the Devil to the masses.

Spiderman was a great film. Traditionalist like myslef would have liked non organic web shooters and maybe even a less Ultimate'ised universe but short of setting it in the retro 60's that could not be accomplished. It was a great piece of work and I was more than happy with it after waiting 10 years for the movie to appear ;)

As for Hulk your passing judgement when you haven't even seen the final film! Watch it at the cinema and then see what you think, don't prejudge it.

And remember, if it wasn't for these films its quite possible that Marvel may not exist now! For that we have to be thankful to the films!

ChristianR 09 June 2003 09:49 AM

*Sonic* - have you been watching the workprint? quite unfair to judge on that, since it is unfinished edited, and the cgi graphics are missing/incomplete!

P1Fanatic 09 June 2003 09:56 AM

Spiderman was not great. It could have been so much better but the storyline and the bad guy left a lot to be desired.

The two non keaton batmans werent a patch on the first 2 either.

Yes I am prejudging the Hulk, and yes I suppose it is a bit difficult to get a human to change into a hulk sized beast without computer generated effects, but it just looks so fake.

Please god dont let them ruin the classic superman films with this new one they are doing.


Sonofascoob 09 June 2003 10:08 AM

The workprint version of the film is available via Kazaa or Inmesh. Granted this is not the FINAL FINAL version of the film but you cannot help but think that the hulk just looks like Shrek on Steroids. This time they have reAlly gone overboard on CGI - bring Back Lou Ferinngo FFS! Dont expect the final release to be much different from the workprint release.

Verdict Save your Money for Shrek2 :D

ChristianR 09 June 2003 10:40 AM

i thought spiderman was excellent.

Defiant STI 09 June 2003 10:55 AM

LOL@P1Fanatic! Since when did special effects make the film? Superman is one of the best comic book film adaptions and in some scenes you can see the wires. Does that detract from its brilliance? Hell no!

I hate the third and forth Batman films and truely believe that I could have done a better job, on that we agree.

On the Spidey front, you can't be much of a fan if you don't know that the Green Goblin was the lead villian. That part of the script was near on exactly as the comic book depicts! Green Goblin IS the lead Spiderman villian. It's a comic book adaption that was true to the comic book in most ways, so whats your problem?!? Are you saying that the comic story is no good?

CGI Hulk VS Non CGI Hulk. Again, if your being true to the comic book routes only CGI will do.

P1Fanatic 09 June 2003 11:23 AM

Defiant STI - where did I say that computer effects make a film? Since the start of this thread I have said the complete opposite.

If you re-read my post I agree that Superman is one of the all time classic superhero films and without any of the computer effects that are used these days. Thats why I dont want them to ruin the superman experience with a modern sequel that doesnt do it justice.

Ive never proclaimed to be a fan. I dont watch the films because I love the comics, I watch them because I like films. I know the green goblin was 'THE' villain in spidey. I just thought Willem Dafoe's acting skillz were sadly lacking and it just didnt give the film the edge it needed. For such a big release I still feel they made a mistake not using a list actors.


Witchfinder 09 June 2003 11:25 AM

Spiderman was good, I thought! Hope they do another - perhaps with Venom in it.

Daredevil was godawful. It was like an 8 year old had written the plot.

X-Men and X-Men 2... The first film was better than the second, but both were good.

Batman. Only the first one was any good, and even that would have been more appropriately named "Joker". Nicholson stole the show.

Superman films. Good all the way up to and including number III.

Looking forward to The Hulk and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I also hear rumours of a Fantastic Four movie, which might be pretty cool.

Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 11:57 AM

Personally rated Spider-Man as one of the best comic-to-film conversions for ages. It followed the original storyline as best it could, and didn't rely on "big names" to promote the movie. Though why Willem Dafoe needed a mask to play the Green Goblin, when he normally looks like the character is beyond me?

The first Batman film was great; dark and mysterious, like the original comic was supposed to be... for about 40 mins, then sadly deteriorated into a show-piece for the kiddies to enjoy.

The rest of the Batman films had occasional good bits, but few and far between... one being when the "new" Batmobile got blown up. Good riddance to it!

My personal favourite from all recent such films is The Crow (original Brandon Lee film). That had the right atmosphere, was close on the comic story, used brilliant music and unfortunately for Brandon Lee, had the ironic twist that he was killed when making the film.

The Hulk, from the trailers I've seen, looks like a green version of Buzz Lightyear, running about the desert. From my memories of The Hulk comics, he used to leap everywhere, not run. His face seems to have been modelled on Meat Loaf too. Quite disturbing.

Ho hum... at least the X-Men films are good.


Defiant STI 09 June 2003 12:06 PM

I kinda agree with you Duck_Pond although if you think Batman 4 has ANY redeeming features you must be madder than the Joker ;) The trailer shows the Hulk leaping, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I really don't see what's wrong with the CGI.

Oh, and let's not forget the first Blade film. That was pretty darn good. Let's not mention the sequal though :D

Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 12:14 PM

Aye - seen the Hulk leaping too. Just laughed out loud when I also saw him "legging it" being pursued by helicopters or something.

Redeeming feature from the "last" (hopefully if the trend in standards continue) Batman film - how about Alicia Silverstone in a rubber costume. Mmmmm. :D

Blade was good - had a similar feel to it as Ultra Violet (Channel 4 series). Haven't bothered to watch the second one.

Defiant STI 09 June 2003 12:22 PM

They have confirmed that a 3rd Blade film is in early stages of production and will be the last. My recommendation is that if you have nothing better to do give it ago but the 2nd film is no where near as good as the first.

WB are considering some new Batman projects and one is rumoured to be based upon Frank Miller's Dark Knight tale. If that ever get's to production it will herald an even darker version of Batman. I just hope they get Keaton to play the role.

Also, HellBoy is well into production, as is Punisher. Some shots for those that are interested:



Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 12:31 PM

If the Batman film is based on Dark Knight Returns (best graphic novel ever IMHO) then surely the actor will have to be over 50? Is Keaton that old yet?

Speaking of old actors - reminded me of another dreadful film - Judge Dredd. Hmm... let's see now. Dredd is supposed to be about 6 foot 3, never takes off his helmet, and is stone cold in terms of emotion (based on Clint Eastwood, in actual fact).

So, Hollywood picks Stallone, who isn't 6 foot tall, takes his helmet off straightaway, and ends up kissing another Judge at the end. Quality...

If the trend continues... Batman Dark Knight Returns will have Arnie playing the role! Eek!

Defiant STI 09 June 2003 12:40 PM

Keaton is indeed over 50, but your right, he isn't washed up enough :D

Let's not mention the Dredd thing. I put it down to a British comic book being interpreted by the American's and they COMPLETELY missed the point. We should NEVER have sold the character to DC in the first place :(

Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 12:54 PM

Another comic book character turned into a movie was Spawn. Could have been really good, but seemed a bit OTT to me. Can't remember if it ever made it to the cinema?

I'll probably watch the Hulk, just to satisfy my curiosity. Just seems lazy, in a way, in that the CGI used for the Hulk seems dated when compared to that used in Jurassic Park. Surely a big green man is easier to animate than a dinosaur?

Personally, I reckon the film is deliberately made to look that way, so Joe Bloggs can go get the PS2 game and it'll look virtually the same. Not that I'm cynical at all...

ChristianR 09 June 2003 12:57 PM

also the workprint is not very good quality at all, the sound keeps on going from left to right channel - you can hardly judge the film on such a poor quality version.

Dracoro 09 June 2003 01:52 PM

The original Keaton Batman is the best ever by far.

Superman's ok but they don't need to do a new one just to show off some more cliche'd obviously computerised scenes. In any case, superman's been done a few times already, there's been the dean whatsit and teri hatcher series and now the smallville (which is rather good but some of the progs are a bit same-y - still want to see how Lex ends up hating superman and 'forgets' who Clark is as in the films).

Spiderman was just a computer effects show-off thing. Didn't really capture the lead character enough. should have been a lot more in depth IMO.

Hulk - no comment but I'm guessing it's just a 'show off yet more cliched computer generated effects' type drivel.

Only Captain America and the Fantastic Four:cool: left isn't there?

zax 09 June 2003 02:08 PM

Since I'm on a nostalgia kick after the starwars thread I'd love it if some of the older 2000ad strips could be made (properly!) into films. Way back, Flesh was my favourite but just because as a youngster I was into dinosaurs. But I guess Jurassic Park killed the dinosaur movie thing. A decent Judge Dredd would be nice to see, and I want to see the ABC warriors kicking ass on screen!

Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 02:09 PM

Depends on the popularity of the comic character. Wonder Woman technically is one of the most popular DC characters, but I can't see that being commercially successful now. In the 70s it was acceptable for TV to be cheesy and camp.

Then there's the Justice League on DC side. Thor and Silver Surfer (yawn) on Marvel... list goes on and on.

Maybe the best bet is a cross-over film. Combine DC with Marvel. Take the best characters from each, if they'll ever agree to it. Afterall, some of the best comics feature such stories.

P1Fanatic 09 June 2003 02:10 PM

Here you say that the film is crap and that the character has been ruined based upon your opinion that the CGI is a joke and too plentify. Sorry to make the unfounded assumption that you think special effects make a movie...
I cant believe youve got so confused. My point was that Hulk seems to be largely CGI based, and what CGI there is looks poor. To me a lot of recent films focus to much on special effects/CGI instead of the story, actors etc. So therefore we actually agree (jeez did I just say that) :D


Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 02:13 PM

Zax - how about a Dredd film with Clint Eastwood as the lead role, returning from the Long Walk to face Judge Death? If it was staged with a similar dark, and nasty theme as Blade Runner, it'd at least please the comic book fans...

Sith 09 June 2003 02:53 PM

Loved Spawn - Cool film.

Dredd - Has me in stitches. Love it.

First Batman - :cool: Stonking. All others cr@p.

Duck_Pond 09 June 2003 03:09 PM

I'm worried. Firstly that I am way too old to be discussing comics, and secondly, the majority of the films mentioned (and slated) are at home in my collection. :eek:

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