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druddle 12 May 2003 09:20 PM

I was thinking (a novel concept I know) earlier about how much the whole "coffee shop" culture has hurt fast food chains like McDonalds in the last 5 odd years. You keep seeing the ads for their wraps, and stuff like that on the telly recently.

How much do McDonalds have a die hard following ? I personally think that Burger King burgers are nicer, larger meat and that the salad is usually fresher, but McDonalds have that unique (MSG :D) taste that, if you have eaten it all your life, will draw you to it.

Anyone care to comment ?? Yes I know i have too much time on my hands.....

super_si 12 May 2003 09:22 PM

1500 calories a big mac :D 3500 left for the day :D love it ;)

MichelleWRX1994 12 May 2003 09:24 PM

McD's over here in Aus have a McCafe that server pretty good coffee and light snacks. :)

fatherpierre 12 May 2003 09:24 PM

I think all of that type of food is fukcing horrible!

It's like eating plastic.

Brendan Hughes 12 May 2003 09:26 PM


Mycroft 12 May 2003 09:27 PM

I like the occasional MaccyD...

I always order a grill quarter ham... that way it is fresh and always arrives piping hot and tasty... had one of those that had stood around for a while in Buuurminggham some time back... threw it away... do yourself a favour... buy a quarter ham grill and nothing else... and taste it, not bad at all... everything else is dreadful IMO.

jameswrx 12 May 2003 09:30 PM

can't stand 99% of the stuff, makes me feel bad..

then again though I love their Sausage and egg Mc muffins

Brun 12 May 2003 09:33 PM

Propper munchin material :D

TIFF-C20WTH 12 May 2003 09:37 PM

I agree with the Burger King Burgers tasting better,but i love a maccy D's now and again

unclebuck 12 May 2003 09:39 PM

You are what you eat.... :D Cow lips and eye lids, mmmm... nice

fatherpierre 12 May 2003 09:41 PM

So they've improved their ingredients Uncle?!

bug-eyed wonder 12 May 2003 09:43 PM

UB that makes me a c**t then! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

TIFF-C20WTH 12 May 2003 09:43 PM

Lips and Lids at the finest;)

P1Fanatic 12 May 2003 10:40 PM

Maccy D's owns. Dunno what it is but it always draws you back. Burger King do do a nicer burger but their chips r w*ank, their prices a rip off and the food is definetly not fast.

Maccy d's brekkie cant be beat - big brekkie for £1.30 odd including, coffee and newspaper and your sorted. Got agree sausage and egg mcmuffins are tops.

They are on the push now. You can pay for your food via debit/credit card. Damn you dont even have to sign if your spending is under £15.


Apparition 12 May 2003 10:59 PM

Our local Mc D's in Watford is disgusting. Its Dirty, noisy and the food is rank. Its very rare I go in there these days but on the last two occasions I was really disappointed. In fact, I posted the remains of my meal to their head office on the first trip!

ScoobyWon't 13 May 2003 12:47 AM

Have a read of "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser.

A very interesting read. Including the bits about how many humans working in the meat packing plants get turned into burgers etc :eek:

More fast food restaurants get held up than off-licences.
More fast food robbers are ex-employees.
More farmers are put out of business by fast food suppliers demands than by environmental disasters etc.

Have a read. One of my mates did and he now pukes at the site of a Big Mac these days, and he used to eat 4 a week minimum. :D

Funkii Munkii 13 May 2003 07:36 AM

Lips and lids eh, I always thought it was Lips and Nips, anyways whilst in Portugal recently, I was starving and popped into a Mc's (not something I'd normally do) and bought what was called a "280" a nice big ciabata with emmentahl (sp?) cheddar, fresh Onion and Tomato and this huge square Burger and I have to say it was probably the best thing i've ever bought from Mc's.

Wendy's anyday followed by Burger King MMMMMM BK Doubles

what would scooby do 13 May 2003 08:29 AM

I'll leave these fast food joints to the working class van driver types. I prefer to get served in places where staff speak English.

IMHO of course ;)

babber 13 May 2003 08:31 AM

Think Burger king is better than McDonalds for the burgers and chips. Think although the service is **** in both establishments, Macdonalds are quicker at serving you IMHO.

At least Mc Ds are consistant in taste. I had one in France, Spain, Poland, USA, Italy, Greece and they all taste the same....Ok ****e ;)


PS We went on a stag night a few years ago, and were pissed right up. Went into the local KFC (in Bornemouth) and one guy ordered two scabby chicken legs and a portion of cardboard chips. When the girls brought his stuff over she shouted out "two scabby chicken legs and a portion of cardboard chips!!" Lol :eek: well at least she was honest :rolleyes:

PPS Yes I also like being able to order my food in english and get what I actually order.... I know it's old fashion, but to put someone on a counter who can't either speak or understand English is just unbelievable :eek:

[Edited by babber - 5/13/2003 8:36:44 AM]

super_si 13 May 2003 08:37 AM

have you seen BK's large fries, its a joke!!!


Mark Miwurdz 13 May 2003 08:43 AM

The only time I go into McDonalds now is to use the toilet........

That's know as a 'McSh1t with Lies'


[Edited by Mark Miwurdz - 5/13/2003 8:44:27 AM]

ChrisB 13 May 2003 08:58 AM

It fills a hole in the stomach for a while when you want something quick to eat (assuming you don't get Johnny No Stars serving you, in which case come back tomorrow :rolleyes:).

BK Burgers are better but it's all fast food. Best burgers IMHO come off your own BBQ (but not the 8 for 99p in Tesco ones!)

McFlurries rock though :D

asifR1 13 May 2003 09:05 AM

a weekend doesn't start if i dont chuck an egg mcmuffin down me neck n 2 hash browns!!!!

mmmmmmmmmmm..........dont care where it's been made or how!!!!
if you've ever watched stuff like 'life of grime' u'd never eat again!!!!

BK is alot nicer but not as common as McD's....

SPelham 13 May 2003 09:11 AM

MMMmmmmmm quarter pounder with cheese meal and an extra hamburger.... you can't beat it :D :D
(yep I know I'm a fat git !!!)


DavidBrown 13 May 2003 10:14 AM

mmmm.. McD brekkie.. 17 minutes to go before they stop serving them.. where are my keys ..

Yeah, so McD is sh1te, but that's not stopped them being hugely popular.

I think their growth is slowing though, which is why they're being more adventurous coming out with the fruit-bags for kids and the chicken flat-bread to appear more healthy.

Jer 13 May 2003 11:30 AM

I always thought it was lips nips and a-r-s-e holes.

TopBanana 13 May 2003 11:36 AM

To get back to the original question, yes McD's are starting to suffer very badly from the new wave of sandwich and coffee shops - which is good

rik1471 13 May 2003 12:07 PM

anyone seen the MacD burger sketch on Eddie Murpy's RAW?? LMAO

CarpetCleaner 13 May 2003 12:24 PM

the food in itself is Ok but I worked in fast food joints as a youngster and the trouble is stuff is not always as it appears

stuff falling on the floor next to bod who's walked in off the street having trodden in dog turd is one of the less bad things but still not nice when this stuff is being used to make up the burger

I've never seen anyone wank into food but I've seen plenty of bogies going in the burgers and spit and flem.

Mayo with that? "hoarghh" honestly I'll never eat food from a fast food joint and nor will most people who've worked in them 'cause they know what goes on

Thing is this is just the deliberate stuff. People go to the loo can't be bothered to wash their hands after touching the old chap or the front bottom and then straightway start handling the food or sctach their arse and then again handle food

thing is most of us have a tolerance to stuff so nine out of ten times there's no problem. for the one out of ten there is

for me I just remember one bloke who had a cold had no tissue so blew his nose with no tissue most went on the floor some on his hands, quick wipe on overall and that was it, handled the food again

fecking gross and I will not go to these places. The thougth of what else there might be in that burger? I'd rather go hungry

Little Miss WRX 13 May 2003 01:26 PM

The McMuffins and McFlurries rock. :D

ChrisB and I used to have a regular vigil straight after a gym session (:rolleyes: yeah I know, little point :rolleyes: :p) to dose up on the nearest Maccy D's. :D

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