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TVR Gary 15 April 2003 01:20 PM

Now dont get me wrong fellas I think its great, but 'whats it all about?' Just been out for me dinner, had me STI8 for 4 days and have been waved at by two old geezers, probably about 50 odd years old wearing suits etc. One in a sport and one in a bug eye WRX. Of course I waved back and might even have waved first on one occasion but my question is this.
If I drove a focus would another focus driver wave? makes me laff just thinking about it, me arm would be up and down like i dont know what.
It is great all the same and I cant get the smile off me face everytime it happens.

Must be mutual appreciation of, 'i know what this car will do and I know you know as well'.

Whatever it is keep it up.


Oh I used to get it with me TVR as well but obviously not so often.

SCOOBY TOWERS 15 April 2003 01:25 PM

It makes you takes your hand off the gear knob :D

chrisp 15 April 2003 01:26 PM

There were probably just pointing at the size of your scoop mate :D

TVR Gary 15 April 2003 01:34 PM

Dont talk to me about the poxy gear nob scooby, cant wait to get rid of the blister on me fairy liquid hand and get a decent prodrive one on there. Should be next friday.

As for the siz of the scoop i think your right, left the car in my work car park this morning and a family of [sorry mate, reference used not permitted on the BBS :p] moved into it with a horse.

I love it all the same. Subtle it is not

[Edited by Diablo - 4/15/2003 2:10:58 PM]

goonasuk 15 April 2003 01:40 PM

The waving thing caught me by surprise but is cool - its like a cult thing

Harry_Boy 15 April 2003 01:40 PM

Careful with the minority references Mate - I've seen threads on here deleted for less..... :) :) :) :)

Not bothered myself, but some users tend to pounce......

And you're right, that gear knob is a sod....

SlowBoy 15 April 2003 01:40 PM

I almost pissed myself laughing the first time I had this - lights flashing, hand waving. Some do, some don't. I think it's kinda nice:) Especially since where I'm from people tend to try to avoid eye contact with strangers.

TelBoy 15 April 2003 01:43 PM

TVR Gary 15 April 2003 01:44 PM

Was on the M25 last night and just kinda settled into traffic with an 'X' plate old type ...dont ask me MY coz i have no idea, not got into that bit yet. Its a nice feeling though.

Oh and I apologise to any minority groups as well, haha.

Krade 15 April 2003 02:04 PM

This isnt new to me, having owned VW beetles (the Orginal Flat Four) for a few years, Regardless of which VW you are in if its Air-cooled then any other Air-cooled VW will wave, Flash stop for a chat ect. Appaerantly this has been going on for years, and I guess it all stems from owners clubs.

SCOOBY TOWERS 15 April 2003 02:08 PM

Same in my MGF all models / types waved :)

STi-Frenchie 15 April 2003 02:16 PM

revitt 15 April 2003 03:11 PM

It's the same with bikes, all makes and models. More common up north of the M25 though.

Used to get it all the time when I had the Moke on the road.

Only been waved at once in the Legacy, took me completely by surprise, I get the STI8 in a few weeks and am looking forward to the camaraderie that comes with it.

:) Anything that puts a smile on your face is worth doing :)


TVR Gary 15 April 2003 03:21 PM


you will love the STI8, cant keep out of mine

rb5 286 15 April 2003 03:36 PM

it good that we do this, i always see motor bikers pull up at lights and nod and chat

it makes a change for all the crap that goes on in this world.

Respect to each and every1 ;)

DaveEscCos 15 April 2003 03:47 PM

You should try having an EscCos. i'll probably see about 10 to 15 scooby's each day they are that common.

care3 15 April 2003 03:57 PM

it originates from the volkswagon way back in the forties in germany and they were not waving

[Edited by care3 - 4/15/2003 4:08:26 PM]

Fullonloon 15 April 2003 05:17 PM

[Edited by Fullonloon - 4/15/2003 5:18:44 PM]

Leslie 17 April 2003 09:04 PM

Its a very old tradition for drivers of the same make of car, especially those which are a bit different to the norm, to wave at each other. It goes back to the early days of motoring. My Dad used to have a BSA three wheeler just after the war which was a bit of a one-off but he used to get waved at by other three wheelers such as Morgans etc.

It is a pity that it seems to be the fashion to be suspicious of anyone showing a sign of friendship these days, it really is not necessary to be so competitive as to ignore a wave from another Scooby driver. We are all members of a surprisingly exclusive club.Bikers dont mind acknowledging each other, I find that all helps keep me in a good mood.

Maybe its because I am an "old geezer" that I feel like that! :)


Scumbag 17 April 2003 09:09 PM


are you trying to say that TVR drivers dont wave?

When I had my wedge, they all waved at me !!

naughtybutnice 17 April 2003 09:34 PM

i find two types.. the lovely people of scooby-land(waves/chats etc)...and the "i have a newer/better model than you!!!". ive been waved at by some old geezer in a forester, yet been told by some cocky get that " you should get a proper one!" (his bieng a uk wrx, mine a jap wrx with mods. He was trying to snob me!!! Still thats what i mean... friendly scoobies and them who dont !!!!!

[Edited by naughtybutnice - 17/04/2003 21:36:41]

M0NEY 17 April 2003 09:38 PM

lol at martin - get used to that mate! Same here. You get some scoobs wave or even pull up and chat and others who you wave at and they look at you like your scum! lmao

When i had my vw, no one bloody waved at me! Had a couple of cars but it is only the scoob that most people seem to wave at :D

naughtybutnice 17 April 2003 09:42 PM

i think an easy answer would be that everyone buying a scoob has to register to scoobynet and realise that theyre not just buying a car, but joining a community!!!
do i get a job???

Ciaran 17 April 2003 11:47 PM

top shout their if u buy a scoob u r given a deal where u have to register on here.

Krade 18 April 2003 12:44 AM

If I was a scooby sales man I'd be telling all my customers about scoobynet if they didnt know.

UHF 18 April 2003 08:45 AM

yeah, dealers should let people know about scoobynet :)

You dont buy an impreza for the interior, you buy it on its cult following and its serious handling and pace, and the owners clubs are a perfect way to find a way to spend even more money!

I always get waved at by classics, I get snobbed at by LOADS of Bugeyes even though I can probably blow most of them off the road, any modded bug eye owner will know the idea and wave, so its usually a good way of knowing if they're modded or not. So far have only not been waved at by cars which were on the surface standard. Which is fair enough, they probably bought it cos they liked the looks and didnt realise what they were buying into and dont care much if others have one or not.

Josh L 18 April 2003 10:49 AM

A far higher percentage of owners used to wave when the cars were few a far between, but the enthusiasts still wave.

I waved at a Lady in a 5dr yesterday, and the look on her face was a picture. She obviously thought I was a complete nutter (pretty good guess I suppose)


black knight 18 April 2003 11:23 AM

my other half thought it was comical when i started waving and others waved/flashed back.

told her it's a scoob thing.... dont think any other makes has such a cult following.

long live the scoob!

yhe chod 18 April 2003 02:43 PM

whats wrong with being friendly?? **** ALL so everybody after 3-WAVE!!!

dave_the_B 18 April 2003 07:08 PM

Got my first 'Scooby wave' whilst test driving a scooby.

Huge grin factor, long may it continue


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