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Dicke C 13 April 2003 01:03 AM

Never really know what to do. Don't want to sound too Snobbish but what to fellow Turbo owners think?
I tended to get starnge looks when I have waved, so don't bother now, even the Kids now know to look for the Turbo bulge.:D:

Dicke C

LB4 13 April 2003 01:21 AM

Yeah i would ... but it seems to be less common now to even get an acknowledgement from fellow Turbo owners.


Foot_Tapper 13 April 2003 07:39 AM

I will always wave once, (current sport owner); if u dont get
a reaction then dont bother waving to that car again.
There's always a chance they dont see you, iv'e missed a
few cos i'm simply concentrating on the drivin. Likewise
i suppose they are.
Mind you have had a few wierd looks in return after waving.
I would say about a third that i've seen give a wave.
The others probably arent really into the scooby scene at all,
its not that they're ignorant, they just need ejumucating.

Rasher 13 April 2003 08:06 AM

I'll wave to anyone, afterall a Scooby is a Scooby end of story:D

Hol 13 April 2003 08:36 AM

YES :) and they usually awve back :D

Or even WAVE back....

[Edited by Hol - 4/13/2003 8:36:53 AM]

basal_lobe 13 April 2003 08:49 AM


I'm always too busy driving to wave at other people. I prefer to concentrate on that. If I'm stationary I'll give a acknowledging hand movement.

Can't work out how people wave, use phones, smoke, eat etc when driving, I thought the idea was to drive.

Scoob99 13 April 2003 09:44 AM

I do:D

RedDevil UK 13 April 2003 10:40 AM

if you cant let go of the steering wheel to wave... then how do you change gear, indicate or use the heater etc etc?

waving takes just as long :P

Jen 13 April 2003 10:42 AM

Yeah - I do :) Don't think I've ever got a response yet though :(Most just look at me like I'm wierd ;):D

basal_lobe 13 April 2003 12:24 PM


Changing gear etc is part of my driving routine- spotting other owners and waving at them isn't as my concentration is taken up with roadcraft rather than manic waving.

Leslie 13 April 2003 12:35 PM

I find that I nearly always get a return wave from any Scooby owner, it like a bit of a special club really. :) Never seems to be too difficult to do that and drive too!


Marky-San 13 April 2003 12:38 PM

This will sound poor, but I find it harder to see Sports - mainly because I'm trained to look for the scoop. I have managed to wave to a few - but they seemed to be housewifes for some reason??

chrisp 13 April 2003 04:00 PM

I think about 1 in 50 sport drivers wave but then again a lot turbo owners dont as well ;). Its the dumbing down soap opera society we live in ;). How come every impreza owner I meet has never heard of scoobynet and has "chipped" 320bhp impreza LOL.

Martyn Tonks 14 April 2003 11:34 PM

Being a sport owner and a Forester owner I wave and flash at turbo and non turbo models, however if you are driving in most towns between 8.15 and 9.00 most week day mornings, most of the drivers of scoobies are mums on the school run,who think that if you wave at them you are some kind of perv. Why drive such a powerful car on a 3 mile round trip twice a day, you probably never get above 3rd gear

Monday Lad 14 April 2003 11:57 PM

I waved the other week to someone coming out of Mansfield (Notts) in a new STi8 and they didn't return. As I got closer it was an old white haired lady 60-70! The aging of today - no manners!

Likewise I tend to look for the scoop first, so i've usually missed sport owners before I notice!

[Edited by Monday Lad - 4/14/2003 11:59:54 PM]

Ali Scott 15 April 2003 07:06 AM

Got my Turbo about 2 months ago and was amazed at getting flashed and waved at by other scooby owners, never had that before in any other car I've owned..
With regard to waving at sport owners, I'm usually going too fast to check what it is!!

Scoobybraids 15 April 2003 07:57 AM

Firstly, basal-Lobe, I have looked at a couple of your posts and I've noticed that you really only post on here to moan so why bother.
Secondly, I'm a Sport owner, ofcourse I wish I had a turbo, but alas my mums will money wouldn't stretch that far, but I love my sport and me and my hubby have worked very hard at doing it up.
We have always waved at other scoobys, Sports, like us, and Turbo. The only ones who don't wave tend to be people who aren't really interested in other cars, or stuck up their own ars*es or concentrating very hard. So, I think you should acknowledge us sports!!

St Andy 15 April 2003 08:19 AM

I always wave at the sport owners as well, as I used to have one, turbo owners used to wave at me.

Basal-lobe, don't be such a miserable git, life's good.

4lex L 15 April 2003 08:41 AM

I recently purchased an impreza sport and find most scooby drivers acknowledge a friendly wave but those who don't tend not to have seen me. I find flashing gets noticed more but be careful, tried that once and an elderly lady pulling out of the petrol station I was approaching thought I was letting her out! A good test of the breaks at least!


revitt 15 April 2003 08:46 AM

If it takes all of your concentration to work the steering wheel and gear stick, to the exclusion of all else maybe you should take the bus.

If you can't spot other scoobies then you also can't spot push bikes, motor bikes, police cars or that child about to step out onto the road. So its probably time to give up your licence.

chrisp 15 April 2003 09:27 AM

How many Corollas have you waved at, because I have waved at a few :D. Had a wave off a rally stickered mark 1 escort a few months back which was cool.

basal_lobe 15 April 2003 09:35 AM

Why on earth would I want to wave at the losers who posted on this thread saying "don't be miserable".

As for waving at sport owners I wouldn't bother, ditto Justy owners who are in the same category in my book.

edited to remove offensive comments.

[Edited by basal_lobe - 4/15/2003 9:36:31 AM]

Carlos-Fandango 15 April 2003 10:10 AM

If you are concentrating so hard on the road and driving not to have the spare capacity to spot a very recognisable shape of car (you shuold be familiar with since you have one), then are you aware of what is behind you, alongside you, the motorbike that has been following but is now in your blind spot, the ambulance with flashing lights trying to get past for the last few miles.........

I'm not having a go, but if so much concentration is taken up by just driving then maybe you are going too fast! and the scoob is not the car for you. Maybe a Robin Reliant would be better.

Here's looking out for all you scoob drivers for a wave!!!

ps. this is meant in jest for all those who can't resist biting and getting on their high horse and don't understand banter!!!!

basal_lobe 15 April 2003 10:17 AM

I was only joking about the concentration thing.......i don't really pay much attention at all to the road, too busy on the phone usually.

STi-Frenchie 15 April 2003 10:29 AM

Marky-San wrote:

I have managed to wave to a few - but they seemed to be housewifes for some reason??
Those are the best ones to wave at :)

Scooby Dooby Blue 15 April 2003 10:31 AM

I was only joking about the concentration thing
If humour was your angle, perhaps the odd smiley (:):D:p;):eek::rolleyes:[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]) wouldn't go amiss to highlight your intention to the easily-wound-up Snetters.

This would save folk getting reeled in and would stop you coming across like Pete Lewis in a bad mood;)


blf21 15 April 2003 10:47 AM

I drive a Sport and I wave! :D

Usually before the guy in the Turbo does... ;)


basal_lobe 15 April 2003 10:48 AM

I don't use smileys....they are pretty sad . Feel free to do so yourself though, loads of people here seem to love them.

Scoobybraids 15 April 2003 10:57 AM

"As for waving at sport owners I wouldn't bother, ditto Justy owners who are in the same category in my book."

I want a Turbo but do not have the cash for one so just because I ONLY have a sport this puts me low on your list?!

To be honest you sound quite nasty and I wouldn't want you to wave at me anyway!! Plus if your always on the phone then you don't have much consideration for other road users anyway!!

basal_lobe 15 April 2003 10:59 AM

hey scoobybraids.....your not low on my list at all. Your names not even down on the list as you drive a sport.
Get a proper scoob then I can ignore you in that too! All these sad numpties waving at each other-LOL.

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