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Jye 10 April 2003 01:38 PM

A few months ago a lad of about 20 from round the corner was walking his dog past our gate, as he does every morning. I noticed he had stopped and was letting his dog have a dump right outside my gate. :eek:

I pulled him up and basically told him in 'strong' language that it better not happen again and that if the dog was caught short (due to his lazyness)he could at least have pulled it into the gutter. I didnt waste my time asking him to pick it up at that point.

Anyhow, this morning the same thing happened only on the pavement across the road (he had started walking on the other side). [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] I wasnt happy about him letting it **** on 'any' pavement within a hundred miles of my house and had some even 'stronger' words with him. I got the usual moronic uninterested glazed eyed responce, that his dog could ****e where ever it wants as grass areas are miles away and have no dogs fouling signs, its not his fault all dogs do it blah, blah. This time I did say 'well, have you brought a bag to pick it up with, the law says that you should lift it and take it home, you can put it in your own garden or spred it on yer toast for all I care', he just looked at me and with a nervous, smirky sort of laugh said there was no way he was picking up any dog ****e, I told him 'well what do you think Im going to have to do you ****** moron'. :rolleyes:

By this time I was boiling mad and wanted to rip his head off. I told him again, for the 'last' time that if it happened once more that I would take it personally, that he was obviously doing this to annoy me and that he better not even think of going down that route. (the usual idle threats that never work).

The dog is an mangey old Alsation cross and its dumps look like huge cow pats, you would need a spatula or something to scoop em up, god only knows what he's feeding it or how its being treated. I had to hose it off the last time.

Now I dont blame to dog, I blame the owner, I blame the government and I balme the local authority. Collectively they do nothing about dogs running wild and even less about their responsibilities. I tried the Police and they told me 'I' (not the justice system btw, sheesh) would need two independant witnesses and to 'be prepared to go to court' Ive written letters but get the usual brush off, being fobbed with only one dog warden covering the whole world etc etc :(

I did think about keeping my digi camera on me all the time and catching him and bonzo in the act but how often will that happen, and would it even be evidence.

Another worry is the usual one, the comeback. If I did nark on him I bet it wont be long before my car or door handles become a new depository for dog **** or my windows get put in. :(

I just cannot believe the establishment puts so much emphasis on stuff like TV licence dodgers but are prepared to let any moron keep a dog without the need for a licence, free to roam and **** all over the place. I mean even before they scrapped the dog licence what did it cost, about 50p or something pathetic. Why dont they just make the licence £100 or £200 a year and fine 'owners' £1000 for not having one or breaking doggie laws. But would that stop scum who are not even fit to wipe their own arse never mind look after an animal? I seriously doubt it. :(

It seems to me that this country is just so up its own arse its not interested in catching or punishing scum who probably wont or cant pay. Meanwhile council tax payers like me get **** all (pardon the pun) for the huge whack they rip us off for. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] I mean, try saying 'Im not paying my council tax as you dont deliver' and I'll bet you will be in court before you can say two independant witnesses, grrrrrrrrr [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

So what can I do? Im thinking the usual thoughts like following him home and placing every dog turd I can find on his front path, but Id look a bit wierd collecting loads of dog ****, and then theres the old come back scenario again. I'm usually quite good at getting my own way or my own back but I've gotta be 100% bang on in sorting out this little ****. :D

Anyway, huge rant over, and answers on a postcard to Dog **** City UK.....

yoza 10 April 2003 01:41 PM

Find out where he lives,and sh1t on his doorstep,make sure he sees you doing it,and make sure its a good one.
Put the paper through his letter box :)

David_Wallis 10 April 2003 01:44 PM

What can you do? Ignore it, report him or calm down..

Wouldnt bother doing anything personal will just back fire.. if someone told me about my dog sh1tting and then threatened me.. and then I get something done with dog **** to my house car etc..

I know who's windscreen would be getting a visit from mr pick axe or mr engineering brick.



Dog owner.. (ps dog sh1ts in the garden.. little fcuker.. makes a right mess with the lawnmower... especially petrol hover mower :eek:

ProperCharlie 10 April 2003 01:45 PM

You know how dogs that chase sheep are liable to be shot by the farmer? Why don't we have something similar in towns - dogs sh*tting everywhere will be shot on sight, and their owners will be lightly pistol-whipped. Can you imagine what people's reaction would be if a human dropped a turd on the pavement? But for dog owers apparently it's the most nomal thing in the world. If their child gets toxicara will it still be ok?

Jye 10 April 2003 01:50 PM

So David, a guy just decides to let his dog **** outside your (a responsible dog owner) gate every moring. And you come up with:

a) be calm and do nothing, LOL

b) report him and get told you need 2 independant witnesses( not you and your wife btw)

c) Ignore it, LOL

Its people with that attitude who get shat on m8, sorry but doing nothing is not an option I take ;)

CEL 10 April 2003 01:54 PM

Whats the point of having a dog anyway?

They do nothing but stink the house out, dump everywhere, hairs end up in your food and on your clothes (horrible thought) bark most of the bloody time (inculding the early hours of the morning) and cost a fortune to maintain.

Why bother? :confused:

as you may have noticed, dogs arent my favourite thing ;)

basal_lobe 10 April 2003 02:04 PM


Dogs are mans best friend. I can understand people not picking up after their dogs as it has to impact the master/dog relationship negatively. Dogs are pack animals and as such seeing their leader picking up their waste has to have some impact on their level of respect. Not to say that's carte blanche for owners to let them sh1t everywhere though. I don't have one as my garden while being big for London is not big enough to be a dogs dumping ground.

Jye 10 April 2003 02:12 PM

--well, if you have tried that route without success (Dog Warden) then maybe you should 'strongly' encourage him to pick it up there and then, if he doesn't tell him you are calling the Police ? ... he is breaking the law after all--

The Police still want at least two completely independant witnesses, who have seen the offence and who are prepared to go to court, ie it cannot be me and my partner. The last time I spoke to them they aslo said I should get his name and address, as if hes gonna just say yeah my name is blah, blah and heres where I stay. Its a bl**dy joke.

Think Im gonna end up doing something rash if it happens again :(

Jye 10 April 2003 02:13 PM

LOL at Propercharlie ;)

basal_lobe 10 April 2003 02:14 PM


Thats exactly what people should do, take the dog somewhere it doesn't annoy others.
Either that or not have one in the first place.

Freak 10 April 2003 02:15 PM

Whats the point of having a dog anyway?

They do nothing but stink the house out, dump everywhere, hairs end up in your food and on your clothes (horrible thought) bark most of the bloody time (inculding the early hours of the morning) and cost a fortune to maintain.


Sounds like my mrs...:p

BuRR 10 April 2003 02:19 PM

Take a look at your local byelaws.... it may be in contravention of these.

Some authorities spray the warning re dog mess on the foot of lamp posts (in white paint) - others actually attach small signs to each lamp post.

As for independent witnesses - yes, I'm sure two would be great, but I'd personally be happy to take the word of a resident armed with a digital photograph of the offender and his dog in action. (with NO independent witnesses - although they would make it stick a bit better - if you'll excuse the pun ;))

CarpetCleaner 10 April 2003 02:22 PM

personally I would.....ignore him...for now. The chances are you are not the only one he's pissed off by letting his dog kak near your house.

Discretely follow him and find out where he lives. Now leave things a while, let things settle down, you don't want to be at the forefront of his mind

After a suitable amount of time order a lorry load of manure to be delivered to his residence and dumped on the drive

He'll have one pile of **** to clear up

Mate this has been done me.. Been there done that. I know what you mean about not wanting to have reprisals against you, this is why you give sufficient time. He'll not know who it is that's organsied it.

He'll have no idea who he's peed off that's done it but unless he very stupid the penny will drop as to why he 'deserves this'

basal_lobe 10 April 2003 02:26 PM


Would a silent dog whistle blown very hard put the dog off his business? Perhaps it might encourage the dog to bite the owner?

Jye 10 April 2003 02:36 PM

;) Carpet Cleaner

Jye 10 April 2003 02:38 PM

Burr, sounds sensible, but I would still have the hassle of going to court I bet. You would think a photo would be all you need though.

GU5 10 April 2003 02:39 PM

Like the dog whistle one ;)

For more effect connect it to one of those little air pumps for fish tanks and leave it running all the time, should keep ALL dogs away!! :D

CarpetCleaner 10 April 2003 02:43 PM

no pun intented here but the day I beat the **** out of the ring leader of a gang of bullies while I was at school I take **** from no one

You can pussy foot around all you like. Twats like him understand only two things. One you'll go to jail for (not good) the other a good dump on his drive :D

Jye 10 April 2003 02:50 PM

Exactly CC, as I said I'm not exactly a shrinking violet but I dont really want to kick the c**p out of someone just for a couple of dog t**ds.

I just need somehting 'novel' and original to make him think again as they say ;)

Unfortunately I'm sure the local manure suppliers are used to having, ahem 'requests' for large piles off poo to be delieverd to peoples front drive :D

CarpetCleaner 10 April 2003 02:54 PM

can't think of anything else really

RB5320 10 April 2003 02:54 PM

Jye - have you tried reasoning with the guy? Most 20 year olds have a huge chip on their shoulder but if you talk nicely to him you may get the matter resolved. If that doesnt work then manure it is!


Jye 10 April 2003 02:59 PM

I thought I did reason with him adequately the first time. I dont like repeating simple facts twice in the space of a few months. I got the impression after the second time that he knows exactly what the score is and just doesnt give a toss :(

And I say the second time, only the second time Ive caught him. Ive lost count of the number of dog t**ds Ive seen on my street over the years.

CarpetCleaner 10 April 2003 03:04 PM

the guys is obviously a total arse...It's not hurting anyone but a 4ft pile of crap on the drive will make him sit up and think

There's obviously more serious action but then you getting onto dodgy ground and it's not worth the hassle

If he is generally known as an arrogant cock a more subtle and gentle way could be to get a letter together and mail it along with a fake dog turd. It would be the civilised way of hopefully getting through to him??

BuRR 10 April 2003 03:05 PM

Someone got a £500 fine for letting their dog cr4p on the playing fields near where I live.

Just for the record.

Shaolin 10 April 2003 03:13 PM

I cant be bothered to read all of this, so i dont know if this has already been said....... but its ok for people with cats to let them walk in other peoples gardens and crap all over the place?.......i think not......sorry, i just hate cats. :D

basal_lobe 10 April 2003 03:30 PM


Get a dog and let it eat the cat problem solved. Now you just need something to eat the dog.

Dave P 10 April 2003 03:40 PM

Local bye laws are not really worth the paper they are written on as far as dog mess is concerned. I went to a local council meeting on the state of our town and the subject of dog mess came up. Basically there is little they can do even with the signs.

Many years ago when I was a lad there were two families on our estate. There was little love lost between them, one of them had a huge dog which constantly laid presents for the others. They were asked politely, then not so politely to pick it up....

Finally enough was enough and said turd was scraped onto a newspaper and delivered back through the letter box of the dog.... minus the paper. That was the end of that.

Good luck.


paulr 10 April 2003 03:49 PM

Find out where he lives and throw a poisoned bone in his back garden.

Diablo 10 April 2003 03:55 PM


Thats right, blame the dog and not the brain dead prat that own it [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

As a dog owner it really hacks me off when I see owners not clearing up after their dogs. Gives us all a bad name...

But lets not start suggesting the use of poison, eh?

Guess you've never seen a dog, or any other animal die a slow and extremely painful death because they have been poisoned on purpose .....


Jye 10 April 2003 03:56 PM

Well said Diablo, I would never even think of anything like that. I love animals and as I said its the owners who get my back up :(

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