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C h a z 12 March 2003 11:10 PM

Here is the scene. I'm driving along in my old banger(midddle lane), full head of steam just about hitting 70mph. I've just managed to overtake a lorry on the inside lane. Further on is another lorry, I decide to keep in the middle lane and overtake that one as well. Before I get to the second lorry a vectra flies passed in the third lane and goes straight into the inside lane, shaking his head because I was (admittedly) hogging the middle lane.
I'm cool with this for about 5mins until the thought occurs to me that at that point in time he was driving just as badly as I was because he was exceeding the speed limit.
I wonder how many of us have cursed a middle lane hogger who if we hadn't been speeding we would never have caught up?

BOB.T 12 March 2003 11:19 PM

Lane hogging is (mainly) just fcuking ingnorant and should be stamped right out[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If folk didn't do it, our roads would be safer, we could justify higher speed limits then the speeding wouldn't be an issue:p:D:D

pslewis 12 March 2003 11:28 PM

People who hog the middle lane effectively change all the motorways in the country into dual carraigeways and they should all be dragged from their cars and beaten with a soggy banana!! :D


BOB.T 12 March 2003 11:32 PM

Our roads would be safer if we went at 70 or higher... we need excitement to keep our attention:)

andrewdelvard 12 March 2003 11:36 PM

2 wrongs don't make a right

stu200 13 March 2003 12:37 AM

But 2 wrights made a plane :D

scooby-new 13 March 2003 07:34 AM


Speed is irrelevant in this issue- people seem to have this weird attitude that someone elses wrong doing somehow justifies they own idiotic behaviour. Fact is hogging the middle lane is always wrong and potentially dangerous. You people really get on my nerves- I like to give you a nice long squirt of my headlight washers and watch as you have to wash your windscreen. Nice to see you take some action- as you are too lazy to move over to the inside lane you can clean your windscreen instead.

In fact following your line of reasoning- driving at 70MPH I come across some halfwit in the middle lane- "He's doing wrong!" therefore I now undertake totally justified as two wrongs make a right in your world.

Personally if I could get away with ramming pr1cks in the middle lane I would do 'cos it severely pisses me off. An ex work collegue had an interesting take on this- he drives a 7.5 ton truck and when he comes across Pr1cks in the middle lane he severely tailgates them......undertakes if poss, then gives them a brake test. He did this to some moronic woman in an MX5 who then rear ended him. She ended up with a written off car and a few weeks in hospital and her insurance paid for all the damage and my mates whiplash.

Next time move to the inside to55ers your selfish behaviour causes road rage!!!! I'm even getting angry typing this and thinking about it!!!!

[Edited by scooby-new - 3/13/2003 7:36:27 AM]

Scooby Snacks 23 13 March 2003 08:00 AM

There was an article in the paper recently (and posted here IIRC) about some county that was going to start giving fines out for lane hoggers. It might have been Hampshire now I think about it.

I think it's a good idea - all those company car BMW and Vectra drivers who get on the motorway, they move straight to the outside lane and stay there cos they thinks it's their lane.

How wrong they are - it's my lane :D:D:D:D:D:D

[Edited by Scooby Snacks 23 - 3/13/2003 8:02:42 AM]

Scooby Snacks 23 13 March 2003 08:01 AM

That said, I've always found that whenever I get up behind someone in the outside lane, they move straight over. I think it's the sight of the bonnet vent - having been followed by scoobs in the past, I must admit, they do look rather menacing :)

Luke 13 March 2003 08:18 AM

had a quick run from london to Nottingham and back yesterday morning.. The M1 is full of terrible drivers... No space... idiots "Diving" into the gaps causing hard braking..

Why is it all "ON/OFF" driving???? people have lost the art of driving quick but smooooooooooooooooth.

SiDHEaD 13 March 2003 08:20 AM

Nah they just think its a nova (they all have scoops now :rolleyes:) and move out the way because the driver has probably upgraded the engine to 2litre turbo and left the brakes standard for a 1.0 LOL


davyboy 13 March 2003 08:25 AM

Rules of Motorway driving.

Enter motorway, go straight to outside lane.

DO not under any circumstances use lane 1 and 2 until you need to leave motorway.

When leaving motorway, leave as little time as possible.

Please dont tell me Impreza drivers dont do this :rolleyes:as I see it every bloody day, and I could name scoobynetters who do it!

Luke 13 March 2003 08:31 AM

Talking of which...who was the scooby owner going North about 1.30pm between jcn 10-15????

try not to "Force" other drivers out of your way.... If you did it to me .. I would stand on my brakes.

Dizzy 13 March 2003 08:36 AM

Didn't get my "3 lane timmy" nickname for not doing that :D

Middle lane drivers piss me off too but I try not to get too wound up :) its much worse people who drive in the outside (please remember this is the OVERTAKING LANE) lane with NOONE on the inside :rolleyes: I think the A404 (M40->M4) must be the worst road I have EVER driven on for that :(

jasey 13 March 2003 09:11 AM

I have a solution that always wakes up the hoggers (wife doesn't like it but it's always good to see the hoggers reaction - and it's legal). Approach the offending hogger in the correct lane (inside lane) at the last possible moment (that is safe) overtake the hogger by moving from lane 1 to lane 3. Once past the hogger return to the correct lane (lane 1) as soon as it is safe to do so.

The hogger invariably has a stunned look on their face (as they have no Idea where you came from) and moves into the correct lane.

This only works of course provided the road is not too busy - but it is suprising how many hoggers there are even when he's the only car (apart from you) on the motorway !

TopBanana 13 March 2003 09:29 AM

This morning, I saw a breathtaking demonstration of lane hogging. **** in Vectra pulls onto empty stretch of motorway and moves right into the middle lane - the inside lane was clear as far as the eye could see (a mile or so). Unbelievable!

scooby-new 13 March 2003 09:36 AM

Tw*t -personally I'd like to get one of these people and kneecap 'em sanctimonious assh*les! Once confronted one of these jerkwads at the services and you know what he said -after Fcuk off that is- "I drive wherever I want mate and there's nothing you can do about it". Unfortunately for him there was something I could do about it- the pr1ck got a smack in the mouth there and then. Not usually one to give into road rage but this does my head in as it turns 3 lanes into 2 - sometimes into 1.


Another point try this crap on in germany and you'll be in a krakenwagen on the way to hospital cos the krauts will just rear end you!

STi wanna Subaru 13 March 2003 09:41 AM

Allow undertaking and the problem is solved

NotoriousREV 13 March 2003 10:24 AM

What really annoys me is the fact that if you undertake, the police will do you for driving without due care and attention. IMHO, when I undertake, I'm more alert and aware of what I and the drivers around me are doing that some dozy tw4t who's sat in the middle lane with 3 miles of clear lane inside him [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Luke 13 March 2003 10:29 AM

Another point try this crap on in germany and you'll be in a krakenwagen on the way to hospital cos the krauts will just rear end you!


brickboy 13 March 2003 11:21 AM

Doesn't bother me if people are hogging the middle lane, as long as I can pass 'em in lane 3 (or lane 1 at a push ;)).

I don't think Chaz did anything wrong, I don't expect people to mass-migrate to the inside lane every time there's a 50-yard gap.

What really gets my goat is people who sit at 72mph in lane 3, passing lane 2 traffic at a relative speed of 0.75mph :rolleyes:

Oh, and people who go below 70mph when passing the Police Range Rover / T5 which is doing 60mph in lane 1 ....

Clarebabes 13 March 2003 11:24 AM

Police cars on motorways get on my nerves. They slow the whole thing down because no one wants to overtake them!

SiDHEaD 13 March 2003 12:00 PM

I go past at 80 - like they are gonna bother with that :D

7 Foot 13 March 2003 12:15 PM

There is nothing that winds me up more than people who do sit in lane 2 all day.

I tend to drive up to them flashing my full beams, I've got some serious driving lights replacing my fogs so they should notice.

It is a technique used by everyone on the continent - nobody gets moody just moves over and gets on with it - but the amount of times I am on the receiving end of a w4nk4 sign or a couple of fingers is ridiculous. It's at this point I administer the break test.

NotoriousREV 13 March 2003 12:21 PM

Yesterday, I was following a Cavalier, who decided that Lane 3 was the place to be despite the fact the 1 and 2 were clear. We had been overtaking stuff, but had passed that. I didn't tailgate him, I didn't flash him, but he dodn't mover over for about half a mile. When he did move over, he gave me the wanker sign. Seriously, am I the wanker for not being aggresive an waiting for him to move before passing? Should I have dropped in 3rd gear and undertook in lane 1?

If we were allowed guns in this country...

STi wanna Subaru 13 March 2003 12:25 PM

I'd have undertaken him in lane 1. Wrong I know but it's what you have to do sometimes to make progress

Nimbus 13 March 2003 12:57 PM

when he comes across Pr1cks in the middle lane he severely tailgates them......undertakes if poss, then gives them a brake test. He did this to some moronic woman in an MX5 who then rear ended him. She ended up with a written off car and a few weeks in hospital and her insurance paid for all the damage and my mates whiplash.
I suppose your "mate" would have been even happier if the woman was killed due to his antics? :rolleyes: This attitude is just unbelivable. He should not be driving if this is the action he takes due to a bit of inconvenience.

[Edited by Nimbus - 3/13/2003 12:58:30 PM]

speedking 13 March 2003 01:29 PM

... and then there's those that sit in lane 2 of an empty dual-carriageway at 30 mph because they are turning right at a roundabout about 1 mile up the road [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Hammy Hamster 13 March 2003 01:33 PM

empty stretch of motorway
Crikey, where's was that then. M1 on Nov.1st 1959 (the day before it opened) ;)

hail-hail 13 March 2003 01:46 PM

Just like to mention that I was recently driving through Europe and the lane discipline in Germany was excellent. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE moved into the right most lane after finishing overtaking.

Why is that? Are they taught this in the driving test. Do they regularly cautioned if they don't do it???

Got back to the UK and same old sh1t.

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