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Luke 12 March 2003 03:12 PM

Dont be so tight fisted...How do you expect them to be even bothered to serve you with only 2 items??? Next time get a trolly full.

Reffro 12 March 2003 03:15 PM

I used to let people through aswell, but not anymore. No-one pays with cash at supermarkets, and I'm damned if I'm going to stand there watching the dance of the loyalty card and debit card. Do you have a Nectar/Clubcard?, oh yes one minute its right at the bottom of my unfeasibly large handbag, let just rummage through it for five hours to find, then try to find the right payment card, then signing it off, then filing it in the correct section of the purse etc etc.....It takes longer to pay than to shove the items past the sensor.

I'll let people jump in front if they have the cash in their hands waiting to pay, its only two items so people should know what it will cost, otherwise forget it.

MikesWagon 12 March 2003 03:26 PM

10 items or less at our local supermarket, about 95% seem to use a card??? I sometimes ask "Do you still take cash?" for the benefit of the person who's just held me up:D

Exception to the rule is the OAPs, who seem to pay with the exact change every time, scrambling in the bottom of the purse for that last 1p.


lpski1 12 March 2003 03:29 PM

LMAO at you lot, anyone use Tesco metro cheapside??? fecking nightmare, cards, loyalty cards, mad 12-2pm lunch rush, dont no-one make fecking lunch for themselves anymore? :D Cash, big fat notes, foreigners working the till who speak 5 words of English, cant add up even with a till !!! FFS how do you get the job.

GaryK 12 March 2003 03:32 PM

yeah and I reckon anything under a fiver should be cash only, no freaking cards WTF is wrong with these people??????? how poor or tight can you be! :D


brickboy 12 March 2003 03:36 PM

I like the Jack Dee joke:

"There I am, in the queue with a couple of trolleys full of goods. Someone behind with just one or two items, so I say "Is that all you've got?".

They say: "Yes!"

So I say:

"You'd better find another queue then, I'm going to be ages with this lot" :D

Luke 12 March 2003 03:36 PM

Seen a guy use a Gold amex for £3.00...........

scooby-new 12 March 2003 03:41 PM

I don't carry cash cos it wrinkles up the sleek lines of my designer I have to use the Black Centurion to pay for everything.....even a newspaper.

lpski1 12 March 2003 03:42 PM

Luke, thats just taking the P155 aint it. :D , i think i may of just had a few words to say to the person. :D specially if i was Q'd behing them. WTF is that all about, go to a fecking cashpoint, cheapside is loaded with them, its called BANK FFS, there are machines. !! LMFAO. and and, no-one gets cash back either with their card purchase, surely that would save you q'ing at a bank and a bit more of a point to using your card for a £1.95 tescos chicken salad. !!! Jezzzzzzzzz some people, (goes to make a plackard to stand outside tesco metro) Feckers. :D :D :D

Reffro 12 March 2003 03:43 PM

I've seen someone pay for a can of coke with a card, 38 pence!!!!!!!It will take them less time to drink it......

That's one reason why I hate cards, plus the fact that they can't follow my purchases now, I'm a mystery man, no profiling on the basis of the purchase information stored when using a debit or loyalty card. They don't need to know that I prefer to wipe my bum on Andrex, or what size tampon my girlfriend uses..........

brickboy 12 March 2003 03:47 PM

Reffro -- but we know now. Currently forwarding your profile & bumwipe preferences to lots of marketing people called Giles ;):D

druddle 12 March 2003 03:48 PM

I used my card in Asda once for 80p.

lpski1 12 March 2003 03:51 PM

druddle, you should be ashamed :D

Reffro 12 March 2003 03:53 PM

Brickboy, ha ha, I actually prefer Kleenex, much nicer shade of pink.....

lpski1 12 March 2003 03:58 PM

Arron, let me know where you shop and when you go, not Q'ing behind you. :D you just like all the rest :D

Arron 12 March 2003 04:00 PM

Too bloody right now, I'm pissed off with it.

lpski1 12 March 2003 04:04 PM

like its no smoking day today (apparently, dont stop me though), we could have a use your card for stupid purchases day, arrange with the team you work in and all Q behind each other at 1.20pm in tescos. I think that would be the optimum time to cause most disruption. LMFAO. :D :D

jasey 12 March 2003 05:46 PM

Arron - you've just reminded me of an incident when I was a lad.

Shopkeeper had pi$$ed me off so I went in the following day and purchased 50 Black jacks and 50 Fruit salads (when they were 1p each (and still existed :eek:) :eek:). When he finally said that'll be £1 (having spent about 5 minutes counting them out) I paid with the 100 pennies I had in my pocket :D.

Footnote: I used to hold doors open for people - but got fed up with them not even acknowledging me (never mind thanking me) - Before I gave up doing it I used to say "It's OK - It's my fcuking job"

lpski1 12 March 2003 06:48 PM

Theres a shop in Barking (east london for the rest of you) near what used to be the Westbury Arms, that still does all the penny sweets you can think of, but now more like 5p a sweet, just thought i would share that with you. ( i dont live in Barking ) not that its a bad place, just a few to many Boso's for my liking. :D :D :D :D :D

dont get on one about barking as i wont reply, if you live near it, you know what i mean.

astraboy 12 March 2003 07:13 PM

<LMAO at you lot, anyone use Tesco metro cheapside??? >
Tesco metro?
Nah mate, you want Coopers which is near the monument. Top and when I say top I mean TOP quality sandwiches.
Breakfast mix on white doorstep bread with brown sauce for 1.95 in the centre of london?
bargain mate.

BOB.T 12 March 2003 10:52 PM

I've spent a long time perfecting my technique on this one;) You have to look like you're struggling, ffs don't get a basket or you'll blow your cover! Wander down the checkouts, look at every one and reckon on to looking for the smallest qeue but really you're looking for the oldest people waiting;) Once you've picked a target, start dropping you're stuff onto the belt, if you can let summat slip and bounce off your knee you're onto a winner:D Huff a bit, look at their shopping, then your watch.... BINGO! you're in:cool:

I'm also about to lose it BIG TIME with someone[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] I'm 6'2" and 16 stone so I'm hardly small yet people still manage to walk into:rolleyes: Someone's gonna get a right mouthfull[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Oh, I had a bloke go through a door I'd opened, I wasn't holding it for him, I didn't even see him, he just snook past my blindspot and nipped through the door....I spent the rest of my lunch hour getting in his way, made him walk into some CD's in woolies:cool::D:D

imlach 12 March 2003 11:04 PM

....yeah, and I'm 6'3" and quite broadly built - yet why is it ALWAYS me that gets out of the way on a busy pavement????

Sometimes I just think "f this" and decide to not deviate from the straight ahead. You know what happens next - some small ned bumps off my large shoulder and nearly tumbles - then shouts at ME for knocking him over - err, well you didn't get out of the way either matey, so don't shout at me!!!

I like the idea of walking round a store and continually bumping into someone you held the door open for with no thanks...fantastic....will add it to the list :-)

BOB.T 12 March 2003 11:27 PM

imlach, it takes a bit of doing but it's worth the effort:) The guy I mentioned for example, we were leaving a shop when the original incident occurred.... I had to tail him till he went in Woolies! Actually, I got in front of him then reckoned to be looking in a shop window, I moved just as he passed making him stand in the gutter:cool: Once in a shop it gets much easier, you can hide behind displays and pick your moments with ease:D:D A particular favourite is using a 3rd party to make a chicane, making him bump into the 3rd party is just a bonus:D:D

Arron 13 March 2003 08:21 AM

Know what you mean M8.

It pisses me off when you stop in the car to let someone through a gap, even when it's your right of way and they don't even thank you for it. Must be the joys of driving a scoob.


Arron 13 March 2003 08:44 AM

I visit Bluewater on a regular basis and another thing the ticks me off is when you are walking in a line of people trying to keep a fare distance at a fare speed the **** in front decides to stop dead in there tracks a point in a shop window which means you endup pilling in the back of them and even saying bloody sorry for it.


Luke 13 March 2003 08:49 AM

Group "handbag waving session" anyone????

jasey 13 March 2003 08:52 AM

More annoying that letting people out who do thank you is trying to let people out who are not paying attention - yet another thing I have stopped doing - it's usually women (sorry girls but that's a fact not a sexist comment) or old geezers with flat caps (sorry PSLewis - that's just how it is :p).

Luke 13 March 2003 08:55 AM

I have noticed MORE people raising their hand to say thanks after you have let them out /in etc...

lpski1 13 March 2003 09:04 AM

Astraboy, think i might be able to beat the bargain sawnie though, Bank station, downstairs, bar capital, bacon/sausage roll and large tea/coffee............................. £2, now is that a bargain or what, you cannot deny this is good. :D

off to get one now, *homer mode on* mmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon:D :D *homer mode off*

MichelleWRX1994 13 March 2003 09:20 AM

Black thong tampons????

I thought it was the sanitary towels that came in as black thong form. ;)

They are pretty good too. :D

On a different note, I didn't think many places would allow card transactions if it was less than 5 pounds or another amount? Or maybe it was just Staffordshire....

[Edited by MichelleWRX1994 - 3/13/2003 9:25:10 AM]

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