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SuzyQ 21 February 2003 10:01 PM

Hi many of you girls have a man...or are they really little boys playing at being a man???
And many of you are boys just playing at being grown up men??
It seem's to me that all a man really wants is a girlfriend to play with at weekends,who will fetch and carry for him and then the single life during the week,even better if they got a mummy who will also fetch and carry for them!

Clarebabes 21 February 2003 10:02 PM

He's alright, pays the bills........

Clarebabes 21 February 2003 10:03 PM

P.s. Hi Suzy..

Markus 21 February 2003 10:07 PM

Sad to say it Suzy, but you're prob right, in that most men would quite like to have a 'weekend girl' and then be nice an single during the week. Fear of commitment is probably one of the reasons, hanging onto mothers apron strings is probably another.

Guilty of the latter, and previously guilty of the former.

SuzyQ 21 February 2003 10:24 PM

Lo clare..howzit going ..least yours is good for something then eh!!
Markus...your mum would love you to stop hanging off her apron strings..mainly cos you so heavy ;)
Men run a mile if there is a sign of commitment..even if it's them saying all the scary comitment like things..think they say it ..then think oh *£%$ what have I can I get out of it..a good way seems to be sending a txt or just ignoring a girlfriend ever seem very good at this...prolly cos they got a mummy to hide behind!

barge 21 February 2003 10:25 PM

I'm defo a little boy, well I have the mental age of a 12 year old

In fact I had more money when I was 12, none of this dating crap, girls just turned up & paid for themselves :)

I would like a weekend girl, something easy on the eye :D something rich or very rich :D something to pamper my every wish :D something that did not moan if I got home p155ed :)
something that wants me as her play thing & sex toy :D

something that knew contract killers to remove a few blemishes from my past :D

Markus 21 February 2003 10:27 PM

Barge - so you want my current relationship then ;) :D :D (I'm sooooooooo dead if Jenny reads this! lol :D)

Suzy - cheeky girl! I'm not that heavy, plus it's the food in the USA that does it! lol :D

johnfelstead 21 February 2003 10:31 PM

you are mixing with the wrong men/boys suzy!

ChrisB 21 February 2003 10:33 PM

<Mails whole thread to Jen> ;) :D :p

barge 21 February 2003 10:33 PM


yer why not :), can only make my very complicated life a bit more interesting, I mean an Ex. wife :( a current wife who hates me :(

Yes slide in a weekend playmate should just about the final nail in this coffin :D if you get divorced twice does that mean you have lost 3/4 of everything ?

1st bitch took me for everything & now gets over 1/2 of my earning, so divorce #2. should only get 1/2 or a 1/2 ? yer right I can see that :(

never mind its only money

FASTER MIKE!! 21 February 2003 10:39 PM

i`m with barge, except i`m 27 going on 7 :D
as my mother says adult in body, child in mind :rolleyes::D though i`ve been single for a while now,must get my self a girlfriend though i prefer it the other way round,g.friend during the week,out on the pi$$ with the boys at the week end (friday-sunday)


[Edited by FASTER MIKE!! - 2/21/2003 10:40:40 PM]

ScoobyDoo555 21 February 2003 10:44 PM

deffo a man :)

Happily married (6yrs!) and proud of it :) got 1 3yr daughter and one due in about 3 months :cool:

Oh yeh - aged 29 :rolleyes:



Clarebabes 21 February 2003 10:46 PM

I think with that attitude guys you're either:

Living in a complete dream world; or
Mentally unstable.....

Women can be partners, not just there for sex/carrying bags/doing shopping etc... You guys like to think that's what we are, but you love us really and enjoy being with us. Is that so wrong? Can you guys not be so tough and admit it?

I know my partner would rather spend the night with me than go out on the piss with his mates and he's not gay either :D He likes it once in a while, but not every weekend!

barge 21 February 2003 10:47 PM

he likes what once in a while & not every weekend?????

Clarebabes 21 February 2003 10:50 PM

Going out on the piss, not what you were thinking ;) He'd like that all the time...... :D

Markus 21 February 2003 10:55 PM

Chris - cheeky fecker! I'll slap you next time I see you! :D :D

NotoriousREV 21 February 2003 10:57 PM

I don't even bother pretending I'm grown up.

SuzyQ 21 February 2003 11:11 PM

I'm not mixing with any men or boys...don't think my nephews count..mind you one is 18 soon ..maybe he got some mates I heard guys are at thier peak at 18 ....after that they find it hard to keep up with us girls :P
I agree with you clare..women can be more than play things or washer women or bag carriers..if only they get the chance..think the boys find the thought a bit threatening though !!

Clarebabes 21 February 2003 11:39 PM

Threatening - story of my life :rolleyes:

Night night!

astraboy 22 February 2003 01:19 AM

<And many of you are boys just playing at being grown up men??
It seem's to me that all a man really wants is a girlfriend to play with at weekends,who will fetch and carry for him and then the single life during the week>
heh, sorry love, but I dont have any time during the weekend. I'm too busy caning it all night to worry about what some girl thinks about my behaviour. Lost one girlfriend to my lifestyle already. She just didnt "get" what I was into.
I honestly prefer girls who are down to earth. I've done "exciting" women and quite frankly I'm bored of them. I'd prefer an sensible companion who would help me keep my feet on the ground and not get too ahead of myself.
<I heard guys are at thier peak at 18 ....after that they find it hard to keep up with us girls :P>
I doubt very much weather you could keep up with me my dear. :p

DavidLewis 22 February 2003 01:50 AM

You girls have most certainly been mixing with the wrong type of boys/men.
Although I'd love to think I could be 'free' all week and have sex all weekend, it just doesn't happen that way :)
Change the men around you, a whole new life maybe around the "CORNER"

[Edited by DavidLewis - 2/22/2003 1:55:57 AM]

Markus 22 February 2003 02:21 AM

astraboy - trust me, don't think you could keep up with suzy! ;)

skiddus_markus 22 February 2003 08:00 AM

Sounds like they need to meet and find out:D.

astraboy 22 February 2003 09:44 AM
see ya there Suzi :p
did I mention it finishes at 7am? Hardcore stomping ALL night long.

SuzyQ 24 February 2003 09:36 PM

Hi there ..not been online all weekend..I had a busy one...and oops didn't check out that thread astraboy...but whatever it is that was finishing at 7am wouldnt be a problem for me ..I've been known for going all night with some ppl(out drinking and dancing..thought I better add that ;) )
It's nice to know there are one or two of you who don't think its reality to have a girlfriend to play with just at much as you would love it to be..restores my faith perhaps I'll give men another go before turning to the dark side ;) :D

Markus 24 February 2003 09:53 PM

dark side eh? bit of lessie action? not a problem, as long as you take and post pictures! :p :D lol :D

No comments about you going for it all night :p hehehehe :D

SuzyQ 24 February 2003 10:06 PM

Markus I'm sure if i turn to the dark side I can make you a film or get some pics ..for a small fee of course ;)
And all i can say bout all night is ;)..not had any complaints yet!!

Sith 24 February 2003 10:16 PM

Hellllooooooo, I like where this is going....:D:D I know someone with a Vid camera. I see a new money making scheme here. Darkside Productions.....I like the Ring to that..:D

BOB.T 24 February 2003 11:29 PM

In my experience all women are f*cked up, mental, pshyco hose beasts, maybe I'm mixing with the wrong people:confused:

I'm fully skilled in carrying things, have been known to cook things and even clean things so I don't need a woman to help me out, I'd quite like the company of one though, providing she's vaguely normal:)

Remember, a girlfriend is for life, not just Friday night:D

Sith 24 February 2003 11:50 PM

Bob, you have to find a normal woman. And they are verrrryyy rare beasts. Good luck with the search, you'll need it. :D

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